New Dimensions



New Dimensions is an original and powerful forum for inspired and inspiring voices and views on a wide range of timely and timeless topics. Activism, art, education, science, psychology, philosophy, health, spirituality, global transformation, cross-cultural traditions, the interconnectedness of all life All these and more are featured in this award-winning one-hour interview program that has been broadcast on public radio since 1973. For more information and over a thousand hours of downloadable programs visit


  • A Premonition About Premonitions - Larry Dossey, M.D. - ND3313


    Millions of people have reported having a dream or intuition that later came true. There is compelling data  from a growing mountain of research and fascinating theories about what it all means. Collectively, Dossey sees this information as one more clue that we’re all connected, each of us part of a great continuum that extends beyond space and time.Tags: Larry Dossey, ESP, premonition, consciousness, remote viewing, J. B. Rhine, 9/11 stories, John William Dulnne, David Bohm, Dreams, Health & Healing, Intuition, Psychic, Parapsychology, Paranormal, Science, Spirituality

  • Strengthening Your Ability to Pay Attention - Winifred Gallagher - ND3306


    How may we focus on what is important to us? How can we avoid technology overload? Why do certain things grab our attention and not others? With so many things now demanding our attention - emails, cell phones, text messages - many of us are overwhelmed by a plethora of distractions. Our lives may be described as the sum of what we focus on.Tags: Winifred Gallagher, psychology, focus, attention, meditation, brain, motivation, will power, Science, Psychology 

  • A Wild and Laughing God - Tessa Bielecki - ND3301


    A lifelong Christian monastic who now lives in a cabin in the desert, Bielecki offers practical suggestions that will help you break out of the everydayness of your spiritual practice, bring laughter and play into your relationship with the sacred, and rediscover the wildness in your own life.Tags: Bible, Christianity, Desert Foundation, Jesus, mp3, Mysticism, Sabbath, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saints, Scriptures, spirituality, Tessa Bielecki

  • The Meaning of Refuge - Terry Tempest Williams - ND2294


    Williams connects two catastrophic events: living downwind of nuclear testing in the deserts of Utah, and the record-breaking flooding of the Great Salt Lake. These events have deeply affected her sense of the need for refuge. She poetically conveys to us her personal perspectives on grief, love, and the spirituality of nature, lake and desert.Tags: Terry Tempest Williams, atomic testing, nuclear power, Great Salt Lake, Utah, cancer, nature, grief, spirituality, creativity, family, relationship, poetry, ancestors, Ecology, Nature, Environment, Social Change, /Politics, Personal Transformation, Relationship, Partnerships, Self Help

  • Aging With Grace And Humor Susan Moon - ND3374


    Travel with Susan Moon to get an inside view on the perils and joys of aging. With humor and deep insight, she encourages us to move forward in our aging with courage and hope. She talks about coping with “senior moments”, facing the death of loved ones and why long-term friendships matter. She is the author of This is Getting Old: Zen Thoughts on Aging with Humor and Dignity.Tags: Susan Moon, Personal Transformation,  Buddhism,  Community,  Death , Dying,  Aging , Senior Moment, Eldering, Growing Old, Personal Growth, Buddhism, Community, Death & Dying

  • Outliving The Limitation Of Our Personal Stories - Gangaji - ND3415


    The stories we tell ourselves about our childhood and our present life are like clothing we put on. But do these tales tell us who we truly are? Gangaji says, "For better and worse, our stories become the reference points for defining who we are, who we are with, and what it all means." How do we separate ourselves from this narrative and uncover the truth of our lives?Tags: Gangaji, Stories, storytelling, suffering, personal narrative, nature of inquiry, fear, habits of mind, questions, reversal of fortune, Papaji, Sri H.W.L. Poonja, emotion, emotions, feeling, feelings, Spirituality, Meditation, Personal Transformation, Psychology, Religion, Self Help

  • Homer, An Eyeless Cat, Teaches Love And Courage - Gwen Cooper - ND3391


    Homer survived being trapped without Cooper for days after 9/11 in an apartment near the World Trade Center.  Listen as Cooper shares how his unswerving loyalty, his infinite capacity for love, and his joy in the face of all obstacles inspired her daily and transformed her life.Tags: Gwen Cooper, cat, veterinarian, 9/11, love, animal companions,  Animals, Relationship, Partnership, Sexuality

  • New Worlds Emerge When Patterns Break Down - Marguerite Moore Callaway - ND3425


