Hills Review



Hills Review is produced by students in the Podcasting and Public Speaking class at Half Hollow Hills High School East. Each episode will highlight school happenings, share student perspectives, and provide a quick reminder of important upcoming events in the month ahead.


  • An Interview With Angel Vasquez

    21/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    Alexa Fontalvo conducts a candid interview with her best friend, Angel Vasquez, about being in high school and being gay. Angel has never and will never let people negatively affect him. This interview is an inspiration to anyone who has ever been given trouble just for being themselves.

  • Students In The Hall -- Guilty Pleasure Songs

    20/01/2022 Duración: 01min

    Guilty pleasure songs. Everyone has one, but no one wants to admit it. In this edition of Students in the Hall, Eden Spielman, Jared Shulman, and Vanessa Tantillo challenge several students at High School East to admit their embarrassing but secretly loved songs. Their question: “What is your guilty pleasure song and why?

  • Hills Review For The Week Of January 17 2022

    17/01/2022 Duración: 17min

    It's Monday, January 17th, 2022 Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. Guilty pleasure songs. Everyone has one, but no one wants to admit it. This Thursday, Eden Spielman, Jared Shulman, and Vanessa Tantillo challenge several students at High School East to admit their embarrassing but secretly loved songs. Their question: “What is your guilty pleasure song and why? This Friday, Alexa Fontalvo conducts a candid interview with her best friend, Angel Vasquez, about being in high school and being gay. Angel has never and will never let people negatively affect him. This interview is an inspiration to anyone who has ever been given trouble just for being themselves. Right now, in honor of today's celebration, we'd like to conclude with Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech -- in its entirety. Have a great week everyone.

  • Students In The Hall -- Celebrity Life

    13/01/2022 Duración: 02min

    People often dream about being famous; what it would be like to be a celebrity. Being a celebrity is all about glamor and glitz, going to parties, red carpet events, interviews, money, and getting caught up in scandals. In this edition of Students in the Hall, Victoria Koch, Jolie Boyle, and Nyla Harabedian interview the students and teachers of High School East and ask the question, “If you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?”

  • Half Hollow Hills Hornets Hockey

    11/01/2022 Duración: 09min

    Ben Hoffman follows the path of the Half Hollow Hills J.V. hockey team as they find out what it takes to be champions in a league filled with star players and controversy. Find out if the Half Hollow Hills Hornets have what it takes to be the best.

  • Hills Review For The Week Of January 10 2022

    10/01/2022 Duración: 01min

    Welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. It's Monday, January 10, 2022. On Tuesday, Ben Hoffman follows the path of the Half Hollow Hills J.V. hockey team as they find out what it takes to be champions in a league filled with star players and controversy. Find out if the Half Hollow Hills Hornets have what it takes to be the best. People often dream about being famous; what it would be like to be a celebrity. Being a celebrity is all about glamor and glitz, going to parties, red carpet events, interviews, money, and getting caught up in scandals. This Thursday, Victoria Koch, Jolie Boyle, and Nyla Harabedian interview the students and teachers of High School East and ask the question, “If you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?” Have a great week everyone… and if you like what you're listening to, please tell your friends to follow Hills Review on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

  • Opinion: Time to Talk About Mental Health

    06/01/2022 Duración: 01min

    Meghan Mahoney offers her thoughts on how we talk about mental health--specifically, how even though the stigma of mental health has lessened throughout the years, it still isn't discussed much in the classroom. She also asks why students still receive huge workloads despite the fact that everyone knows this is detrimental to their mental health.

  • Taking Control Of Your Stress

    04/01/2022 Duración: 05min

    Nicole Tisch offers suggestions on how to take control of your stress through the use of exercise. Nicole has found exercise to be the key to helping relieve anxiety. In this podcast, she discusses how exercise has helped her and others overcome the kinds of daily stress that we all face.

  • Hills Review For The Week Of January 3 2022

    03/01/2022 Duración: 01min

    Happy New Year! Welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. It is Monday, January 3, 2022. This week's podcasts are meant to help you make this year one with less stress. On Tuesday, Nicole Tisch offers suggestions on how to take control of your stress through the use of exercise. Nicole has found exercise to be the key to helping relieve anxiety. In this podcast, she discusses how exercise has helped her and others overcome the kinds of daily stress that we all face. On Thursday, Meghan Mahoney offers her thoughts on how we talk about mental health--specifically, how even though the stigma of mental health has lessened throughout the years, it still isn't discussed much in the classroom. She also asks why students still receive huge workloads despite the fact that everyone knows this is detrimental to their mental health. Welcome back… and have a great, stress-free week.

  • Students In The Hall -- Thoughts on the Holidays

    23/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It’s getting colder outside, lights are strung around houses, and stores are playing popular holiday music. But does this really make the season holly jolly for everyone? There are many aspects of the holiday season that make each person’s experience different. In this Students in the Hall segment, Deanna DeVilla, Ava DeLucia, and Jasmine Foster asked members of the High School East community what they think about the holidays.

