Tictoc By Bloomberg



TicToc by Bloomberg is a 24/7 live streaming network on Twitter that covers breaking news, politics, technology, business and entertainment stories from around the globe. Supported by a network of Bloombergs 2,700 journalists and analysts across 120 countries, TicToc Today and TicToc Tonight is a morning/evening rundown that provides deeper understanding in a comprehensive package.


  • The Hidden Costs of Cheap Drugs

    30/01/2019 Duración: 13min

    An investigation conducted by Bloomberg News has found the great lengths the Trump administration will go to push cheaper generic drugs and the hidden dangers that come with that for many Americans. David Meyers speaks with Bloomberg's Anna Edney who's behind this investigation and reported on how it's a problem that not only stems from overseas but right here are home, too. FOLLOW UP Anna's latest: How a Tainted Heart Drug Made in China Slipped Past the FDA You can follow Anna at: @annaedney  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • The Path of Polar Vortex

    29/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    Millions are bracing for one of the most dangerous Arctic blasts that's sweeping across the mid-section of the United States. Jennifer Zabasajja speaks to Bloomberg's Brian Sullivan on why some governors even declared states of emergency in preparation. FOLLOW UP Brian's latest: Chicago Faces Colder-Than-Arctic Blast Nearing All-Time Record You can follow Brian at@WeatherSullivan. ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • The Shutdown Is Over, but Dangers Remain

    28/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    The longest government shutdown in U.S. history might be over but the consequences will be felt for some time to come. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's Chris Flavelle about the lingering dangers from how the government functions, to our preparedness to battle wild fires and hurricanes. FOLLOW UP Chris's latest report: Shutdown Damage Will Persist Long After U.S. Government Reopens You can follow Chris at: @cflav  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Roger Stone: the Man, the Charges, the Big Picture

    25/01/2019 Duración: 16min

    In a pre-dawn raid in Florida, FBI agents stormed the house of former Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone and placed him under arrest. It was the latest and maybe boldest move by Robert Mueller's investigation. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's Shannon Pettypiece about just who Roger Stone is and what his indictment means for Trump and Mueller's investigation. FOLLOW UP Shannon's latest report: Trump’s Risk Deepens After Mueller Arrests Longtime Ally Stone You can follow Shannon at: @spettypi  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • One Country, Two Presidents

    24/01/2019 Duración: 11min

    The country of Venezuela finds itself on the brink of a monumental regime change. President Nicolas Maduro is clinging to power the day after thousands took to the streets in support of the opposition leader who has declared himself president. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's Andrew Rosati in Caracas on how the backing of the military is key to either side's survival. FOLLOW UP Andrew's latest report: As U.S. Digs In at Embassy, Venezuela Military Supports Maduro You can follow Andrew at: @andrewrosati ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • The State of the State of the Union

    23/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    The state of our union is chaotic. With the partial government shutdown now sitting at 33 days, nothing is safe in the arena of politics, including President Trump's State of the Union address. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's Anna Edgerton on where things stand on the negotiations to reopen the government and what stands in the way. FOLLOW UP Anna's latest report: Democrats Weigh $5.7 Billion for Border But Not the Wall, Aide Says You can follow Anna at: @annaedge4 ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Venezuela on the Brink

    22/01/2019 Duración: 11min

    On Wednesday in Venezuela, the people of the once-wealthy oil nation will take to the streets and protest the rule of President Nicolas Maduro. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's Caracas bureau chief Patricia Laya about the young opposition leader behind these protest that has Venezuela on the brink of change. FOLLOW UP Patricia's latest report: Trump Administration Urges Venezuelans to Back Opposition Leader You can follow Patricia at: @PattyLaya  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Throw a Party, Save the World

    18/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    Technology is tearing us apart. The more we become individually connected around the world thanks to the internet, the lonelier we get. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's Ben Steverman who says the solution to saving ourselves and our civilization: throw a party. FOLLOW UP Ben's latest report: The World Depends on You Throwing a Party You can follow Ben at: @BSteverman  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • The @AOC Phenomenon

    17/01/2019 Duración: 14min

    Just saying her initials evokes equal amounts of excitement and loathing across the political spectrum. AOC, or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is the freshman Democrat from the Bronx taking D.C. by storm. And as Katia Dmitrieva tells David Meyers, to get what she wants she's not afraid to ruffle some feathers on either side of the aisle. FOLLOW UP Katia's latest report: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is the Darling of the Left, Nightmare of the Right You can follow Katia at: @katiadmi ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Climate Change's Billion-Dollar Question

    16/01/2019 Duración: 11min

    PG&E is one of the nation's largest utility companies. And it's now on the brink of bankruptcy, facing more than $30 billion in damages for its role in California's deadly wildfires. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's energy reporter Brian Eckhouse on how that could make it the business world's biggest climate-change casualty in history. FOLLOW UP Brian's latest report: PG&E May Be the Business World’s Biggest Climate-Change Casualty Yet You can follow Brian at: @brianreports  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Shutdown's Nightmare Scenarios

