Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe



Women's Wellness - Weight Loss - Wisdom


  • Mental Wellbeing Mojo

    28/01/2021 Duración: 20min

    Mental Wellbeing Mojo Here are just a few takeaways from my mental wellbeing video...  This video is not meant to diagnose or treat mental illness, clinical depression or other disorders First, nutrition is crucial for brain health and what you eat matters so be sure to eat properly Even when we watch what we eat and incorporate lotsa veggies, we still may need extra vitamins Watch out for chemicals in food, air, water and items you purchase and minimize them where you can Fresh air and exercise are very important for mental health and wellbeing so be sure to get enough Be careful about what you watch, see or consume on TV, Social Media and other info sources Negative shows and news can be very detrimental to your mental wellbeing so don't watch them Don't get caught up in your own little bubble or one side of things as this creates a negative loop Don't depend on one source of information or one viewpoint and open your mind to possibilities A spiritual connection to something good, a higher energy, God or t

  • Coach to Coach on Wellness Issues

    10/01/2021 Duración: 43min

    Wellness Coaching Interview Join Theresa Marie and I as we discuss all things wellness and beyond!  It's always fun to speak to another coach and compare notes on how to improve overall wellbeing especially in trying times.  It's not unusual to have ups and downs in tumultuous times, but we must learn to control the stress to stay healthy. Learn several easy ways you can move your body without going to the gym and which supplements are crucial for maintaining good health.  Our food and soil just aren't as fortified as they used to be so it's very important to make up for any lost nutrients. I go over a few of the most important vitamins we have to be sure we're getting in the video. We also discuss how to improve your mood and feel better from the inside out especially when you're alone. For many of us, it's difficult to keep our minds from wandering or thinking about the negative which can have a detrimental effect on our mental state. Theresa and I go over some great ways to overcome momentary depressive fe

  • World Wellness or What

    09/12/2020 Duración: 30min

    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/theyoupy/public_html/lisampepe/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php on line 3284 Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/theyoupy/public_html/lisampepe/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php on line 3284 Worldwide Wellness or What? Some takeaways from this video about Worldwide Wellness... There seems to be a shift moving us towards a more global world view on all things wellness Do your own research on everything using alternative search engines and sources to find truth Many medical professionals all over the world are putting together information you need to hear Expand your reach and gain a better perspective by not watching the main stream news Informed consent, right to try and freedom to take vitamins & supplements is being threatened Your health is important and you must retain your right to protect it as you see fit is God given Some world plans for wellness sound good, but the ways they want to get there can be harmful There are always several different ways that can be comb

  • Lockdowns Lower Immunity

    21/11/2020 Duración: 23min

    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/theyoupy/public_html/lisampepe/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php on line 3284 Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/theyoupy/public_html/lisampepe/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php on line 3284 Lockdowns Can Lower Immunity Some takeaways from this video (watch below) about lockdowns and immunity are... First, the on-line Miriam Webster Definition of lockdown is... 1: the confinement of prisoners to their cells for all or most of the day as a temporary security measure2a: an emergency measure or condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building (such as a school) during a threat of danger… the school went on lockdown when a student brought a pellet gun to campus.— Ian Gordon2b: a temporary condition imposed by governmental authorities (as during the outbreak of an epidemic disease) in which people are required to stay in their homes and refrain from or limit activities outside the home involving public contact (such as di

  • Keeping Your Joy

    16/10/2020 Duración: 14min

    How to Keep Keeping Your Joy Learn to keep your joy and not let others opinions ruin it ... Don't seek the approval of others or outside sources for your joy and well being With so many opinions and circumstances surrounding us, it's easy to let it affect us The opinions of others - including media - can cause anger, contention and frustration You can take from other's opinions, but don't let them consume you or steal your joy Opinions are like... You know the saying... But you don't have to buy into every one Try to figure out why an opinion frustrates you and look into it further from the heart No opinion is absolute, right or wrong, good or bad or the only piece of the story Anything that comes in and tries to steal your joy can be transmuted and rationalized Try to meditate a minute when you have incoming opinions, perceptions & perspectives There might be a tiny bit of merit to what you're hearing that you can learn from Go within and focus on it from your higher self to see it in a different light wit