  • NFTs A New Way To Collect

    21/12/2021 Duración: 06min

    With the growing popularity of many types of collectibles, many people have been introduced to NFTs -- non-fungible tokens. This Tuesday, Jack Padron explains what exactly an NFT is, and why people are spending thousands on these digital collectibles. Also, you will hear multiple perspectives from people on whether they think NFTs are going to last.

  • Hills Review For The Week Of December 20 2021

    20/12/2021 Duración: 01min

    Welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. It is Monday, December 20, 2021. With the growing popularity of many types of collectibles, many people have been introduced to NFTs -- non-fungible tokens. This Tuesday, Jack Padron explains what exactly an NFT is, and why people are spending thousands on these digital collectibles. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It’s getting colder outside, lights are strung around houses, and stores are playing popular holiday music. But does this really make the season holly jolly for everyone? In this Thursday's Students in the Hall segment, Deanna DeVilla, Ava DeLucia, and Jasmine Foster asked members of the High School East community what they think about the holidays. Have a great short week everyone -- and Happy Holidays!

  • On The Front Lines Of The Pandemic

    16/12/2021 Duración: 06min

    Maya Teng interviews her Dad, a pediatric doctor, about the early days of Covid and what it was like on the front lines. We hear first hand information about what happened in the hospital systems during the pandemic, about how Covid has changed the way hospitals function, and about the effects the stress this ordeal has had on front line healthcare workers.

  • Opinion: Lower Pharmaceutical Prices Now

    14/12/2021 Duración: 01min

    If pharmaceutical companies are already making billions of dollars annually, why are the prices for the drugs still increasing at an alarming rate? In her opinion piece, Victoria Czoch discusses the negative effects of the rising drug costs on the American public and why drug producing companies should lower their prices.

  • Hills Review For The Week Of December 13 2021

    13/12/2021 Duración: 01min

    Welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. It's Monday, December 13, 2021. Coming up this week, we have two podcasts that explore important medical issues of our time. On Tuesday, Victoria Czoch asks the question: if pharmaceutical companies are already making billions of dollars annually, why are the prices for the drugs still increasing at an alarming rate? In her opinion piece, Victoria discusses the negative effects of the rising drug costs on the American public and why drug producing companies should lower their prices. On Thursday, Maya Teng interviews her Dad, a pediatric doctor, about the early days of Covid and what it was like on the front lines. We hear first hand information about what happened in the hospital systems during the pandemic, about how Covid has changed the way hospitals function, and about the effects this ordeal has had on front line healthcare workers. Have a great week everyone… and hang in there! Only ten more days until the break! Welcome to Hills

  • The Never-Ending Fight Against Anti Semitism

    08/12/2021 Duración: 14min

    In this podcast, Lily Nussbaum talks to a Holocaust survivor, Celia Kener, about her experience in Poland during the 1930s. Celia shares how she escaped the ghetto, hid in a Catholic household, and reunited with her family. Lily also speaks to her grandma, who also lived through The Holocaust, about how anti-semitism is on the rise and how important it is to learn about The Holocaust.

  • Hills Review For The Week Of December 6 2021

    06/12/2021 Duración: 56s

    Welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. It is Monday, December 6, 2021. This week we present Lily Nussbaum's documentary: The Never-Ending Fight Against Anti Semitism. In this podcast, Lily talks to Holocaust survivor, Celia Kener, about her experience in Poland during the 1930s. Ms. Kener shares how she escaped the ghetto, hid in a Catholic household, and reunited with her family. Lily also speaks to her grandma--who also lived through The Holocaust--about how anti-semitism is on the rise and how important it is to learn about The Holocaust. Look for this podcast on Wednesday and until then, have a great week.

  • Opinion: School Curriculum for the Real World

    02/12/2021 Duración: 01min

    Why do people go to school? To learn of course, but what are they actually learning? Have you ever sat in a class and wondered, when will I need this in the real world? In this podcast, Maya Maurer discusses the need to have a required class on life skills in school.

  • Navigating The College Essay Process During A Pandemic

    30/11/2021 Duración: 04min

    In this podcast, Danny Candia looks at how Covid-19 has complicated the college application process and made the college application season of 2021 like no other. His interview with Jen Boudin, college advisor and educator known as "The Essay Girl", sheds light on the difficulties being experienced by students today as well as techniques and ideas to help with the application and essay process.

  • Hills Review For The Week Of November 29 2021

    29/11/2021 Duración: 56s

    Welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. It is Monday, November 29, 2021. This week we have two podcasts. On Tuesday, Danny Candia looks at how Covid-19 has complicated the college application process and made the college application season like no other. His interview with Jen Boudin, college advisor and educator known as "The Essay Girl", sheds light on the difficulties being experienced by students today, as well as techniques and ideas to help with the application and essay process. This Thursday, Maya Maurer shares her thoughts on a school curriculum for the real world and explores the question: why do we go to school? Listen for these podcasts in the coming days and until then, have a great week.

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