Girls Can

Drug Education and Avoiding Addiction with Virginia Guy



On this episode of the Girls Can Podcast, Grace Swain talks with Ms. Virginia Guy, Executive Director of the Drug Education Council. Ms. Guy has dedicated her life to preventing teen and young adult use of alcohol, tobacco, vaping, and other drugs by providing quality education, intervention, and recovery support programs. Grace explores how she got started in her career and how she and her organization positively impacts the Mobile and Baldwin County communities. They also talk about the opioid and fentanyl epidemics, how these horrible drugs have affected her job, vaping, and why it is so dangerous for young people. Ms. Guy also shares advice for young females navigating middle and high school and how to keep young children drug and alcohol-free, her most significant career accomplishments, and the advice she would give to someone struggling with addiction. Tune in to hear her inspiring story and valuable words of wisdom. Girls Can is a podcast created to help educate and inform young omen throughout th