Chats With Susan Burrell



Join Susan and gather some empowering life skills to find your inner freedom, radiate your personal brilliance and live a rich and opulent life. Susan helps strong, capable women who have pockets of self doubt, access their inner wisdom and clarify their Truths. Susans personal journey of removing energetic blocks within herself, tearing down barriers to personal success and happiness and building an inner foundation of love and courage, informs every conversation. Having come from a background in television and broadcast radio, Susan brings thought provoking guests to her show, asking the question of How do you live an empowered life filled with freedom and happiness? The conversations are always rich, peppered with guided meditations, mantras and the how-tos of living a mindful life.


  • Cosmically Curious

    17/02/2023 Duración: 01h46s

    Ep #217 – Cosmically Curious – An Interview with Alexandra Wenman, author of Archangel Alchemy Healing   For this show I am thrilled to welcome Alexandra Wenman, author of “Archangel Alchemy Healing.” She is a channeler, an author, a wisdom teacher and so much more. We had an amazing, incredible, energetic connection and conversation surrounding the work she does. In fact this interview actually took place at the tail-end of 2022 just before the Christmas Holiday and the impact of this powerful chat we shared is now so timely and ready to be shared. Alexandra’s journey and awakening began at birth. Her mother was told she would be a still-born. Alexandra was yanked into the world by forceps and then flat-lined and had to be resuscitated by the doctors. From an early age Alexandra has been able to feel, see and sense spirit and angels. She has always had a strong connection to the angels but it was shut down for a time. Alchemy has been a part of her for most of her life, she just didn’t realize what she was m

  • The 7-Vibration

    10/02/2023 Duración: 43min

    Ep #216 – The 7-Vibration – An Interview with Jenette Traverson, an Intuitive Healing Facilitator   I am thrilled to welcome a dear friend and mentor to this episode of Empowering Chats. This is not her first time being on my show.  Jenette Traverson wears many hats. She is a healer, a visionary, a mystic and an intuitive. In this episode we talk about expansion and 2023 being the year of the 7-Vibration. And it’s really all about expansion. Expanding the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects or who you are. The 7-Vibration year. What does that mean? In numerology 7 is considered the most spiritual number. According to Jenette it’s all about the energy that is asking us to be still. To be present with ourselves. The curtains are being pulled back so that you can release any preconceived ideas and limiting ideas you may be carrying and expand into all that you are. It is time for you, (and really for all of us), to see yourself through the eyes of the Divine. To see the limitless potential that exists within

  • Exploring Your Potential

    03/02/2023 Duración: 19min

    Ep #215 – Exploring Your Potential – A Solo Show with Susan Burrell Can you believe the month of February is already upon us? This month’s theme is “Explore.” And most of you know me well enough by now that when I introduce a new theme for the month, I always have to look the word up in the dictionary.  And so here is the formal definition of EXPLORE: To traverse or range over an area or region for the purpose of discovery, to look into closely and scrutinize closely. So, what are we exploring? What is it we need to look into? Are you exploring your reaction to those around you? Are you feeling stuck and unable to move forward in your life? This solo show is all about the exploration of your inner landscape and asking questions of both your mental mind and your emotional mind. And I am encouraging you to also “see” and be aware of your reactions and responses to outside stimulus. By exploring the why of your response to a certain situation in your life or to certain people, perhaps you can begin to see that w

  • Unified Understanding

    27/01/2023 Duración: 29min

    Ep #214 - Unified Understanding – An Interview with author and cosmologist, Dr. Jude Currivan My guest for this episode of Empowering Chats is with Dr. Jude Currivan. Jude wears many hats and has a very impressive list of accomplishments. Including a Masters in Physics and a PhD in Archaeology. She is also a cosmologist and an author. Her latest book The Story of Gaia, The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of Our Conscious Plant explores how the Universe, our planet (Gaia), ourselves and everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose. Jude shares in great detail why she went with the phrase “Big Breath” instead of “Big Bang.”  According to Jude the “Big Breath” took place some 13.8 billion years ago, and it was not a “Big Bang,”  it began at its tiniest state.  Bang, for most people means, chaos or a very loud noise. Whereas Jude explains the earth began with incredible order and was a very fine-tuned event. Jude goes on to express that she felt “Big Breath” on many levels describ

  • Rising Higher

    20/01/2023 Duración: 50min

    I am here to welcome the hosts of the Sit Crooked, Talk Straight, podcast, Leanne Jamison and Katie Myers. They are both doing empowerment work with women in amazing and different ways. I was recently interviewed by these two incredible women on their podcast, and we had such a great connection peppered with some lively conversation that I just had to have them on Empowering Chats. The focus of Leanne and Katie’s podcast is women. They touch on real topics by real women who are looking for real change. They are both licensed therapists. Both of them are all about being their best version and empowering other women to align with their personal power. Leanne says it’s time to “Step up to the plate and break generational patterns.” She is all about guiding women to get out of their own way in order to tap into their power. The goal of their podcast is to enlighten women so they can rise higher and go further. It’s about teaching women to honor all parts of themselves by not handing over their self-worth to other

  • BE Expansive!

