Jon Rognerud Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 27:25:09
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Jon Rognerud describes failures and successes in his tech & digital journey, from technical software developer to entrepreneur, online marketer, author and publisher.


  • Why Facebook Ads Never Work Right ... The First Time - #064

    17/04/2019 Duración: 14min

    Hey - if you have been listening to my podcast for a while, you've heard me talk about Facebook ads and the issues folks are having. In fact several episodes back - I talked about Facebook ads mistakes and the common issues there. Today, I wanted to share a couple of slides from a presentation I made last week at Chapman University - and one slide in specific. This ONE slide explains why Facebook Ads don't work right out the gate. And, it's not what you think! Hopefully, you'll take this to heart, and take a step back - before launching ads. Get this right, and you'll be on your way! P.S. Go to and get a Facebook Ads audit - and we'll help you out. -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this broadcast, please give it a thumbs up

  • Facebook Ads: How To Double Sales From Your Current Eco-System - #063

    16/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    Ask any business owner about want they want more of - and the answer is 98% of time... SALES! What many don't know, however - is that they ALREADY have assets and data that can be used PROFITABLY for ads via "custom audiences". READ ON... For Facebook (and Google) you can compile existing CRM data and export this (name, email). Next, you can upload these data sets (segmented by buyers vs. subscribers) to ad platforms. Finally, ads can be presented to "warm" (subscribers) and "hot" (buyers) audiences to get more of them to come back and buy again! I'll take you through simple and easy steps to get there, and it works really well. You can also download the framework here: *** Please leave a review here on iTunes if you like my podcasts. Every entry helps, and everybody wins! :-) (thanks in advance, by the way!) - Jon Rognerud P.S. If you need help with any of this, the agency can help, but also going direct to me at -- Interested in

  • The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Finding Your Message And Target Audience - #062

    15/04/2019 Duración: 18min

    Are you familiar with the "10 market profiling questions" to ask ... before you write any new copy or message? Well today, it's your day! If you follow these steps, you'll end up with a totally transformed message to market match - and you'll end up selling more and receive more love from your target audience at the same time! Here's the 10 steps in PDF format - and I cover it on the broadcast today: Here they are (Dan Kennedy, found in his Ultimate Sales Letter book) What keeps them awake at night, indigestion boiling up their esophagus, eyes open, staring at the ceiling? What are they afraid of? What are they angry about? Who are they angry at? What are their top three daily frustrations? What trends are occurring and will occur in their business or lives? What do they secretly, ardently desire most? Is there a built-in bias to the way they make decisions? (Example: engineers = exceptionally analytical.) Do they have their own language? Wh

  • Local Business Marketing: 19 Ideas That Can Skyrocket Small Business Sales Volume - #061

    12/04/2019 Duración: 18min

    Let's talk about expanding and growing sales for your local, small business.  It seems overwhelming at times, doesn't it? And, on top of that, business flow is not always consistent, and not predictable... There are seemingly too many opportunities to grow a business in a local market - and it's hard to know which option to choose first. That includes everything online as well (Note: if you want a Facebook Ads Audit, go to BUT ... here's the good news: only new a couple of ideas to start implementing that can really help increase sales volume and foot traffic to your local store or shop. In today's broadcast - I share 19 different ideas you can use to increase sales and trust within your geo-fence. Take notes as always... and I hope this inspires you to take action! Interested in getting personally coached by Jon and team to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this broadcast, please give it a thumbs up

  • Paid Advertising: How This 5-Stage Ladder Perfectly Shows Where To Start Advertising - #060

    11/04/2019 Duración: 14min

    Where should you start your advertising? Google? Facebook? YouTube? Twitter? And, what's the best campaign approach? Today's broadcast is about paid advertising and where to start - a common question. I'll walk you through a simple, but powerful framework pulled from the original works of Eugene Schwartz (the five stages of awareness) and "Breakthrough Advertising". (Get that book!) * Big shoutout to my friends Justin Brooke and John Belcher over at for developing this very cool graphic representation of where to start your advertising campaigns and why it matters. BREAKING NEWS: Right now, we are opening up for new clients at - if you'd like to see if we can help, go visit - and click the big green button at the top right. -- Outside of technical implementation and deployments, we discuss sales funnels in terms of intent, content and messaging across the customer journey. That, along with call-to-action points and conversion opportunities. We use the information found in

