Sunday Homilies From St. John The Baptist



Homilies by Fr. Rodolfo D. Vásquez, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (Corpus Christi, Texas).


  • Surprising Benefit


    When we explore the mystery of the Eucharist we uncover a surprising benefit, the source of our strength is the supernatural grace that is sufficient for our journey to God, it is brought by through the gift of the Eucharist.

  • Miraculous Gift


    The miraculous gift of manna in the desert from God to the Israelites following the Exodus from Egypt is key to understanding the fruits of the Eucharist and the Gospel of John's famous "Bread of Life Discourse". Jesus becomes for us the true bread come down from heaven that gives life to the world and prepares us as a foretaste of eternal life.

  • Rythym of Sunday


    Nature was created in rhythm to maintain order. So man is created in the rhythm of the Sabbath to maintain order. Keep Holy the Sabbath Day! By this we maintain our lives in the order of our communion with God, therefore directed toward the good and ultimately secured in peace.

  • Forging Christian Faith


    St. Paul's description of his torments and sufferings are necessary part of the forging of the Christian's faith, rooted firmly in Christ Jesus.

  • Prayer of Humility and Faith


    Mark's description of the raising of Jarius' daughter the woman with the hemorrhage is a analogy of our spiritual life, of how we should approach God in prayer with humility and faith and how God responds to us eager to give to us out of love and generosity.Mark's description of the raising of Jarius' daughter the woman with the hemorrhage is a analogy of our spiritual life, of how we should approach God in prayer with humility and faith and how God responds to us eager to give to us out of love and generosity.

  • Conversion & Confession


    John the Baptist preached conversion of heart which by necessity involves the Sacrament of Confession. 4 elements are part of a good confession; 1. Contrition, 2. Confession of Sins, 3. Satisfaction (Penance) and 4. Firm Purpose of Amendment.

  • Fatherhood of God


    The Fatherhood of God has 4 attributes; hero, provider, guardian, and teacher, attributes needed by every father. Children ought to respond to the Father with gratitude and generosity.

  • Becoming Saints


    The Eucharist, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of the Father, is the key to becoming Saints. Like the first disciples present at the Last Supper we too are being formed by the Lord Jesus every time we receive Holy Communion.

  • God is Love


    The great mystery of the Triune God often is difficult to comprehend but Jesus reveals God as "Abba", allowing us a entrance into the mystery that God is Love. God doesnt dwell in the sky on the moon or in the stars. The infinite God doesnt fit into my finite intellect. God dwells where he most desires, the human heart to reveal his superabundant love

  • Igniting a Lethargic Faith


    On this Pentecost Sunday we look at the symbolism of fire as used to describe the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the great Revealer and Unveiler of Jesus Christ and the one who consumes us and ignites our lethargic faith.

  • Self-Abandonment


    Jesus says to his disciples "I am the Vine you are the Branches". Jesus seeks an intimate relationship of love that invades our rugged individualism and demands a surrender and abandonment to God's will.

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