For The Love Of Cinema

245 - Copshop / Cry Macho



Intro fail in the first 15 seconds.  Roger was drinking and watching sports.  'Merca.  Band of Brothers is Great. So is The Pacific.  Grayson Watched Jack and Jill.  Mistake.  Will we veer get a more extended versions of The Lord of the Rings? 0:13:00 - Box Office and Upcoming Releases 0:16:05 - *** WHAT'S STREAMING *** NETFLIX WIND RIVER, Dir. Taylor Sheridan – Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Graham Green. 2017 THE OUTAW JOSIE WALES, Dir. Clint Eastwood – Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke, Chief Dan George. 1976 MILLION DOLLAR BABY, Dir. Clint Eastwood – Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman, Jay Baruchal, Anthony Mackie, Michael Pena, Margo Martindale. 2004 0:34:25 - Trailers - FINCH / HALLOWEEN (Final trailer) / THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH / SPENCER   0:46:15 - CRY MACHO, Dir. Clint Eastwood (5/10)   1:06:45 - COPSHOP, Dir. Joe Carnahan   Hosted, produced and mixed by Grayson Maxwell and Roger Stillion.  Music by Chad Wall.  Guest appearance by Christopher Boughan.  Quality Assurance by Anthony Emmett. V