Barb Witt Pod Casts



Barb Witt Ministries is a Christian, Word of faith teaching ministry based in Surrey, UK.


  • The Lord Our Healer - -Pt.3 Healing Compassion.MP3

    13/05/2021 Duración: 50min

    In this session you will learn--- * Healing is one of the benefits of our covenant listed in Psalm 103. * According to God's mercy He saved us and we are also healed. * Jesus said it's just as easy to be healed as it is to be forgiven (Matthew 9:5-6). * Healing is a demonstration and manifestation of God's unchanging compassion. * Most of the church-going world believes God is merciful to save but not merciful to heal. * Jesus did not heal the sick and perform miracles as Deity, but as a man anointed by the Holy Spirit, moved with compassion (Phil.2:7, Acts 10:38, John 14:12). * He has not changed (Hebrews 13:8, Hebrews 4:15-16)

  • Faithful and Blessed

    02/05/2021 Duración: 01h05min

    In this session you will learn: * God's way of increasing and promoting you. * What condition must we meet in order to qualify for true riches? * What God is looking for in order to take you to the next level.

  • The Lord Our Healer--No Harm

    11/04/2021 Duración: 58min

    In part 3 of this series you will learn: * God revealed Himself as Jehovah Rapha to Israel and to every born-again believer at Marah---when Moses threw the tree into the bitter water and it was healed. This tree is a type of the cross of Jesus our healer, (I Peter 2:24). * How complaining can bring the devil on the scene. After being bitten by poisonous snakes, all who looked at the bronze serpent on the pole (another type of the cross) were healed. * God created the heavens and the earth. He never created anything harmful. He knows how to arrange and re-arrange molecules and substances to change their chemical and molecular structure and render them harmless. * God is not only able to deliver us FROM trials and adversity. He can also deliver us OUT OF THE MIDST of adverse circumstances. * God has not changed. He is still the God that heals you!

  • The Lord Our Healer - -Pt.2.MP3

    23/03/2021 Duración: 01h03s

    In this session you will learn: * Jesus used healing to prove that He could also forgive sins. * Jesus said receiving forgiveness and healing are both easy. * Jesus took our sicknesses on the cross at the same time He took our sin---as our substitute. * When Jesus took care of the sin problem--He also took care of all of the by-products of sin. * Just like we receive the forgiveness Jesus our Saviour is offering, we also receive the healing Jesus our Healer is offering---by faith.

  • Covenant Protection - -Pt.2.MP3

    03/03/2021 Duración: 49min

    In part 2 of this series you will learn: * The Lord hasn't promised that we would never be in a dangerous situation but we do have His Word that He will protect us, keep us, guard us and guide us. * Part of our part in God's protection is saying with our mouth--He is my refuge, my fortress, my protector, my God, in Him I will trust. Speaking this is involved in giving God a legal right to protect us. * How does God protect us? * The importance of remaining in the secret place. * The importance of being alert and watchful.

  • The Lord Our Healer

    14/02/2021 Duración: 42min

    In this session you will learn: * Jehovah Rapha---I AM the LORD that heals you. * God never changes, we need to change. * Exposing religious traditions in the Church about healing. * Truth is not relative or subjective. You cannot determine Truth by looking at other people's lives. God's Word is the only source of Truth. The Truth about God's will to heal will set you free. * Salvation and healing cannot be separated.

  • Covenant Protection.MP3

    14/02/2021 Duración: 59min

    In this session you will learn: * Because of sin and wicked people under the influence of the devil, the world is not going to get safer. *When it comes to covenant protection, God has a part to play and we have a part to play. * We have to give God a legal right to protect us. * Living a godly life and living in a godly nation has everything to do with experiencing God's protection---or the lack of it.

  • The Rest of Faith-Pt.2

    16/01/2021 Duración: 51min

    In part 2 of The Rest of Faith you will learn---- * As a born-again believer you have an inheritance of physical and spiritual rest. Resting in God---resting in faith. * Living in a constant state of anxiety, tension, strife and fear will eventually take its toll on you--spiritually and physically. * When you are in faith---you are not anxious and worried. * You cannot separate faith from rest. * You can choose not to yield to things that are going to hurt you and re-train yourself to yield to the peace of God.

