Big Questions With Cal Fussman



As a bestselling author, speaker and one of the greatest interviewers of this generation, Cal Fussman has sat down with some of the worlds most influential individuals: Muhammad Ali, Mikhail Gorbachev, Serena Williams, Jeff Bezos, Jack Welch, John Wooden, Al Pacino and hundreds of others, digging deep into their hearts and delivering their wisdom to the rest of the world. Now, in Big Questions, Cal continues his journey. Uncovering the heart, head, and soul of his guests in thoughtful, deep and entertaining conversations.


  • Chip Conley: Airbnb’s Mentor on How to Transform Yourself

    18/09/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    Cal finds there can be life after one’s heart stops beating. Chip Conley tells him what it was like to flatline at age of 47, how he recovered and went on to sell his boutique hotel company, which put him in the surprising place where he could mentor Brian Chesky and a group of millennials who’d founded Airbnb. The combination of young minds and the wisdom of Chip’s experience in hospitality made history. Airbnb has transformed travel across the planet, reinventing the hotel industry by allowing people to rent out their homes and apartments in 80,000 cities in 190 countries around the world. Conley has taken the lessons from this experience and set them in his newly-released book, Wisdom at Work: The Making of a Modern Elder. In this episode, he shows Cal the benefits that mentorship can have for both those with youth and age. The takeaways are life-changing, and needed now more than any other time in history. As the author Yuval Noah Harari writes in his most recent book: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century: “If

  • Michael Wright: Surviving On 9/11

    11/09/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Cal reconnects with the man who had the World Trade Center fall on his head and finds the lessons he learned even more powerful over time. The two reflect upon the conversation they had shortly after Michael survived the deadliest attack on American soil. That conversation was turned into a noted Esquire Magazine story published in Michael’s own words in the January 2002 issue. The takeaways in this episode are vast. Michael has lived through the type of experience that most of us will never know - and has come to understand life in ways that most of us were never forced to ponder. Yet, in the end, his voice is positive and reflective and offers insight to all of us on how to move forward from the most difficult of experiences.

  • Radha Agrawal: On Building Community

    04/09/2018 Duración: 01h09min

    As Cal tries to expand awareness of his podcast, he gets tips from the author of the just-released book entitled: Belong: Find Your People, Create Community and live a more Connected Life. Radha is the founder of Daybreaker – an early morning celebration that allows people all over the world to start the day by meeting others, dancing, doing yoga and listening to great speakers in a non-alcohol environment before going off to work. Cal was startled to learn that Radha has built her Daybreaker community from scratch to half a million people. And even more astounded to learn that 1 in every 4 Americans does not have a friend to confide in. Radha’s book offers suggestions to all on the art of connection. Anyone with a business, podcast or blog who’s interested in increasing her or his audience will get many takeaways from this episode. And those feeling a bit left out will get tips on how to fit into the right community. The conversation gives Cal the idea to try to double the number of subscribers to Big Questi

  • Kevin Hines: Whatever your difficulties, never count yourself out. Never. Never. Never.

    28/08/2018 Duración: 01h20min

    Kevin tells Cal how mental illness pushed him to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco 18 years ago – and how he survived only because a sea lion kept him propped up on the water’s surface. Kevin became one of only a few people to walk away from such a fall, and the chain of events that followed led him to find the love of his life, and his work helping all of us to understand mental illness.   His fight contributed to the creation of a barrier on The Golden Gate Bridge that will stop others from committing suicide there in the future. TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Whatever your difficulties, never count yourself out. Never. Never. Never. Simply reaching out to somebody you notice in emotional pain might save his or her life. And how a 23-second hug can change your day.   That's just for starters . . . 

