
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 21:22:54
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FloraFlora FangVOA


  • 有趣的人,永远视生活如初恋

    06/06/2018 Duración: 03min

    If you suddenly get old tomorrow, would you feel regret when you look back at your life?如果明天你就会突然变老,当你回顾你这一生的时候,你会感到遗憾吗?Or would you feel that your life is worth it?还是说,你觉得这一生很值得?Or you have never thought about this kind of things?还是说,你其实从来没有想过这些事?If you ask somebody what the meaning of life is,如果你问别人“生活的意义是什么?”a thousand different people will give you a thousand different answers.1000个人可能给你1000个不同的答案。But for me, the answer is happiness.而对于我来讲,这个答案就是“快乐”。Doing what I like in places that I enjoy.在自己喜欢的地方,做着自己喜欢的事。These things are not only beneficial for myself. They are also making this society better.这些事不光对自己有益,还对社会有意义。Controlling my own pace like this may not have given me a wealthy life. But it has been giving me satisfaction day by day.这种自己把握生活节奏的日子,虽然在物质上并没有多富足,但每天都让我很满意。And I feel that life gets better everyday.而且,我觉得生活一天比一天好。And at the same time, I have become a person that people enjoy.同时,我也在这个过程中变成了有趣的人。And a person who people enjoy is a person who treats life as he treats his first true love.而有趣的人,就是

  • Remember

    31/05/2018 Duración: 02min

    Rememberby Christina Georgina RossettiRemember me when I am gone awayGone far away into the silent landWhen you can no morehold me by the handNor I half turn to goyet turning stay请记住我,当我离去时我去到那遥远的静谧的土地那时你再不能牵住我的手而我也再不能欲去还留Remember me when no more day by dayYou tell me of our future that you plann'dOnly remember me, you understandIt will be late to counsel then or pray请记住我,当你再也不能日复一日向我诉说着对未来的想望只要你还记着我,你明白的到那时再相劝或祈祷已然迟矣Yet if you should forget me for a whileAnd afterwards remember, do not grieveFor if the darkness and corruption leaveA vestige of the thoughts that once I hadBetter by faryou should forget and smileThan that you should rememberand be sad但如果你暂时将我遗忘而后又忆起,请不要忧伤因为那黑暗和腐朽之乡倘若能留下些许我过去的思想我宁愿你能将我微笑地忘记也远远胜似你把我悲伤地记起

  • 致所有女孩的一封信

    18/05/2018 Duración: 07min

    Dear girls,亲爱的女孩儿,I do not kow you, but here is something I know would help you in your days ahead. It's about how to avoid being raped and how to act when danger occurs. Why not read it carefully and share to your beloved sisters.你我并不相识,但是接下来我想与你分享的东西,会对你今后的生活大有裨益。它是关于如何避免遭受强暴以及当危险发生时如何应对的问题。认真读下去吧,还可以分享给你的好姐妹哦。Your natural instinct can save your life. Pay attention to it. It is like radar and can prevent serious problems. If there is a hint of danger about the person or surroundings, do not ignore it.你的本能可以拯救你的生命。 重视你的直觉,它就像雷达,可以预测危险。如果直觉告诉你身边有危险人物或有危险的迹象,不要忽视你的直觉。 Rapists do not necessarily look like criminals. The person could look very normal, well groomed, athletic pleasant, young, etc. They might not look evil or like a bad guy. They could be your boss, a teacher, a neighbor, boyfriend or girlfriend, or a relative.强奸犯不一定看起来像罪犯。这个人可能看起来很正常,打扮得很好,精神愉快,年轻,等等。他们可能看上去不邪恶,也不像个坏人。他们可能是你的老板、老师、邻居、男性朋友、女性朋友,或亲戚。 When at home, play it safe by never letting people into your home that you do not know. If it is a h

