Brooke Snow Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:17:20
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Join host Brooke Snow in conversations that will encourage you to look forward with faith. Faith in yourself, faith in God, and faith in living your own divine mission and purpose.


  • The Small Moment

    07/06/2021 Duración: 35min

    Have you ever felt trapped in anxiety or fear? Have you ever struggled through a trial and wished it would just go away? In the D&C we are given a promise by the Lord that "Thine afflictions shall be but a small moment, and if thou endure it well, God will exact thee on high." (D&C 121)When you're struggling with fear, worry, or anxiety, or any big life trial for that matter, it often doesn't feel like it's a small moment. It feels like its a BIG moment. And a LONG moment.  God promises the moments can be small, but we have to play a part in making that happen. Let's learn how. `SHOW NOTESLiving In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon!Christopher Robin Movie TrailerThe God Seed by M. Catherine ThomasThe Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.Small Seed Still Meditation App 

  • How To Have a Good Bad Day

    17/05/2021 Duración: 18min

    Do you ever have a bad day? Most humans have at least a couple in their lifetime. What is it that makes a day feel bad, and what do you do when it happens? Do you have a plan? I used to have plenty of bad days, but now I don't have any.  Instead, I've learned how to have a good bad day. Sound intriguing? In this episode we'll talk about what the difference is and how having good bad days is the key to continual progress. SHOW NOTESLiving In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon!Following Christ: The Parable of the Divers and More Good News by Stephen Robinson. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.Small Seed Still Meditation App

  • Holding Space

    19/04/2021 Duración: 21min

    As humans, we experience the full spectrum of emotion, from the depths of despair to the highs of joy.  And if we're not intentional, our emotions can swing whatever way our environment is pulling us towards. Today's podcast is all about holding space.  More specifically, the power we have to choose the emotion we want to have and to hold onto it even if our environment is trying to pull us into a different emotion. This is a great skill to help you be a support others, as well as yourself.    Friends, I aired this podcast two years ago, and for a long time it was my #1 downloaded episode. It was so impactful I was invited to teach this principle on television on Studio 5 with Brooke Walker, as well as guest teach and speak on this several times over.  For months I've been feeling like I need to re-air this episode.  If you haven't heard it before, then you're in for a treat. If you have heard it, enjoy the reminder and perhaps listen with the intent of how you can more fully practice this in your life today.

  • Meditation and Life Purpose: an Interview with Sarah Grace Allred

    05/04/2021 Duración: 01h12min

    This episode is a total break from tradition.  On occasion I do guest interviews on other podcasts. A few months ago, I was interviewed by Sarah Grace on her podcast Latter Day Ladypreneur.  The conversation was so awesome I asked Sarah for permission to air the episode on my own show and she graciously agreed. Even if you don't have a business, I think there is so much to gain from this conversation as it relates to life purpose, and living a life of faith. I hope you enjoy. SHOWNOTES:Sarah's Podcast  Be sure to check out her Heroine's Journey episodes! Sarah's Business Program: Life changing! Sarah's work has dramatically changed my work life, profitability, and impact. Small Seed Still Meditation App 

  • Say It To Create It

    17/03/2021 Duración: 31min

    As you embark on the road of personal progress, undoubtedly you will have things yo need to change or do differently. One of the critical factors that can either hold us back or push us forward is our words. Words have far more power than many people realize. If you're ready to create something new in your life, this is one of my favorite places to start. It's super easy to say some takes seconds. But what is not so easy, is believing the new words or continuing to say them over and over again. There's a reason many people don't keep them up. If you have ever struggled with affirmations, or you've thought maybe they were a little woo woo and not for you, or you've ever said them and felt like you were lying or they just weren't believable, then I'm excited to dive a little deeper into how you can make this easy tool work for you and help you create what you want to create in your life. This could be the very thing that makes all the difference. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Broo

  • Change Your State

    19/02/2021 Duración: 21min

    Have you ever felt stuck or out of balance? Have you ever resisted change or maybe even longed for it? In today's episode we're diving into a tiny little tool I like to use to get unstuck and help restore balance. We're learning how to change our state from chaos to order, from being stuck to progressing, from disconnection to connection... if all those sound like opposites to you, you're right! It's opposite day.  Prepare yourself to look at opposites in a whole new glorious way.  SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course. Small Seed Still Meditation App