  • Diana Nyad: On Finding A Way

    21/08/2018 Duración: 01h23min

    As the fifth anniversary of Diana Nyad’s record-breaking swim between Cuba and Florida approaches, Diana explains to Cal what it took to make the 110-mile journey in 2013 at the age 64. (This episode contains explicit or triggering content.) The Youtube video that shows Diana taking her first shaky steps on land at Key West after swimming for roughly 53 consecutive hours in waters filled with sharks and poisonous jellyfish is a profound place to start. The takeaways in this episode get to the essence of the quote: “Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm.” Diana had tried to make the same swim four times before, beginning in 1978 at the age of 28. Her triumph on the fifth attempt highlights not only her dogged persistence, but a joyful appreciation for nature that gave her a lightness which enabled her to do at 64 what she couldn’t at 28. The story of her sexual abuse as a teen, and the guilt and confusion that followed, ultimately leads to a lesson in how to find

  • Mick Ebeling: On Why Nothing Is Impossible

    14/08/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    The founder of Not Impossible Labs tips off his next landmark invention: a band that can stop tremors caused by Parkinson’s Disease. Not Impossible Labs has previously invented a device that allowed a paralyzed graffiti artist to create art using only his eyes, and 3-D printed prosthetic arms for those who’ve had their limbs blown off during the civil war in Sudan. The device that can curtail the tremors of those afflicted with Parkinson’s Disease is Mick Ebeling’s latest proof that anything we can imagine we can create.   TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: How redefining the word “impossible” can make anything possible. How committing to a goal before you know how to achieve it can jumpstart your journey toward it, and push you past the obstacles that will arise. How trying to solve one impossible problem can lead you to solving another. How you can incorporate Mick’s philosophy into your own life and do things you never imagined you could do.

  • Jocko Willink: On Going to War with Your Weaknesses

    07/08/2018 Duración: 01h29min

    Jocko Willink, the former Navy Seal Commander, explains how his fundamental laws of combat translate into leadership in business, and gets Cal to wonder how he might incorporate aspects of military training into his own life.    Takeaways from this episode: How to create a team where everybody leads. How to get in people’s heads to make them see things they wouldn’t have seen otherwise. The value of keeping communications simple — and how good questions can simplify a complicated plan. Prioritizing tasks and executing them.

  • Sex Doll Robots and The Future of Relationships

    31/07/2018 Duración: 59min

    Cal gets a glimpse of the future from psychologist Linda Papadopoulos as she breaks the news about life-sized robots now being manufactured to the buyers' individual tastes. These robots are built not only as the sexual partners of our dreams. They can be programmed to say what we want to hear, to read our expressions, and to respond in a way that will make us feel better. Not only that, but they can store information to enhance future experiences. Cal is still picking his jaw off the floor and pondering questions that come out of some of the takeaways.   TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: In a world where people are feeling more and more isolated and alone, will large numbers of people begin moving toward a doll with Artificial Intelligence that's programmed to say only what each of us wants to hear? In an age when people are accustomed to swiping left or right, will the next evolutionary step be simply ordering a manufactured partner that has ALL the characteristics that we want?   If, as Papadopoulos says, we’r

  • James Altucher on Reaching For Your Future and Letting Go of Your Past

    24/07/2018 Duración: 01h21min

    Cal discovers how the best-selling author, investor, financial analyst, blogger, podcaster and delightful conversationalist once reduced all his worldly possessions to15 items that could fit in a small satchel that he carried with him from Airbnb to Airbnb. A tad extreme, yes, but the takeaways on discipline can elevate anybody's life.   TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: What James learned from giving up everything -- it wasn't all positive! Tips for downsizing your belongings, how to choose what stays and what goes, and best of all how to make best use of the things you keep. How the "access economy" is superseding the "ownership economy" and what that means in practical terms.

  • Eva Karpman: Reboot Your Childhood Curiosity

    17/07/2018 Duración: 49min

    Reboot your childhood curiosity just like Cal did, by listening to 8-year-old Eva Karpman, who's asked questions to General Stanley McChrystal, best-selling author Simon Sinek, and billionaires for her Dream Big podcast.   Takeaways from this episode: How to regain the magical curiosity that most adults have lost. Tapping into your curiosity to drive your work and career to new heights. There is always more to be curious about, more to learn, more to do. How to have more fun in your life, just by being more curious.