  • 仓央嘉措 | 那一天

    18/05/2018 Duración: 03min

    Once for a whole dayin a temple with burning incense I meditatedsuddenly I seemed to hearthe resonance of your recitation in my ear那一天闭目在经殿的香雾中 蓦然听见 你诵经的真言Once for a whole eveI listened to the soulful chant in reliefnot for enlightment in questbut to feel your living breath那一夜我听了一宿梵唱 不为参悟 只为寻你的一丝气息Once for a whole monthI turned all prayer wheels in earnestnot for repenting sinsbut to touch your fingerprints那一月我转过所有经轮 不为超度 只为触摸你的指纹 Once for a whole yearon all fours to dust I came nearnot for worshipping godsbut to feel your warmth in love那一年我磕长头拥抱尘埃 不为朝佛 只为贴着了你的温暖Once for a whole lifeI journeyed through ten thousand spiresnot for rebirth to completebut to meet you in destiny那一世我翻遍十万大山 不为修来世 只为路中能与你相遇 Once in a split secondI may ascend as a spiritnot for eternitybut to bless with joy and security那一瞬我飞升成仙 不为长生 只为佑你平安喜乐

  • call me

    18/05/2018 Duración: 03min

    If one day you feel like crying如果有一天你想哭Call me打给我I don't promise that I will make you laugh我不能保证把你逗笑But I can cry with you但我会和你一起哭泣If one day you want to run away如果有一天你想要逃避Don't be afraid to call me尽管打给我I don't promise to ask you to stop我不能保证阻止你But I can run with you但我可以和你一起离开If one day you don't want to listen to anyone如果有一天你不想听任何人说话Call me打给我I promise to be there for you我保证会在你身旁And I promise to be very quiet并且保持安静But if one day you call但如果有一天你打给我And there is no answer而没有回应Come fast to see me快来到我的身边吧Perhaps I need you也许,我需要你

  • 诗经英文版-蒹葭

    07/05/2018 Duración: 05min

    蒹葭苍苍 白露为霜所谓伊人 在水一方Green, green the reedDew and frost gleamWhere’s she I needBeyond the stream溯洄从之 道阻且长溯游从之 宛在水中央Upstream I gothe way is longDownstream I goShe’s there among蒹葭萋萋 白露未晞所谓伊人 在水之湄White, white the reedDew not yet driedWhere’s she I needOn the other side溯洄从之 道阻且跻溯游从之 宛在水中坻Upstream I goHard is the wayDownstream I goShe’s far away蒹葭采采 白露未已所谓伊人 在水之涘Bright, bright the reedDew and frost blendWhere’s she I needAt river’s end溯洄从之 道阻且右溯游从之 宛在水中沚Upstream I goThe way does windDownstream I goShe’s far behind

  • 我是多么地爱你,让我逐一细数

    06/05/2018 Duración: 03min

    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways我是怎样地爱你?让我逐一细算I love thee to the depth and breadth and height我爱你尽我的心灵所能及到的My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight深邃、宽广、和高度——正象我探求     For the ends of being and ideal grace玄冥中上帝的存在和深厚的神恩I love thee to the level of every day's我爱你的程度,就象日光和烛焰下 Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light那每天不用说得的需要。我不加思虑地爱你I love thee freely, as men strive for right就象男子们为正义而斗争  I love thee purely, as they turn from praise我纯洁地爱你,象他们在赞美前低头I love thee with the passion put to use以满怀热情,就象往日满腔的辛酸In my old griefs and with my childhood's faith我爱你以我童年的信仰;我爱你I love thee with a love I seemed to lose我爱你,抵得上那似乎随着消失的圣者而消逝的爱慕With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath我爱你以我终生的---Smiles, tears, of all my life and, if God choose呼吸,微笑和泪珠——假使是上帝的意旨      I shall but love thee better after death那么,我死了我还要更加爱你

