David Boles: Human Meme



This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are in the critical moment of human induction. David Boles is a writer, publisher, teacher, lyricist and author living and working in New York City. He has dedicated his life to founding the irrevocable aesthetic. Be a Human Meme!


  • Deconstructed Expectation

    19/08/2021 Duración: 11min

    To create a great society, we must first deconstruct our interactions. To achieve greatness, we must leave behind something meaningful. We sacrifice for the greater good. We leave behind the better bad. Together, we defeat a shared, looming, death.

  • Everything is Forever

    12/08/2021 Duración: 11min

    The paper world burned; the digital world is transferable. Our privacy has mutated into reams of information that can be used against us by our entertainment outlets, and our governments. Where is the one safe space left open to us? Today, we discover the answer to that question.

  • Virtue Signalling Advertising

    05/08/2021 Duración: 11min

    Body shaming makes its TV advertising debut in the guise of a false celebration. There's a fine line between being Woke, Virtue Signalling, and making fun of people all in order to sell us soap and body lotion. We are valued only by what we buy because that's the real Average American Dream.

  • Law and Order Recluse

    29/07/2021 Duración: 09min

    We find comfort in the punishing familiar. When society boils, we turn to the well-known, and the predictable. The police television drama, the cop follow-along, the scripted emergency rescue, have all placed the honor of justice over the badge of valor; and yet, the bad intentions are still among us. The American West was won, with the gun, and we are still searching for the setting sun.

  • How to Cover “Wish You Were Here”

    22/07/2021 Duración: 11min

    Covering a famous song is an uneasy task for the unanticipated. For example, Pink Floyd's haunting song "Wish You Were Here" is not a soft lullaby, but a confrontational lament. Too many amateur performers choose the wrong method for the retelling; here's how to fix that problem. 

  • Everything Points to Itself

    15/07/2021 Duración: 10min

    From circles, to spirals, to straight lines; we remain our own worst enemy. The self prefers introspection over outer innovation. It is safer, and warmer, to remain self-reverent instead of exponentially helping others exploit their cold talents for human conclusion, and community consciousness.

  • From Bobby Fischer to AlphaZero

    08/07/2021 Duración: 19min

    Chess can be beautiful in its expansive logic. Bobby Fischer taught us that chess could be played, and won, beyond the board; and AlphaZero shows us that chess imagined by a computer can be even more creative in process than the previous human mind.

  • Design Theory vs. Experienced Living

    01/07/2021 Duración: 12min

    Architects should be required to live in their own designs. Too often the theory of implementation becomes more important than the actual pleasurable living experience in a designed space. It is not enough to create beauty without also adding functionality to a protected space.

  • No Advocacy Advocates

    24/06/2021 Duración: 07min

    To be an advocate, you must care about the end. Too often, the False Advocate is not in the world for the goodness of it, but merely for the temporary, self-staking glory that reeks from publicity, and social media. We need to find a way, together, to press back against unserious idols who live to trick us, and fake results!

  • The Moral Society

    17/06/2021 Duración: 11min

    The immoral outnumber us, yet they claim to be the majority. We cannot be corrupted by the "second chancers" and by those who do not wish us to be better human animals. We must always work together, to form a better society, where character, and deeds, matter.

  • Things Fall Apart

    10/06/2021 Duración: 11min

    When things come undone, we search to blame. It isn't enough for us to accept a failure. No, for closure, we need just one reason for the fall, but only one reason. Neil Young taught us that, sometimes, there are a thousand reasons for a fall and that fact alone needs to be the answer.

  • Performative Grief

    03/06/2021 Duración: 12min

    We cannot be left alone to learn community rituals. We become one, together, by sharing information, and by teaching expectation; and if time is not spent on bringing young minds into the human rituals of society, we become, and then remain, broken and alone as a people.

  • Skinflint: Blood in the Stone

    27/05/2021 Duración: 13min

    Cheap is not the path to generosity. You've met the skinflint. You know the cheapskate. You might even be one of them; but there are few things in life more disappointing than being told after the fact that you owe someone money. Here's how to deal with the deadbeat payer.

  • When Dummies Decide

    20/05/2021 Duración: 13min

    There's a difference between being dumb, and being a Dummy. A whole book publishing industry is dedicated to those who self-identify as a Dummy; but what do we make of those who are proud of just being dumb, and unwilling, and protected from learning anything new? The biggest threat to a safe society is the self-identifying, self-comforting, and self-condemning, dumb person.

  • The 300-lb Ballerina

    13/05/2021 Duración: 11min

    A human aesthetic is created to celebrate, not humiliate. What do we choose to value in Art? Is inclusion more important than ability? Do we care more for participation than precision in performance? Some among us want to change the look, and resonance, of the traditional performance Arts; but do we want to so quickly toss away a 500-year-old standard? 

  • Adding to the Christofascism Lie

    06/05/2021 Duración: 13min

    The Holocaust is not an Easter story. There are some, the Christofascists among us, who propagate the lie -- some, perhaps, unwittingly -- that the Christ child is the center of all religions, when that is not true. Here is the story of how that lie is propagated.

  • Where the Day Goes to Die

    29/04/2021 Duración: 17min

    We seek renewal in the East, and find death in the West. In that arc of the day, we struggle to define the truth of each moment, while resisting the evil effort to rewrite what has already been lived.

  • Too Many Tomorrows

    22/04/2021 Duración: 12min

    We have a shared, and fatal, fat mentality. Some try to convince us there's such a thing as being "Healthy Fat" when no such condition exists. If we are ever again to regain our place in our own lives, we must become honest, and face down the temptation of the adverse calorie.

  • The Great White Bridge as Throughline

    15/04/2021 Duración: 12min

    Joe Biden is a historical bridge worth crossing. Sure, Joe is owned by the big banks. Sure, Joe told student loan borrowers to pound sand. Sure, Joe lied about the $2,000 stimulus checks; but maybe there's more to his throughline than we need to imagine. 

  • Putting it on the Record

    08/04/2021 Duración: 11min

    A "Deal is a Deal" is dead and gone. A handshake is cancelled. All the terms of keeping your word have now gone the way of the comfort of community where you once belonged merely by being. Now the world is about paper, contracts, and the forced enrollment of a morality that no longer matters.

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