    The world is changing and we must learn to move and change with it.  Each of us must cultivate our leadership capacities and assume responsibility to manifest creative solutions. Callaway shares how we can cultivate our own leadership qualities.Tags: ambiguity, bionomics, brain, business management, collaboration, deep breathing, economics, health care, intuition, leadership, living systems, Marguerite Callaway, Marguerite Moore Callaway, polarized, politics, Rick Hansen, science, solutions, time, western mind, Business, Personal Growth 

  • Scientific Support for the Spiritual Dimension of Life - Charles Tart, Ph.D. - ND3628


    As a research scientist who is also interested in spirituality, Tart would like to see the scientific method applied to inform a deeper understanding of religious and spiritual phenomena. Here he explores the difference between scientism and science. He also shares his own personal psychic experience. Charles Tart, Ph.D. is the author of The Secret Science of the Soul: How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit Together.Tags: Charles Tart, skeptics, pseudoskeptics, Dean Radin, Newtonian shields, quantum physics, nonlocality, spooky action at a distance, intellectual functioning, emotional functions, body instinctive functioning, materialism, psychical research, predictions, telepathy, parapsychology, esp, clairvoyance, remote viewing, precognition, psychokinesis, altered states, psychic healing, hypnosis, Western Creed, Science, Spirituality, Personal Transformation, Meditation, Parapsychology/Paranormal, Intuition/Psychic

  • Intelligent Evolution - Nicki Scully - ND3439


    Healer Nicki Scully tells us how it is time for us to move from healing ourselves to healing the planet. We can do this collectively by joining together in circles, in phone-bridges, and in our own personal meditations. Now is the time for us to make a quantum leap in consciousness. We must co-create this movement; we must allow spirit to come in through our hearts and minds. Scully says, “Now is the time of tremendous opportunity for people to put their hearts and minds together. If all of the individuals join in circles, and all the circles join, and we’re all focusing on planetary healing, this uniting of minds and hearts can give us a tremendous opportunity for quantum leap [in consciousness].” Tags: alchemy, cancer, co-crafting evolution, co-creation, fear, harmonic convergence, heart breath, intelligent evolution, mp3, Nicki Scully, quantum leap in consciousness, shamanic healing, shamanism, spirit medicine, Global Culture, Health & Healing, Personal Growth, Self-Help

  • The Choice Point for Humanity in “The Age of Surprises” - Deirdre Hade & William Arntz - ND3619


    This physicist and mystic combine their wisdom and experience to encourage us at this time of “choice point” for humanity. They describe what occurs in our brain when surprises happen and how that provides the opportunity to instantly change a long-standing habit. Hade describes the importance of knowing our core values in order to be resilient.Tags: Deirdre Hade, William Arntz What The Bleep Do We Know, illumination, mysticism, scientism, curiosity, intuition, Sodom and Gomorrah, faith, Age of Surprises, habits, neuroplasticity, resilience, core virtues, core values, despair, fear, awe, soul, angelic presence, archangels, Philosophy, Science, Spirituality, intuition/psychic, 

  • Humanity Moving From Adolescence To Maturity - Anodea Judith, Ph.D.- ND3485


    Judith takes us on a historical journey and moves us into the present era. She has hope for the future and points out that there is an under-reported grassroots movement taking place today, but warns, “We need to be careful not to judge it as a system that doesn’t work just because it’s young… we have to move through the chaos and find a new organizing principle.” Tags: Anodea Judith, rational thinking, mythical thinking, chakras system, human kind’s stages of survival, static masculine, static feminine, dynamic masculine, dynamic feminine, butterfly and caterpillar, photosynthesis, single celled microbes became multi-celled organisms, consumers, imaginal cells, Arab spring, power dynamic, homeostasis, Jesus, democracy, internet, neocortex of the planet, three brains, limbic, reptilian, neocortex, twitter, facebook, Gaia, Occupy movement, web connection, ideagora, green technologies, heartmath, Global Culture, Psychology, History, Social Change/Politics, Personal Transformation, Spirituality

  • Rewiring our Brain's Pain Pathways - Daivd Hanscom, M.D. - ND 3618


    Here we explore the mind/body connection with pain, and the mechanism of chronic pain, with a spine specialist surgeon who has over 30 years experience in the care of chronic back pain. He advocates something he calls DOC, which stands for Direct Your Own Care, and he only performs surgery on patients he feels are certain to find relief through surgery. He is the author of Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain.Tags: David Hanscom, chronic pain, adrenalized nervous system, adrenalin, cortisol, anxiety, URTs, unpleasant repetitive thoughts, structural pain, nervous system pain, pain circuits, pain pathways, neuroplasticity, myelin, nerve cells, meditation, expressive writing, spinal fusion, sleep, mindfulness, Health & Healing, Personal Transformation