  • 如果有来生

    02/05/2018 Duración: 03min

    If I had my life to live over……如果有来生,I would have talked less and listened more.我会少说,多听。I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.我会请朋友来家吃饭,即便地毯脏了,沙发褪色了。I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.我会抽时间听祖父絮叨他的青年时代。I would never have insisted the car windows to be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.我不会因为刚刚把头发梳理定型而要求在夏天关上车窗。I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.我会点燃那支雕成玫瑰状的蜡烛,而不让它在尘封中熔化。I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.我会与孩子们坐在草地上,不去担心草地上的污渍。I would have cried and laughed less while watching TV - and more while watching life.我会把泪水和笑声更多地留给观察人生,而不是观看电视。I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I were not there for the day.如果生病了,我会卧床休息,而不是自认没有我,地球就不转了。I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, would not show

  • 我喜欢你是寂静的

    02/05/2018 Duración: 04min

    I like for you to be stillit is as though you were absent我喜欢你是寂静的仿佛你消失了一样and you hear me from far awayand my voice does not touch you你从远处聆听我我的声音却无法触及你It seems as thoughyour eyes had flown away 好像你的双眼已经飞离远去and it seems thata kiss had sealed your mouth如同所有的事物充满了我的灵魂As all things are filled with my soul 你从所有的事物中浮现you emerge from the thingsfilled with my soul充满了我的灵魂You are like my soula butterfly of dream你像我的灵魂一只梦的蝴喋and you are like the word Melancholy你如同忧郁这个字I like for you to be stilland you seem far away我喜欢你是寂静的好像你已远去It sounds as though you were lamentinga butterfly cooing like a dove你听起来像在悲叹一只如同鸽悲鸣的蝴蝶And you hear me from far awayand my voice does not touch you你从远处听见我我的声音无法企及你Let me come to be still in your silence让我在你的沉默中安静无声And let me talk to you with your silence并且让我借你沉默与你说话that is bright as a lampsimple as a ring你的沉默明亮如灯简单如指环You are like the nightwith it's stillness and constellations你就像黑夜拥有寂静与群星Your silence is that of a staras remore and candid你沉默就是星星的沉默遥远而明亮I like for you to be stillit is as though you we

  • 雨巷(纯英文版)

    27/04/2018 Duración: 03min

    撑着油纸伞,独自           彷徨在悠长,悠长又寂寥的雨巷,我希望逢着一个丁香一样地结着愁怨的姑娘。An oil-paper umbrella in hand, aloneI wander along the long laneDeep and morose, in the rainHoping to come uponA young lady like a lilacWith knitted blues engrained她是有丁香一样的颜色,丁香一样的芬芳,丁香一样的忧愁,在雨中哀怨,哀怨又彷徨;She is ofThe same lilac colorThe same lilac scentAnd the same lilac glumnessIn the rain, she saddensSaddens 'n roves in lament她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷,撑着油纸伞像我一样,像我一样地默默踟躇着,冷漠,凄清,又惆怅。She wanders in rain along this morose laneAn oil-paper umbrella in handJust as a twainOf me in the rainRambling silentlyAloof, forlorn and in pain她静默地走近走近,又投出太息一般的眼光,她飘过像梦一般地,像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。Quietly she comes closerCloser, and castingA look that of a deep sighShe drifts byLike a dreary dreamA dream wretched and misty to pry像梦中飘过一枝丁香地,我身旁飘过这个女郎;她静默地远了,远了,到了颓圮的篱墙,走尽这雨巷。Like that of a lilacSailing across a dreamBy me this young lady wafts, and wanesQuietly she walks away, and awayTo the decrepit hedge in rainTo the end of the lane在雨的哀曲里,消了她的颜色,散了她的芬芳,消散了,甚至她的太息般的眼光,丁香般的惆怅。In the elegy of the rainFadin

  • 雨巷(双语朗读)