  • Where Content Creation Ideas Begin (Tips To Get Started) - #059

    11/04/2019 Duración: 17min

    The phrases "analysis paralysis" or "writer's block", are very familiar to so many that deal in content creation. This applies to both online and offline content creation.  But, here's the truth: Content development and finding seed ideas to get started, begin with YOU (and your team, if you are a larger enterprise). That means accessing the analytical as well as the creative mind.  Analytical - in the sense that you must have a goal established, a purpose, and a destination (call to action) that you can track and measure. Creativity - because you cannot just mirror (or worse, copy) what others are doing, but need to come up with ideas and angles that stand out in your market, and that are helpful and unique at the same time. Content creation ideas is what I'm discussing today: (The end result is that you'll get more traffic, more authority and brand lift) This broadcast is coming to you from Chapman University in Orange, California (I lec

  • Search Expert Chris Boggs: Growth Lessons From The Search Marketing Business - #058

    09/04/2019 Duración: 47min

    Mr. Chris Boggs is a well-known search marketing expert  and business advisor in the search marketing community.  Chris and I have met at many search (marketing) conferences over the years, and he always delivers top-notch insights, action-driven steps and shares deep knowledge to his audiences. This comes from his personal nature and style of communication, and from almost two decades in the search business. He stays current on the business of search and social, still learns every day - and loves to share his wisdom as a speaker, consultant and business owner. I was invited to speak at a SEMPO confererence (Chris is still a board member) in San Diego a few years ago, and we had a chance to connect yet again. Along with other board members, like Michael Bonfils and Mike Grehan, Chris is a BIG advocate for the promotion of search, data / analytics and helping to develop growth opportunities for clients, agencies and search marketing professionals in general. Chris Boggs, owner of Webtrafficadvisors, has been i

  • Jeremy Born, CEO Of - Thinking About Cryptocurrency Trading? (You Gotta Hear This!) - #057

    08/04/2019 Duración: 23min

    Today, I'm excited to share the interview I did with Jeremy Born, CEO at - an AI-powered cryptocurrency intelligence engine. Another great training broadcast from experts in the field of business, sales, marketing, entrepreneurship and media. Essential learning: a) Cryptocurrency and the impact it has on investors, business owners, consumers, and what to look out for when doing your research. b) Benefits and drawbacks, risks. c) Trading opportunities and what it may mean for you. d) Tools, apps and the platform.  Plus, you'll learn how he goes about marketing the business, hiring scientists... how he gets talented, relevant experts to build this trading platform + getting the message out. (*platform launching soon!) He'll also share a bit about his background and what brought him to add this valuable service to help his audiences get smarter about investments. Reach out to Jeremy here: website: email: Twitter: @Jeremy_Born Thanks, Jeremy

  • Alex Nerney: How To Build A $100k/Month Blogging Business - #056

    08/04/2019 Duración: 33min

    Alex Nerney is a successful entrepreneur, blogger and coach from He and his partner, Lauren McManus - overcame debt, crippling anxiety and their soul-sucking corporate jobs -- to make over $100,000 per month blogging and travel the world to amazing places like Portugal, Peru, Bali, and others. Their mission right now is to help 1,000 students make $100/m blogging, 100 students make $1,000/m blogging, and 10 students make $10,000 per month blogging. Listen to the story, and more importantly ... how you can use their model to create opportunities and leverage expert blogging for yourself so you can create more income and freedom in your life. And - consider what they are doing with growing web traffic outside of just organic search (SEO). They are heavily using Pinterest organic, with some paid media. Currently, they drive over 200,000 visitors per month to their blogs via organic Pinterest traffic. HOT TIP: Don't do all this Pinterest work yourself! Hire experts like Kate & team at http

  • This Is The World's Best Traffic Source (Not What You Think) - #055

    07/04/2019 Duración: 11min

    Are you struggling to find the best (highest quality) traffic for your business? You're not alone. Traffic is essential to any business, it's indeed the lifeblood of that business. So today... I'll dissect the model that we use at the agency, and how you can get the best traffic source that works. This is one of the most important lessons you'll face when dealing with digital marketing online today. The first question we most often get is: "I need more traffic - and what's the best (cheapest) place to get it? And, can you help me?" It's not a bad question, but from our learning over the last decade running campaigns for clients, it's not the FIRST question to ask. A better question is: "where can I get the best traffic - that actually converts?" Today, I'll share with you the best traffic source in the world, and it's starts with an important piece to the puzzle: The prospect and you. Let me know what you think? (This broadcast sponsored by Interested in getting personally coached

