Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 19 - Picard Season 3 - ”Dominion”



As we continue on into the back half of Season 3 of Picard, we are starting to see the outlines of an endgame, and, well, we have thoughts. Less about the endgame itself than about how we're getting there, as we found this particular episode a little more uneven than the previous ones, all the while loving certain elements and craving more of others. It's another bickering filled episode for your listening pleasure (or pain? we don't know why anyone listens to us). Episode Sponsor: Masterclass Bicks Log: How has this season of Picard changed our interpretation of the utopianism that the TNG era was known for? Notes and Recognitions:  Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music Ad muzak: "Sixty Second Commercial #1" by Mmigo/Michael Reynolds Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls