1st Peter (2015)

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 181:39:34
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This epistle focuses on the critical doctrine of how we face adversity and how we are to think about it in our lives. The key word is the word for suffering and its many synonyms. The purpose is to remind all believers that God has a destiny and a future inheritance for them. What we think of as speed bumps interfering with our personal plans are actually Gods training tools and are to be expected, rejoiced in, and not dreaded.


  • 87 - Giving an Answer - Part 5. Old Testament: God Confronts Human Viewpoint, Biblical Examples [c]

    20/04/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    What can mankind understand from observation and logic? Listen to this lesson to learn that while we can learn many things, we are dependent on revelation from God to understand truth. See that the Bible contains this truth while apologetics is concerned with why we believe what we believe. Hear how it is a myth that science and Christianity are at war with each other. Learn that God created facts and man was created to understand God’s communication in the Bible. Click here to view the video uploaded by The Bible Society of Egypt entitled "Forgiveness Incarnated."

  • 86 - Giving an Answer - Part 4. Old Testament Biblical Examples [c]

    13/04/2017 Duración: 01h14min

    Many unbelievers have reasons why they say they can’t believe in God. Are you able to answer their objections in a thoughtful way? Listen to this lesson to learn that apologetics is a study of ways to defend the truth of God’s Word. Learn that evidences are tools that we can use when talking to unbelievers. See why only divine revelation is sufficient to learn about God. Find out how the Bible consistently presents a rational case for why we should believe in the truth of God’s Word beginning in Genesis. Additional information on apologetics by Charlie Clough is available here: Giving an Answer Theology and Apologetics

  • 85 - Giving an Answer - Part 3. Knowledge; Biblical Examples [c]

    06/04/2017 Duración: 01h12min

    Do you have a ready answer when someone asks you why you believe in God? Listen to this lesson to hear how to defend that the Scriptures are the only truth. Learn what facts are, how they can be interpreted differently, and how we can apply logic and rationalism, which is our common ground with unbelievers. Learn what evidences are and hear four basic elements in apologetics. Do not be in a hurry but find out where people are in their thinking and take them to the next step. Additional information on apologetics by Charlie Clough is available here: Giving an Answer Theology and Apologetics

  • 84 - Giving an Answer - Part 2 [c]

    23/03/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    What evidence can we use when defending Christianity to unbelievers? Listen to this lesson to learn about apologetics, which is a defense of the truth of the Bible. Understand that the purpose of apologetics is not to win an argument but to win over others so they can change their minds. Hear ways to talk to unbelievers by understanding the common ground we share. See several objections to learning apologetics and understand that we are commanded by God to be ready to answer unbelievers. Additional information on apologetics by Charlie Clough is available here: Giving an Answer Theology and Apologetics

  • 83 - The Goodness of God; Giving an Answer - Part 1 [c]

    09/03/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    Do you become flustered when someone asks about your beliefs, especially someone who is hostile to you? Listen to this lesson to see that we need to be ready to answer everyone who asks us. Find out what apologetics means and the importance of it. Understand that this is a strong stand for the truth of the Scriptures and not an apology for what we believe. Imagine yourself as a missionary trying to tell someone about the gospel who believes in a perverted pagan worldview. To help clarify some of the terminology used in the study of apologetics, Dr. Dean has begun developing an Apologetics Glossary. During this class Dr. Dean discussed apologetics and referenced some additional material by Charlie Clough on the subject: Giving an Answer Theology and Apologetics

  • 82 - The Goodness of God; Suffering for Doing the Right Thing [b]

    09/02/2017 Duración: 01h06min

    Do you have trouble believing in the goodness of God when you see all the bad things that are happening in this world? Listen to this lesson to hear how we can know about and have confidence in the goodness of God. Beginning with God’s creation, see how its beauty illustrates His goodness to mankind. Find out that His character or essence is an all-encompassing goodness that we can rely on. As Christians living in a hostile culture, see the importance of being able to explain God’s goodness and His plan of salvation to those around us. During this class Dr. Dean briefly discussed apologetics. Additional material on apologetics is available in the following resources: Giving an Answer Theology and Apologetics

  • 81 - Sins of the Tongue; The Goodness of God [b]

    26/01/2017 Duración: 56min

    You would never think of starting a raging out-of-control fire in your neighborhood, would you? Listen to this lesson to learn that that the Bible tells us that our tongue starts fires when we gossip, slander, and malign others. See that evil words that spew out of our mouths come from our sin nature and are destructive to us and to the object of our anger. Hear a listing of types of sins of the tongue, including lying, yelling, flattery, judging, and bitter rants. As we move on in this chapter we begin a study of suffering unjustly. Find out that we are always to be ready to explain what we believe to unbelievers.

  • 80 - How to Inherit a Blessing [b]

    19/01/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    Would you like to live a good life? The answer to that is pretty obvious because everyone would like that. The good news is that the Bible tells us how to achieve it. Listen to this lesson to see what it takes. The basic requirement is that we are believers who do not pay people back when they wrong us. If that seems impossible, it’s because it is unless you are confessing your sins, being filled by the Holy Spirit, and walking by means of the Spirit. Listen to the other requirements to guarantee happiness in the Christian life. See that this is best illustrated by the Good Samaritan.

