Shark Theory With Baylor Barbee



Baylor Barbee is a best-selling author and award-winning speaker. On Shark Theory, he looks into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."


  • 36: How to Create Value

    14/08/2018 Duración: 16min

    The Free Chic-fil-a Nuggets I used to get in the mall taught me the importance of providing value which ultimately helped me scale my career. If you’re looking to increase your influence or become irreplaceable in your life, check out today’s episode. In this episode, we’ll cover: How to find a unique skill you can offer the world How to Scale your Skillset to get more opportunities Why you should be specific in knowing what you want out of an opportunity Why Giving is the best way to Get   About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 35: Creating a Golden Life

    10/08/2018 Duración: 13min

    Have you ever asked yourself, "Who am I," "What am I supposed to be doing?" It's a question we should ask ourselves often, and the answer is a lot closer than you think. In this episode, We'll cover: How to become irreplaceable in various aspects of your life How to remain consistent despite drastic life changes HOw to develop Momentum toward a goal What water can teach us about patience How to turn a basic life into a golden one About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."  

  • 34: Learning to Let Go

    07/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    You see it all the time, sport’s stars that play well past their prime, rockstars who can’t hang it up, business hot shots that can’t evolve with the times.  These people, like many, don’t know how to let go.  Learning to let go is one of the most necessary skills you need to develop to reach great heights. In this episode, we’ll cover: What rocket ships can teach us about handling people Why not everyone who was once good for you still is The importance of not running past your goal How to have a No-Tears Goodbye How a helium balloon philosophy can help you reach your dreams About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 33: The Psychology of Winners

    03/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    What does it take to be a winner? I'm not talking about just being successful in one event, but to be a true winner in life. This is the question I was asked recently. If you want to succeed in all areas of your life, developing three specific characteristics is a must. The Importance of never letting go of the rope (Tenacity) The process of becoming more determined How to develop clear cut expectations How to become more consistent About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 32: Attacking Your Fears

    31/07/2018 Duración: 15min

    Have you ever told yourself, "I would never do that because it absolutely terrifies me?" That's the thing you need to do.  All of the things we want in life are on the other side of the things we fear, that's why we must attack those fears.  I had one of those experiences yesterday when I got offered a chance to ride a horse. In this Episode, we'll cover: The importance of Building Your Life Resume not your Professional Resume (learned from Jesse Itzler) Why it's more important to develop skills than to just "look the part" The best question you can ask someone to learn a skill quicker The importance of celebrating little wins in life. About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, Best-Selling Author, Baylor Barbee, looks into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 31: Question & Answer

    27/07/2018 Duración: 26min

    Today we're answering the mindset development questions you've submitted ranging on topics including entrepreneurship, rejection, purpose, liars and writing books. On this Episode we'll cover: The hardest 20 seconds of your Day My Co-Worker is  Liar, how do I deal with them Overcoming my Biggest Regret What's the best advice you've ever received on starting a business How do you motivate people on days you don't feel motivational How to figure out what you want to do in life What's the most important word in the English Language And Much More...   About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 30: Handling Emotional & Mental Pain

    24/07/2018 Duración: 15min

    I heard a quote recently that said, “There’s two types of pain.  One that hurts and one that alters.”  As progress-minded people, we undoubtedly face mental and emotional pains.  What defines us is how we deal with people and situations that hurt us. In this episode, we’ll cover: How searching for answers can inhibit your ability to move forward How to convert Pain to Fuel Why gratitude is an effective method for combatting pain How to grow despite negative people and circumstances About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 29: Productivity in Peak Performers

    20/07/2018 Duración: 14min

    Are you constantly busy, on the go, burned out yet let feeling like you aren’t making any progress? Perhaps you’re confusing being busy with actual productivity.  There are secrets that peak-performers use to maximize their day.  We’ll discuss them today. In this episode, we’ll cover:   The most important stock you’ll ever own for productivity How ToDo Lists are preventing your success The Number one question you can ask yourself to increase productivity   About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 28: Asset vs Liability Mindsets

    17/07/2018 Duración: 15min

    Flourishing businesses gain assets and limit liabilities, but have you ever asked yourself if you’re an asset or a liability? More importantly, have you looked at those in your life to determine if they are adding to or subtracting from your life?   In this episode, we’ll cover: The difference in asset mindsets and liability mindsets How your outlook on planning can determine your future  The three questions you can ask to determine if you’re an asset or liability   About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 27: Secrets of Great Leaders

