Kwesi Speaks



Motivation politics religion institutions


  • Predispositions Rooted in Distrust

    29/07/2019 Duración: 16min

    I am an equal opportunist when it comes to defending my family. A person that attempts to put their hands on my wife or children could be green, but still catch these holy hands. What I have found out is that stereotypes and predispositions are rooted in distrust. The distrust can be so severe, that people pass it along to their children. In order to heal the hurt of these painful past experiences, one must identify the error of saying “all” when referring to any ethnic group, nationality, even generation. Making yourself available to dialogue will prove that humans really are an eclectic bunch. Support this podcast at —

  • You will reap!

    24/07/2019 Duración: 11min

    I don’t care if it’s by way of commission or omission, we will all reap! We are never surprised when openly/deliberately mean people get what was coming to them. We just pass it off as them “getting what they deserve.” What about these closet and secretly evil folks? Those that avoid confrontation so they just learn to smile and wave? Whether you do it in secret or in the open, You and I will reap every word and/or action-both good and bad. Support this podcast at —

  • Kwesi and Politics

    22/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    Imagine living in a place where words like “freedom” are really only catch words, that may come with ridicule. That’s right! Only in Democratic societies are people’s mental capacities questioned when they think for themselves. The Matrix is easily one of my favorite films because of the message. Today you can take the blue pill and forget that I ever mentioned how anti-freedom it is to ridicule the out-of-the-box thinker, or take the red pill and mind your own freakin beeswax!!! LOL! Support this podcast at —

  • I am Weird!

    12/07/2019 Duración: 05min

    Weird as a noun means “A person’s destiny.” Choose to embrace those authentic components of your makeup. Weird is in style!! Support this podcast at —

  • The Zombie Apocalypse is Here!

    10/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    I confess to spending 16 hours on my phone, on games last week. I could have built a time machine or even built a house in that amount of time! No seriously! We are trading research for sound bytes and punchlines, even Pokémon for healthy dialogue. I’m not against Pokémon, I’m against the use of Pokémon or games as replacement for wholesome quality time with other humans. We have become some freakin’ Zombies folks! Not brain eating, mindless carcasses, but time wasting, apathetic bodies taking up space. As Ice Cube once said “ You betta check yo self before you wreck yo self!” Support this podcast at —

  • Racism

    08/07/2019 Duración: 11min

    Racism as a whole is here to stay! However, lording over it is only possible through the help of Jesus! Like it is going to take a miracle to uproot the evil that goes back generations. Support this podcast at —

  • Living Your Best Life

    02/07/2019 Duración: 13min

    Have we really grown so shallow as a people that we think we can determine a person’s wealth by what they wear, drive, and/or where they live? Honestly, we commonly hear people proclaim or declare a person to be rich based on possessions. When really, unless you’ve seen their portfolios, you really don’t know. If posting it under the false pretense of “I’m not boasting; I’m just encouraging!” floats your boat, float on. However, if each person considers their own happiness, and living their own best life as the priority, using themselves as the measuring stick will never happen. Support this podcast at —

  • Have Mercy!

    28/06/2019 Duración: 08min

    It is easy to be merciless when you feel that you’re untouchable, like trouble will never arrive at your doorstep by way of false or true accusations. If you sow mercy, you will also reap it. If you choose the mean and apathetic route, avoid long scripture filled rants about forgiveness and mercy. Support this podcast at —

  • Pro-Church

    24/06/2019 Duración: 11min

    I hope the world is flooded with churches, the same way it is flooded with a variation of all other types of things. Who decided that a church’s effectiveness should be determined by the number of people that attend? I’m pro-church, and believe that if people like where they go, leave them alone! Support this podcast at —

  • Legacy

    17/06/2019 Duración: 16min

    A child doesn’t owe their parents for life, just because they are here. I mean, no child sent a request to be here. However, when a parent works to create a legacy, guiding the child through the ends and outs, it is then that child’s responsibility to carry that legacy forward. Support this podcast at —

  • The Meaning of “Blood Thicker Than Water”

    13/06/2019 Duración: 06min

    “The Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” So that we’re clear, there are more than Christians misusing and misquoting. For every person that ever used the statement about blood being thicker than water, to gain some type of advantage over someone, shame on you. It plays into my ongoing skepticism of our ability to establish justice in social institutions, without taking on a religious/spiritual perspective. Families generally esteem the words of matriarchs and patriarchs higher than God, and quickly blame him for their demise. How can we trust the justice of families with the amount of secrets that many hold, and suffer in silence. The blood that is shed with brothers and sisters in the trenches often creates deeper and more meaningful bonds than relatives. I need you to know that it’s okay; you are not a bad person for acknowledging the truth of your situation. From henceforth, govern yourselves accordingly. Support this podcast at —

  • The Idea of BFF is Overrated!

