Daniel Riley Sports Talk Radio



A new look at Sports with Dan Riley. View point from a Millennia. Refreshing


  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    12/05/2018 Duración: 09min

    Here is a part of the show today with Daniel Riley Last weekend, a collegiate baseball player collided with a brick fence and had to be carted of the diamond...the latest example of incompetence by Division 1 Sports Programs.

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    20/04/2018 Duración: 06min

    Upon doing research, I am appalled by the baseless accusations of dirty play against the NHL's Las Vegas Golden Knights. Their critics need to look up the facts if they want credibility on this issue.

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    16/04/2018 Duración: 05min

    Conor McGregor needs to take advantage of Anger Management classes and own up to what he did in that subway. That's all he can do to save what's left of his reputation.

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    15/04/2018 Duración: 07min

    People in Pro Sports say they want to make an impact on the world? Good; this is where you can start.

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    30/03/2018 Duración: 07min

    With News the NBA has given up on the NCAA's ability to fix its problems, it’s time to face reality: College Basketball, as an institution, has failed as a redeeming quality on college campuses.

  • Daniel Riley Sports Talk Radio

    22/03/2018 Duración: 07min

    Detroit Tiger James McCann deserves all the applause in the world for spreading the word about the evils of Performance Enhancers, you won't get a complaint from me from what he's doing. Bravo, James.

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    09/03/2018 Duración: 08min

    This is Daniel Riley For Sportstalk on Passionate World Internet Radio. Baseball’s limited pitcher’s mound visits, but that’s not going to shorten games like MLB wants it to. The league needs to really enforce the Strike Zone to shorten at-bats, and implement the Designated Hitter to put the ball in play to speed up the game. If it just leads to more outs at first base, that’s fine. Because what once made baseball charming is killing it: the fact a game could truly be endless.

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    25/02/2018 Duración: 05min

    This is Daniel Riley for Passionate World Radio Network. The events in South Florida are a Wakeup call to local governments that Washington won't fix violence at our schools!. They'll have to do it themselves; School Boards need to require metal detectors and fences to keep potential attackers out. For that matter, no longer are High School and College Campuses to accept anyone leaving campus during the day; andone unaffiliated with the school is to stay off campus until classes end for the day. Period. If giving security to schools that put most prisons and State of the Union Addresses to shame are the answer, so be it-enough is enough!

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    03/02/2018 Duración: 06min

    This is Dan Riley for Sportstalk on Powertalk Internet Radio, the Wor;d in Your Hands.. According to CBSSports.com, Vince McMahon, the head of WWE wrestling, is indeed bringing back the XFL in 2020. We all know the weaknesses the original league had as far as its business model: a connection with pro wrestling that hurt its image, low quality of play, and terrible gimmicks. Honestly, I have no clue how McMahon thinks this scenario will play out any differently 17 years later: the league will be stuck with the same old problems. McMahon doesn't understand that, and he's headed for his biggest fall yet. No one, especially Jim McMahon, understands "try, try again" doesn't apply to competing with the National Football League. Mr. McMahon, save yourself the public embarrassment and give up on this harebrained idea now-there's a reason it failed the first time!

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    26/01/2018 Duración: 05min

    This is Daniel Riley for sportstalk on Powertalk Internet Radio. In 2 weeks, the patriots will play in what feels like their 100th Super Bowl-and its a sign competitive balance is a Problem. Point blank, the Patriots have become the New York Yankees of the NFL-and its irrelevant if Patriots fans hate the comparison. We live in an age where "Any Given Sunday" is just a mantra giving false hope to teams like Cleveland. That's nothing anyone should be celebrating. Period. Constantly blaming the Press for the Pats' image is nothing more of a paranoid cop-out cop-outfrom the teams' fan-base. And it's not about being a "hater". In the '40s, a pro football league collapsed because one team got too dominant. The NFL is just becoming pro football's answer to Major League Baseball-and that's nothing to party about.

  • Daniel Riley Spots Talk Radio

    20/01/2018 Duración: 05min

    This is Daniel Riley for Sportstalk on PWRNetwork, the World in your hands. The passing of Keith Jackson is a massive loss to the Sportscasting industry that can't be replaced. He called Bowl Games, Rivalry games, and even a few NFL games during his illustrious broadcasting career. When Jackson called a game, you knew that game was the most important that Saturday; that was the aura Jackson possessed. There's no way to put into words what this man's contributions' to College Football really accomplished. Admit it: more than just a few games you really remember had Keith Jackson doing play by play. He made you feel like a participant. And the game felt like precisely that. The passing of Mr. Jackson is the end of an era of College Football that we will sorely miss...and took for granted. Thank you, Keith.

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    10/11/2017 Duración: 07min

    This is Dan Riley for Sportstalk on Powertalk Internet Radio. Once again, the real world hasinterrupted any hope of the distractions athletics provide. More imprtantly, we've fed our paranoia and fears of being killed. The demented sadist who shot up a church in Texas is a stark reminder the Congress in the United States is clueless as to how to stop mass killings. The Democrats kid us that censorship is the answer, the Republicans refuse to provide any. My suggestion we should require Psychological testing for those who want to buy a gun has been made known on this program; it sure could keep the wrong guy from becoming arned and dangerous. But no, Congress won't take that path. Sadly, society is more than justified of having to sit through Oliver Stones NATURAL BRON KILLERS, a satire of our obsession with guns and murder. No doubt, fantasy is becoming reality, and it's not accurate enough to say its merely unacceptable. Enough is enough!

