Iron Sharpens Iron



Podcast by Men of Iron


  • The 5F's: Why Men Need Friends (EP. 205)

    15/01/2024 Duración: 20min

    This week we continue our series on the 5F's as we turn our attention to FRIENDS. Why do men need friends? Most men, especially Christian men, feel like they don’t have a lot of or any close friends. We often have acquaintances but not friends. Friends is the The #1 most neglected F in the 5F’s. Why are friends so important to the Christian man’s walk? #1 – For Accountability – a friend to hold you accountable and challenge you #2 – For Growth, a friend to process life with and grow with #3 – For Adventure, a friend to hang out with and pursue adventure with Life gets busy with marriage, kids, and work that we often lose those early adulthood friendships. We often feel guilty sacrificing time with our wife or kids to go hang out with friends. Men, we weren’t meant to do this life alone. We need other men in our lives who will walk alongside us as we strive to be more like Jesus. We know, it’s hard to find Christian male friends without it feeling awkward! So how do I even get started? Be okay with stepping

  • The 5F's: Failing My Family (EP. 204)

    08/01/2024 Duración: 18min

    This week we continue our 5 week series on The 5F’s as we turn our attention to FAMILY. We want to help you go from failing in your 5F’s to functioning in your 5F’s! Men, this is an important discussion for the married man but for the single guy as well. What are the roles that you play in your family – husband, father, son, brother, etc? It can feel overwhelming to think about playing all these roles well. What is an area in regards to your family that needs attention? Think about that area and prioritize it today. We can’t just preach about prioritizing our families, but we need to actually do it. If you find yourself irritable all the time, with your wife/kids/parents/etc, something is wrong. Marriage is tough, it takes work. We are called to love our wives as Christ loved the church. For the single guy, relationships with your parents or siblings can be tough. Invest more time in those relationships, restore or repair a broken relationships, resolve your differences, keep short accounts. We need to get th

  • The 5F's: Failing In My Faith (EP. 203)

    01/01/2024 Duración: 18min

    This week we begin our 5 week series on The 5F's – Faith, Family, Friends, Fitness and Finances. Men, if we can pursue balance and growth in those 5 areas we can thrive! There's probably a good chance that most of you listening feel that you are out if balance in one, if not several of those F's. This week we talk about faith, faith must be the foundation of our lives. Listen in as we talk about real life failures when it comes to our faith and how we can go from failing to thriving. When we get the foundation right, the rest will fall into place. Here 4 practical tips to growing in your faith: #1 – Surround yourself with the right people  #2 – Start reading your Bible (if you don't know where to start, download the YouVersion Bible app and start a reading plan #3 – Talk to God, have a conversation with Him, start praying  #4 – Seek accountability You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube! Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more!

  • The Four Man-Killers: Part 4 Overcoming Addiction

    26/12/2023 Duración: 18min

    This week we finish our series on "The Four Man-Killers" that will knock men off their adventure to know God and their purpose. Week 3 we talked about Overcoming Lust, this week we talk about Overcoming Addiction. Webster describes addiction as a compulsive, exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity. Addiction can cause anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea upon withdrawal or abstinence. Men, addiction WILL rob of us of the most important things in life.We can even be addicted to good things – career, fitness, hunting, hobbies. Being devoted or dedicated other than God is idolatry. God truly wants what's best for you. What are you spending your time doing? What are you putting before your relationship with God? We are ALL susceptible to addiction and we are all susceptible to things that can draw our attention away from what's most important. How do we overcome or stay clear of addiction: #1 – Take inventory of your time an