  • 6 Reasons You Must Use GTM For Your Website (Zero Headaches, Better Productivity) - #054

    06/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    Google Tag Manager: Are you using it for your website? Why Not? If you are like most business owners, you are using tracking scripts and code snippets on your site that feed other 3rd party tools. For example, Google Analytics, Hotjar, Taboola, Outbrain, Facebook Pixel, Adwords, etc. Keeping track of all these scripts and managing them + involvement of your web/tech team, developers, etc - is a nightmare. Plus, it can take a long time to make changes & deploy (through the traditional development, stage/test and live deployment cycles - not counting people/process blocks as well). If you manage all these scripts through Google Tag Manager, all your worries disappear! Today, I share 6 reasons to get Google Tag Manager up and running for your websites. Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? Incidentally, I'll be talking about this as well at an upcoming lecture at  (Thanks to Professor Niklas Myhr for inviting me!) This message brought to

  • Facebook Ads and Reminder Marketing: New Ways To Use Personalized Videos To Beat Out Traditional Sales Funnels - #053

    05/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    Still using the clicks->landingpage->ty model? In other words, you are: Getting traffic from ads, social or SEO, then pushing the visitor (person) to enter their name & email on a squeeze page or landing page, and then sending something useful via email, confirming receipt via the "ty" (thank you) page. (With a possible upsell too, perhaps) Yes, this still works great and makes a lot of money for those who implement it the right way.   But... ...not here today to talk about that model. We're going to cover video 'reminder' marketing and a sales funnel with video retargeting that are set up to: 1) get attention 2) create engagement prospects love you more 3) build brand awareness while getting more sales that creates loyal customers and advocates for your business The way to do this with Facebook ads is nothing short of pure 'magic' - if you do it right. You need a storyline/script built for this, but you can start simple with 1-3 long form videos, from 1-5 minutes in length. When you have an engagin

  • How To End Your Digital Marketing Worries - #052

    04/04/2019 Duración: 22min

    You have a great business. You have a great team. You've been doing this for a good while, and loving it. Your customers, clients or patients love you too. There's just one problem... You're stagnant. You're not clear on your next steps. You know digital marketing is what you need more of. So... How do you move your business to the next level with consistency and predictability? And, with a plan you can understand and see the end results of? Hiring more staff creates too much overhead, overwhelm and loads of headaches in managing and "bossing" people around. Solution? You should consider hiring outside help (consultant, marketing agency, press firm, copywriter, website developer, designer, etc.) Today, I talk about WHEN you should consider hiring a digital marketing expert or firm to help you, and what it could mean for your business .... and frankly, your SANITY. WARNING: There is TOTAL bias in this episode :-) --- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click

  • Business Owners Who "Know It All" Are Not Invited To Listen To This Episode - #051

    03/04/2019 Duración: 20min

    This episode is not for the presumptuous or overconfident business owner or entrepreneur that knows it all. You'll learn why in these minutes we spend together together today. I hope you'll listen carefully. So Jon... why such a "strange" headline? Because... I've spent a lot of time in this field (digital marketing and dealing with clients) and wanted to make sure I got today's message across to you. This is a personal broadcast to you, a man or woman who has a real interest in growing your business with customer attraction and customer acquisition strategies, and to (important!) learn what the differences are and how to think about, and use these strategies for yourself. Suspend your disbelief for a moment, and open your mind to a process and framework that will help you. You are a professional, and likely doing a lot of things right (as you'll hear in this professional client case study) - but lack the full insight and understanding of opportunities sitting right in front of you. The mistakes (hard to admi

  • Understand THIS Before Creating Your Next Ad, Blog Or Email - #050

    03/04/2019 Duración: 20min

    Today I'm discussing the importance of Paid, Owned & Earned Media and how it Impacts Your Online Business (and yes - "POEM" Matters!)  I spoke about this topic at a conference a while back. It was such an awesome event that they put on in San Diego. I was honored they invited me as speaker. But, First... Let's define what POEM stands for in the digital marketing and content realm: PAID MEDIA: "Paid media refers to publicity gained through advertising" OWNED MEDIA: "Owned media is defined as communication channels that are within one’s control, such as websites, blogs, or email" EARNED MEDIA: "Earned media (or free media) refers to publicity gained through promotional efforts other than advertising" There's more detail on the blog post. See the charts and the strange picture of me here: Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this broadcast, please

