Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 63:51:50
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Artisan Angela shares weekly lessons from Self Coaching Scholars Class through The Life Coach School


  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 78, How to Decide Whether or Not to Take a Break

    25/06/2020 Duración: 15min

    I want to teach you how to understand and evaluate how you are making your decision to drink or not drink. For some of you, you have an idea that a 30, 60, or a 90-day break will help you reset your drinking habits. Dry January is very popular because of all the over-indulging y’all do during the holidays. You feel sick and bloated and you want to make some changes when the holidays are over. You might feel frustrated, gross, disappointed, shameful for how much you drank. Then you decide to take a 30-day break. Then you start out strong, you might get a week in, and then you start feeling good, lighter, less puffy, you might even be sleeping better. Then Friday night rolls around and you think one drink won’t hurt, ‘I’ve been so good.’ And then before you know it you are back to your old ways. So, in this episode, I’m going to help you see how you are making these decisions and then help you make a decision that feels good and one that will last longer so you can get off the on agai

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 77, Fear of Missing Out, FOMO

    17/06/2020 Duración: 12min

    When I ask women what is stopping them from moving forward with going all-in on stopping the over-drinking and committing to making permanent changes with their relationship with alcohol, they tell me all sorts of fear-inducing thoughts. Such as, 'I'm scared... that my life won't be fun.. I'm scared I'll fail.. I'm scared I won't know how.. I'm scared of what people will think of me.. I'm scared my relationships will change..I'm scared to dig deep and look at what is causing me to drink.. I'm scared of saying I'll do it and then won’t..I WILL MISS OUT.' Fomo, fear of missing out, which is a legit reason people don’t cut back on their alcohol consumption. Women with FOMO have an underlying belief system that is telling them ALCOHOL IS MORE MORE. We believe alcohol is more fun for lots of reasons, such as our first experiences with it, what society is constantly telling us in movies, social media, fancy beautiful bars, and wineries, our society glamorizes alcohol especially to women. And if we've

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 76, Deprivation and Social Injustice

    10/06/2020 Duración: 15min

    This week I dive into the fear of feeling deprived when you are trying to cut back on how much you are drinking. Often we think we don't want to feel deprived before we go to a party or social event or Friday night, and we don't even try to drink less because we don't want to feel deprivation. In this episode, I examine the feeling of deprivation and how when you decide to drink/eat so you don't feel deprived you are actually depriving yourself of your goals and dreams of being someone who drinks less.I also address our current social issue here in America, racism.In the same way, our society influences how much we drink, our society influences how we think and act towards people of color. I'm not claiming to be an expert on this topic, my goal is to talk about it openly and plant the seed that you might challenge your current thoughts on racism here in America too.Stay curious, stay open, and notice your feelings on this topic. If you are feeling defensive, angry, or pissed, ask yourself why and notice the t

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 75, Human Preference

    03/06/2020 Duración: 21min

    In this episode, I explain our human preference in how we choose to live our lives. We all have the same preferences, seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, and saving energy. When we make decisions such as drinking or not drinking these preferences come into play. The more you can understand and see these preferences in your daily life the more power you can have to over-ride them. We make decisions based on how we think we will feel and we don't like to feel uncomfortable so our preference is to avoid feeling uncomfortable. But when we choose the less uncomfortable way we don't move forward with the way we actually want to live. In this episode, I give you 3 real-life examples of how our innate preference shows up and directs us and how you can over-ride that preference to move towards your goals. Request a 20-minute call to see if joining my Stop Over-drinking and Start Living program is right for you. CLICK HERE to request a call.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 74, Interview with Client Wendy

    27/05/2020 Duración: 49min

    Do you want to know what it's like inside my coaching program, Stop Over-drinking and Start Living?I invited my client Wendy on the podcast to give you a peek at what is possible inside my coaching program. Wendy is just 2.5 months in and has went from almost a daily wine drinking habit to having less than a bottle of wine a month AND has lost over 20 lbs. She shares that she has finally found herself and how it's changed everything in her life.You don't want to miss her sharing some of her daily habits, how she's been able to have such fast progress, and more.Thank you, Wendy!Request a 20-minute call to see if joining my Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program makes sense for you by CLICKING HERE.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 73, Exactly How I Did It

    20/05/2020 Duración: 32min

    I want to explain to you the concepts or truths that changed my life FAST. My friend recently told me that I live in breakthroughs and I know that might not make sense to most people. But a breakthrough is when you recognize your own mental constructs and then you break through them to have new mental constructs that bring you closer to your goals. It really means that you are constantly up-leveling and evolving to the next best version of yourself. And I recognize that over the past 2.5 years I have been constantly and consistently living in breakthroughs. I have completely changed what I thought as possible in my life. My whole internal identity has changed. And it’s now starting to show up visually on the outside. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I would have my own business making multiple six figures -EVER. Just like I never ever thought I would be someone who didn’t drink. Ever. Ever. Ever it wasn’t even an idea. Or that I could have a good relationship with my dad.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 72, How to Change Your Relationships to Drink Less

