The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics And The Law That Kept Two Generations Of Jews, Italians, And Other European Immigrants Out Of America
- Autor: Daniel Okrent
- Narrador: Daniel Okrent
- Editor: Simon & Schuster
- Duración: 14:00:35
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"Daniel Okrent narrates his extensively researched work on the history of eugenics in the United States, illuminating a largely forgotten dark chapter of American history. Given the abundance of detail, Okrent's comfortably relaxed pace is beneficial as he thoroughly describes the birth of the American eugenics movement and its key figures. . . . Okrent's knowledge of the material and his presentation are assets to the production."
001 TheGuardedGate Open
Duración: 40s -
002 TheGuardedGate Dedication
Duración: 03min -
003 TheGuardedGate Prologue
Duración: 06min -
004 TheGuardedGate Part1 Chapter1
Duración: 52min -
005 TheGuardedGate Chapter2
Duración: 01h16min -
006 TheGuardedGate Chapter3
Duración: 01h11min -
007 TheGuardedGate Chapter4
Duración: 01h17min -
008 TheGuardedGate Chapter5
Duración: 51min -
009 TheGuardedGate Chapter6
Duración: 57min -
010 TheGuardedGate Part2 Chapter7
Duración: 53min -
011 TheGuardedGate Chapter8
Duración: 01h26min -
012 TheGuardedGate Chapter9
Duración: 01h08min -
013 TheGuardedGate Chapter10
Duración: 48min -
014 TheGuardedGate Chapter11
Duración: 01h07min -
015 TheGuardedGate Chapter12
Duración: 01h08min -
016 TheGuardedGate Chapter13
Duración: 40min -
017 TheGuardedGate Epilogue
Duración: 07min -
018 TheGuardedGate Close
Duración: 01min
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