    27/04/2018 Duración: 05min

    撑着油纸伞,独自           彷徨在悠长,悠长又寂寥的雨巷,我希望逢着一个丁香一样地结着愁怨的姑娘。An oil-paper umbrella in hand, aloneI wander along the long laneDeep and morose, in the rainHoping to come uponA young lady like a lilacWith knitted blues engrained她是有丁香一样的颜色,丁香一样的芬芳,丁香一样的忧愁,在雨中哀怨,哀怨又彷徨;She is ofThe same lilac colorThe same lilac scentAnd the same lilac glumnessIn the rain, she saddensSaddens 'n roves in lament她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷,撑着油纸伞像我一样,像我一样地默默踟躇着,冷漠,凄清,又惆怅。She wanders in rain along this morose laneAn oil-paper umbrella in handJust as a twainOf me in the rainRambling silentlyAloof, forlorn and in pain她静默地走近走近,又投出太息一般的眼光,她飘过像梦一般地,像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。Quietly she comes closerCloser, and castingA look that of a deep sighShe drifts byLike a dreary dreamA dream wretched and misty to pry像梦中飘过一枝丁香地,我身旁飘过这个女郎;她静默地远了,远了,到了颓圮的篱墙,走尽这雨巷。Like that of a lilacSailing across a dreamBy me this young lady wafts, and wanesQuietly she walks away, and awayTo the decrepit hedge in rainTo the end of the lane在雨的哀曲里,消了她的颜色,散了她的芬芳,消散了,甚至她的太息般的眼光,丁香般的惆怅。In the elegy of the rainFadin

  • 席慕蓉诗三首

    25/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    前 缘Predestination人若真能转世Should a man really be reincarnated /,riɪn'kɑrnet/世间若真有轮回Had the samsara/səm'sɑrə/  of life truly occurred那麽 我的爱 我们前世曾经是什麽My love, what in prior lives could we have been你若曾是江南采莲的女子 If you were a southern girl of lotus-picking我必是你皓腕下错过的那朵I could have been a lotus that missed by your pale wrist你若曾是逃学的顽童If you were a truant/ˈtruənt/  urchin /ˈərtʃɪn/ 我必是从你袋中掉下的那颗崭新的弹珠 I could have been a brand new hoodle /'hudl/ 在路旁的草丛中 Slipping from your pocket into the grass by the road目送你毫不知情地远去Peeping you far off but not in the know你若曾是面壁的高僧If you were a monk meditating to face the wall我必是殿前的那一柱香 I could have been an incense in front of the hall焚烧著 陪伴过你一段静默的时光Burning for a serene/sə'rin/ time to accompany you因此 今生相逢 Even though we've thus encountered in the present life总觉得有些前缘未尽Always lingering is a feel of our predestination/ˌpridɛstɪ'neʃən/ 却又很恍忽 无法仔细地去分辨Has not fully fulfilled, but too vague to discern/dɪ'sɝn/ 无法一一地向你说出 And yet to detail you青 春Youth 所有的结局都已写好All finale has been written out所有的泪水也都已启程

  • 传奇 | 英文版

    23/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face正是那个雾朦朦的早晨我看到你笑盈盈的脸You only looked at me and I was yours你只看了我一眼就把我的魂儿牵But when I turned around you were nowhere to be seen可我一转身你却在我眼前消失不见You had walked away and closed the door你早已走开,从此再也没出现When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you’re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆Did I ever meet you in the sunshine是否,晴空下我曾遇见你And when we were both a thousand years away其时我俩都是相隔千年远Did I ever hold you in the moon light是否,月光下我曾拥着你Did we make every minute last another day是否,临别的前一天我们时刻在缠绵On the cold December night I gave my heart to you十二月份那个寒冷的夜里我把心交给了你And by the summer you were gone夏日到来时你却已走远Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim如今岁月荏苒星光也会渐渐黯All I have are memories and this song且用这首歌我把你深深思念When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you’re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆In that misty mornin

  • 见或不见

    21/04/2018 Duración: 03min

    It does’t matter if you see me or notI’m right therewith no emotionsIt does’t matter if you miss me or notthe feeling is right thereand it isn’t going anywhereIt does’t matter if you love me or notlove is right thereand it’s not going to changeIt does’t matter if you are with me or notMy hand is in your handand I’m not going to let you golet me embrace youorlet me live in your heart to eternitylove in silencejoy with calmness你见,或者不见我我就在那里不悲不喜你念,或者不念我情就在那里不来不去你爱或者不爱我爱就在那里不增不减你跟,或者不跟我我的手就在你的手里不舍不弃来我怀里或者让我住进你的心里默然相爱寂静喜欢

