Carolina Family Church (audio)



Weekly sermons from Carolina Family Church. We follow Jesus, build families, and serve our community.


  • Facts, Faith, & Fruit - Watch Out For Spiritual Spies!


    Paul would not give up ground, not even an inch when it came to the integrity of the Gospel. This issue was so vital to the Galatian’s spiritual health that he wrote this letter to them. The truth of the Gospel is the foundation on which our faith is constructed, and it must be solid.

  • Facts, Faith, and Fruit - Cutting Out The Middle Man


    So, who does this Paul guy think he is? What authority does he have to say he has the facts? In this message, we will see the foundation of his message and why we can trust him.

  • Facts, Faith, and Fruit - Mixed Messages in Galatia


    When requirements are added to the simple message of the Gospel, it becomes something it is not. The Apostle Paul can’t stand for it, so he gets right down to business in his letter to the Galatians.

  • Summer Stories - The Causbys and Seichrists


    In this edition of Summer Stories we hear from the Causby and Seichrist families.

  • Summer Stories - Michelle Lamacchia


    In this edition of Summer Stories we hear from Michelle Lamacchia.

  • Summer Stories - Michael and Jennifer Brown


    In this edition of Summer Stories we hear from Mike and Jennifer Brown.

  • Summer Stories - Jesse and Kayla McDonnell


    In this edition of Summer Stories we hear from Jesse and Kayla McDonnell.

  • Summer Stories - Jon and Jess Allen


    In this edition of Summer Stories we hear from Jon and Jess Allen.

  • Evidence - Sarah


    As we continue in the Evidence series we look into the life of Sarah, the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. Let's find out why, because of her faith and her faith alone, she is included in Hebrews and in the hall of faith.

  • Evidence - Abraham


    Has God ever asked you to step out on faith and do something that seemed impossible? Abraham did exactly what God commanded, even though it didn’t make sense. God had chosen Abraham to establish a covenant with and asked him to make a sacrifice that seemed impossible. Despite all that, Abraham chose to be faithful and do exactly as God was commanding him. Because of Abraham’s faithfulness, God established a covenant with him that lasted within his family for generations.

  • Evidence - Noah


    We all know that God warned Noah about the flood and told him to build an ark. Noah stepped out in faith and did what God commanded. God had chosen Noah because of his faithfulness. He knew that Noah was willing to make the sacrifices in his life to rescue his family from the things that had yet to be seen. What sacrifices must we make in our own lives to not only find grace in the eyes of God as Noah did but to also help deliver those that are around us.

  • Evidence - Enoch


    What is your walk with God like? Do you consider yourself close to Him? Today we are going to talk about someone who was so close in his walk with God that he did not experience death. I want my walk with God to be that close, but how do we do it?

  • Evidence - Abel


    Faith seems so intangible. What is it, and what does it do? How do we live a life of faith that will please God? For the next few weeks, we will look at some people who lived by faith and what it meant for them. This week we will begin with Abel.

  • The Good News - Living the Gospel


    We’ve been studying Romans for almost a year, so what will we do with it? The Gospel isn’t just something we know, it transforms our lives and hearts. In this message, we will finish up Romans and ask the question, “Now what?”

  • The Good News - Encouraging Fellowship


    There are few things that make us feel closer to someone than when they encourage us or recognize our work and value. As he is finishing his letter, Paul takes a significant amount of page space to recognize some significant people in Rome. This was important to him and it should be just as important to us.

  • The Good News - Generous Fellowship


    Paul begins closing his letter to the Romans by sharing encouraging news of what the Gentiles have done for the believers in Jerusalem and why they did it. As we continue studying, we will be inspired by this beautiful act of fellowship.

  • The Good News - Encouraging Fellowship


    Now that we have a firm grasp on the Gospel, what are we going to do with it? We should be proud, like Paul, of what God does through us and where He takes us. In this message, we will discuss our mission field and how to be faithful with it.

  • The Good News: Bearing With To Build Up


    What do we do when we encounter a brother or sister in Christ who doesn’t understand the freedom of the Gospel message? How do we love them well, even if we don’t agree with their convictions? Our passage this week helps us adopt a considerate mentality.

  • The Good News: Being Confident and Considerate


    What do we do when we encounter a brother or sister in Christ who doesn’t understand the freedom of the Gospel message? How do we love them well, even if we don’t agree with their convictions? Our passage this week helps us adopt a considerate mentality.

  • The Good News - Loving Through Differences


    Applying the Good News together is complicated because everyone is different. With varying experiences, knowledge bases, and personalities, the journey God has for each of us is unique. How do we maintain unity and fellowship as we learn to walk in the Gospel?

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