Billy Dees



I'm a loser who occasionally makes a big play. I also produce podcasts, write editorials, and record voice-overs.


  • UFOs, Space, and Science with Billy Dees and Asherz

    16/06/2023 Duración: 40min

    Have you been following the news about UFOs? It seems like every day there is a new disclosure or video that is being released. However, has it really been determined that these objects are from space and have an intelligent source? We speculate on this subject with our guest, Asherz. She is a self-proclaimed “Weirdo from Ohio” (as is the host) and is a Ufologist. Its fun to wonder and speculate, isn’t it? Sit back and enjoy a fun and light-hearted episode on theBilly Dees Podcast.You can find Asherz on Twitter @itsasherz can also find Billy Dees on Twitter @BillyDees you and we hope you enjoy the podcast!

  • Glenn Werstler Talking AI, ChatGPT, and Tour Stop

    02/06/2023 Duración: 37min

    On this episode we are talking about AI and some of its applications. Our guest is Glenn Werstler who is the owner of Recastio and Tour Stop. The conversation covers what some of the positive and negative implications are of Artificial Intelligence. Then, the subject matter shifts to ChatGPT and how Glenn has utilized this type of technology for a new app called Tour Stop. To find out mote about Tour Stop, please’s other can find Billy Dees links and social media here:

  • Media Personality Teresa Strasser - Author of "Making It Home..."

    27/05/2023 Duración: 35min

    “Making It Home - Life Lessons from a Season of Little League” By Teresa Strasser Teresa Strasser is an Emmy-winning writer for her work at Comedy Central and Emmy-nominated television host regarding her talents at TLC. Teresa has been a contributor to the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, the Arizona Republic, The Jewish Journal, HuffPost, and The Today Show. Her first-person essays have garnered three Los Angeles Press Club Awards, including Columnist of the Year. Teresa has appeared on The View, CNN, Good Morning America, The Talk, and Dr. Phil. Radio and podcast audiences know Teresa Strasser as Adam Carolla’s co-host. Her first memoir, “Exploiting My Baby: Because It’s Exploiting Me” was a Los Angeles Times bestseller and optioned by ABC.On this episode Teresa is talking about her book, “Making It Home - Life Lessons from a Season of Little League.” After the deaths of her brother and mother just months apart, Teresa explains how baseball helped with he

  • Two Topics Up for Discussion - AI Technology and Hydrogen Energy

    12/05/2023 Duración: 38min

    On this episode of the podcast, we are discussing two topics: AI technology and the possibilities of hydrogen as a fuel source. Billy Dees is joined by guest cohost, Chris Weakly. Chris is a technology enthusiast and is an advocate for autism.You can find Chris on Twitter at @kryptoglyfics and his YouTube channel, Logical A Meets World.There is a lot of rhetoric, particularly around AI, and our discussion is an opinion driven mini forum designed to give a balanced overview around the subjects of burgeoning technology and alternative fuel sources. We hope you enjoy it. You can find Billy Dees on Twitter at @BillyDees

  • Author Kimber Silver "Broken Rhodes" Talks About Writing and Story Development

    06/05/2023 Duración: 28min

    Our guest is Kimber Silver, the author of “Broken Rhodes,” published August 16th, 2022.During this interview Kimber discusses her early life and how it impacted her writing, as well as some of her writing techniques. Kimber is a believer in sticking with a schedule to maintain progress as a writer.You can visit Kimber’s website for short stories, book reviews, interviews, and photos.

  • All Things Media LIVE What is Going On with Cable News?

    26/04/2023 Duración: 29min

    April 24th, when this episode was recorded live on Fireside, was a seismic day in cable news.CNN and FOX both made changes in their lineups. Billy talks about these changes as well as riffs about cable news in general, big pharma, and the Kennedys. Follow the Billy Dees Podcast on Twitter @BillyDees and on Fireside.

  • Shaman Isis Talks About Wellness and Healing

    13/04/2023 Duración: 33min

    On the podcast for this episode is trauma survivor, mental wellness advocate, and educator, Shaman Isis.She is also the author of the book, “Unleash the Empress.”Central to her message is that people can come to terms with their trauma and mental wellness challenges and find the courage within themselves to heal and build a life they will love. Shaman Isis grew up in care and endured a shocking list of traumas that had her steeped in shame and depression. She felt at times that her future looked bleak…but it wasn’t, and through courage, she found freedom. Shaman Isis’ most important message for anybody going through trauma is that hope endures.During this podcast she also discusses why it can feel impossible to heal and how to know when it is indeed time for healing to begin.You can find out more about Shaman Isis on her website:

  • Melissa M. Monroe - Mom's Search for Meaning: Grief and Growth After Child Loss