    13/05/2020 Duración: 22min

    Relationships are one of our biggest 'triggers' to over-drinking. We get so worked up in our relationships that when we feel frustrated or annoyed or pissed we tend to drink at the end of the day to take the edge off those feelings. I coach women DAILY on relationships and help them see how they are thinking about their relationship that leads to them over-drinking. Work relationships, romantic relationships, parental relationships, kid relationships. We have so many thoughts about how people should behave ESPECIALLY when they do things we don't agree with. When we have these 'should of...' or 'I would NEVER do...' or 'i can't believe they...' thoughts we feel NEGATIVE emotions. And when we feel these high vibration feelings they often drive us to go pour a glass or 4 of wine. What I want you to know is that those thoughts ARE OPTIONAL. If you are judging what they said or did or didn't do it makes YOU feel bad, not them. And then you do things that don't support the life you want to have

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 71, It Doesn’t Matter

    06/05/2020 Duración: 14min

    ‘IT DOESN'T MATTER.' Have you had this thought before? It doesn’t matter? Maybe when you say you won’t drink during the week and it’s a Tuesday or maybe when you say you won’t eat after dinner.. 'it doesn’t matter.’ Or maybe you say you want to start exercising 3-4 days a week and it’s the day you planned to go for a run or walk outside and you passively think ‘it doesn’t matter.’ It’s those quick, quiet, whisper thoughts, that can be the most detrimental. It’s not typically the big deeply covered thoughts like ‘i’m not worthy’ that keep us from our goals, it’s the little ‘it doesn’t matter and who cares thoughts that cause the most trouble. Because we think them all the damn time. Tune in and listen to how this thought can wreak havoc on your goals to stop over-drinking and how you can change it. Request a 20-minute call by clicking the link below.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 70, Advanced Listener Questions Answered

    29/04/2020 Duración: 36min

    I recently asked what YOU would like answered on the podcast and got some really good, advanced questions.So, I decided to bring the originators of the questions on the show to answer their questions.Tune in and hear real questions from real clients answered LIVE.We covered:- Why do we make it harder on ourselves than necessary?- Comparing our progress to other people.- Managing urges and desires to drink after being successful in not drinking. Request a 20-minute call to see if joining my 6-month coaching program would be a good fit for you here:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 69, Progress Not Perfection.

    23/04/2020 Duración: 13min

    When you take on the challenge of stopping over-drinking it’s about getting started and making progress month after month. It is so not about doing it perfectly. When I first started my journey to lose weight and stop over-drinking I learned about the concept of B- work. Have you heard of this before?Its the idea that if you can just shoot to achieve a B- you will have achieved massive success.Tune in and hear how you can start making progress towards your goals TODAY and let go of the idea that you need to be perfect or even that you need to immediately start restricting your alcohol to get started. Request a 20-minute call here: Sign up to join the FREE Masterclass: How to NOT Over-drink During Hard Times by clicking HERE.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 68, Growth No Matter What

    17/04/2020 Duración: 18min

    It is true people are losing their jobs right now. It is true people don’t have the cash flow that they had a month ago.It is true that people are getting new jobs right now. It is true that people have more money than they had a month ago.BOTH are true.But which truth are you spending your time thinking in?Are you in the group of people that are reading about all the horrible losses, death numbers, jobs lost?Or are you in the group of people who are focused on the success and recover rates, financial gains and jobs created?I tell you what, what you read and absorb in the media influences the way you think and believe and if you are thinking and believing that everything is horrible right now that will become your reality.I love this quote from Brooke Castillo, the quality of your life is 100% the quality of your thoughts.There has never been better proof than our current situation.How is the quality of your life right now?Tune in to this week's episode for practical advice on how you can think differe

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 67, Feeling Extra Emotional

    09/04/2020 Duración: 19min

    Hello my beautiful and amazing friends. Are you finding yourself going off the deep end over little things these days? In this podcast, I'm explaining why that happens. We have extra thoughts and extra emotions right now, so take a deep breath, tune in and understand nothing has gone wrong and I'll give you some suggestions in how you can pause and feel and not be reactive to the highs and lows. REGISTER for the How to NOT Over-drink During Hard Times by clicking here: REQUEST a free 20-minute phone call by clicking here

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 66, Why I Love Helping Women Stop Over-drinking

    01/04/2020 Duración: 18min

    I was recently asked to explain what I do as if I were talking to a 7-year-old. What a fun assignment. It was so easy to explain:I help women stop over-drinking. They are drinking too much because sometimes they feel stressed about all the things they have to manage like work and then coming home and taking care of the house and cooking and cleaning or sometimes something sad or unexpected happens in their lives and they drink to sort of make themselves feel better. But drinking really doesn't help them feel any better and they know that but they don't know how to feel better on their own so they keep doing it. Right?! Can you relate to this?So, I help them by listening to them and understanding their problems and teach them how to fix it and to not be hard on themselves when they aren't perfect.In adult terms: I help women feel better so they don’t turn to alcohol to help them manage any aspect of their lives. We pivot from using alcohol as a tool to manage our lives to learning how to feel better so we don

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 065, What if This was It?

