Disrupt Yourself Podcast With Whitney Johnson



Best-selling author Whitney Johnson (Disrupt Yourself) explores her passion for personal disruption through engaging conversations with disruptors. Each episode of this podcast reveals new insights about how we work, learn, and live.


  • 354 Chip Conley: On Finding Your Love Of Life, Even In Midlife

    02/01/2024 Duración: 52min

    Do you know that feeling when you’re cooking, and you’ve got all your ingredients chopped and ready to go, spices measured, oven pre-heated? All that’s left is for you to spin your magic as a cook. In the kitchen, the French call it mise en place, everything in its place. In that same vein, to disrupt yourself, your strategy and support need to be in place. You need to give yourself the room to roam, so to speak, to realize your full potential.  Our guest today is all about creating spaces that let you realize that potential. Chip Conley is the former founder of Joie De Vivre, a boutique hotel chain. He’s worked with AirBnB as a quote unquote modern elder, and now Chip’s turning his attention to the potential of midlife – a word so laden with stigma, he’s building regenerative horse ranches to change that. His new book, "Learning To Love Midlife", is out January 16th.  

  • 353 ENCORE Tara Swart: Your Neurons Are Much More Nimble Than You Realize

    26/12/2023 Duración: 49min

    Isn’t it frustrating when we feel like a passenger to our own thoughts and actions? In Buddhist thought, we’re supposed to watch our thoughts pass by like clouds in the sky… but that’s the ideal, after all. It’s a hard truth to swallow, that the human mind is much more mysterious than we’d hope it to be. So for today’s episode, we wanted to bring back a conversation I had back in 2020 with the neuroscientist and author Dr. Tara Swart. She’s spent her career tinkering with our brains, as both a doctor and an executive advisor, figuring out how we can harness this mysterious power we have. The machinery of our minds might be unknowable, but the way it adapts is not.  So what can we learn about not being a passenger to our own thoughts, about taking the wheel? I hope you enjoy.  

  • 352 Ken Woolley: Saving Space In Your Career For Trust And Love

    19/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    What does it mean to have a friend? What does it mean to be a friend? Someone you can rely on. Someone who understands you, not just the “you” that you project into the world. A friend is someone who knows they can rely on you, too.  How many times a week, a day, do you lean on your friends when you feel like you can’t stand on your own? Our guest today has built his career on the power of those friends – and being a friend, too. Ken Woolley is the founder of Extra Space Storage, those ubiquitous blocky buildings you always see from the highway. He’s managed airlines, developed apartments, even flipped vintage cars. But to hear him say it, none of it would be possible without that true spark of trust that comes from the friendships he’s built.

  • 351 Jennifer McCollum: How Can Women In The Workplace Find Their Own Voice?

    12/12/2023 Duración: 47min

    When’s the last time you got caught in the expectations others had for you? One person wants one thing, one version of you – another needs you to be someone else entirely… And who do you want to be? Do you even have time to think about that? The things people expect from us has a profound effect on how we act – we are social beings, after all. We aim, to please. Our guest today says that the burden of those expectations in the workplace fall unfairly onto women. Jennifer McCollum is the CEO of Linkage, devoted to advancing the real power of women leaders through leadership development. But how she got there has been a story of what Jennifer calls the double-bind of expectations on women. It’s a story of what she’s been called, too – a cupcake with a razor in it.  

  • 350 Scott K. Edinger: Ask Yourself, 'Would You Pay For Your Own Sales Call?'

    05/12/2023 Duración: 46min

    There’s an allure around the idea of sales. It’s the same allure they packaged so neatly in the show Mad Men, all confidence and charisma. But take it from the other perspective – have you ever had such a pushy car salesman, that you just left the lot? Our guest today says that’s because charisma isn’t a sales strategy. There’s no room for building trust in your solution when you’re focused on the close. Scott K. Edinger is a sales consultant to Fortune 50 companies, including AT&T, and he’s out with a new book – The Growth Leader. With such a disconnect from their company leaders, Scott says, sales teams are left to fend for themselves in their calls with clients. So how do you bridge the gap between the sales department and the C-suite?   

  • 349 Alex Osterwalder: Finding The Beauty In Your Company's Organizational Chart

    28/11/2023 Duración: 51min

    Growing your people to grow your organization – it makes sense, right? But what about approaching the problem from the other direction – growing your organization, to grow your people? When’s the last time you looked at the state of your org chart? And how willing are you to experiment with it? Today, I want to bring back an old episode. In 2020, we spoke with Alex Osterwalder about his idea of an invincible company – one that is constantly reinventing itself to stay on the bleeding edge of disruption. Alex, along with his mentor Yves Pigneur, is one of the top-ranked management thinkers in the world – as of Thinkers50 2023, which just wrapped up, the duo is number 8 on that list. I hope you enjoy.  