  • Mike Posner: The Power in Speaking Your Truth

    10/07/2018 Duración: 01h41min

    The singer reveals the journey that produced the hit song I Took A Pill in Ibiza.   TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: When Mike gained fame but lost his way, and how he came home to himself when he got a second shot.  Mike's grounding relationship with his mother, and the grief process he’s gone through following the loss of his father.  How Jake Owen, Hank Williams, and Merle Haggard inspired the artist’s most recent hit song, “I Took A Pill in Ibiza”.   

  • Diving Deep Into Ice Cream with Dr. Lara Pence

    03/07/2018 Duración: 59min

    Cal has lost 20 pounds after meeting Spartan CEO Joe De Sena, running obstacle races and changing the way he eats. But he still has to deal with his feelings for ice cream. Food therapist Dr. Lara Pence comes to the rescue...   TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Decode your emotional responses to tempting foods. Separate irresistible cravings from conscious choices. Employ mindfulness and boundaries to stop from overeating. Understand why a healthy relationship with yourself is more effective than the billion-dollar diet industry.

  • Great Takeaways From Big Questions

    26/06/2018 Duración: 01h19min

    Cal opens the party to a lot of new listeners with takeaways from Kobe Bryant, Soul Cycle CEO Melanie Whelan, memory expert Jim Kwik, marketing guru Seth Godin, media titan Nely Galan, broadcaster Larry King and many others. The champagne is on ice . . .  

  • Rachel Platten: On How To Break Through

    19/06/2018 Duración: 01h16s

    The singer of the hit Fight Song teaches Cal the power of persistence. This episode is all about the 15-year struggle it took Rachel to break through with that song.   TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: The incredible determination that it took for Rachel to get from living room concerts to Hillary Clinton's campaign stage. The ups and downs and years of revisions that it took for her to wind up at a hit song. Even after achieving fame, the value and sense of home she finds in living room concerts and connecting intimately with fans.  

  • Nely Galán: On Turning Pain to Profit

    12/06/2018 Duración: 01h21min

    Cal learns what it’s like to be Warren Buffett on the inside and a piñata on the outside. Nely is a Cuban immigrant who became an entrepreneur as a teenager after overhearing her mother and father wonder how they were going to pay the bills to put her through Catholic school. Now, she shares the principles of her tremendous success through her book, Self Made, and by building a movement to lift Latinas called Adelante. The principles of Nely’s success – like: Turn pain into profit – are universal.   Takeaways from this episode: Why the Latinx market is the biggest, most powerful consumer base in the U.S. The tenacity that took Nely from near-poverty to powerful executives, though not without ups and downs along the way. Nely's goal to empower Hispanic women and men to own their power and numbers in the U.S.  

  • Ben Nemtin: On The Power of Change

    05/06/2018 Duración: 01h21min

    The Buried Life star once again finds the best within himself.   Takeaways from this episode: How helping others is really helping yourself. How doing something that inspires you - even if the initial ambition is small - can be the catalyst to your next great adventure. The patience, persistence, and ultimately throwing in the towel that got Ben to meet President Obama.  

  • Scooter Braun: A Lesson in Triumph Over Tragedy

    29/05/2018 Duración: 25min

    The suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert a year ago led to a benefit concert that is the definition of overcoming obstacles. Scooter Braun - her manager as well as Justin Bieber's, Carly Rae Jepsen's, and many more - opens up about the process it took for them to grapple with the tragedy.

  • Jim Kwik On Never Forgetting a Name Again

    22/05/2018 Duración: 01h41min

    The celebrity memory coach hones Cal’s mind.   Takeaways from this episode: Turning what might be seen as a weakness into your greatest challenge and ultimately a strength. Tips for memorization.  

  • Ozan Ozkural: The Power of Travel

    15/05/2018 Duración: 45min

    The World According to the CEO of Tanto Capital Partners.

  • Sasha Cohen: On Olympian Sacrifices and Life Changes

    08/05/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    It’s a landmark day as Cal guides the silver-medal winning figure skater to new ground.

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