    15/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    As the partial U.S. government shutdown grinds on, officials from Washington to Wall Street are plotting out the worst-case scenarios. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's Christopher Flavelle who details how the livelihoods of millions of people hang in the balance the longer the shutdown continues. FOLLOW UP Christopher's latest report: In a Month You’ll Wish the Shutdown Were Only as Bad as Today You can follow Christopher at: @cflav  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • European Road Trip in a Tesla

    14/01/2019 Duración: 16min

    Today, we're taking you on a one-of-a-kind road trip across Europe. One that goes through the picturesque Champagne region in France, to the speedy turns of Germany's autobahn. David Meyers speaks with Bloomberg's European tech reporter in Paris Marie Mawad who made this trip, and how she did it in a Tesla Model S. FOLLOW UP Marie's latest report: Road Tripping Around Europe in a Tesla Is Less Fun Than You’d Think You can follow Marie at: @Marie_a_Paris ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • What About Mitch?

    11/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    The partial U.S. government shutdown is now reaching record-breaking status. And during that three-week run, the president and Democratic leaders have been speaking almost daily to the American people. But not Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. David Meyers speaks with Bloomberg's congressional reporter Laura Litvan on why he remains on the sidelines as the shutdown grinds on. FOLLOW UP Laura 's latest report: Key GOP Senator Says `I Think We're Stuck': Shutdown Update You can follow Laura at: @LauraLitvan  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Venezuela's Crises, Maduro's Lifeline

    10/01/2019 Duración: 13min

    On Thursday in Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro’s second term officially began. Staggering hunger and hyperinflation are just two of the many crises faces his people. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's Andrew Rosati in Caracas on how those issues and the continuing isolation Venezuela faces will likely determine Maduro's future. FOLLOW UP Andrew's latest report: Maduro Kicks Off Second Term With an Economic Disaster of His Own Making You can follow Andrew at: @andrewrosati ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • America's Lunchroom War

    09/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    A surprising war is being fought in the lunchrooms of America's schools. On one side of the battle: the Obama-era regulations to feed children healthier meals. On the other: President Trump's Agricultural Department which wants to put more fat, sugar and salt back on school menus. And as Bloomberg's Peter Robison tells David Meyers, you might be surprised to learn who's winning that battle. FOLLOW UP Peter's latest report: Big Dairy Is About to Flood U.S. Schools With Chocolate Milk You can follow Peter at: @therealrobison ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • How to Invoke a National Emergency

    08/01/2019 Duración: 15min

    At the center of the fight over the partial government shutdown is President Trump's demand for $5.6 billion in funding for his border wall--a figure Democrats refuse to even consider. David Meyers speaks with Bloomberg White House reporter Justin Sink who breaks down the national emergency plan the president continues to debate that might get him his money and likely reopen the government. FOLLOW UP Justin's latest report: Trump Eyes Untested Emergency Power to Fund Wall, Skirt Congress You can follow Justin at: @justinsink  ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Alexa, 5G and Apple: What to Watch at CES

    07/01/2019 Duración: 15min

    CES is underway in Las Vegas where there world's tech companies and techies come together to celebrate some of the coolest gadgets imaginable. But as Bloomberg technology executive editor Tom Giles tells David Meyers, this year gadgets are overshadowed by Apple's woes. FOLLOW UP Toim's latest report: Tim Cook Faces Biggest Apple Challenge Yet You can follow Tom at: @tsgiles ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Trump Bump to the Trump Slump?

    04/01/2019 Duración: 13min

    The U.S stock market continues its roller coaster ride. Stocks rallied Friday after seeing a run of loses over the past month. David Meyers speaks with Bloomberg Businessweek economics editor Peter Coy about his cover story that asks the question: if the president claimed credit for the market's record surge, does he deserve blame for the plunge? FOLLOW UP Peter's latest report: Trump Took Credit for Stock Market Records. Does He Deserve Blame for the Plunge? You can follow Peter at: @petercoy ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • Getting to the Core of Apple's Problems

    03/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    Apple's surprise announcement this week that it was cutting its revenue outlook for the first time in almost two decades sent shock waves around the world and even dragged down global markets. David Meyers speaks with Bloomberg's Mark Gurman about the details behind CEO Tim Cook's move and what the company can do to turn things around. FOLLOW UP Mark's latest report: Apple Priced Itself Out of Shrinking Chinese Smartphone Market You can follow Mark at: @markgurman ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

  • New Year, Same Dysfunctional D.C.

    02/01/2019 Duración: 13min

    New year, same old Washington as the partial government shutdown has entered its 12th day. At the center of the standoff: President Trump's demand for $5 billion in funding for his border wall. David Meyers speaks to Bloomberg's national political correspondent Sahil Kapur on how the standoff and the government shutdown are likely to continue as Democrats are now set to take control of the House. FOLLOW UP Sahil's latest report: Ocasio-Cortez Breaks With Pelosi in Key Early Vote for Democrats You can follow Sahil at: @sahilkapur ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by David Meyers (@davidfmeyers), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!

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