  • The Rest of Faith

    15/12/2020 Duración: 41min

    In this session you will learn--- * Just like the creation of the heavens and the earth, God made every born-again believer complete in Him (Colossians 2:9-10, I John 4:17, II Corinthians 5:17). * In the same way God had something more for the Israelites than living in Egypt and the wilderness, God has more for us than escaping hell. * What is our Sabbath rest as New Testament believers? * What is our fight of faith? * What does it mean to labour into the rest of faith?

  • Words That Work

    30/11/2020 Duración: 58min

    In this session you will learn--- * What is a Biblical confession of faith? * How God transfers His faith to you. * How to fight the good fight of faith. * What are idle words? * God's success formula. * What is an evil report?

  • Believe and Speak Pt.2

    23/11/2020 Duración: 50min

    In this session you will learn--- * The connection between heaven and earth. * The teachings of Jesus that are are opposite to the "sovereignty of God" doctrine popular in many Christian circles. * How we are to rule and reign as kings in life (Romans 5:17). * Learning to release faith in every word you speak. * You can do what Jesus did to the fig tree (Matthew 21:21 CEV).

  • Believe and Speak

    02/11/2020 Duración: 46min

    In this session you will learn--- * What the spirit of faith sounds like, looks like and how it acts. * Faith is not just believing only---faith is believing AND speaking. * Faith must be in 2 places. * We speak to things not seen in order to change things that are seen. * The difference between walking by faith and walking by sight. * God created us in His image with the ability to choose and speak words that create and change things that are seen.

  • How Does Faith Come?

    02/11/2020 Duración: 38min

    In this session you will learn--- * Where do we get the God-kind of faith and how does it increase? * As born-again believers we have the same, identical faith that Jesus and the apostles had (I John 4:17, I Corinthians 6:17) * What kind of hearing results in believing. * By practice, you can train your spirit to discern between spiritual food that builds your faith and junk food that has no spiritual value and can harm your faith (Hebrews 5:14).

  • What Is The God-Kind of Faith?

    05/10/2020 Duración: 58min

    In this session you will learn--- * The definition of the God-kind of faith. * The God-kind of faith is faith in a person---God. * Contrasting persuasion and wavering. * How to become stable. * How to hold fast to your confession of faith. * The two main areas faith is convinced about.

  • The Just Shall Live By Faith

    05/10/2020 Duración: 54min

    The Just Shall Live By Faith by Barb Witt Ministries

  • Pt.4 How Tragedy Can Come--Unforgiveness

    20/07/2020 Duración: 49min

    In this session you will learn--- * How unforgiveness will put you in the hands of the tormentor--satan. * Unforgiveness--the sin unto death. * Why Jesus used a sycamine tree as a symbol of unforgiveness in Luke 17:6. * It's just as important to forgive yourself as it is to forgive others.

  • Pt.1 Victory In Praise & Thanksgiving

    15/07/2020 Duración: 54min

    In this session you will learn--- * How we can benefit from a lifestyle of praise and thanksgiving. * What it means to give thanks in everything. * Your spiritual maturity is connected to how thankful you are. * How Abraham moved from weak faith to having strong faith. * Why we as New Testament believers receive the Lord's Supper. * The two main components of thanksgiving.

  • Pt.3 How Tragedy Can Come..

    15/07/2020 Duración: 44min

    In this session you will learn: * The same way you open the door for God to have access into your life is the same door you gran satan access to your life. * Why above all else you need to guard your heart (spirit man). * The Biblical application of meditating in the Word of God. * Common examples of wrong thinking. * Words produce images on the inside of you. * Prayer releases spiritual forces that is why it is important to pray according to the Word and not the problem. * Strife is the open door for satan to bring division, confusion and sickness. * Strife is the opposite of walking in love and will hinder your faith and prayers.

  • It's Possible--Why Didn't It Work?

    20/02/2020 Duración: 42min

    In this session you will discover--- * Jesus did not heal anybody or perform miracles to prove He was the Son of God. He never took credit for healing anybody. * Before going to the cross in our place, Jesus came to show us the will of God. * Traditional explanations why we don't see hearings and miracles today on the level they occurred in the Bible. * Unbelief comes when you have more confidence in what your 5 physical senses are telling you, than the Word of God. * 2 indicators of unbelief. * The cure for unbelief.

  • It's Possible

    20/02/2020 Duración: 36min

    It's Possible by Barb Witt Ministries

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