    25/03/2020 Duración: 14min

    What if we woke up today and THIS was our life. We had our current circumstances with Covid-19, no schools or classrooms for our kids, most of us worked from home except for critical societal roles, and we didn't see our friends or family in person? We just woke up and this is how things are. What would you do? Would you accept the challenge or go back to sleep? I am choosing to ACCEPT the challenge of life the way it is RIGHT NOW, the only life we have is NOW.  If you want to use our current circumstances to fast track you learning how to drink less, request a 20-minute call via the link below.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 64, How to Feel Better During a Pandemic

    19/03/2020 Duración: 20min

    Friends, my mission right now is to help you show up like the slayer you know you are even during a pandemic.We don't want to escape our feelings of uncertainty, overwhelm, anxiety or fear right now. We want to lean in and process and then decide how to act.You must tune in this week and listen to sound advice about how you can think that will help you not only survive our current situation but THRIVE.- Why we don't want to over-drink- Why we want to uncover our thoughts- Why we want to feel our feelingsDon't let this virus cause unnecessary harm to you and your family by letting it infect your brain.There isn't a better time to apply what I teach and to learn how to manage your mind and feel your feelings. If you want my personal guidance on your journey to stop over-drinking, please request a 20-minute phone call by clicking the link below:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 63, REBEL against Easy

    11/03/2020 Duración: 19min

    Taking the easy way to accomplish anything in our lives is how we are programmed as humans.From driving to work to complete a large scale project our brains are always trying to find the most efficient, less time-consuming way.And stopping over-drinking is no different.Tune in and hear me describe how taking the EASY way doesn't help you when you want to accomplish something new like stop over-drinking.REGISTER for my FREE, Live, How to Feel (to stop over-drinking) Class by clicking >>HERECLICK HERE

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 62, You are Always in Control

    05/03/2020 Duración: 14min

    Today I want to talk to you about how much control you actually have over your relationship with alcohol and your life. I hear all the time that your jobs are stressful and you are taking care of sick family members or recently divorced and this causes you to drink. And I want to clear all this up for you and show you how much control you actually have right now.Register for my FREE Class, How to Feel by clicking below: a 20-minute phone call with me by clicking below:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 61, Interview with Client Katherine

    26/02/2020 Duración: 45min

    You must tune in and listen to this AMAZING interview I did with my client Katherine. Katherine is a 65-year-old, successful business owner, mother, and grandmother, who over-drank for 20 years. She started drinking when she became an empty nester to overcome the loneliness she felt when her kids left home.She has applied all the tools that I teach and her life has completely changed AND she doesn't drink anymore which wasn't her initial goal.Be inspired by Katherine's story and know that YOU can change your relationship with alcohol.If you want my help please request a 20-minute call by clicking the link below.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 60, FEAR

    19/02/2020 Duración: 12min

    I've been hearing from many of you that you are scared.You are scared of what people would say if you take a break from drinking.You are scared you would be boring.You are scared your life won't be the same. You are scared you would lose friendships.You are scared you wouldn't do the work inside the program the stop over-drinking program.You are scared you might drink when you go back to work.You are scared you will over-drink on vacation.Does any of this sound familiar?Listen, I hear you. Fear is a big intolerable feeling for most of us.It stops us dead in our tracks.Tune into this episode where I break down this scary emotion so that it doesn't have power over you anymore.Want to see if my small female-only group coaching program makes sense for you?>Request a 20-minute call by clicking below.<

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 59, Live Group Coaching Call

    13/02/2020 Duración: 01h20min

    I work with a small group of women who are dedicated to permanently stop over-drinking. The main part of the program is getting coached by me in the group setting. These 3 women graciously volunteered to let me use this coaching call in my podcast to help you see the topics that we cover in the coaching calls and to understand what coaching is.If you want to join this amazing group of women who are changing their lives you can.Request a FREE 20-minute phone call to speak to me about joining the group.Click the link below to get on my calendar. The 5-Day RESET group is now closed. Sign up to be the first to know when I offer free classes in the future by getting on my email list.You can do that by signing up to get my top 3 podcast episodes emailed to you by clicking >>here

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