  • Breathe Fresh Air

    01/09/2020 Duración: 14min

    Breathe Fresh Air! Some takeaways from this video about the importance of breathing fresh air... Fresh air can improve many body functions and systems Fresh air can strengthen the immune system and boost your mood Lack of fresh air can be detrimental to your health and cause side effects Lack of fresh air contributes to fatigue, brain fog, lung disorders and more Psychological issues have been linked to pollutants in the air we breathe Indoor air can be full of pollutants like formaldehyde, VOCs and other gasses You must increase your fresh air exposure and exchange the air in your home Several live plants mentioned in this video also help to absorb pollutants Be sure to change your furnace and air purification system filters often Wearing a mask all day long can cause health issues so only wear when required There are safe ways to handle and wear a mask without endangering your health The best defense is a good immune system and you need fresh air to do this My free download contains a list of all mentione

  • Stress-Anxiety-Emotions

    17/07/2020 Duración: 16min

    Stress - Anxiety - Emotions  Some takeaways from this video about stress, anxiety and emotions... Figure out where your stress is coming from - Is it internal or external - Is it all yours Look at external sources to see how and why they're creating internal stress for you Note your stressors and try to rationally work through the anxiety and emotions they cause You can't control other people or outside influences, but you can manage your reaction to them Discern whether the stress is from your "stuff" and if so, work on the emotions you are feeling If your stress & anxiety is from external sources, try not to internalize it or let it make you feel bad Things like negative news and programs can affect you internally even if you don't realize it Know that outside influences are mostly someone else's viewpoint and aren't the whole story Minimize programming that creates lower vibration emotions like fear, anger, guilt and shame Use the 70/30 rule to determine whether to continue doing things that are stressin

  • Use Your Inner Compass

    21/05/2020 Duración: 35min

    Wellness Tip - How to Use Your Inner Compass... We all can get bombarded by Media, Social Media, Stories, Opinions, Truths, Lies and more each day.  Many different emotions can come up for us and I want to share with you some of the ways I use my inner compass to navigate through all of this. Intuition and learning how to process your emotions is very important. When you are bombarded with "news stories" and it brings up emotions like fear and anger, hope and hopelessness that overwhelms you, try to notice what you are thinking and feeling.  Stop and think about where the emotion (like fear) is coming from.  Many times you can dig deep and ask yourself what the emotion is and where it is coming from... Many times "fear" is from fear of death, fear of the unknown, fear of not being in control, fear of not knowing how to proceed. Once you find the root of the emotion (fear, anger, etc), you can work on dissipating it.  One of the main ways I do this for myself is by tapping into spirituality... God, a higher po

  • Wellness Pillars

    17/04/2020 Duración: 20min

    How to Strengthen Your Wellness Pillars Wellness Pillars can keep you sane and sturdy during stressful times. Physical, Mental and Spiritual wellness are the 3 areas of wellness that I feel are the most important to keep balanced. The First Pillar is Physical Wellness which can compose of many things, but the base should be nutrition.  Eating foods that give you essential vitamins and minerals is imperative.  Make sure that you're buying and consuming as many whole foods as you can to be as nutritionally sound as possible. I also always recommend a really good multiple vitamin (please schedule a Personal Coaching Session to go over your options) and I also like to bump things up a notch with extra vitamin D, C, B-Complex and more. The next part of the Physical Wellness Pillar is eating what's good for you and staying away from what's not so good... Watch/read more about how to strengthen your Wellness Pillars below...