  • 向左走,向右走

    21/04/2018 Duración: 13min

    英文朗读于第6分15秒开始背景音乐 |《小小》《遇见》朗读 | Flora FangThat winter was extremely cold.那年的冬天特别寒冷,The damp rain mantled the whole city.整个城市笼罩在阴湿的雨里。Gray sky, and no sunshine.灰蒙蒙的天空,迟迟见不着阳光,Inexplicably depressed.让人感到莫名的沮丧,Sometimes, tears just can't help trickling downwhile walking on the street…常常走在街上就有一种落泪的冲动…In the same apartment building…在同一栋公寓里…She lives in an old apartment in the city suburb.她住在城市郊区的一栋旧公寓大楼里,Every time, wherever she goes, she is used to turning left.每次出门,不管去哪里,总是习惯性的先向左走。 He lives in an old apartment in the city suburb.他住在城市郊区的一栋旧公寓大楼里,Every time, wherever he goes, he is used to turning right.每次出门,不管去哪里,总是习惯性的先向右走。Oct.15th The sun is covered occasionally by the cloud. Bright followed by dark inside.10月15日 阳光被不断飘过的云朵遮住,屋内的光线忽明忽暗。 He never meets her.他从不曾遇见她。Oct.28th Sunshine.10月28日 天气晴。He is not doing well these days.他近来不是过得很好,Sometimes, he goes to the restaurant to make some tips by playing his violin.晚上偶尔会到城市中的上流餐厅拉琴赚点外快。Nov.7th Cloudy and wet, a thin layer of sadness of winter.11月7日 天气阴湿,有一种冬天来时,淡淡忧郁

  • 席慕蓉:一棵开花的树

    18/04/2018 Duración: 03min

    如何让你遇见我May Buddha let us meet在我最美丽的时刻in my most beautiful hours为这我已在佛前求了五百年求佛让我们结下一段尘缘I have prayed for it for five hundred years佛于是把我化做一棵树Buddha made me a tree长在你必经的路旁By the path you may take阳光下慎重地开满了花In full blossoms I'm waiting in the sun朵朵都是我前世的盼望Every flower carrying my previous hope当你走近As you are near请你细听Listen carefully那颤抖的叶是我等待的热情The quivering leaves are my waiting zeal而当你终于无视地走过As you pass by the tree without noticing me在你身后落了一地的朋友啊My friendUpon the ground behind you那不是花瓣Is not the fallen petals那是我凋零的心But my withered heart

  • 人生如诗

    18/04/2018 Duración: 02min

    I think that, from a biological standpoint, human life almost reads like a poem. It has its own rhythm and beat, its internal cycles of growth and decay. 我以为,从生物学角度看,人的一生恰如诗歌。人生自有其韵律和节奏,自有内在的成长与衰亡。 It begins with innocent childhood, followed by awkward adolescence trying awkwardly to adapt itself to mature society, with its young passions and follies, its ideals and ambitions; then it reaches a manhood of intense activities, profiting from experience and learning more about society and human nature.人生始于无邪的童年,经过少年的青涩,带着激情与无知、理想与雄心,笨拙而努力地走向成熟。后来人到壮年,经历渐广,阅人渐多,涉世渐深,收益也渐大。At middle age, there is a slight easing of tension, a mellowing of character like the ripening of fruit or the mellowing of good wine, and the gradual acquiring of a more tolerant, more cynical and at the same time a kindlier view of life.及至中年,人生的紧张得以舒缓,人的性格日渐成熟,如芳馥之果实,如醇美之佳酿,更具容忍之心。此时处世虽不似先前那么乐观,但对人生的态度趋于和善。Then In the sunset of our life, the endocrine glands decrease their activity, and if we have a true philosophy of old age and have ordered

