Feelin' Film

2016 Summer Movie Challenge



This year we've decided to join in the popular 2016 Summer Movie Challenge. We'll be competing both individually and as a team against Richard and David, the hosts of Popcorn Theology!    2016 Summer Movie Challenge Rules The rules for the game come from TimeTravelReview’s Summer Movie Pool:   The object is to pick the films that you think will be the top-ten grossing films of the summer, in order of box-office performance. As I’ve said, that means only films released from May 1st 2016 to the Labor Day weekend, counting only the money those films make domestically (US and Canada) in that period. In other words films from March or April might still be making money after May 1st, but they don’t count; films released from May on could start racking up foreign B.O., but that doesn’t count; films released from May on could still be making money into September, but that doesn’t count either. Box Office numbers are generally available late Monday or Tuesday after the weekend closes. For the last seven or so