  • The Four Man-Killers: Part 3 Overcoming Lust

    18/12/2023 Duración: 18min

    This week we continue our series on "The Four Man-Killers" that will knock men off their adventure to know God and their purpose. Week 2 we talked about Overcoming Apathy, this week we talk about Lust. This easily could be the #1 man-killer on the list, but often the least talked about. Lust is NOT just pornography, but here are some major stats on pornography: 12% of all the internet sites are porn sites, 90% of kids ages 8-16 have viewed porn, 70% of men ages 18-34 visit a porn site each month. Why is lust such a trap and temptation for us men? What are you desiring in your heart, what are you pursuing with your thoughts? That's what lust is, it starts in your mind. What are the reasons men don't experience freedom in this area? #1 - We don’t talk about it, we do it alone #2 - It is a mental illness/addiction for many #3 - Focus only on behavior modification vs. deeper causes of mental/social/spiritual issues that we’re masking You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube! Listen to the Men of Ir

  • The Four Man-Killers: Part 2 Overcoming Apathy

    11/12/2023 Duración: 18min

    200th EPISODE GIVEAWAY! Head on over to to enter! And don't forget to check out the video version of the pod on YouTube! This week we continue our series on "The Four Man-Killers" that will knock men off their adventure to know God and their purpose. Week 1 we talked about Fear and Week 2 we are talking about Overcoming Apathy. What is apathy? What does it mean to be apathetic? Apathy: Is a noun meaning, Lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern. What are men apathetic about? Leading in the home, going to church, reading the bible, have tough conversations. Apathy about your relationships will hurt you and it will hurt others. On the other side of apathy is a better version of who God created you to be! Men, how can we combat apathy?  #1 - Recognize it #2 - Call it out #3 - Share it with someone who will hold you accountable "Apathy is knowing what you are suppose to do but you choose not to do it." - Travis Albanesius You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube! Listen

  • The Four-Man Killers: Part 1 Overcoming Fear

    04/12/2023 Duración: 17min

    The video version of the Men of Iron Podcast is back! Go watch EP. 199 right now over at This month we start our series on “The Four Man-Killers” that will knock men off their adventure to know God and their purpose. Week 1 we are talking about Overcoming Fear. What do you fear? What is something that keeps you from reaching your potential as a husband, father and leader? The fears that consistently sit at the top of the list are: fear of failing, fear of being perceived as weak, fear of being incompetent. Why is fear an issue for men? There are so many examples of men being afraid to respond to what God is calling them to in the Bible. You are not alone. Men, how can we overcome these fears? #1 – Recognize and name them – dig deeper into the causes #2 – Bring to the Lord, examine them with Him #3 – Be honest, vulnerable with Him and others #4 – Get accountability, resources to deal with what you can control You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube! Listen to the Me

  • Men of Iron Podcast - Influence Capitalized Featuring Scott Davis (EP. 198)

    27/11/2023 Duración: 17min

    Scott Davis is back on the pod this week as he closes out our series on Influence. What is influence? Influence is the power or ability to change or affect someone or something. Last week we talked about influence specialized, and today we talk about influence capitalized. How can I best use my influence for God's glory? For you to help others to grow, you have to be growing yourself. Having a nurturing attitude is huge to capitalizing your influence. People are influenced most by other people who make them feel best about themselves. To become a person of influence you must come alongside people and get involved in their lives. You can teach people what you know, but you can only reproduce who you are – that's influence. Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small group, and retreat curricu

  • Men of Iron Podcast - Influence Specialized Featuring Scott Davis (EP. 197)

    20/11/2023 Duración: 15min

    Scott Davis is back on the pod this week as we continue our series on Influence. What is influence? Influence is the power or ability to change or affect someone or something. Last week we talked about influence realized, and today we talk about influence specialized. Ask yourself the question, what area am I specifically gifted in to be an influence on others? How has God divinely designed me? You are specially made, specially created to have influence in this world. Use your gifts, talents and abilities to sharpen those around you. When a man realizes he can be a specialized influence to the circle around him, cultures begin to change. “Influence adds impact to other people's lives." - Scott Davis Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small group, and retreat curriculum. Biblical masculin

  • Influence Realized Featuring Scott Davis (EP. 196)

