Double Deuce Podcast

376: 12-Mile Sports Corner



Zoomin it and zoomin it and zoomin it (marginally) well. The Notes: The hype train rolls in SO HARD! We almost start a Sports Corner; but don’t give up hope, we eventually come back to it! Mythbusting Snowpiercer! Apparently this train is 12 miles long how???!!! Snowpiercer is rife with scientific impossibility so thick it strains the limits of the willing suspension of disbelief! It must have taken forever to gentrify this endless train! To Will, and the denizens of train city, protein bars are equal to human corpses! Getting Titus Andronicus’d! That awkward post-dinner party email after getting Titus Andronicus’d! Will is saying yes to the universe and its infinite possibilities re: accidental cannibalism! Long-lost cannibal love child! Is this train a city? Held hostage in Snowpiercer hell! If you’re in line for Sports Corner, stay in line! And, we’re back to sports! Will watched the first half of the Chiefs game in a low-intensity Tom Waits song at Auman’s house. Auman is welcome to rebut! Nelson’s joy at