Because This Is Your Life Podcast With Chaney Weiner



Get ready to live a meaningful and fulfilling life while feeling respected, appreciated, and recognized for who you are and all you do. This podcast is your guide to breaking through any fears, doubts, and worries you havewhich paves the way for you to get a fresh start and new lease on life. Listen each week to Chaney WeinerHuman Potential Specialist, and author of the book Because This Is Your Lifeas he discusses this and how it relates to the topics that matter most to you in any of the 7 areas of life (relationships, career, spiritual, mindset, health & well being, social network, and financial).


  • How Can You Tell Who (And What) To Believe?

    30/01/2018 Duración: 40min

    How many times have you been faced with a situation of knowing whether you can believe someone (or something) or not? Have you ever wondered if there is a way you can tell who is being truthful and how to know if you can believe something or someone? And if there is…how to deal with someone when they know the truth (of what they’re hiding) is about to be uncovered? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what to look for in knowing who and what to believe…along with knowing how to approach situations with people that are avoiding being truthful.

  • How Often Are You Standing Up For Yourself (And Who You Really Are)?

    29/01/2018 Duración: 38min

    What did you do when faced with a situation when someone tried to get you to do something you weren’t sure about doing? Did you do it anyway so you could “fit in? Did you not do it…and in the process were you worried about what anyone would say or do? And did this establish a pattern in your life that you found yourself not standing up for yourself? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what to do in standing up for yourself and who you really are. You’ll also find out what causes people to be bullied and what you can immediately do about putting a stop to being bullied…and prevent getting bullied to begin with.

  • What Is Your Human Nature?

    28/01/2018 Duración: 29min

    There’s something about you that contributes something of importance to the world. And if you’re not aware of exactly what it is yet, just know it’s there because it’s your nature as a human being. The only difference between you and others is in exactly how you show what your human nature is based on your uniqueness and what is most important to you. In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what your human nature is and how this creates a ripple effect that helps others…even if you’re not aware of it at first.

  • How Many People “Get” (And Care About) Who You Really Are?

    27/01/2018 Duración: 47min

    How many times have you felt misunderstood in some way by your spouse or relationship partner? Whenever these moments came up did you ever second guess yourself as to the way you acted…or did you feel you did all you could, but for some reason feel this person doesn’t completely understand you? Did this leave you wondering if it’s “them” or “you”, along with if the relationship will ever work out? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses the most important factors (a few of which most people are completely aware of) that are involved in what it takes to “get” each other in order to have a caring, loving, and long term relationship.

  • Meeting John F. Kennedy In The White House…

    26/01/2018 Duración: 32min

    What would you do if you ever came face to face with someone very well-known…such as the President of The United States? In fact, it doesn’t even have to be the president, it can be anyone and during a certain moment. What would you do? Would you say “yes” to that moment OR would you “shy away” from that moment? And if you would shy away from that moment (and have in the past), what would it take to welcome that moment instead? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what you can do to “seize” the opportunity when those “big” moments (and any moment for that matter) in life come up…and without regretting it or feeling like you missed out.

  • How To Use Your Negative Thoughts To Turn Your Life Around

    25/01/2018 Duración: 41min

    During your life how many times did you have negative thoughts come up? And when they came up what did you do? Did you try and get rid of them? Or did you just forget about them and think they would somehow go away? Whichever way you went about it, and especially if you consciously tried to “get rid of” or “replace” those negative thoughts…did you notice they kept coming back in some way…and sometimes even more than you would like? Well, there’s a reason for this. And it has to do with the purpose your negative thoughts serve in your life. In this podcast episode Chaney discusses the importance of your negative thoughts and how to use them to turn your life around.

  • Are You Being Judged Unfairly By Other People?

    24/01/2018 Duración: 39min

    Throughout your life how many times were you in a situation when someone judged you unfairly? When this happened how did you feel about it? Did you answer this person right back or did you remain silent? Along with this, what did you do moving forward? Did you repeat the same pattern the next time someone judged you in a way you felt wasn’t fair? And did you ever wonder if there even is a way to deal with people when they do label you unfairly? Well there is. In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what to effectively do when you’re faced with a situation when someone judges you unfairly. You’ll also find out a way of how to present yourself in such a manner that even when people do judge you unfairly…how to not let it bother you.

  • What If People Knew Who You Really Are?

    24/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    How many times have you seen someone act one way in public and wonder if they act that same way privately? Along with this, how many times have you seen someone put up a certain persona in public and “behind closed doors” was the complete opposite? This not only applies to other people but you too. Or perhaps you may be someone who is consistent both publicly and privately. In either case it still involves being “real”, being “true” and “authentic” on a consistent basis. In this podcast episode Chaney discusses “being who you really are” and what if people found out who you really are.

  • How Do You Find The Courage To Change Your Life?

    18/01/2018 Duración: 40min

    Whenever you found yourself at a point in your life that you know needed to change what did you do? Did you take that next step or were you uncertain and possibly afraid of what to do next? And especially what did you do if this life changing decision is one that you just know will determine how your life plays out? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what it takes for you to find the courage to make that change and turn your life around…even if you’re not sure of what to do next and are having fear as to whether you’re making the right decisions in the first place.