    12/01/2023 Duración: 13min

    Here we are in 2023. I’ve had a slow start to this year and I am happy to finally be emerging into 2023. When I was a kid 2023, seemed so far in the future and it felt very "futuristic" – I always wondered if “the future” would play out as it did in the animated series, The Jetsons – okay so now I am dating myself. Or how about Star Trek? How many of you remember Star Trek? We are now in the midst of shifts and transitional changes, globally and personally. Last year the theme for Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell was “RE-Emergence.” And I remember thinking. Isn’t that great? As we come out of the pandemic – how are we going to reemerge? How are we going to re-establish ourselves and reemerge? And now looking back I realize that for me 2022 was about taking a deeper dive. One I had to take before I could fully reemerge. I first had to do some more internal investigating – which entailed the letting go of things and people that had harmed me throughout my lifetime. 2022 was more of a getting to know myself b

  • The Season of Gratitude

    06/12/2022 Duración: 26min

    Ep # 211 - The Season of Gratitude - A Solo Show with Susan Burrell It’s been an amazing year. As I reflect back on 2022 I am reminded about our theme for this year of reemergence. And I gotta say I have personally been on a journey of reemergence and rediscovery. And we have all collectively reemerged back into life. And so now I ask you to think about how that felt? To reemerge into your life? To reengage with friends, family members and with yourself? What changed as you reemerged? For me personally old lessons and belief systems showed up. These belief systems had to be transmuted or destroyed in order for me to reemerge into this new way of living. A way of living that I think we are all in the midst of exploring. When I started Empowering Chats a few years ago I made a commitment to dedicating the month of December to what me and my team call “The Month of Giving.”  I am a big proponent of giving to non-profits. There are some I give to monthly and others that I give to annually. I highly recommend that

  • Look Inside & Ask Questions

    25/11/2022 Duración: 33min

    Ep #210 - Look Inside & Ask Questions. An Interview with author Catherine Shainberg In this Empowering Chat I welcome author, Catherine Shainberg. Her latest book, The Kabbalah of Light dives into the fabric of the world of dreaming. Catherine describes the Kabbalah as a means to receive. She says it is a vast subject. She intentionally teaches the original Kabbalah which is about the inner gazing. According to Catherine it is available to all people to access. She states that it begins by asking questions. When questions are asked of the subconscious answers are revealed. Generally, the subconscious will respond in images and sensations allowing for the feelings in the body to become awake. She helps her students learn what these images mean. In the processing of doing this practice, Catherine believes individuals can “hear” and learn from their inner voice. She talks about how we are like vessels and if we can open ourselves up the light will flow through us – but it has to be triggered and many times i

  • Creating Communities of Change

    19/11/2022 Duración: 43min

    Ep #209 - Creating Communities of Change - An Interview with Ame-Lia Tamburrini host of the Circle of Change Podcast and Founder of Hum Consulting. I am honored to welcome Ame-Lia Tamburrini to Empowering Chats. She is a spark of light. We met a few months ago when I was on her podcast, Circle of Change. Circles are a big thing for me and I found out for Ame-Lia as well. I believe circles represent all the people in the world who want to connect and are connecting. Ame-Lia’s podcast is appropriately named, Circle of Change and she is all about connecting with kindness. The circle concept is very important to Ame-Lia. During this conversation she shared about the many decades she spent sitting in community all across the world listening to stories. And many of those conversations took place in circle settings. And what she noticed is that sitting in a circle listening to stories Is different from sitting in rows and listening to someone tell a story from a podium.  The energy is powered differently. Ame-Lia fe

  • The Authentic Self

    11/11/2022 Duración: 34min

    Ep #208 - The Authentic Self - An Interview with Author Iman Oubou I can’t wait for this conversation. This episode of Empowering Chats welcomes author, Iman Oubou – her book, The Glass Ledge, is all about how to break through self-sabotage and embrace your power to create your success. Her book is so full of information and it includes exercises for readers to do in order to get clear as they explore their inner landscape. I think it is such an empowering book. Iman and I had a thoughtful, engrossing conversation about her book and why she feels called to help women. So I asked her, why The Glass Ledge title? We all know about the glass ceiling, but why the glass ledge? Iman explains that the glass ledge is an expression she came up with to refer to how women self-sabotage themselves. She goes on to say that her goal is to give women the tools they need to balance on the glass ledge and not go tumbling over the edge. When women trip over the glass ledge (me included, I experienced this myself) we lose contro

