Journey For Truth Tami Urbanek

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Join Tami Urbanek, medium and clairvoyant, as she takes us on a journey to find truth. What is truth? We often walk through the days not paying attention, unaware, unconcerned while events, trend, problems of major import need discussion, examination and sometimes action. Our polluted government, polluted air and food supply, polluted planet, modern-day slavery, hatred of those not like us ignorance of things that can hurt us and those we love are but a few examples. Yet when we choose to talk about these things, about what is true, we can then make empowered choices leading us to a state of balance. Join Tami on this Journey for Truth.


  • Journey For Truth – You’re Smarter Than You Think


    Renee Mollan-Masters had a difficult academic time in school. Later as an adult, she discovered Harvard’s Dr. Gardner’s work on the brain. She researched his work and created a program to assist people in understanding how their brain works and how to make it work productively while learning something. This is NOT just for traditional […] The post Journey For Truth – You’re Smarter Than You Think appeared first on

  • Journey For Truth – Obesity and Judgement


    How many have stared at another person because of his or her weight, facial features, or something else? How many judge a person who’s obese as lazy and a glutton? Kathleen Frank wrote her book, ‘I’m Fat And Nobody Cares,’ to discuss her sexual abuse, why she overate, and the long-term effects of using weight […] The post Journey For Truth – Obesity and Judgement appeared first on

  • Journey For Truth – PowerTalk


    Gordana Biernat, a seeker and life coach, joined Tami in a discussion of how to shape our own realities in the way we want them to be. You want abundance? How do you create that? You want love?How do you attract that? Gordana shares her insight here! The post Journey For Truth – PowerTalk appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Healing The Wounds


    Barbara Snow is an author, speaker, and healer. She assists people in many areas of life. Specifically, Barbara and I talked about what it means to learn to love yourself, the common blocks and how to overcome them. We also talked about how to create harmonious relationships. Everyone wants one…right? Listen here! The post Journey for Truth – Healing The Wounds appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Invisible People


    Cynthia Luce, author of Invisible Girl, wanted to get a message out. A message that states we need to practice being a part of humanity and stop separating ourselves. Instead of ‘I’m over here’ and ‘you’re over there’, we need to unite and see all humans as valuable. How many teenagers are taking their own […] The post Journey for Truth – Invisible People appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Being a Psychic Medium


    Tim Braun helps us discover what his ability is and how he can utilize it to assist people in pain. Tim can bring messages forward from spirit in order to create a healing between two people. Tim has also been on his own reality television show and has shared his ability there too! Listen to […] The post Journey for Truth – Being a Psychic Medium appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Dating and Sex


    Steve ‘The Dean’ Williams is an expert in relationships of all stages from the single life to the married life and all points in between, Steve teaches men and women how to unplug themselves from the dating matrix of TV, Radio, and magazines. Steve’s upfront no-nonsense blunt dating advice goes against every thing people have […] The post Journey for Truth – Dating and Sex appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Can Anyone Be a Spiritual Guru?


    Tamara Dorris spent years studying psychology, hypnotherapy, and personal development. One of her passions in life is personal development and along the way she realized how easy it was to claim to be a ‘guru’. This prompted her fictional light-hearted book, The Secrets of a Spiritual Guru. In all seriousness, Tamara does enjoy assisting others […] The post Journey for Truth – Can Anyone Be a Spiritual Guru? appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Yours, Mine & Ours


    Tom North was the fourth child, of eight children, by Helen North who was widowed at the age of 30. Shortly later, she re-married to a man who had ten children. Their story was portrayed in the movie: Yours, Mine & Ours, starring Lucille Ball in 1968. The comedy movie showed a large merged family […] The post Journey for Truth – Yours, Mine & Ours appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Overcoming Adversity


    Kevin Scott Hall was bullied for being gay, was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in the late 2000, and was the victim of a violent crime. How much adversity can one person take? Kevin’s spirituality assisted him through some of it. He wrote his memoir, A Quarter Inch From My Heart, to share his experiences and how […] The post Journey for Truth – Overcoming Adversity appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Conscious Parenting


    In many families, it’s all about surviving the day, week, month or year. It’s unfortunate when we survive our lives instead of enjoying living. That can be especially true if you’re raising teenagers. This episode is not just for parents. It’s for anyone who wants to understand someone else. Why does your partner or spouse […] The post Journey for Truth – Conscious Parenting appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Two Bipolar Chicks


    Wendy and Honora (Nora for short) both struggled with mania to the point their families needed to intervene. They struggled with mania with different triggers, but still painful nonetheless. After receiving a diagnosis of Bipolar and receiving treatment, they teamed up to write the book, Two Bipolar Chicks Guide to Survival. Their book gives their […] The post Journey for Truth – Two Bipolar Chicks appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – A Boy Back From Heaven


    On this week’s episode you will first hear Apostle E. Uche Nyesche discuss his book, I Hear You, But What is God Saying? After Apostle Nyeche, Celeste Goodwin will share with us about her four-year-old son’s near death experience and what information he brought back from that. Most four-year-old’s do not express such wisdom about […] The post Journey for Truth – A Boy Back From Heaven appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Madly Chasing Peace


    Dina Proctor didn’t think she had a problem with alcohol. Not even when she was drinking vodka and orange juice every morning for her wine laden hangover. Not even when she would have a couple of lunch drinks to ‘make it through the afternoon’. When she set the date to take her own life, when […] The post Journey for Truth – Madly Chasing Peace appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Ring of Truth


    Do you often hear ringing in your ears? Maybe you think you have tinnitus or something else? Do you have migraines and don’t know why? There can the most simple reason for ringing and migraines, headaches, and other ailments that doctors have not been able to explain. What if the ringing is a message or […] The post Journey for Truth – The Ring of Truth appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Finding Happiness


    What would it feel like to wake up rejuvenated everyday? To wake up excited about your day? Society teaches us to work, work, work in order to afford that car, house, vacation, and whatever else. But what about a quality of life that goes beyond money and things? What about rich experiences, relationships, and joy […] The post Journey for Truth – Finding Happiness appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Three Volunteers for a Spirit Guide Session


    Listen to Anastasia, Debbie, and J. speak with their spirit guides for life guidance. You’ll hear Anastasia better understand how she’s limiting her creativity as it relates to male energy and what she can do about it. Next, Debbie learns more about how she stunts her own healing for the sake of her husband; and […] The post Journey for Truth – Three Volunteers for a Spirit Guide Session appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Erotic Bible?


    Matthew Stillman felt that the King James version of the Bible needed some…shifting a bit. Matthew took the characters and content from the Bible and adapted the sexual parts into obvious sexual encounters instead of implied in his book, Genesis Deflowered. Matthew explains why he did this and he reads an excerpt from his book […] The post Journey for Truth – Erotic Bible? appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Healing Your Life With Water


    Want to stop the aging process? Listen to Diana Ruiz discuss her book, Healing Your Life with Water. Diana discusses how our mind and emotions affect water, which in turn affects our body. Most people know eating a lot of fast food is not beneficial for us, but what kind of foods does our body […] The post Journey for Truth – Healing Your Life With Water appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Bad To The Bone


    David Tuccaro, a Mikisew Cree First Nation, developed Lukemia and needed to decide if he was going to be a victim of his illness or overcome it. He discusses his journey in his book, Bad To The Bone, How did he make it to remission? How does he assist others in reclaiming their lives? Is […] The post Journey for Truth – Bad To The Bone appeared first on

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