    13/11/2023 Duración: 13min

    Scott Davis is back on the pod this week as we continue our series on Influence. What is influence? Influence is the power or ability to change or affect someone or something. Last week we talked about influence defined, and today we talk about influence realized. When did you first realize that you had influence? Whether you have realized it or not, there are people being influenced by your actions. God wants us to be a godly influence to those in our circle. Take some time this week to write a list of those in your circle. Who are you influencing and how is it impacting their lives? It's time to realize that you are an influencer in your circle. “Influence adds impact to other people's lives." - Scott Davis Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small group, and retreat curriculum. Biblica

  • What Does it Mean to Have Influence? Featuring Scott Davis (EP. 195)

    06/11/2023 Duración: 13min

    Scott Davis is back on the pod for the month of November as we begin our series on Influence. What is influence? Influence is the power or ability to change or affect someone or something. If you are leading in any capacity (and you are), then you have influence. Influence is having the ability to impact people's opinions and actions. Whether as a boss, an employee, a father, a husband, a friend – people are watching you. We need to make sure that our influence is godly influence and moving those around us forward, not backward. “The true influence of a leader is helping people move to a better place." - Scott Davis Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small group, and retreat curriculum. Biblical masculinity is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us.

  • Fight Your Battles With Accountability Featuring Tony Galati (EP. 194)

    30/10/2023 Duración: 13min

    Tony Galati is back on the pod as he wraps up our Accountability Series for the month of October. Accountability is the idea that someone is responsible for their actions and will face consequences if they choose unfavorable actions. It’s the practice of being held to a certain standard of excellence. You can see the difference between men who have accountability in their lives and men who don't. Men, fighting a battle alone is a great way to ensure failure. Small steps of obedience will bring great blessings from God. It's NEVER too late to make a change. You are not alone, there are countless other men out there going through the same struggles as you. Be obedient to Christ and take a step towards becoming the man you were called to be today! Go to today to find out how you can get started. Don't climb the mountain alone! “Men, you need accountability in your life. If you don't have it you are running from it." - Tony Galati Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple

  • Don't Run From Accountability! Featuring Tony Galati & Travis Albanesius (EP. 193)

    23/10/2023 Duración: 16min

    Tony Galati is back on the pod, with Travis, continuing our Accountability Series for the month of October. Accountability is the idea that someone is responsible for their actions and will face consequences if they choose unfavorable actions. It’s the practice of being held to a certain standard of excellence. God's not mad at you for the sins you are or have committed, but God is calling you to something greater. We are all facing the same struggles guys, don't be afraid to get some accountability in your life. Don't run from it! Travis shares some accountability lessons from his own life and his experience through Strong27™, let’s hear from Travis: Go to today to find out how you can get started. Don't climb the mountain alone! “Men, you need accountability in your life. If you don't have it you are running from it." - Tony Galati Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share!

  • Why Accountability is Important with Kyle Ebersole (EP. 192)

    16/10/2023 Duración: 12min

    Tony Galati is back on the pod, continuing our Accountability Series with special guest Kyle Ebersole. Accountability is the idea that someone is responsible for their actions and will face consequences if they choose unfavorable actions. It’s the practice of being held to a certain standard of excellence. Kyle shares some accountability lessons from our most recent his experience on an Equilibrium Retreat and other programs he's experienced through Men of Iron. Let's hear from Kyle! “Accountability is important because it allows you to do life with friends, you don't have to fight your struggles on your own." - Kyle Ebersole Go to today to find out how you can get started. Don't climb the mountain alone! Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small gro

  • Accountability Lessons With Corby Ziegler (EP. 191)

    09/10/2023 Duración: 16min

    Tony Galati is back on the pod, continuing our Accountability Series with special guest Corby Zielger. Accountability is the idea that someone is responsible for their actions and will face consequences if they choose unfavorable actions. It’s the practice of being held to a certain standard of excellence. Corby shares some accountability lessons from our most recent Anchoredman Bootcamp and other programs he's experienced through Men of Iron. Let's hear from Corby! “Through my one year mentorship I was able to not just be a father to my children, but to be the spiritual leader my family desperately needed." - Corby Ziegler Go to today to find out how you can get started. Don't climb the mountain alone! Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small group