  • 348 Scott Osman and Jacquelyn Lane: Learning To Make The Most Of The Hard Truths

    21/11/2023 Duración: 56min

    Coaching often involves speaking a truth the other person doesn’t really want to hear. Even when we’re lost for direction, being pointed in the right way can feel like this indictment on being lost in the first place. But a lot of clients will describe this idea of the unlock – the a-ha – when that self-doubting voice fades, and the voice of the coach comes into focus.  How can we prime ourselves to receive these messages? Our guests today have a new book out on exactly that question. Jacquelyn Lane and Scott Osman are co-authors of Becoming Coachable, along with Marshall Goldsmith. The book was borne out of the 100 Coaches agency, which Scott co-founded with Marshall. So what does becoming coachable actually look like?

  • 347 Austin Hillam: Lessons From A 22-Year-Old Garage Entrepreneur

    14/11/2023 Duración: 36min

    It’s just the nature of our show that we often talk to folks in the mastery part of their professional S-Curve. It’s easy to talk to a CEO about leadership. It’s also another fact that our guests tend to be older – at least, out of college. But it is rare that we come across an entrepreneur in that very first launch point of their career. A person that put college on hold to pursue an idea, a person willing to put their dreams on hold for an hour to talk to us. Austin Hillam is the co-founder of ZipString, a handheld toy that keeps a string in constant motion.  It's easier to just watch than explain, here. And we’ve got Austin today for a rare look at the phase of professional life that a lot of our guests can only reflect on – starting that first business.   

  • 346 Dr. Bill Kapp: So You Want To Become A Leader In Your Health. How Do You Start?

    07/11/2023 Duración: 47min

    If we’re being honest, we’ve all felt the toll of going into a meeting on a couple hours sleep and a double espresso. The work can often come first, and the body comes second. But as leaders, we can’t do our job effectively if we’re jittery and wiped. We can’t do our job if we’ve got the worry of heart disease lurking the back of your mind. What if we could take charge of our health before any of these things happen? Not just waiting for the symptoms, but… intecepting them? Dr. Bill Kapp realized that changing the paradigm of healthcare means taking on the Goliath in the room – the health insurance industry. A former US Air Force flight surgeon, Dr. Kapp is using his company Fountain Health to argue for a more holistic, preventative approach to living and aging, alongside Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis.    

  • 345 Melissa Werneck: It's Not Just Strength In Numbers, It's Growth Too

    31/10/2023 Duración: 43min

    The last time you had to navigate change – real, structural change – who did you turn to? When we’re working from a place of ambiguity, when we’re stuck inside our own head, another person can make all the difference. But let’s be honest, sometimes, painfully… that person is no one at all. We can have this instinct, as leaders, that reaching out is weakness. We can see it as this flashing neon sign that, hey, I have no idea what I’m doing. Someone, please help. Melissa Werneck’s spent her career fighting against that stigma. As the Chief Human Resources Officer for Kraft-Heinz, she’s bringing her message of coaching as growth to an international company. Making sure everyone knows, it’s okay to raise your hand, it’s okay to feel a little lost – whether you’re a new hire or the CEO.   

  • 344 Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove: How Do We Think About Top Thinkers?

    24/10/2023 Duración: 49min

    We throw around this term a lot in the management profession, in the coaching profession, really everywhere in business – top thinker.  But how often do we really interrogate that title? Because, really, wouldn’t we all like to think of ourselves as top thinkers? In politics, it’s the journalists that hold politicians to account. In the world of management, there are two former journalists who are holding these top thinkers to account as well. Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove used to write columns for The London Times, when they realized they could have a bigger impact connecting these thinkers directly. As the founders of Thinkers50, an organization that comes together every two years to celebrate the true top thinkers, Stuart and Des have brought their skills of commentary and curation from the front page to a much larger audience. So what makes a top thinker, truly?   

  • 343 James E. Dixon: Finding 'Absolute Motivation' By Showing Your Scars

    17/10/2023 Duración: 42min

    For all the credit Superman gets, for being the Man of Steel, do you think he ever cries? When he’s Clark Kent, working at the paper, do you think Superman’s ever broken down in a bathroom stall? When he’s flying folks out of a burning building, it’s easy to forget that his parents are dead, his home is dust and the only family he has wants him dead. All we see is the Man of Steel. For 45 years, James Dixon only showed others what they wanted to see. What they didn’t see, was his prosthetic leg that he had kept hidden all that time. Until he decided to show them. Today, James is out with a book about his experience, titled Absolute Motivation. From team lead at General Motors to firing up Fortune 500 crowds, James is in the business of building people up. That’s only after he learned to build himself up, too.  

  • 342 Lori Winkler: There Is No Work You Or Home You, Only The Real You

    10/10/2023 Duración: 45min

    When you’re making decisions, professional or personal, what’s your north star? How many people know your north star? How many of your colleagues know what you’ve built your life around? There’s this idea, of leaving home at home and only bringing into work your work self. Can you really leave at home what fuels you and drives you? When Lori Winkler at the top of Johnson and Johnson’s HR department, she was a high achiever, sure – but as you’ll hear her say, no one really know who Lori Winkler was. They just knew what she did, and that she did it well. But that wasn’t Lori. So who is Lori today, as the Chief Human Resources Officer for Zimmer Biomet? You’d be surprised how much Bruce Springsteen is involved.  