  • Principled Design Based On The Laws Of Nature - William McDonough - ND3455


    McDonough describes what is meant by the idea of “Cradle to Cradle,” and says “Things are designed to either go back to biology or back to technology without contaminating each other.” He tells us that we can and must design things to go back into an intelligent material pool for human benefit without contaminating the environment. Tags: bionutrients, cold fusion, Cradle to Cradle, e=mc2, ecology, effective, efficiency, environment, environmentalism, environmentalist, human rights, Make it Right project, nature, Pacific garbage patch, population, sewage plants, social equity, technology, technonutrients, triple top line, William McDonough, Business, Ecology, Nature, Environment, Personal Growth, Science, Self-Help, Social Change, Politics, Technology

  • Science Set Free - Rupert Sheldrake - ND3476


    British biologist Rupert Sheldrake asks questions that most scientists haven't thought of, or have been discouraged from asking. He is best known for his morphic field theory, which explores aspects of reality that are unexplained in terms of current physics. In this talk, he proposes setting science free from its most constricting dogmas and unexamined assumptions. He is the author of several books including:The Rebirth of Nature; The Greening of Science and God (Bantam 1991), A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance (J.P. Tarcher 1995), The Presence of the Past (Times Books 1995), Natural Grace: Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science (coauthor Matthew Fox) (Doubleday 1996), The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet (coauthor Matthew Fox)(HarperSanFrancisco 1996), Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (Three Rivers Press 2001), Seven Experiments That Could Change the World:

  • A Deepening Year In Solitude - Robert Kull, Ph.D. - ND3288


    What would lead a person to choose to live alone for a year on a small, remote island on the coast of southern Chile? What is it like to truly notice how, as humans, we are constantly shifting from a sense of isolation into the experience of freedom and belonging?  Robert Kull discusses these questions, and more. Tags: MP3  Robert Kull, Solitude,  Wilderness,  Patagonia,  Storytelling,  Journaling,  Mindfulness,  Alon,  Wind, Ecology/Nature/Environment, Buddhism, Meditation, Spirituality, Travel

  • Surviving And Thriving When Times Are Tough - Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. - ND3332


    When stress feels overwhelming, we struggle to find the balance we desperately need to get through it all. Borysenko guides us through the warning signs of pessimism and the pitfalls of optimism, and offers up a wealth of suggestions for how to develop what she calls “stress-hardiness”—to handle all of life’s challenges with resilience, equanimity, and inner peace.Tags: Joan Borysenko, optimism, pessimism, fear, stress, realism, realist, optimist, pessimist, faith, discernment, judgment, Ilya Prigogine, Martin Seligman, Positive Psychology, commitment, Personal Transformation, Health, Healing, Psychology, Self Help, Spirituality

  • Reawakening The Spirituality Of Men - Matthew Fox, Ph.D. - ND3283 (1)


    Matthew Fox, Ph.D. has had his finger on the pulse of western spirituality for decades. When he casts his keen eye on the state of spirituality among men in the twenty-first century, you can be sure he’ll discern the unspoken woundedness, yearning, and passion of the modern warrior. (This program was originally Broadcast in 2008.)Tags: MP3, archetypes, arts, creativity, dark goddess, feminine, Glue Men, green man, Hunter-Gatherers, masculine, Matthew Fox, Men’s Studies, philosophy, Sacred Marriage, spirituality, warrior

  • Listening To Your Wise And Beautiful Heart - Judith Orloff, M.D. - ND3324


    Dr. Judith Orloff says intuition comes through being entirely receptive, open, playful, and as spontaneous as possible. She offers a wealth of suggestions for how you can expand your inner knowing—and in the process discover a more loving, inspired way of living.Tags: Judith Orloff, intuition, psychic, synchronicity, Déjà vu, premonitions, fear, Intuition/Psychic, Dreams, Self Help

  • Genuine Sustainable Abundance - Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne - ND3466


    Does our present system of economics truly serve the needs of the 21st century world? What are the stepping stones to a new economic structure? Lietaer and Dunne give many examples of successful, large scale, cooperative and complementary currencies in place today offering various communities resilience and sustainability and making for more robust economic systems. Tags: Bernard Lietaer, Jacqui Dunne, IKung people, Bali Banjar system, barter, complementary currencies, cooperative currencies, Curitiba Brazil, debt, demurrage, Deutsche Bank, Frequent Flyer Miles, Fureai Kippu, interest, social capital, WIR, World Bank, Business, Community, Global Culture, Money/Economics, Social Change/Politics 

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