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    04/11/2017 Duración: 06min

    THis is Daniel Riley for Sportstalk on Powertalk Internet Radio. Last weeks' embarrassing loss leaves the Oakland Raiders with nothing to look forward to as far as their time left in Oakland is concerned, and enraged fans have every right to refuse to go to games from now on. The Raiders fail to understand signing 30-year olds to fix a team doesn't cut it anymore-and there's deminishing returns with "reclamation Projects" nowadays. Making things worse is loyalty to an offense that became all too stoppable decades ago. Fire sale: trade away as many guys as you can, Oakland. Adapt to the modern game...and send a letter of apology to your fans. They deserve it with you leaving in two years!

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    27/10/2017 Duración: 05min

    With the Wolverines' one win away from Bowl eligibility, everyone around the program is acting like the sky is falling. One is left to wonder how guys who played for Northwestern feel about this. THe Wolverines' penalties are fixable mistakes, and the team isn't anywhere close to the embarrassment it was during the Brady Hoke and Rich Rodriguez Eras. Still, we hear its time to hit the Panic Button in Ann Arbor. Schools like Michigan get so used to their football team's success, their supporters openly look for things to complain about-enough already!

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    20/10/2017 Duración: 08min

    Last Sunday. the Detroit Lions and Green bay Packers saw their pass protection sink into the gutter, with the consequence of Lions- their starting quarterbacks. Rodgers is gone for the season; and it's unknown how long Matt Stafford will be gone. Suddenly, it's as much a "rebuilding year" for the Lions and Packers as it has been for the Giants. Optimism in Green Bay and Detroit has been replaced with the cold, hard reality of a missed opportunity;its a wonder what both teams have to play for at this point at all.

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    13/10/2017 Duración: 05min

    Mitchell Trubisky was drafted by the Bears with their first pick this past April for a reason-his great potential and talent. That doesn't mean he'll end this year going to the Pro Bowl-rookie QBs rarely do. Mitchell has a playbook far more complex than the one he studied at North Carolina, and far faster, more complex defenses. It's not that Mitchell will never lead the Bears deep into the playoffs-its just that his rookie season will be as tough as it will be for Bears fans. Peyton Manning wasn't able to turn things around his rookie season, so why would you expect Trubisky to. Bears fans have hope-a quarterback they have to turn things around the next few seasons. That doesn't mean they should expect that turnaround to start this season.

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    01/10/2017 Duración: 04min

    This is Dan Riley for Sportstalk on Powertalk Internet Radio. Week 3's Lions-Falcons game was a reminder the NFL's rulebook is too complex. Though that's the least of the League's problems, it's been that way for decades. it's never good when pickup games among friends are easier to follow than the NFL: the league throws in ridiculous rules and expects no controversy regarding its refs and rulebook. Don't believe me? Go read the National Football League's rulebook on its official site-its impossible for any part time ref to officiate at all. The leagues' officiating department needs to learn common sense can go a long way. It clearly can't.

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    14/09/2017 Duración: 06min

    Last weekend was an embarrassment for the Big Ten Conference; one team got blown out by the lowly Duke Blue Devils, Eastern Michigan beat a Big Ten Team, and the Wolverines unconvincing victory is cause for concern. The Big Ten COnference's style of play is to blame. Teams rarely focus on pass defense, and instead worry about stopping the run. With the return of run-oriented offenses still a ways off, it's left teams open to humiliating losses, Adding to the problem is that great quarterbacks are developed in other conferences (given Tom Brady rode the bench too much at Michigan, he doesn't count as an exception.) Get ahead early on teams in the Big Ten, and they're in trouble. The Big Ten's quality of play has its future as a "big-time" conference in doubt; too many teams'll wind up blowing a chance at a bowl game because of their "play defense and run the ball" strategy. Just wait and see.

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    07/09/2017 Duración: 06min

    Georgia Tech's Overtime loss opening weekend should be an eye opener: they kept a game close running the Option, an offense we don't see in College football nowadays. That could start a trend: defenses are replacing linebackers with smaller defensive backs with no ability to make an open field tackle, and defenses are more of an "attacking" style in NCAA and NFL football nowadays. The option is the key to beating big time schools in the future; don't be surprised if your favorite school adopts the Wishbone offense in the future-it could pay big dividends for them!

  • Sports Talk Radio with Dan Riley

    01/09/2017 Duración: 10min

    I'm surprised at the heinous KKK rally in Charlottesville, though I shouldn't. Both parties have allowed mistrust between the races to continue while only pretending to accomplish something. The Republicans ignore acts of bigotry, the Democrats take everything as an insult. Both parties share the blame for fractious race relations in the US, and CAN'T be trusted to fix the problem!

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