  • How Much Is Trying To Rely On Motivation Keeping You Stuck?

    18/01/2018 Duración: 38min

    How many times have you set goals and for some reason ended up giving up on them? And how many times did you try again by becoming motivated in some way? How did that end up? If it ended up with you yet again not being able to follow through and eventually giving up, there’s a very good reason why. In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what causes people to give up every time and how big of a role trying to rely on motivation is responsible for this…and what the alternative is that gets you to follow through on your biggest goals and what you say is most important to you.

  • How Much Can Your Past Help You?

    17/01/2018 Duración: 23min

    How many times in your life did you look back in your past and say, “I wish I could change just one thing and life would have turned out better?” At some point in time we all have. But even if you were able to change something from your past would you want to? Would it really make a difference and how would everything else in your life have turned out? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses why it’s wise to look back in your past, and being able to see it as a springboard in turning your life around…while at the same time seeing how it has helped you up to this point in your life.

  • What's The Greatest Compliment You've Ever Received?

    12/01/2018 Duración: 23min

    Throughout your life you’re always getting compliments. Some you’ll see as being positive…some negative. At first the two may seems different and leave you feeling a certain way. But they’re also the same because each can and does turn your life around in the ways you want…as long as you know what to look for. The question is…how can you tell? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses how the positive compliments you get are just as important as the negative ones you get. You’ll hear two real life stories of how each of these compliments are responsible for making the “positive” differences you’re looking for in your life.

  • Where Is The Love In Your Life?

    11/01/2018 Duración: 35min

    Human beings are relational creatures. It’s hard wired into our DNA. What this means is that EVERY person wants to have that “one special person” in their life that they love. However, far too many people are still saying (and feeling) the opposite…they want to remain single and don’t want to be in a relationship with anyone. As a result they’ll have a tendency to not believe in love and wonder where the love is in their life. In this podcast episode Chaney speaks about where this love is in your life and how to go about finding it (along with that special person)…and quite often in ways that at first may not make sense and goes against what most people say to do.

  • What Does It Take To Feel (And Be) Appreciated For Who You Are And All You Do?

    10/01/2018 Duración: 37min

    How many times did you do what you felt was right and for some reason weren’t appreciated for it? Did you question yourself and say, “What could I have done better?” Did this also leave you asking yourself as to whether you truly are “worth it” for who you are and all you do? Along with this, were you also wondering why some people seem to always be appreciated and others are not? In this podcast episode Chaney discuss the different ways that you’re able to turn things around and start feeling (and being) appreciated for who you are and all you do.

  • What (And Where) Are The New Beginnings In Your Life?

    09/01/2018 Duración: 36min

    How many times have you looked at your life and wanted to start over or at least get a fresh new start? Even though you can’t start over, you can get that fresh start…and with it a new beginning in your life regardless of what has (or hasn’t) taken place in your past. So what does it take to have that new beginning in your life? In this episode of the Because This Is Your Life podcast Chaney discuss the different ways that you’re able to have this new beginning in your life…along with other several new beginnings that also take place, even when you least expect them to.

  • How Do You Handle Criticism As You Become More Successful

    04/01/2018 Duración: 25min

    How many times have you had someone criticize you? Most likely a lot…right? How did you feel after being criticized? And especially if it was from a family member or someone close to you. Is it something you wish would never happen again and did you try to avoid it (and those people) in any way possible? In this podcast episode Chaney shows you how to effectively deal with criticism…and in such a way that you actually welcome it into your life which in turns increases your level of success in the areas of life most important to you. You’ll also find out how to deal with criticism from the people closest to you…such as your family, friends, and the special people in your life…and how this increases the level of success you’re seeking that you were most likely sabotaging at first.

  • What Is The Truth About Who You Are?

    04/01/2018 Duración: 17min

    Are you tired of “dragging” and “dreading” your way through life while not being sure of what you would love to be doing? Are you wondering why this is happening and wanting to know how to finally change this and turn your life around? Listen to this podcast as Chaney gives you new insights and the one thing to do that allows you to live the type of life you’d love to live…while being true to who you are.

  • What Is Your Moment Of Truth?

    04/01/2018 Duración: 15min

    When was the last time you had a moment when you felt in some way that your life was at a crossroads? What was going through your mind? How did you handle it moving forward? And how did things turn out? In this podcast episode Chaney gives you the most important strategy that gets you to make the “right” choice when you have any crossroads decision showing up in your life.

  • Can You Be Perfect And Still Be Yourself?

    04/01/2018 Duración: 18min

    How many times have you heard someone (and even yourself) say, “I’m not perfect”, “Nobody is perfect”, “Be your true self”, “It is important to be your authentic self.” Have you ever thought of questioning exactly what that means? In this podcast episode Chaney shares a unique and effective way of how to approach your life in such a way that gets you to see the perfection in you and who you are.

  • What Is The Story Of Your Life?

    04/01/2018 Duración: 19min

    If your life isn’t going the way you want, the very thing you need to turn things around may be staring you in the face. And one of these is your story. Not just any story but your life’s story. Now at first you may feel that your story isn’t important…but it is. In this podcast Chaney speaks about how to find your all important life’s story…and be able to use it to turn your life around in the way that you want.

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