Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking



Call in (347) 945-5063Get advice from master relationship adviser, Mike Trojan.Check out the archives to get up to speed on my overall theories about women and dating.("Mike_Trojan") on Twitter. Email questions you want read on the air to lonehawk23@yahoo.com. Please put "Mike Trojan" in the subject line.


  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking #40

    10/02/2011 Duración: 34min

    Mike Returns to discuss some of his latest tweets. Check them out on twitter.com: "mike_trojan"

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking #39

    28/01/2011 Duración: 43min

    Mike returns with Vanessa Lobo to discuss "A Complete History of My Sexual Failures" by Director, Chris Waitt. They also discuss some of Mike Trojan's latest Tweets (@mike_trojan on twitter). A short but valuable show.

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking 38 w/ Mike Pilinski

    14/01/2011 Duración: 01h39min

    Mike Trojan welcomes to the show once again seduction expert, Mike Pilinski, Author of "Without Embarrassment" The Social Coward's Totally Fearless Seduction System. Check him out at hightstatusmale.com. They discuss many topics ranging from Adolf Hitler and the loser who just shot a bunch of people in a supermarket to why my friend Kip has been on 9 dates with the same girl and hasn't gotten past first base. Mike P. provides a surefire mental technique to completely destroy your fear of approaching women and many more great macking insights. Check him out at highstatusmale.com

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking 37

    07/01/2011 Duración: 01h02min

    Mike Trojan and Vanessa Lobo return to discuss a central problem that most guys have: They measure their self worth by whether or not they can score with hot women. You can see how this might pose a problem and why it's not a good idea, but how do you change? Mike explains exactly how getting rejections from hot women, when viewed properly, break you out of this cycle and, evenually, make you irresistable to all women. He also shows how avoiding rejections at all cost is sabotaging your macking progress. This is one of the most important episodes to date!

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking 36

    31/12/2010 Duración: 01h03min

    Mike Trojan and Vanessa Lobo read listener "success story" letters and discuss many topics, including: how to set yourself up for multiple lays in the spring; what leading men in action movies teach us about how we should behave around a woman; how to behave when the relationship becomes long distance; that women who wear a lot of makeup are often liars; picking women up in clubs; why making fun of hot women turns them on; picking up strippers and much more!

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking 35

    24/12/2010 Duración: 01h06min

    Mike returns with Vanessa Lobo to discuss the following: women generally want to be approached, many hot women are never approached, women don't like to seem single, women won't feel desire until they actually get hit on, the longer you wait to talk to her the less she will like you, women hate men who are looking for a woman to complete them, a true man must find a purpose that doesn't involve women, men need an elevator speech, online dating, and closing the sale. Also, more about focus and drugs.

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking 34

    16/12/2010 Duración: 46min

    Mike returns to discuss the following concepts: focus, drug use, breathing, diet, and stalker x-girlfriends

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking 33

    10/12/2010 Duración: 56min

    Mike discusses Chapter 5 of Mike Pilinksi's Seduction book, "Without Embarrassment"

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking 32 w/ Mike Pilinski

    03/12/2010 Duración: 01h14min

    Mike Trojan welcomes seduction expert, Mike Pilinski, Author of "Without Embarrassment" The Social Coward's Totally Fearless Seduction System.

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking 31

    19/11/2010 Duración: 25min

    Mike Trojan returns for a solo show. In this episode, Mike explains the necessity of developing and mastering a talent while one is single (since once a woman is in your life, she will dominate a lot of your time). This talent should be artistic but it can also be a business venture as well. Also, Mike continues analyzing Mike Pilinski's "Without Embarrassment" by looking at several "dont's" in the realm of seduction. Finally, he looks at some great basic lessons on 3 subjects: Pick Up Lines, How to Get Your Girlfriend Back, and Why You Must Touch Her Immediately. Special Thanks to Super Dating Guru, Carlos Xuma, for these tips. Check his system out at www.datingdynamics.com

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 30: Toxic Shame!

    15/11/2010 Duración: 51min

    Mike Trojan (joined by his valet, Vanessa Lobo) continues his analysis and discussion of Mike Pilinski's Book "Without Embarrassment." This week, he reads passages from chapter four in which he discusses the phenomenon of "Toxic Shame," possibly the single biggest impediment to approaching women.