  • 79 - How to Handle Hostility [b]

    12/01/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    Why can’t we just lead peaceful lives with no problems? Listen to this lesson to learn that we live in the Kosmic system that is hostile to Christians. As believers we have to choose whether to believe God’s truth or Satan’s viewpoint. See that it is only when we walk by means of the Spirit and learn God’s Word that we can be transformed in our thinking. Find out five qualities of thinking God’s way and what they mean. See that we need to be reliant on God and live peacefully with others so we can share the gospel with them.

  • 78 - Husbands [b]

    05/01/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    What is the husband’s responsibility toward his wife? Listen to this lesson to see that the husband is told to love his wife. Find out the meaning of the word used here for love and hear a biblical description of love, both the positive and negative sides of it. See how God uses our spouses to help us grow spiritually and that a Christian marriage should be a reflection to angels and the world of Christ’s love for the church. To fulfill this, a husband must be walking by means of the Spirit and growing spiritually.

  • 77 - Wives and Unbelieving Husbands [b]

    29/12/2016 Duración: 01h45s

    How should a wife behave when married to an unbelieving husband? Listen to this lesson to learn how the Bible gives general principles for this and for all marriages. See that the woman is to show respect for her husband and win him to salvation by her actions, rather than her words. Find out how she is to emphasize her inner character rather than than just make an outward fashion statement. See that both the husband and wife are to respect one another in a way that promotes stability in their family and for society.

  • 76 - The Doctrine of the Dance [b]

    22/12/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    How could the way a married couple dance together reveal a picture of their marriage? Listen to this lesson to learn that in dancing the man is to lead and the woman follow, so God has designated those roles for marriage. Learn that a man is held responsible by God for the success of the marriage. Learn the importance of a man listening to his wife and the mental attitudes required by both of them. See that each Christian couple has the mission of glorifying God by their marriage and that only when they work together can they fulfill this mission.

  • 75 - Wives, Husbands, Strong Families [b]

    15/12/2016 Duración: 01h05min

    Is it important for us to assert ourselves so we will be noticed and obtain our rights? Listen to this lesson to learn that the opposite is true. Instead, we are to submit to the authority of God and delegated authorities in order to glorify Him. See that when Jesus Christ submitted to death on the cross for our sins He set an example for us to follow. Learn that being submissive does not mean inferiority. Begin a study of the comparison of marriage with dancing where each partner has clearly defined roles and must work as a team.

  • 74 - The Servant's Humility [b]

    08/12/2016 Duración: 01h07min

    What is the path to greatness? Listen to this lesson to hear how Jesus took the path of humility and became the most important human who ever lived. See that humbling yourself means submission to authority. Find out four realities we have in Christ and five things we should do. Hear an explanation of Jesus’ relationship with God the Father both before and during the Incarnation. As believers see that Jesus is our example of how we are to relate to authority.

  • 73 - Will We Ever Understand Humility??? [b]

    01/12/2016 Duración: 59min

    What is humility? Does it mean we give up all our rights and let others take advantage of us? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus accepted unjust treatment and is our example. Find out what love for God involves and how it is our motivation for impersonal love for everyone. Learn about Moses’ humility and hear two Greek words that are used throughout the New Testament for humility. Realize that God sometimes has us go through difficult, humiliating circumstances so we can glorify Him by submitting to His authority.

  • 72 - Humility, Grace Orientation, and Submission [b]

    17/11/2016 Duración: 01h02min

    When we are under incredible pressure what should we do? Listen to this lesson to learn that we are to follow Jesus’ example when He submitted Himself to unjust authority, even to a horrible death on the cross. Find out about three kinds of followers and how they apply to our lives. Learn that much of Peter’s teaching here comes from Isaiah in the Old Testament referring to Christ. As believers realize that we have a choice whether to become disciples and say no to self-indulgence and self-centeredness. During this Bible class Dr. Dean referenced an important video to watch called "The Sacrifice," available on Joel Kramer's website at sourceflix.com.

  • 71 - Equality and Subordination [b]

    10/11/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Are men and women basically the same aside from their physical differences? And are they equal in every way as many assert today? Listen to this lesson to see that God created men and women differently because they have different roles to fulfill. See why this does not mean that either sex is superior to the other and that both are to humble themselves by subordinating themselves to authority. Hear a brief discussion of metaphysics and Darwinism to help us understand that it is God who gives us our rights.

  • 70 - Humility; Grace Orientation [b]

    03/11/2016 Duración: 01h02min

    When we submit to unfair authority are we just being a doormat? Listen to this lesson to see that Christians who obey unfair people who are over us develop humility and grace orientation. See that when we obey these people we are being gracious toward them even though they do not deserve it. Understand that how we respond to authority reveals how we respond to Christ. Find out that being submissive will be rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

  • 69 - Submission: Honoring or Demeaning [b]

    27/10/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    What does it mean to be a slave to God? Listen to this lesson to learn that we are always a slave either to the sin nature or to God. See that it is our volition that makes the difference. Hear four commands about respecting authority. Review the divine institutions and see how this shows why open borders are not God’s plan for nations. See Peter’s admonition to the lowest members of society that applies to all of us is to obey leaders even when they are unfair.

  • 68- The Magdeburg Confession; The Will of God: Do Good [b]

    20/10/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    What does submission to every ordinance of man mean? Listen to this lesson to learn that the only laws that are to be resisted are those that contradict biblical commands. Hear about the Magdeburg Confession and how nine pastors resisted laws which infringed on their right to choose their religion. See that the believer living under a pagan government is to do the revealed will of God, do good and live peaceably during their lives.

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