  • Dream Big

    04/11/2022 Duración: 21min

    Ep #207 - Dream Big - A Solo Episode with host Susan Burrell We are now in the month of November and the theme for this month is “Enlighten.” And as I began to record this episode another word popped up that is now also part of this show, and that word is “Envision.” And so, this show will focus on both of those themes. I always like to look up the definition of the words I choose to focus on – it helps me to see more of what lies within the word. To enlighten means to give intellectual or spiritual light to – in other words, to shed light on. And to Envision means, to imagine or visualize a future possibility. This episode explores how we can seek or look inside ourselves in order to become enlightened. I believe we can only reach an enlightened state by opening up our hearts and listening to what needs to be heard. I feel we are not meant to seek answers outside of ourselves but rather go within to listen to our own wisdom. When we do that we become enlightened beings and that is when others sync up with u

  • Love & Keeping It Fun!

    21/10/2022 Duración: 49min

    Ep #206 - In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Lyz De Boer to discuss what it means to lead with love, as well as the key qualities that new leaders must express and embody to succeed. I am excited to introduce my guest, Dr. Lyz DeBoer for this episode of Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell. She and I speak the same language and we had such a great time connecting on this chat. We synched up because we are both in alignment with love.  Dr. Lyz, as she is so lovingly referred to by her friends and colleagues, is a hopeful romantic who empowers her clients to reach for love, with the fun factor always present. She is a love and relationship specialist and owner of Visionistas By Design Wellness Boutique. We talked about several things, including working with people and how to lead with love. In this transitional period of time we are all experiencing, I think it’s important that we have leaders that lead with love. I think we all need to lead with love in our lives, in our relationships, with our partners, with

  • Are You Enough?

    14/10/2022 Duración: 41min

    Ep # 205 - Are You Enough? An Interview with Author, Carrie Severson The title of the book from my next guest grabbed me in such a way that I absolutely knew I had to have her on Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell. And so, with that I welcome Carrie Severson. She is the CEO of the hybrid book publishing company, Unapologetic Voice House and author of, Unapologetically Enough: Reshaping Success and Self-Love. I started this chat by asking Carrie why she chose this title for her book. And from here Carrie shared her story of hating the word, “enough” – in fact hating it to the point of turning it into a 4-letter word and then banning it from her vocabulary. For many years Carrie felt like she was never enough. Never enough for herself, for her family, for her friends, etc., etc. After she wrote this book and was contemplating a title, her editor suggested, “Unapologetically Enough.” Carrie had a melt-down. She did not want this as her title and fought it. She still had a lot of negative reactions to the word “

  • Communion With Your Soul

    30/09/2022 Duración: 43min

    Ep # 204 - Communion With Your Soul - An interview with author, Dr. Rima Bonario I am so energetically amped about this episode with my amazing guest, Rima Bonario who has written a book called The Seven Queendoms. As I dived into this empowering chat with Rima, I felt called to open this episode with the following poem which is nestled within the pages of her book.  So here goes. This is so powerful, so much so, that it made me cry as I recited it. “I ask you sisters; will you die dispossessed of your body? Will you abdicate the throne of your heart? Will you hide from the wisdom of your soul? No Lovely, you will not. You will rise. You will find and reclaim your wild, wise, sexy, smart, sovereign self. Take the hand of your sisters and rise. We will not cut ourselves into a thousand pieces to try and take up less room or fit in the space we have been told is ours. This is our life. This is our castle and it longs for our Queen to come home. To awaken. To sit down. To be here now. To lead and to love. Heed t

  • Permission to Be Emotional

    23/09/2022 Duración: 49min

    Ep #203 - Permission to Be Emotional - An Interview with Author and Spiritual Teacher, Joffre McClung.   In this episode of Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell I welcome Joffre McClung. Besides being an author and a spiritual teacher she is also, what I like to call a common sense activist. Joffre’s latest book is a workbook and guide to finding yourself and journeying back to self-love. As we entered into this conversation, we both realized how often the work of transforming and changing really is a whole lot of hard work. It’s the kind of work many of us don’t want to tackle. We often look for the quick fix, the easy path to enlightenment and it doesn’t exist. Only when you are truly committed to doing the work and looking under the rocks, to see what is hiding there, that change and transformation can occur. Joffre tackles this subject of self-love in her new book, The Heart of the Matter, by asking deep questions to get you, the reader diving into your inner self and un-earthing that which needs to be inv