    01/04/2023 Duración: 39min

    This podcast contains content that some listeners may find triggering.Melissa M. Monroe“Mom’s Search for Meaning: Grief and Growth After Child Loss”Paralyzed by guilt, grief, and PTSD after her 2-year-old daughter Alice died in her sleep of unknown causes, Melissa Monroe was determined not to become a victim in the story of her life. While taking the advice she had given to many grief and trauma patients throughout the years, hoping she could create a meaningful life without closure, she took notes throughout her healing process.Struggling to advance her timeline beyond that of her daughter's - and still eager to be the keeper of Alice's stories - Melissa began to write about Alice's life and the impact of her death. She became her own lab rat, trying various approaches to healing with the hope that her experience might be helpful to others stuck in a trauma time loop.During this interview Melissa talks about her experience with child loss, her career, and the process of writing.Melissa's website: https://www

  • Donika Gunther Talks About Mindfulness with a Purpose

    24/03/2023 Duración: 32min

    Donika Gunther was born in Albania and grew up with five siblings and two wonderful parents. Now living in the United States, she is the proud mother of one daughter. For as far back as she can remember, Donika has had a lifelong desire to help others and assist them in leading happy, successful, worry-free lives. She has a degree in biology and chemistry and has worked as a teacher for past 30 years. She has also been a mentor and motivational international speaker for the last thirteen years. After discovering the power that meditation, yoga, and mindfulness have for improving health and wellness, Donika decided to take her 13 years of experience in these studies and turn them into a career that she is passionate about! Mindfulness with a Purpose was created in part due to Donika’s aspirations of making positive change in the lives of children, by providing higher education, confidence, and self-worth. During this interview Donika shares her story of childhood and how she choice her life and career path

  • Timothy Gager - Best Selling Writer, Novelist, and Poet

    18/03/2023 Duración: 31min

    Timothy Gager has published 16 books of fiction and poetry. He hosted the Dire Literary Series of author interviews in Cambridge, MA from 2001 to 2018, and spun off a virtual series starting in 2020. Gager co-founded The Somerville News Writers Festival and has had over 1,000 pieces of fiction, micro-fiction, and poetry published—including 17 nominated for Pushcart Prizes. His work has also been nominated for a Massachusetts Book Award, The Best of the Web, The Best Small Fictions Anthology, and has been read on NPR. Joe the Salamander is his third novel. On this episode, Timothy Gager discusses his writing, love of poetry, and shares some of his own personal journey as part of the recovery community. You can find out more about Timothy on his website:

  • Jolene Barletta - Survivor, Inspiration, and Advocate

    10/03/2023 Duración: 46min

    Our guest on this episode is Jolene Barletta. As she says in the bio of her Twitter account, “Hi. I’m Jolene.” She also welcomes you into her journey.Jolene wears many hats; she has battled cancer and is a champion for those who are also battling cancer and other chronic diseases. She is also an advocate for mental health awareness. She loves to dance, drink coffee, and is passionate about art and NFTs. Jolene is an inspiration on so many levels, and this interview gives the audience a glimpse into the light that she shares with the world. You can follow and find Jolene on Twitter at @JoleneBarletta

  • Christian Feraria - The Mediocre Student's Guide to Graduating College

    05/03/2023 Duración: 30min

    Christian Feraria is an author, publicist, public speaker, and YouTuber! His screen name is qtc_christian on various platforms including YouTube. Christian’s book, “The Mediocre Student’s Guide to Graduating College,” is a book for struggling or unmotivated students who wish to navigate college successfully. Growing up, Christian’s sisters were both stellar students who went to elite colleges and medical school. Christian felt mediocre in comparison to them having been, at times, a more insecure student academically.Shortly after graduating college, Christian was inspired by the Toni Morison quote, “Write the book you would want to read.” After hearing the quote, Christian immediately thought of a book for mediocre students because that’s the book he would have killed for!Throughout his book, Christian elaborates on how to succeed academically and socially on a college campus. He writes about picking professors and the presence of drugs, sex, etc.Since his book was released, Christian Feraria has been doing p

  • Patricia Tate - Astrology Consultant, Spiritual Health and Wellness Coach

    25/02/2023 Duración: 29min

    Patricia Tate M.S. from Willow Grace Mystik, LLC is our guest on this episode of the Billy Dees Podcast. Patricia is an astrology consultant and spiritual health & wellness coach. During the interview she discusses what some of the basic tenets of astrology and mysticism are as well as some of the misconceptions about both. She also provides a brief reading about the host, and I must say it was pretty good. You can find out more about Patricia on her website: can find Billy Dees on Twitter @BillyDees views, opinions, and claims offered by guests are the sole responsibility of the guests.)

