Turn The Page



More to life than we imagined, Turn the Page


  • Travelling with ease

    31/05/2023 Duración: 01min

    Pitching to the Dragons Den in 2006, the inventor of the Trunki ride-on suitcase for children was told his idea was worthless. It was one of their more famous misses. Five million suitcases later he sold the business for £12m. His success was built on our desire for an easy journey. Long gone are the […] The post Travelling with ease appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • The Greatest Love

    19/05/2023 Duración: 59s

    ‘Adoption is the greatest expression of love I can think of’. So said Brent, a Canadian who was giving a lift to Zainab and Mobeen in the last latest series of Race Across the World. The couple had shared with him their sadness at not having been able to conceive a child after six years […] The post The Greatest Love appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Divine selection?

    11/05/2023 Duración: 01min

    Charles Darwin was troubled by the life cycle of the parasitic wasp. As the name implies the wasp lays its eggs inside a caterpillar which it then consumes and kills to ensure its own survival. Darwin wondered how a beneficent God could create something so cruel. Surely natural selection divorced from the idea of a […] The post Divine selection? appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Sort Your Life Out

    07/03/2023 Duración: 01min

    In the BBC series Sort Your Life Out families, whose homes have become so filled with possessions and clutter, that they feel overwhelmed, are helped to sort things out. Everything is removed and laid out in a huge warehouse where they are guided through the process of deciding what to keep and what to give […] The post Sort Your Life Out appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • God’s Fireworks

    08/02/2023 Duración: 01min

    If the Bible is correct in its assertion that ‘In the beginning God’, then perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised when we find his fingerprints in creation. In recent years medical scientists have discovered that when a male sperm fertilizes a female egg light is produced. The action of the sperm piercing the egg releases millions […] The post God’s Fireworks appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • The Light Shines

    01/02/2023 Duración: 01min

    In 1989 I led a team of students to visit churches in Poland. The Iron Curtain had not yet fallen, none of us spoke either German or Polish, and we had no satnav or mobile phones. Despite these challenges we somehow made it to our hosts in Krakow.  On a rest day they took us […] The post The Light Shines appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Heir not spare

    18/01/2023 Duración: 01min

    There is something very tragic about Prince Harry’s autobiography. In just three words the front cover summarizes the 400 pages that lie within: Prince Harry – Spare. Clearly Harry is a man traumatised by the death of his mother, resentful of an institution which he feels has let him down, and bitterly opposed to the […] The post Heir not spare appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Keep watching to the end

    04/01/2023 Duración: 01min

    Movies don’t always end as the credits start to roll. With series such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe the credits contain extra scenes with important clues as to what will happen next. Who can forget the menace at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron? Part way through the credits, the evil Thanos appears and […] The post Keep watching to the end appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Faith, Hope and Charity

    30/11/2022 Duración: 01min

    In 1942 the Maltese harbour of Valetta was the most heavily bombed place on earth. Occupying a strategic position between Italy and Libya on the one hand, and Gibraltar and the Suez Canal on the other, both the Axis powers and the Allies were desperate for control. But when the Italian air force launched its […] The post Faith, Hope and Charity appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • The Winchcombe Meteorite

    23/11/2022 Duración: 01min

    It’s not every day that a secret about the origins of our planet land on someone’s driveway. But that’s precisely what happened in March 2021 when a meteorite landed outside the home of the Wilcocks in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire. The carbonaceous chondrite had travelled for several hundred thousand years from somewhere between Mars and Jupiter but […] The post The Winchcombe Meteorite appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Painful refinement

    16/11/2022 Duración: 59s

    Purifying silver takes skill. To remove the impurities, it must be held in the middle of the fire where the flames are the hottest. But timing is everything and close attention must be paid by the silversmith. Leave the silver in the fire just a moment too long and the heat will damage it. The […] The post Painful refinement appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Whose fault?

    02/11/2022 Duración: 59s

    As the people of Seoul mourn the loss of so many of their young people at Halloween questions are being asked. How could it have happened? Where were those in authority when they were most needed? We might also want to ask where was God and why did he allow it to happen? Two thousand […] The post Whose fault? appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Nothing New

    05/10/2022 Duración: 01min

    In 1975 Britain’s economy was in trouble with inflation running at 20% and many major businesses struggling to stay afloat. An unpopular Conservative Prime Minister had lost the confidence of his MPs but was refusing to stand down. He had to be forced into a leadership contest which he lost. Although in the end he […] The post Nothing New appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • The Bread of Life

    28/09/2022 Duración: 56s

    These days we’re all on the lookout for ways to save money. No wonder then that the big supermarkets are each out to convince us that only they have the best deals. The irony, of course, is that they still want us to spend as much as possible. That’s why essentials such as eggs and […] The post The Bread of Life appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Equal before God

    21/09/2022 Duración: 01min

    Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered as one of the most famous monarchs in history. Her long reign was characterised by duty and service and touched the lives of millions. No wonder then that for her funeral some 500 heads of state and other dignitaries poured in from almost every nation on earth, and a […] The post Equal before God appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Waste Disposal

    31/08/2022 Duración: 01min

    On 18th August refuse workers in the City of Edinburgh walked out in a dispute over pay. At a stroke all the rubbish being produced by 140,000 households across the city had nowhere to go and quickly started to accumulate on the streets. Suddenly that which is normally hidden is there for everyone to see. It’s […] The post Waste Disposal appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Freedom from Slavery

    24/08/2022 Duración: 01min

    Born amidst the horror of the 18th century slave trade Joseph Bologne’s life chances were not promising. Destined for a life of servitude on a plantation in Guadaloupe he instead grew up to become one of France’s most celebrated musicians and composers. Handsome, charismatic and intelligent he was skilled at fencing and mixed in the highest […] The post Freedom from Slavery appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • My Father’s house

    17/08/2022 Duración: 57s

    It has always been my opinion that the words ‘camping’ and ‘holiday’ don’t belong together in the same sentence. It was for this reason that many years ago when we did decide to buy a tent for our small family, we bought one that claimed to be able to accommodate 12 people. Now those of […] The post My Father’s house appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Mind the Gap

    10/08/2022 Duración: 01min

    Since 1969 millions of passengers on London’s underground have heard the regular announcement that they should ‘mind the gap between the platform and the train.’ But for Margaret McCollum, this announcement held special meaning because the voice in the recording was her husband’s. After he died, she continued to visit their local tube station to […] The post Mind the Gap appeared first on Turn the Page.

  • Bringing it home

    03/08/2022 Duración: 01min

    It’s often said that football is like a religion and if we know anything about religion it’s that it stirs deep and passionate emotions. So, imagine the dismay that was felt in 1921 when the Football Association deemed the game ‘unsuitable for females’ and banned any associated ground from hosting their matches. At the time […] The post Bringing it home appeared first on Turn the Page.

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