    07/06/2019 Duración: 15min

    I know you want to believe that you have the best friend in the world, and that the feeling is mutual. However, what would you do if you found out that you weren’t the best friend? It happened to me, and to be honest I was a bit hurt. Prior to hearing it, it was all speculation anyway. While the unknown worked perfectly fine for me, the reality of hearing the other person’s thoughts, forced me to consider the silliness of wasting energy over it. If you are married, thank God for sending you your best friend. Be blessed! Support this podcast at —

  • Life Insurance

    06/06/2019 Duración: 18min

    GoFundMe does not take the place of having life insurance. Some people have zero established relationships with financially well families, thus the gamble of using GoFundMe as life insurance. The lack of trust for insurance companies caused a hesitation in me, but was soon overcome by my sister-in-laws new career as a New York Life agent. I trust her and in that premise took out a life insurance policy on myself. The sense of pride that I felt after the physical examination was quickly disrupted by the concern for people who won’t pass the physical exam or be able to afford premiums due to their current economic status. We must get and stay healthy, and we must have health and life insurance. For more info contact: Support this podcast at —

  • The Power of the Touch

    06/06/2019 Duración: 11min

    I did not do the study, but I certainly believe there’s something to the impact of the touch. If it is natural and pure, it will be received as such. As the song says, “Reach our and touch somebody’s hand; make this world a better place, if you can.” Support this podcast at —

  • The Power of an Apology

    05/06/2019 Duración: 10min

    These are the confessions of a delivered “Butthole!” I thought that I had every right to be one, but in hindsight I was only making everyone around me pay for someone else’s wrongdoing. This is an open apology and a little assistance to people that are currently suffering with this “itis.” Support this podcast at —

  • PTSD

    04/06/2019 Duración: 01min

    I grew up from grades 7-11 in what our city refers to as “tha hood.” The catch phrase that people are often allowed to get away with is referring to “tha hood” as urban. Urban actually denotes location not socioeconomic status. However, being new to the area and not fully understanding the code of the street made acclimation extremely challenging. The fear and anxiety that I already possessed was only fed there. In these bars I liken the results to those of our servicemen and women. Imagine a child growing immune to gunshots, profanity, and lasciviousness. Chances are, unless the pattern is disrupted it will continue with no end. Support this podcast at —

  • Confessions of a Stepchild Ep.2

    03/06/2019 Duración: 13min

    The first episode was so therapeutic that I had to follow up. Here I am at age 44 still trying to piece through parts of a childhood that I tried so desperately to forget. I am in no way attempting to demean or minimize the trauma that is faced by our servicemen and women; however, a stepparent can create the type of tumultuous household environment, that will leave both physical and mental scars similar to PTSD. I lived to tell it, and overcoming it daily. Support this podcast at —

  • Confessions of a Stepchild Episode 1

    29/05/2019 Duración: 13min

    I do not know what it feels like to be a stepparent, but I know what it feels like to be a stepchild. Studies show that stepchildren are more susceptible to mental health issues as well as bullying. I have had great stepparents that taught me life issues with love. On the flip side, I have lived in terror! I can empathize for those that suffer in silence. As Usher says “These are my confessions!” Support this podcast at —

  • Every Good and Perfect Gift

    28/05/2019 Duración: 10min

    I remember watching some music awards show, and thinking how crazy it was for people to thank God for the inspiration behind profane lyrics. I did not realize how judgmental that I was being. The fact of the matter is, Every good and perfect gift comes from God.- James 1:17. The responsibility of the recipient is to say thank you. Thank you should be more than words; the gift should also be used to help others. The guys that I heard were no doubt a blessing to their families and friends. Who was I to judge their relationship with God? What could I gain from judgement? Would God be pleased with me attempting to take his grace and withdraw it from someone? Support this podcast at —

  • You are not a mistake!

    07/04/2019 Duración: 03min

    There is a fighter in all of us. When we live amongst average people, we without thinking, adjust our example to our opponents. Take back the fight for greatness!! Support this podcast at —

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