Chats With Susan Burrell

The 7-Vibration



Ep #216 – The 7-Vibration – An Interview with Jenette Traverson, an Intuitive Healing Facilitator   I am thrilled to welcome a dear friend and mentor to this episode of Empowering Chats. This is not her first time being on my show.  Jenette Traverson wears many hats. She is a healer, a visionary, a mystic and an intuitive. In this episode we talk about expansion and 2023 being the year of the 7-Vibration. And it’s really all about expansion. Expanding the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects or who you are. The 7-Vibration year. What does that mean? In numerology 7 is considered the most spiritual number. According to Jenette it’s all about the energy that is asking us to be still. To be present with ourselves. The curtains are being pulled back so that you can release any preconceived ideas and limiting ideas you may be carrying and expand into all that you are. It is time for you, (and really for all of us), to see yourself through the eyes of the Divine. To see the limitless potential that exists within