  • How To Worry Well

    04/04/2020 Duración: 11min

    Wellness Tip - How to Worry Well Worrying well might seem almost impossible. especially if you are a Type A personality such as myself.  My advice on the subject is to turn your worry into something more productive so it doesn't wreck your well being.  If you have many worried thoughts in your head, get them out of there!  Write down your main worry and all (positive or negative) thoughts about it on a piece of paper.  Then split the paper down the middle.  On the left side, write a few things you can control about the worry.  On the right side, write what you can't control about it.  Do this separately for each main worry you have. Once you have your worry in writing, focus on what you can do today and come up with a plan to take some baby action steps!  This may sound simple, but it's really important that you take immediate positive actions to feel more in control of a situation!  If you'd like to dive a little deeper into creating a personalized action plan for yourself, you can take part in or watch the

  • Stay Well with F Words

    27/03/2020 Duración: 12min

    How to Stay well with "F" Words! Whether you’re reading this during or after the COVID-19 corona virus outbreak, this post can still be relevant for many stressful situations. My heart and prayers go out to everyone affected by this or any other crisis! Being an Italian from Boston and New Jersey, I’ve used the 4 letter “F” word many times to get through a tough situation.  I’ve also “Freaked Out” on occasion! . Just can’t help myself, but when I’m finished with those two, I settle down and go through a few more productive “F” words… The first one I go to is “Fundamentals” because this gets me back to the basics.  If I have food, water, shelter and clothing, etc, I can relax a bit knowing I have a strong foundation.  Organizing, taking inventory and getting all of my “Fundamentals” in place first can go a long way in feeling more secure and somewhat in control. My next “F” words are “Friends and Family"… Watch and read more below...

  • Hygiene & Immune

    06/03/2020 Duración: 45min

    Special Mini-Training on Healthy Hygiene & Immune Boosters... It's difficult to avoid getting sick during cold and flu season, but if you practice a few healthy hygiene habits and boost your immune system, you have a better chance of shortening the duration of whatever you do catch!  At the time I am writing this, our nation is in the middle of a Novel (new) Coronavirus outbreak and the CDC has recommended several actions for everyone to take to keep from getting it and hopefully slowing the spread of it.  In this Video Post, I go over the action steps the CDC and NIH are telling us to take along with a few of my own suggestions for you to try. I also give you several immune boosting vitamins, minerals and herbs I feel are crucial for overall health and wellness even if there is no apparent viral or bacterial threat to the population.  I am a big proponent of taking supplements from a reputable source on a daily basis to off-set the lack of nutrients currently found in the American diet due to poor eating hab

  • Mind Body Detox

    14/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    Every year we make resolutions and begin programs that we just don’t complete! This year I want that to be different for you! To do this, you must take the time to tune into what it is your really want to achieve, shift your thinking, clear the negative energies and align your physical self. I call it a mind & body detox!

  • Can We Talk Menopause


    Menopause symptoms can wreak havoc on women in their 30's to 70's and beyond. Take matters into your own hands and learn to tune into your body to ease the pain!

  • Simple Goal Preparation Steps

    02/02/2018 Duración: 15min

    15 easy goal setting steps to stop procrastination! Use for weight loss, wellness goals and any other area of your life that you want to succeed in.

  • Lose Weight Intuitively

    29/09/2017 Duración: 16min

    In order to succeed in reaching your wellness and weight loss goals, you must tap into your own intuition to determine what is good and bad for your body!

  • Not All About Weight Loss

    15/09/2017 Duración: 15min

    Weight loss is just a side effect of getting your body back in balance. Learn how a few easy tweaks to your daily life can make a big difference in your well-weight.

  • Say No To GMO

    07/09/2017 Duración: 15min

    Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) have been altered to be pesticide resistant or bug resistant (if bugs can’t eat it, we certainly can’t digest it). In increasing numbers, foods being engineered this way and while this does help us to produce more food for people and farm raised beef, chicken, pork and fish, it is not good for our health and the health of our environment.

  • You Are What You Eat

    24/08/2017 Duración: 17min

    Your body will react to everything you eat.... in a good way or a bad way! Learn 5 questions to ask yourself before every meal to minimize negative reactions!

  • Stay Calm In The Storm

    17/08/2017 Duración: 19min

    Lisa gives you simple ways to keep your mind and body calm in any storm so you can power through the challenges at hand to succeed in your well-weight goals.

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