Kandel Sisters



Podcast: Courageous hearts & curious minds


  • 017 – Holiday Stress Relief Part Two | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    19/12/2018 Duración: 20min

    Part two of our Holiday Stress Relief Podcast, where we talk about everything from touch and therapy pets to essential oils and the power of smell, walking in nature, weighted blankets and the power of letting go of anything outside of our control. Be sure to listen to part one if you haven’t already! We’ll […]

  • 016 – Holiday Stress Relief Part One | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    05/12/2018 Duración: 22min

    We had  a special request this week to talk about stress, and we decided it was perfect timing to talk about it with all the holiday stress coming up! In this episode we chat about: What is stress? Where do we hold stress in our bodies? Boundaries, saying NO, and prepping for the holidays. And […]

  • 015 – Thankfulness | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    21/11/2018 Duración: 24min

    With Thanksgiving week already here (how did that happen?!) we’re going to chat about gratitude! It’s our goal to discuss a potentially cliche topic in a way that isn’t.

  • 014 – Colors | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    07/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    Every kid loves to ask “What’s your favorite color?”  – there is just something ingrained in the human psyche that is obsessed with color! In this episode: We share our favorite colors (spoiler: we both have similar favorites!). We chat about the psychology of colors on the wall and how to pick colors to meet […]

  • 013 – Your Influence Matters | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    24/10/2018 Duración: 19min

    In every heart lies a desire to know that our lives matter, that we touch those around us with influence. In this episode we chat about “Back to the Future” – how little moments change lives in years to come. We quote Gandalf in the Hobbit. We remember “Choose Your Own Ending” novels and the […]

  • 012 – The Power of Words, Part 3 | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    09/10/2018 Duración: 19min

      Our third and final installment of the mini series: The Power of Words. In this episode we discuss: Words of affirmation and other love languages. The importance of tone, not just the words themselves. And we chat about how finding a church that speaks life and freedom, rather than guilt and shame, is vital […]

  • 011 – The Power of Words, Part 2 | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    26/09/2018 Duración: 19min

    In this episode we continue to discuss of the power of words spoken over our lives. Blessing & Cursing: Are we setting a blessing over others with our words (or even the words we think to ourselves) or are we “cursing” with negativity?   We chat about the ways many people (specifically women or artists) […]

  • 010 – The Power of Words, Part 1 | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    12/09/2018 Duración: 18min

      The power of words is incredible! Changing the word you use can change everything! Today we chat about little things like describing children as “terrors” or “curious” to everyday things like the signs in the DMV. We also chat about scientific studies that show negative words actually influence and effect energy and cellular structure! […]

  • 009 – The Power of Dreams | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    01/08/2018 Duración: 29min

    In today’s episode we chat about dreams: The struggle I (Kris) have had with learning to dream. The power of dreams to push us forward, or hold us back when they become escapes. The way language changes the way we see our futures. And finally how REM dreams point us to what our subconscious minds […]

  • 008 – Rest: The Golden Edge | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    18/07/2018 Duración: 20min

    Rest. Regular, repeated rest. A Sabbath if you will. Today we talk about how rest is vital to humanity and mental health. It is a lost skill in the classic “Work hard, play hard” mentality of the American Dream. A few cultures in history tried changing the length of their work weeks. We discuss how […]

  • 007 – The Internet: To Plug In or Unplug? | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    04/07/2018 Duración: 29min

    About every 500 years a new technology arrives that changes the world by influencing the distribution of information. The printing press was one, and now the Internet! We are just starting to discover what the world wide web truly means for humanity. We wanted to talk about the positives of both unplugging and plugging in. […]

  • 006 – Odd Jobs | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    20/06/2018 Duración: 28min

      One of the first questions adults constantly ask kids is, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” So what happens when you don’t know? Today we discuss our MANY past job experiences, and how each one has led us to a discovery, a new connection, or a lesson, ultimately directing us […]

  • 005 – Stay in Your Comfort Zone | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    06/06/2018 Duración: 19min

    Comfort zones. A quick search on Pinterest or Google, and every quote you see is about leaving your zone. But what if our strength lies within our comfort? Tune in as we discuss embracing our comfort zones. Focusing on the things you are naturally good at instead of fighting to improve your weaknesses just might […]

  • 004 – The Great Story | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    22/05/2018 Duración: 20min

      Have you ever noticed how every story that touches our hearts reflects THE great story?  Why does every epic tale include something new being created, a fight between good and evil, a great sacrifice made by the hero, a love story about pursuing another’s heart? In this episode we point out how a few […]

  • 003 – Sparkling Eyes | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    16/04/2018 Duración: 19min

    In this episode we talk about sparkling eyes. What is it that makes someone’s eyes light up? Passion, fire, wholeness, curiosity, happiness, sassiness, sarcasm? Somehow when a person is healthy, it truly shows through their eyes. Having sparkling eyes requires letting your guard down, removing masks and letting your joy shine! Body language is so […]

  • 002 – Curiosity | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    16/04/2018 Duración: 14min

    In this episode we chat about our second foundation word: Curiosity. What makes us come alive? What keeps us young and vibrant? Why is curiosity so important to an interesting life? Comment below with a topic you’d like for us to get curious about and discuss  in an upcoming episode!!

  • 001 – Courage | Kandel Sisters First Podcast!

    16/02/2018 Duración: 19min

      After months of talking, planning, recording and figuring out all the technology/websites/hosting issues we are FINALLY posting our first podcast!! YAY!!! In this episode Anni & Kris talk about Courage. The courage to start, the courage to stay open, and how courage is different for every person. Enjoy!    

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