  • Men Need Accountability Featuring Tony Galati (EP. 190)

    02/10/2023 Duración: 10min

    Tony Galati joins the pod for the month of October as we begin our Accountability Series. Accountability is the idea that someone is responsible for their actions and will face consequences if they choose unfavorable actions. It’s the practice of being held to a certain standard of excellence. Do you want that or do you run from it? Choosing godly accountability is choosing to have the blind spots in your life strengthened. Have you ever had godly accountability in your life? Men, if you want accountability in your life you HAVE to be intentional. We have some some opportunities for you to be intentional about accountability. Go to today to find out how you can get started. Don’t climb the mountain alone! Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small group

  • Winning a Championship Takes Great Coaching Featuring Travis Albanesius (EP. 189)

    25/09/2023 Duración: 20min

    Travis Albanesius is back on the pod to wrap up our series on mentorship for the month of September. Men, in order to win a championship, we need a great coach. We need a mentor. When mentorship is done right and in an intentional way it has the power to impact our leadership and take it to the next level. Do you want to win a championship? Do you want to leave a godly legacy? Are you ready to put the work in? If so, a Strong27™ mentorship is next for YOU! > Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small group, and retreat curriculum. Biblical masculinity is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. It’s time to climb! Men, it's time to climb! – MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB

  • Men of Iron Podcast - A Well-Rounded Approach to Mentorship (EP. 188) Featuring Travis Albanesius

    18/09/2023 Duración: 17min

    Travis Albanesius is back on the pod as we continue our Mentorship Series for the month of September. Last week we talked about the key to being a great mentor. This week Travis shares some stories of mentorship in his own life and how to take a well-rounded approach. A lot of men will say YES to mentorship, if you have the courage to ask. Grab breakfast or coffee with a man who is a season or two ahead of you. I learned early in my career how to take a balanced approach to mentorship. When we get to that deeper level of relationship with a mentor, that's where discipleship happens. Who are the top 2-3 leaders that you have deep respect for that you could grab coffee with? Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google Podcasts and many more! Subscribe, listen and share! Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one mentorship, small group, and retreat curriculum. Biblical masculinity is an adventure, and we

  • The Key to Being a Great Mentor Featuring Travis Albanesius (EP. 187)

    11/09/2023 Duración: 17min

    Travis Albanesius is back on the pod as we continue our Mentorship Series for the month of September. Last week we defined mentorship as the influence, guidance or direction given by a mentor or teacher given to a protege. Right before Jesus ascended back to heaven he looked at His disciples and said, “Go and make disciples.” The world needs more Christian mentors. This week we are going to talk about the key to being a great mentor. Here is the key, if you want to be a great mentor, first you have to be a great protege. Before Jesus’ disciples were called to go out and make disciples on their own, they followed and learned from Jesus for 2-3 years. They needed to be sharpened and prepared, and we are no different. Being a great protege takes work, it takes being committed. If we could see the potential fruit that it could bear in our lives, we would be all in! You can be a great godly mentor, but first you have to be a great protege. Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa

  • Are You Intentional About Mentorship? Featuring Travis Albanesius (EP. 186)

    04/09/2023 Duración: 16min

    Travis Albanesius takes over the pod for the month of September as we begin our series on Mentorship. Mentorship is the influence, guidance or direction given by a mentor or teacher. As Christian men, we all recognize an important need to raise up Christian leaders. We as followers of Christ are called to be intentional about mentorship. Raising up leaders takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of energy and it takes a lot of effort. We are busy doing a lot of really good things, but we are not intentional at doing the very best things. What we choose to be intentional about says a lot about who we are. What are the top 2-3 things that you are intentional about right now? Jesus was passionate about developing leaders, He was passionate about mentorship. Men, let's be intentional about inviting others to follow you as you follow Jesus. Intentional about investing in the young men around you. Let's be intentional about mentorship. Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, Google

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