  • 341 Chris Rainey: What Do We Really Mean When We Say 'Human Resources?'

    03/10/2023 Duración: 58min

     Human resources can be a funny term. What kind of resources do we rely on as humans? Food, water, shelter – but what about emotional resources? What about the resources to become a good person, not just a healthy person? In a company, human resources are always comprised of other humans, and Chris Rainey’s made it his mission to cast a light on the wonders of this profession. We can forget that HR has a hand in just about everything a company does, and Chris’s podcast HR Leaders is out to make sure they get the credit they deserve.     

  • 340 Diana Kander: The Magic In Going Big (And Refusing To Go Home)

    26/09/2023 Duración: 40min

    There’s a saying that curiosity killed the cat. Have you ever seen a cat investigate a glass you left on the countertop? Or knock over a shelf of books while they try to perch on top?  There’s something to admire in that attitude, that kind of pure, unabashed curiosity. You’ll find Diana Kander to be that same kind of curious. A self-described serial entrepreneur, she played and continues to play a vital role in building up the Kansas City economic area. Today, she’s packaged what she’s learned from pitching those businesses, and the case studies of businesses who landed the impossible pitch, into a book – called “Go Big Or Go Home - 5 Ways to Create a Customer Experience That Will Close the Deal.”

  • 339 Hal Hershfield: Learning To Love The Person You'll Become

    19/09/2023 Duración: 41min

    Who were you ten years ago? How did that person think? How did they see the world? And what about today? How have those things changed? How would you feel if you passed that person on the street tomorrow? Would you recognize them? Now instead of who you were, ten years ago, what if it’s who you want to be ten years from now?  Hal Hershfield understands that connecting with our future selves can feel like a vague, unfulfilling endeavor. But to hear him say it, it’s one of the most valuable ways we have to connect with our spirit and our purpose.

  • 338 Matt Abrahams: What To Say When You’re Put On The Spot

    12/09/2023 Duración: 43min

    Isn’t it frustrating when you just can’t say what you want to say? You have all the words ready in your head, you’ve practiced what you’re going to say, but you… just… can’t? It’s frustrating in part because it seems like we’re failing at the basics. Communication? Saying words out loud? Didn’t we figure that out around the same time we figured out farming, and the wheel? So why are we sweating and stuttering in a conference room in 2023? Matt Abrahams has an idea. His new book, Think Faster Talk Smarter, speaks for itself. And his podcast, Think Fast Talk Smart – naturally – is dedicated to figuring out why our minds go blank and our feet start pacing. So let’s talk with Matt about talking well.   

  • 337 Gail Miller: Phi·lan·thro·py, Noun

    05/09/2023 Duración: 44min

    To give to another is to give up something you have. It’s the basis of the world philanthropy, “phila,” meaning love for one another. Two episodes ago we talked with Alan Mulally, about how that kind of love isn’t wired anywhere in our brains. We are not that far from our hunter-gatherer ancestors – why would we ever give up our food to strangers? Aren’t we hungry too? Our guest today is a philanthropist, to no surprise. Gail Miller is the wealthiest person in the state of Utah, having taken on leadership of her late husband’s foundation after he passed in 2009. In the time since, Gail’s reorganized almost all of the company’s assets, selling off the Utah Jazz, moving money and effort into real estate, healthcare, homelessness services.  What does philanthropy mean to Gail? I hope you enjoy.  

  • 336 Chris Duffey: Augmented Intelligence

    29/08/2023 Duración: 42min

    With ChatGPT now released in a usable format, the world’s been abuzz with the potentials – and pitfalls – of artificial intelligence.  Our guest today says that the word – artificial intelligence – is misleading. Artificial anything, artificial turf, sweeteners, they all try to get as close to the real thing as possible. Chris Duffey, strategic development manager for Adobe, says that isn’t the goal. This tech revolution isn’t so much about replacing us, as amplifying the magical powers we already have. Through art school and the fast world of advertising, Chris has spent his professional life weaving that magic. So what does AI really mean for us?  

  • 335 Jayshree Seth: Active Advocacy, Or, Say Yes To The S!

    22/08/2023 Duración: 46min

    What does it mean to advocate for something? We all know what it’s like to give a nervous presentation. But to adjust the question a bit – what does it mean to advocate for someONE? Specifically, yourself? Joining us today is Jayshree Seth, Chief Science Advocate at 3M. Her role today involves clearing away the brush and undergrowth of misinformation to show the world that science is not a scary monolith. She's also coming up with new ways to show us that we’re all scientists in our own way. But Jayshree couldn’t have found herself in this unique role without the experience of advocating for herself.

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