Face To Face Podcast With Naea's Jay Kinder And Michael Reese



A Podcast for Serious Real Estate Agents


  • Episode 16: Clarity | Why You’ll Never Be Successful Without It


    Do yourself a favor and take 2 seconds to answer these questions for yourself… What’s my why? What motivates me? What are my financial goals? Am I spending my time the way I want to? Where do I want to be in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? If Jay and Michael have learned anything […]

  • Episode 15: Who’s Disrupting the Industry and What It Means For Your Exit Strategy


    In Q2 of 2016, there was $1.2 billion invested in real estate technology. That’s $1.2 billion aimed at disrupting the industry, and potentially changing your lifestyle and business as you know it… In ONE QUARTER of ONE YEAR! Compass. Open Door. Even AirBNB is silently disrupting the industry… You may have heard of these companies […]

  • Episode 14: Outbound: Generate More Listings Without Spending a Penny on Leadgen


    If you’ve been listening to Face to Face Podcast for any length of time, you’ve heard Jay and Michael speak on the topic of Inside Sales Agents. No matter where you’re at in your business, this is a topic in which you should be well versed, seeing as how it’s quickly becoming the cornerstone of […]

  • Episode 13: Advancing Out Of Production


    Most real estate agents don’t get into this business because they want to go on 500+ listing appointments per year for the rest of their lives. Typically, the goal is to build the business enough to be able to advance out of production… So why then, once an agent has grown production to such heights, […]

  • Episode 12: Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast


    Take a second and think about the competitive advantages you offer that makes you stand out from your competition. What immediately comes to mind? Superior service? Technology? Expertise? Cost? When you think about “differentiation” and “competitive advantage”, many real estate agents forget about one of the strongest weapons in their arsenal… Culture. And not just […]

  • Episode 11: A 500 Transaction Run Rate in 14 Months?


    14 Months ago, Jay and Michael signed on the first real estate agent they had ever “partnered” with, in an effort to test a new business model… At the time, this agent was doing around 18 transactions per year and struggling to grow his business. Fast forward to last month and, after a 2 week […]

  • Episode 10: Get Off The Transaction Treadmill


    When you started your real estate business, what was the end goal? To be your own boss for the rest of your life? To make a lot of money? To be able to retire early? Out of all the possible reasons, it’s probably safe to assume that yours WASN’T to be able to sell your […]

  • Episode 9: Where to Focus Your Efforts When Scaling Your Real Estate Business


    In real estate, scalability is a hot topic. You hear everyone talking about it, but it seems like very few agents really know the answers to the questions: How do I scale my business? What about my business is scalable and what isn’t? How do I break into a new market? Where should I focus […]

  • Episode 8: Recruiting in the New Age of Real Estate


    In Episode 8 of Face to Face with Jay and Michael, the guys dive into the real differences between the traditional team model and the new business model powering their brokerage. If you’ve ever built (or attempted to build) a team in this industry, you know what it’s like to have that initial conversation with […]

  • Episode 7: Create Predictability and Consistency in Your Business with One Tool


    Do you know what causes real estate agents the most stress? Predictability! (or lack-thereof) As with many business owners, real estate agents struggle most with the fact that they have no idea where their next deal is coming from. For Jay and Michael, this is a worry of the past. In Episode 7 of Face […]

  • Episode 6: Controlling and Owning the Consumer Experience (Even While Negotiating)


    How much attention are you putting on the consumer experience? More importantly, how are you managing the consumer experience when the road gets rocky? In episode 6 of Face to Face, Jay and Michael take a deep dive into a business topic that some agents excel in, but most agents can never quite get the […]

  • Episode 5: The “Build a Team” Lie We All Bought


    At some point in your career, someone probably told you, “Build a team! Hire a bunch of agents! Scale your business!”… If you took that advice, chances are your life probably sucks right now. Do you know why that is? In episode 5 of Face to Face with Jay and Michael, you’ll learn EXACTLY why […]

  • Episode 4: 46 Transactions to 404 | The 2,808 Transaction Team


    In this episode, we’ve invited Tracy Cousineau and Jason Williford of Atlanta to tell the story of how they took their business from an “all time low” to over 400 transactions (with the goal of 2808)! “We have no doubt we can hit 2808 transactions this year…” You’ll hear their “ah-ha moments” and major realizations […]

  • Episode 3: Scalable Seller Lead Generation | The ISA Business Model


    In the third episode of Face to Face with Jay Kinder and Michael Reese you’ll learn the truth about Inside Sales Agents (ISAs) and how to use them correctly. Jay and Michael explain how inside sales are different from telemarketing and the key elements of success to leveraging an army of ISAs. They also list the most […]

  • Episode 2: The 2000 Transaction Business Model


    “The Stone Age ended not because they ran out of stone, but because they found a better way.” Thus says Jay in this episode of Face to Face with Jay Kinder and Michael Reese. That’s what this podcast is all about… A better way to grow in the real estate industry today. In this episode, you’ll […]

  • Episode 1: Death of the Millionaire Real Estate Agent Model


    In this episode of Face to Face, Jay Kinder and Michael Reese welcome a special guest, Albie Stasek, where they discuss the fundamental problem in the real estate industry and the shift in the “team” business model that is taking the industry by storm. You will learn why the team model, that has helped so […]

  • Pilot: 2,000 Partners / 200,000 transactions | ”The 10 Year Journey”

    11/07/2016 Duración: 01h36min

    In this pilot episode, Jay Kinder and Michael Reese, masterminds behind the National Association of Expert Advisors (NAEA) and thought leaders in the real estate industry, share some of their stories, aspirations, and views on the biggest problems in the industry and how you can avoid them. Known for being 100% transparent and real, they […]

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