  • Barbara Legere - "Keven's Choice - A Mother's Journey Through Her Son's Mental Illness, Addiction, and Suicide"

    20/02/2023 Duración: 33min

    This episode contains discussion that some listeners may find triggering. Author Barbara Legere “Keven's Choice: A Mother's Journey Through Her Son's Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide” Keven had spent half his life struggling with addiction while his single mom battled courts, health care companies, rehab facilities and mental health professionals to protect him. As their relationship strained and his drug use progressed, Legere was forced to accept and love Keven as he was in their limited time together—two years before his suicide. In Keven’s Choice, Legere tells the story of trying to navigate the dark worlds of her son’s substance use and depression while also addressing her complicated guilt and regret over how she handled it. In the process, she shines a light on the hidden anguish of countless parents who are taking care of children that society tells them to abandon. For parents who have borne witness to overdoses, arrests, addiction treatment and incarceration and even death, Keven’s Choice i

  • How Certain is Certainty - Dare We Be Wrong? LIVE

    19/02/2023 Duración: 44min

    How certain is certainty? Dare we consider, even for a moment, that we could be wrong? What we might refer to as an absolute truth is very elusive. What we often must base decisions on is what is most likely. However, what is most likely can change based on how fluid the situation happens to be, and in fact, we as individuals may also evolve into a different set of needs and desires. Does this ability to adapt to changing circumstances or more information on a given topic erode when we are certain? This episode was recorded live on Fireside Saturday February 18, 2023. Two members of the audience joined in the discussion.You can follow Billy Dees on Twitter @BillyDees

  • M.K. McDaniel - "Misfit in Hell to Heaven Expat"

    13/02/2023 Duración: 31min

    M.K. McDaniel #1 Best Selling Author of “MISFIT IN HELL TO HEAVEN EXPAT” We have all heard stories of someone’s account of a near death experience. There is almost always a description of a brilliant white light and euphoric sensation. However, not all near death experiences are pleasant, in fact, some are traumatic. What would you do if you found yourself in “the other place?” Our guest on this episode is author, M.K. McDaniel. Her book, “MISFIT IN HELL TO HEAVEN EXPAT,” chronicles such a journey. Her story is hopeful and has given her insights into a realm that we do not need to fear. You can find the author’s website here: and you can find her on Twitter @MKMcDaniel3 Disclaimer – The host, Billy Dees, was experiencing an allergic reaction at the time of the interview that affected his voice.

  • Gigi Langer - "Love More Now"

    06/02/2023 Duración: 32min

    On this episode we are interviewing Gigi Langer, PhD.As of February 2023, Gigi has completed her new book “Love More Now: Facing Life’s Challenges with an Open Heart.” You may remember this author from her previous offering, “50 Ways to Worry Less Now.”Both titles are very recovery-related in their approach to the subject matter.The book covers how to dissolve the negative beliefs restricting love for yourself and others. With your true self liberated, you’ll be able to handle difficult relationships and other challenges with wisdom, strength, and serenity. Gigi Langer, author of award-winner, “50 Ways to Worry Less Now,” illustrates how she overcame alcoholism, codependency, and trauma to discover the love at her center.Drawing on ideas from A Course in Miracles, the Twelve Steps, and positive psychology, Gigi shows you how to become a loving, open-hearted person (with firm boundaries). Langer holds a PhD from Stanford University and has been sober for over 35 years.You can find out more about Gigi at her we

  • All Things Media - Ananda from Soul Space - Talks Poetry and Mental Health

    03/02/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    This episode discusses mental health and suicide. It may contain triggers for some members of the listening audience. This episode was recorded LIVE on Thursday Feb 2, 2023, on Fireside. This interview centers on Ananda and her Soul Spaces in which she often features subjects regarding poetry, mental health, and what she describes as the Universe’s Heartbeat. The first part of the discussion is a one-on-one interview with Billy Dees. Billy then opens the discussion to his guest cohost, Kristy Mickelsen, and then other members of the audience. You can find Ananda and her Twitter Spaces, “The Soul Space,” @AJinspire4ever

  • Jia Shares Her Journey into Marketing and Branding

    30/01/2023 Duración: 37min

    Jia Shares Her Journey into Marketing and Branding Our guest on this episode is Juwayria Elhassan, or as she goes by, “Jia.” She tells a little story about how she got her name, “Jia,” during the podcast. Jia is an individual who has a remarkable backstory both in life and career. She has lived in several regions of the world and now is in Malaysia. We had to work out the time differences for the interview.Her career has spanned many interests including the medical field. Jia is now an entrepreneur and is a marketing and branding professional. On this episode, Jia shares her journeys both in life and in career. Jia always has very interesting insights into how marketing can differ in various parts of the world and how strategies need to be molded for each.Jia's Website: on Twitter @Jia_Elhassan can follow Billy Dees On Twitter @BillyDees

  • All Things Media LIVE with Billy Dees and Guest Graciela Moore

    28/01/2023 Duración: 43min

    On what is becoming a semi-regular show for the Billy Dees Podcast on the media platform Fireside, “All Things Media,” Graciela Moore is the central guest on this episode recorded live Friday January 27, 2023, at 8:00pm EST. How do you apply your social media and social audio content to what is central to what you do? For example, if you are a poet, how is your social media stylized to direct traffic to your work? On this episode, Graciela Moore first shares insights into her work. Graciela is a Life Coach, Storyteller, Mindset Expert, and Hope Enthusiast! She then talks about her content strategies with the host as well as numerous guests from the live audience. You can find out more about Graciela at her website,

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