  • Law of Creation Part 2

    21/01/2021 Duración: 22min

    I have taught the Law of Creation for years now, but today is the first time I'm teaching it in it's complete form. In part one we learn about spiritual creation and in part 2 we're learning about physical creation. When you truly understand the power of each of these parts and combine the two together, you are literally unstoppable in what you can create in your life. I'm excited to show you the power and vision that happens when we put all the pieces together. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course. Eve and Adam: Discovering the Beautiful Balance by Melinda Wheelwright Brown

  • The Law of Creation Part 1

    14/01/2021 Duración: 28min

    There is a great difference between feeling like life is happening TO you, and life is happening THROUGH you.  To steal a scriptural phrase, one is acting for yourself, and the other is being acted upon.  What if there was a simple formula in which you could instantly see what side you were on?  Today I am sharing the Law of Creation... so to be clear, this is much more than a formula. This is a law. It works under every circumstance and if practiced with intention, it holds the power to radically change your life and every struggle and trial and goal and dream into something amazing.  SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.

  • Confounding Languages

    06/01/2021 Duración: 25min

    In this episode I'm going to dive into an approach to change that is rarely talked about but one I believe makes all the difference between success and failure. We'll talk about the language you speak and learn about how and where we might be speaking confounding languages, or in other words, the wrong language to communicate change. This one concept holds power to make all the difference for you in progressing in your goals and shaping how you experience this year ahead. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.

  • Feel Your Feelings

    18/11/2020 Duración: 38min

    If your experience has been anything like mine this year, you have certainly traveled the spectrum of emotion.  Though we were meant to experience the entire spectrum of emotion in this mortal life, we often try to be selective about what we feel.  We humans like to avoid the uncomfortable feelings and seek after the more pleasurable ones.  In this episode we're going to explore why it is important to feel all of it and give a quick tool to help you be brave in feeling the feelings you don't want to feel, because of the reward to be found on the other side. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course. 90 Seconds To A Life You Love by Dr. Joan Rosenberg The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson

  • The Mediator

    30/10/2020 Duración: 21min

    Have you wondered how to find unity in the divisive thoughts and feelings of people right now? Whether it is division existing in the world at large, or division in our personal relationships, it's imperative we find the path to unity if we truly seek peace.  In this episode I'm sharing my own road to unity on tough issues and how I'm learning that being of one heart and one mind, doesn't necessarily mean that we all think and feel the same and how unity can exist even with differences. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.

  • Next Time I Will...

    09/10/2020 Duración: 33min

    Hey friends, last episode we talked about how the most creative act a human can do is to turn something around.  Turning something around often requires changing habits and patterns that are very practiced.  What do you do when you slip back into these old patterns and mess up?  Today I want to share with you my favorite tool for turning mistakes into awesome moments of growth in a way that will leave you feeling empowered instead of deflated.  Say goodbye to shame, and hello to your amazing future self. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. With Winning In Mind by Lanny Basham The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.

  • Turning Things Around

    24/09/2020 Duración: 20min

    We have all experienced what it feels like to spiral down, to make a mistake, to get derailed, or make a choice we deeply regret.  We know what it's like to meet challenge, to struggle, to fail, or bear a great burden. Today we're talking about one of your greatest gifts.  Your creative power, to turn things around.  You have the power to turn around a trial, turn around a relationship, turn around a bad day, or goodness, even a bad year! Progress, light, hope, and joy, is all found in our creative power, to turn things around. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. Personality Isn't Permanent by Benjamin Hardy The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.