  • 我就是我,颜色不一样的烟火

    12/04/2018 Duración: 03min

    I AM WHAT I AM我永远都爱这样的我I love what I am快乐是-快乐的方式不止一种Happiness is-Happinesses can be different from each other最荣幸是-谁都是造物者的光荣Honor is-Honor belongs to every individual不用闪躲为我喜欢的生活而活No need to hesitateLead a life I like不用粉墨就站在光明的角落No need to makeupStand under the spotlight我就是我是颜色不一样的烟火I am what I amFireworks with a different color天空海阔要做最坚强的泡沫Under the enormous sea and boundless skyBe the toughest bubble as I like我喜欢我让蔷薇开出一种结果I love what I amA different bud of a rose孤独的沙漠里一样盛放的赤裸裸Blossoms nakedly with pride Standing alone in the desert多么高兴在琉璃屋中快乐生活Happiness is-Living happily in a crystal room对世界说甚么是光明和磊落And to tell the worldWhat it is to be fair and square我就是我是颜色不一样的烟火I am what I amFireworks with a different color天空海阔要做最坚强的泡沫Under the enormous sea and boundless skyI can be the toughest bubble as I like我喜欢我让蔷薇开出一种结果I love what I amA different bud of a rose孤独的沙漠里一样盛放的赤裸裸Blossoms nakedly with pride Standing alone in the desert

  • 再别康桥(英文版)

    12/04/2018 Duración: 03min

    轻轻的我走了Very quietly I take my leave正如我轻轻的来As quietly as I came here我轻轻的招手Quietly I wave good-bye作别西天的云彩To the rosy clouds in the western sky那河畔的金柳The golden willows by the riverside是夕阳中的新娘Are young brides in the setting sun波光里的倩影Their reflections on the shimmering waves在我的心头汤漾Always linger in the depth of my heart软泥上的青荇The floatingheart growing in the sludge油油的在水底招摇Sways leisurely under the water在康河的柔波里In the gentle waves of Cambridge我甘心做一条水草I would be a water plant那榆荫下的一潭That pool under the shade of elm trees不是清泉,是天上虹Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky揉碎在浮藻间Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds沉淀著彩虹似的梦Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream寻梦撑一支长篙To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream向青草更青处漫溯To where the green grass is more verdant满载一船星辉Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight在星辉斑斓里放歌And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight但我不能放歌But I cannot sing aloud悄悄是别离的笙箫Quietness is my farewell music夏虫也为我沉默Even summer insects keep silence for me沉默是今晚的康桥Silent is Cambridge tonight悄悄的我走了Very q

  • 假如你将我忘却

    08/04/2018 Duración: 02min

    If little by little you stop loving meI shall stop loving you little by littleIf suddenly you forget medo not look for mefor I shall already have forgotten youIf you think it long and madthe wind of bannersthat passes through my lifeand you decide to leave me at the shoreof the heart where I have rootsremember that on that dayat that hourI shall lift my armsand my roots will set offto seek another landButif each dayeach houryou feel that you are destined for mewith implacable sweetnessif each daya flower climbs up to your lips to seek meah my love, ah my ownin me all that fire is repeatedin me nothing is extinguished or forgottenmy love feeds on your love, belovedand as long as you live it will be in your armswithout leaving mine假如你对我爱意日减那么我对你将爱意日淡假如你突然将我忘记就别把我寻觅因为我将早已将你忘怀假如你认为那飘扬陪我走过一生的猎猎旗子的风持久而又疯狂于是决定把我丢弃在心岸那可是我的根所在的地方记住在那一天那一刻我将举起双臂我的根将杨帆起航去寻找另一片天地可是假如每一天每一刻你都满心欢喜地觉得你注定就是因我而来假如每天都有一朵花爬上你的双唇把我寻觅啊我的爱,啊我的心肝那团火已在我内心复燃无一能够扑灭或忘却你的爱滋养我的爱,亲爱的只要你一息犹存它就不会离开你的怀抱撇下我的爱

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