  • Reclaiming Your Health

    15/09/2022 Duración: 47min

    Ep #202 -  Reclaiming Your Health - An Interview with Author and Wellness Coach, Jovanka Ciares. Jovanka Ciares' latest book, “Reclaiming Wellness,” is not just about reclaiming wellness but it’s also about claiming yourself and becoming an empowered individual. One who owns their body and understands how their body functions. Jovanka’s personal journey began in Puerto Rico, where she was raised. She and her family lived alongside the land, the rainforest, and her family’s food did not travel far from its origin to reach their table. Eating the foods from the land and having them home cooked was common for Jovanka in her early years. Then she moved to New York City to pursue her education. And that’s when her body gave her what she calls “a smack down.” Chronic sickness soon became part of her daily life. By her mid-twenties she was told by Western medicine that they could do nothing for her. And that she would have to learn to live in pain and discomfort for the rest of her life. Can you imagine being told

  • The Intuition of Fear

    09/09/2022 Duración: 46min

    Ep #201 -  The Intuition of Fear - An Interview with Teacher and Author, Ricci Jane Adams. How do you follow your intuition? In this episode of Empowering Chats, my guest Ricci Jane Adams and I tackle that question. Ricci starts the conversation by asking us to be open to the invitation of following our intuition. Ricci’s mother was her first spiritual teacher. She was taught deep, classical wisdom. However, confusion set in for her as she watched her mother express these spiritual truths while also observing that her mother was not happy in her life.  This led Ricci on a quest to figure out what was true for her.  She saw a contradiction of what her mother preached and how she lived her life. Ricci kept asking herself, “Why be spiritual if your life was not going to be great?” That’s when Ricci realized the missing piece was the shadow work. A lot of her mom’s path was connecting to these high spiritual frequencies and despite that practice it was not transforming her mom’s trauma or her eternal state of be

  • Ubuntu - I Am Because We Are

    02/09/2022 Duración: 13min

    Ep #200 - Ubuntu - I Am Because We Are - A Solo Episode with host Susan Burrell In this solo episode which launches the month of September I am choosing to focus on Namaste and the Humanity that we all share. Many of you who listen to my show know that I end each show with the phrase “Namaste.” The definition of Namaste is, “I bow to you.” I was also taught that it means, “The humanity in me bows to the humanity in you.”  And as I was contemplating this show and the meaning behind the word, Namaste, I pulled out some of my notes on Ghandi. The saying, “I bow to you,” is a Hindu saying and came to me when I began to explore Ghandi’s life. This saying, “I bow to you” started to come into common use in the 1940s. And as I reviewed my notes on Ghandi and the book I have about his life, I also came across an essay by Archbishop Desmond Tutu that appears at the beginning of my Ghandi book. This particular essay, which again is written by Desmond Tutu speaks to this phrase of “the humanity in me bows to the humanity

  • Pinch Me - Provence

    26/08/2022 Duración: 37min

    Ep #199 - Pinch Me Provence - An Interview with Travel Enthusiast, Lori Howard This episode of Empowering Chats is all about travel and getting out and experiencing people and cultures from other places. Whether you are traveling internationally or domestically, you always have the opportunity to learn something new and meet people from other walks of life. I believe experiencing new and exciting places enriches your life and gives you the opportunity to learn something new about yourself and others. And so let’s dive into this Empowering Chat with Lori Howard, a very dear friend of mine. Lori is a travel enthusiast and the owner of Pinch Me – Provence, a boutique, personalized travel company based in the Provence region of France.  My husband Kevin and I had the most amazing time when we went to visit Lori and her husband Pascal. And I am not just saying this because we are friends – I am saying this because it is so true and Lori is amazing at what she does. She took us by the hand and showed us some very s

  • Rewiring Family Patterns

    19/08/2022 Duración: 43min

    Ep#198 – Rewiring Family Patterns - An Interview with author and visionary leader, Judy Wilkins-Smith. I am thrilled to welcome author and visionary leader, Judy Wilkins-Smith to this Empowering Chat. Judy is the author of, “Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint. A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns.” As I began this interview, or chat as I like to call it, with Judy my first question to her was: What is an emotional blueprint?  Here is how Judy explained it. An emotional blueprint gets created when a significant event happens in your life. This event is often followed by your personal reaction to that event. And in response, you create a story about it and often times it is coupled with strong feelings. Eventually the story becomes so much a part of you that it becomes your truth. And then it becomes, “The Truth.”  However, is it not really “The Truth” it is your truth. Now imagine that significant event happened generations ago and is accompanied by all the caution

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