  • Is Your Social Media Sales Failing? (26 New Ways To Change That) - #049

    02/04/2019 Duración: 19min

    Social media is awesome, and it's a lot of fun...! They say: ", not really. Not for us. It's not working, we're not making any more sales!" Not uncommon to hear this, by the way. And, it's probably not your fault. The thing is - on these broadcasts, I talk a lot about systems and processes and that you must have a clear "why" to the reason you are do the "next thing" and what your objectives are, both short term and long term. But, if you don't have a lot of experience with this, it can feel like your social media planning and subsequent activity is just "busy-ness", not "business". While I'm not talking about building a growth plan for the long term here today, you can listen and look at these 26 different ways to change your approach to social media and improve the (buying inclined) behavior of visitors ...pretty quickly. Plus, it'll help your brand along the way - as you increase the possibility of adding sales and getting bottom line numbers. Take notes, and if you want to see the entire list, go

  • How To Model Gary Vee And 10X The Content (See - #048

    01/04/2019 Duración: 21min

    Do you consider yourself a media publishing house? Well, it's time you do! Here's why... Listen as I talk about the 4 reasons content (and marketing) matters and how you can 10x that content with very little up front work. Enter Gary Vee... (Vaynerchuk) The seed ideas for are pulled from Gary and his team's strategies. You don't have to make it as complex as that however. I have made it simple to start, since most folks get overwhelmed easily when it comes to content, content creation, deployment, tracking as well as just building intelligent content strategies. I often get this question: "Yes, Jon - I understand the importance of content, but I don't have a plan, tried it before and time is my most precious asset!".   Outside of pure "analysis paralysis" - it's another way you might be looking at sabotaging yourself. Procrastination doesn't help either. No... just need to start with one CORE piece of content, and your job is "done". (except for the part you have to do it again, but i

  • Follow This Simple Plan To Build Instant Authority - #047

    30/03/2019 Duración: 16min

    This is one very important broadcast, and I hope you take notes too. It's simple. It's powerful. It's easy. The end result? Instant Authority.  It's what you want, your brand wants, and ultimately - what your customers and prospects want. Find out how you can get started, and what you must avoid to fall into the "doom of procrastination". And, as always - "TAKE ACTION" and "STOP WHAT'S NOT WORKING". Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here:   If you liked this broadcast, please give it a thumbs up

  • If Every Online Business Knew About THIS, Sales Would Be Easy - #046

    29/03/2019 Duración: 20min

    Do you feel you're wasting lots of time trying to drive more sales into your organization? It's not uncommon, but the good news is that there are new ways to improve the sales process after the 'clickers' come to your website. There's a cool way to improve your sales process and take it to the next level...: "Live & Automated Chat Systems" You might be thinking: "Yes, that obvious, we already do that, what else do you have for me...?" Or, maybe you're in an executive role, and have not considered it... "Jon, tell me more, what do you mean, exactly?" If this is you, then good - I got something for 'ya! Today, I talk about considerations for implementing live and "chat bots", which if you have not considered this technology, may be the BIGGEST "leaving money on the table" scenario you've had. And, I share ideas about ways to improve the technology on your site, if you already have some of this going (good for you!) [NOTICE] If you need help with this, we ( have long experience with implementati

  • Use This ONE Marketing Strategy To Sell "Snow To Eskimos" - #045

    28/03/2019 Duración: 13min

    How Can ONE Marketing Strategy Sell "Snow To Eskimos"? How about selling "Water to a drowning mind", etc? (Hint: The Word Starts With "E")   Only 3 percent of your ideal customers are actively searching for your product, or are in an active buying mode, according to the author of the Ultimate Sales Machine, Chet Holmes. For both large and small business, this means that you need to constantly come up with new and creative ways to sell your company’s offerings and try to weed out the other 97%. Naturally, this can get quite expensive, because “everybody” wants them, and so SEO, PPC prices go up, and hungry marketers will do anything (even use stupid, shady tactics) to get attention and grab marketshare (even for just a short period) Education-based marketing is a growing solution that is seeing brands provide more information and knowledge surrounding their products and services. The aim is to sell the solution without explicitly selling it. It will more naturally repel the people not interested, and draw your

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