  • Be Prosperous

    04/09/2020 Duración: 34min

    Prosperity is one of the greatest fundamental needs we humans require for happiness.  Now before you assume that prosperity just means material wealth, we're going to uncover the Latin definition, which will open a whole new world of understanding.  Prosperity is one of the most often repeated promises the Lord makes in scriptures.  How many times have you read, "If ye keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land?" Today we're going to make the connection between prosperity and hope, and discover an easy way to increase both.  Because friend, you need to be prosperous! Now more than ever you need to be prosperous! When times get harder, when the world gets darker, when the storms rise up, you need prosperity to see you through.  We'll discover one tiny shift that makes the greatest difference in your own experience of prosperity. It's all in where you look. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in

  • Control the Controllables

    20/08/2020 Duración: 22min

    If there has ever been a time my life that the world has felt a bit out of control, this year would be it.  There's so many things that we can't control right now that have a huge impact on our life.  The feeling of not being in control can trigger feelings of anxiety, panic, and fear.  If you have felt any of these feelings this year, then you'll love this episode.  We're focusing on what is in your control, and most especially the things in your control that have the greatest impact on helping you be strong, confident, and prepared for any uncertainty that may arise.  Life does not have to feel out of control when you control the controllables. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. Floors and Ceilings. #1 Downloaded Episode! The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.

  • Your Future Self

    30/06/2020 Duración: 37min

    Friends, today is my season finale, and I'm so excited to leave you with a topic that hopefully will inspire you in your own goals and life purpose.  We're diving deep into discovering a very important person.  Your future self. This self is the version of you that has achieved your most important goal, or the version of you that has made it through the other side of a big trial stronger and more courageous than before, or the version of you that has acquired a new skill or habit.  She's different than your current self in a few distinct ways.  Today we'll uncover the simple process of how to become your future self right now. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. Ep. 75: See The Divine Self The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.

  • See The Divine Self

    11/06/2020 Duración: 41min

    You've probably heard the the invitation to "see others the way God see's them" many times before.  It's a wonderful aspiration, and yet can often remain in the abstract. How do you actually do this? How do you see anyone--yourself, your family, your friends, and ultimately all of humanity--with God's eyes? Sometimes this is easier said than done.  Especially when we find ourselves in relationships or moments of challenge where love can be most difficult. In today's podcast I am excited to talk about what influences the way we see, and how we can change who we see in a very practical way. And for the first time ever, I have included with this episode a guided meditation as my own gift to you in making this a deeper reality in your own life. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. Listening to Shame TEDx Talk by Brene Brown The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your

  • The Part You Play

    26/05/2020 Duración: 24min

    Have you ever struggled with comparison? Have you ever doubted what you personally have to offer to the world? In today's episode I'm sharing my own struggle with comparison, and why it led me to leave social media for two years. This past week, I made the big decision to return. But such a move was only possible once I understood a very important paradigm that keeps me focused on the part I play. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course. Finding Your Purpose: This episode leads you through some great concepts to discover your personal life purpose. Beware of Pride by Ezra Taft Benson Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Race Car Pit Crew on YouTube

  • Trust Yourself

    12/05/2020 Duración: 21min

    Faith in your mission and purpose. You hear me say this in every intro.  Have you ever wondered how confidence to live your purpose is built?  Today's episode explores what true confidence is, what challenges your confidence, and the tiny things that build it. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this FREE course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course. Finding Your Purpose: This episode leads you through some great concepts to discover your personal life purpose. "The Lord Loves Effort" quote comes from the talk An Especially Noble Calling by Joy D. Jones The Purpose Summit Register to hear my presentation and other amazing speakers on such an important topic!

  • Learn By Experience

    28/04/2020 Duración: 27min

    Every one of us has something we could improve in our life. We may know we need to change something, but change can often feel overwhelming and we may not know where to start. Sometimes we even hold out for the perfect master plan we believe will dramatically fix everything once we find it. In today's episode I give you my guiding mantra for knowing what to change and how to do it, no matter what part of life you're hoping to improve.  The reason this plan works so well is because it's God's plan.  And even more powerfully, it's the entire purpose of why we're here on earth. To learn by experience, or as I like to learn by Experiment. Let's learn how to make this happen. SHOW NOTES: Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow. My Book! Available on Amazon! The Law of Creation. Go deeper into the concepts I explain in my book with this free course. The Miracle of Meditation: How To Transform Your Prayers For More Presence, Connection, and Revelation My new FREE mini Meditation Course.

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