    13/07/2018 Duración: 17min

    There are secrets that great leaders possess, not because they want to keep them for themselves, but because it's such a part of who they are that they don't realize they are secrets. In this episode we'll cover: Three important Character Traits that Great Leaders often don't know they have Identifying your core competency as a leader How to tell if you're an effective leader The single greatest thing you can do to help your team to get outstanding results About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 26: Building a Culture of Excellence

    10/07/2018 Duración: 19min

    What is it that separates companies that employees tolerate from those that they love to work for? How can you steer your thoughts to create a better environment for yourself and everyone around you? Simply put, how do you build a winning culture?   In this episode, we’ll cover: The minor changes you need to make to get major results How to see opportunity in the adversity The steps needed to complete a tough objective How to make your enemies love you   About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 25: Don't Be Great Just Once

    06/07/2018 Duración: 17min

    How is that some people hit a high point in life, achieve something major, and then fade into oblivion? How do we avoid “falling off” in life? More importantly, how do we continue to grow through life instead of peaking? In this episode, we’ll cover: How to focus on continual improvement  How to avoid shortcuts that will ruin your life How to view failure as progress   About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 24: Draw a Line in the Sand

    03/07/2018 Duración: 15min

    Why don’t you achieve the goals you set for yourself? There’s a good chance the reason you fall short is that you give yourself too much leeway and not enough accountability.  It’s time to change that. In this episode, we’ll cover the following: How goals can make you complacent How to get out of a rut or stagnant life How to achieve goals by focusing on growth not goals How to avoid losing the top spot About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 23: Avoiding The Victim Mentality

    29/06/2018 Duración: 15min

    It’s not others that prevent our success, it’s us.  The reason is, as a society, we’ve developed a Victim Mentality.  We sabotage our success by applying the emergency break in our lives while we try and steer forward… until now. In this Episode, we’ll cover: The Dangers of a “Just” Mentality How to retrain your mind to eliminate excuses How to gain momentum in stagnant areas of your life How to beat the hate and negativity that “They” throw at us About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 22: The 3 Most Important Questions

    26/06/2018 Duración: 16min

    Are you in a rut and don't know which way to go in life? Did you know there are two simple questions you can ask yourself in order to gain clarity and one important question you can ask yourself to get results now? In this episode, we'll cover: 1. How to correctly identify who you are 2. Strategies for setting attainable goals 3. How to remove disconnect and depression from your life 4. How to get closer to a written goal instantly About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

  • 21: Are you Replaceable?

    22/06/2018 Duración: 15min

    We live in a society that forces us to fear being replaced.  Robots are taking over our jobs, Tinder has caused us to fear being replaced in relationships, and the thirst for profits has caused many to lose their jobs in lieu of company profits.  How do we avoid being replaced? In this episode, we’ll cover: How Jenga & Spiders can help you become irreplaceable How your perspective dictates your ability to be replaced or not A three-step process to become the replacer not the replacee About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."  

  • 20: Timeless Perspectives on Fear (and how to overcome it)

    19/06/2018 Duración: 17min

    That four letter F word is the number one enemy of goals and potential.  Yes, I’m talking about FEAR.  How can we cope with and defeat fear so that it doesn’t destroy our lives? In this episode, we’ll cover: The greatest source of FEAR in the World Why businesses want you to remain fearful A 4 step process for Conquering Fear About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."  

  • 19: Dreams vs Goals

    15/06/2018 Duración: 18min

    The problem with “Dreams” is most people think that’s all they will ever be.  How do we shift from a “pipe dream” mentality to a goal-oriented action plan mindset? On this episode, we’ll cover: The differences in Dreams and Goals Why good intentions with no execution can be detrimental to your life Why decisive action beats any “good idea” How to create a focused action plan to get results About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."  

  • 18: Rebounding from a Loss

    12/06/2018 Duración: 16min

    As results-oriented individuals, we become accustomed to winning.  As a result, when we lose, it takes a tremendous toll on us.  The trick is not to let the loss become a way of life.   In this episode, we’ll cover: Dealing with the aftermath of a defeat Why you shouldn’t just “shake off” a loss How to identify what went wrong to prevent future losses How to build confidence after a loss About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."    

  • 17: How to avoid Burning Out

    08/06/2018 Duración: 18min

    Are you struggling with constant fatigue and burnout? Are you looking for ways to refill your cup before you reach your Witt’s end? As a success-driven individual, we often have to be the one to refill ourselves, the good news is, there are strategies for doing so. In this episode, we’ll cover: How to identify the energy leaks in your life How creating “office hours” can give you more time How to avoid Energy Snipers who drain you What you can learn from telling others “No” About Shark Theory On Shark Theory, we look into the experiences, ideas, and strategies that help us answer the question, "How can I develop the mindset needed to truly conquer my goals, dreams, and objectives."

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