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 29 w/ Zorg

    04/11/2010 Duración: 01h30min

    Mike Trojan welcomes Zorg the Mighty, Conqueror of the puny planet known as Earth or Terra. We are going to be talking about all the general principles of macking. We will eventually end up with a few basic things a dude must ALWAYS keep in one's mind to be successful. Plus, Mike will synopsize Chapter 2 of the book "Without Embarrasment" by Mike Pilinski. Sorry not taking calls today.

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 28

    28/10/2010 Duración: 01h01min

    Mike returns to read the first chapter from the best seduction book in the biz not authored by Mike Trojan: "Without Embarassment" by Mike Pilinski. This is mandatory reading for all seduction artists and will serve as a foundation for all future Advanced Macking podcasts.

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 27

    22/10/2010 Duración: 01h31min

    Mike Trojan and Vanessa Lobo go to the mailbag and to read and respond to letters from listeners who are out there actually trying to apply Mike's advanced macking principles to real world women! Oh oh! They also look at two articles by dating coach, Marius Panzarella: "Flirting Success With ANY Women" and "Basic Preparations [prior to macking]". Finally, Mike discusses a great article by D'Angelo, "Mental Tricks for Approaching Women."

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 26

    14/10/2010 Duración: 01h31min

    Mike Trojan is back with Vanessa Lobo. Finishing up The Manual on Approaches, Manual XIII, previewing the next few Macking shows. They continue to look at the article "20 Secrets Men Keep" Finally, the long awaited listener questions for Mike Trojan.

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 25

    08/10/2010 Duración: 01h31min

    Mike Trojan and Vanessa Lobo discuss the art of the approach according to the Trojan's Manual. Also, two articles: "20 Secrets Men Keep" and "5 mistakes men make with women"

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 24

    01/10/2010 Duración: 01h30min

    Mike Trojan returns with Vanessa Lobo. They continue through Manual XIII: Approaches. Mike talks about the different tests women throw a man's way and how he should react to them to seduce her. He talks about the importance of pissing a woman off just enough in order to get her to like you at all. The Emperor Big D stops in to drop some insight about DC Sniper's controversial appearance last week. Plus! A preview of Manuals 2-5!

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 23

    24/09/2010 Duración: 02h00s

    It’s episode 23 on SEPTEMBER 23! Mike Trojan returns with Vanessa Lobo with an episode all about PICK UP LINES! Do they work or not? And if they do – which ones work? Vanessa Lobo co-hosts the first and in the second, Mike is joined by the bombastic DC Sniper to discuss HIS philosophies on dating, women, game, sex, and much more. A MUST LISTEN~!

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 22

    17/09/2010 Duración: 01h00s

    Mike Trojan returns with Vanessa Lobo. They continue to review some of the more important principles from "Manual XIII: The Approach". They discuss the importance of a man developing and mastering a non-macking talent. (Hint: it must be something that impresses your peers, ok beatoffking?!) Logan and Vanessa then examines an article written as advice to women: "10 Reasons He Won't Call You For a Second Date" or something, and Mike preforms macking science ju-jitzu on it to yield more great advice for guys. Reggie calls up and asks 1) Don't women want a take-charge guy? and 2) shouldn't a guy be clear in his mind about what he wants: either a meaningless fling or a wife? Listen for the answers. Trojan pounds home that the only way you will a get good convo going with a stranger-woman is if you are qualifying her rather than blind-interviewing her to keep her talking. If you have in mind the criteria you require in a woman, your questions will all seek to discover them and put you in the role of the pursue

  • Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 21

    10/09/2010 Duración: 01h31min

    Mike Trojan flies solo in this episode as he discusses further the art of the cold approach and reads from Manual XIII. He covers many things including the importance of getting into a "sexual state" before approaching and the need to have in mind specific criterea that you are looking for in a woman as you speak to her. Also, he reveals the main reason cool guys are cool. The quick answer: they were willing to make fools of themselves in the past. Finally, Mike looks at another article by dating guru, David D'Angelo, "7 things that Can Instantly Make you more Attractive." Email Questions to lonehawk23@yahoo.

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