All About Agatha (christie)



All About Agatha is a weekly podcast all about, well, Agatha. Agatha Christie, of course. The Queen of Crime, a real-life Dame of the British Empire and author of sixty-six mystery novels that spanned the Twentieth Century, defining a genre. Every month we revisit one of these novels in the order they were first published in the UK. Discussions range from plotting and interpretation to the impact of the beloved adaptations to an attempt at ranking them all. On the weeks in between, we take a breather to discuss one of her many (100-plus) short stories, plays, non-mystery novels, and notable periods in her life. Call it a Christie-fest, as we revisit Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Tommy and Tuppence, and oh so many others.... Join us.


  • Get Your Screwball On: The Girl in the Train by Agatha Christie

    30/03/2018 Duración: 26min

    That's right, there's no typo in this episode's title: it's The Girl *IN* the Train, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Well, perhaps we would have a meatier mystery and more three-dimensional characters, but we couldn't help enjoying this simplistic and somewhat fantastical early thriller story.... Think of it as Christie on a busman's holiday, enjoying herself the entire way.

  • Bringing on the Drama: The Listerdale Mystery by Agatha Christie

    23/03/2018 Duración: 33min

    What's the opposite of a no-drama mama? While you're pondering that, get out your hanky and start dabbing lightly at the corner of your eye because we've got a weepie on our hands. Especially if, like one of our co-hosts, you feel especially passionate about real estate. Come take a stroll on the softer side of Christie; we quite enjoyed it! And we hope you do, too.

  • And Then There Were 46: Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie

    16/03/2018 Duración: 58min

    Real talk: we are not big fans of this one. But we *are* big fans of the three dogs discussed herein: 1) fictional dog Bob, our titular “dumb witness” (though whether he ever actually witnessed anything is... questionable); 2) Christie’s real-life faithful companion Peter, to whom this book is dedicated; and 3) actor dog Snubby, for whom David Suchet apparently fell as hard as his version of Hercule Poirot did in the televised adaptation. And it isn’t often we get to celebrate man’s best friend in the course of discussing a murder mystery. We just wish the puzzle mystery could have been more up to Dame Agatha’s habitually high standard.

  • A Miss Marple Nightcap: The Affair at the Bungalow by Agatha Christie

    09/03/2018 Duración: 30min

    All good things must come to an end. At long last we hear from the final guest at the Bantry dinner party: Jane Helier, actress--and dingbat--extraordinaire. And boy does this one turn out to be a doozy! We've said it before, and we'll say it again. Beware the blue-eyed Janes....

  • Getting Happy with Parker Pyne: The Case of the Discontented Soldier by Agatha Christie

    02/03/2018 Duración: 31min

    Yes, we have another Christie detective to meet! But is he a detective at all? Let's explore this question along with an unfortunate "stuck in its time" element we were not expecting in this, the short story that introduced Ariadne Oliver to the world. At the very least we can say that Mrs. Oliver emerged fully-formed from Christie's head, clothed in all her self-deprecating, no-nonsense glory. (Perhaps she should have been named Athena Oliver?)

  • And Then There Were 47: Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie

    17/02/2018 Duración: 58min

    Welcome to Dame Agatha's twentieth mystery novel! There are those who love Cards on the Table, and those who loathe Cards on the Table. As it turns out, we (mainly) love it. Regardless of your feelings, you have to admit there is much to unpack here in the way of not just bridge but psychology. Plus: Ariadne Oliver! Let the meta-hijinks begin!

  • Communing with Mr. Quin : The Coming of Mr. Quin by Agatha Christie

    09/02/2018 Duración: 33min

    It's time, at long last, to meet the mysterious Mr. Quin! This is a special, spooky little corner of the Christieverse that may be a favorite with some fans, and unknown to others. Join us as we parse not only his first mystery but the literary provenance of his character, which may be the biggest mystery of all....

  • A Miss Marple Nightcap: The Herb of Death by Agatha Christie

    03/02/2018 Duración: 36min

    We've all experienced the well-worn trope of the unreliable female narrator at this point, but in this story we have the rare example of the *unwilling* female narrator... with quite interesting results. So join us, as our poor hostess Dolly Bantry is cajoled into telling a tale of vegetal mayhem and murder. Just don't call her Mrs. B.

  • A Miss Marple Nightcap: The Four Suspects by Agatha Christie

    19/01/2018 Duración: 33min

    This week's short story relies on both arcane technical knowledge *and* dubious cryptography, and yet it was not written by Dan Brown. Go figure. Come and sit a spell with us at Gossington Hall, at the seemingly never-ending Bantry dinner party. It's Sir Henry Clithering's turn to tell a tale, and he does not disappoint. Plus: a bonus peek at the softer side (or is it?) of Miss Jane Marple!

  • And Then There Were 48: Murder In Mesopotamia by Agatha Christie

    13/01/2018 Duración: 54min

    It’s time for Dame Agatha’s first Middle Eastern-set novel! And while there is much to discuss here (including the fascinating real-life inspiration for our murder victim), unfortunately there wasn't quite as much to love in either the novel or the Suchet adaptation. Still, it wasn’t nearly as bad as drinking a glass of hydrochloric acid!

  • A Miss Marple Nightcap: The Companion by Agatha Christie

    29/12/2017 Duración: 28min

    What better way to say goodbye to 2017 than with a tale of overlooked--hence underestimated--women? And who better to solve such a tale than our very own Miss Jane Marple? Though let's be real: she isn't ours... she is very much her own, thank you very much. Happy New Year to all; we look forward to bringing you much, much more Christie in 2018!

  • A *Very Special* Holiday Miss Marple Episode: A Christmas Tragedy by Agatha Christie

    22/12/2017 Duración: 39min

    Last year we had M. Poirot over for a Christmas visit, so we figured it was only fair to extend the invitation this year to our dear Miss Marple. Luckily she accepted... with a dark tale of sandbagging, impoverishment, and domestic discord! And this is why we cherish her so: she keeps it real, that Jane Marple. Happy holidays, everyone!

  • And Then There Were 49: The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie

    17/12/2017 Duración: 58min

    A serial killer is on the loose… or *is* he (or she for that matter)? Come deep-dive with us--into the depths of this unusual Christie novel, in which our analysis gets granular enough to identify not one but two points of intersection between this novel and podcast favorite The Man in the Brown Suit. (I know; we were surprised too… surprised, and delighted.) Does Christie pull off everything she's trying to achieve here? Perhaps not, but we enjoyed the ride nonetheless.

  • A Miss Marple Nightcap: The Blue Geranium by Agatha Christie

    02/12/2017 Duración: 35min

    Miss Marple is back! And perhaps better than ever in this inaugural tale of the Tuesday Night Club redux, a.k.a. part two of The Thirteen Problems. Get your thinking caps on because Miss Jane Marple is about to school us all. We wouldn't have it any other way. (Okay, Kemper, at least, wouldn't have it any other way....)

  • Tea with Tommy & Tuppence: The Crackler by Agatha Christie

    22/11/2017 Duración: 29min

    For the Americans among us, we may be looking forward to a little R&R over the impending Thanksgiving break, and why not add a little T&T to that equation? Regardless of your nationality, join us in this quaint little counterfeit caper, in which our favorite married detectives are shown the money, and then some.

  • A *Very Special* Episode: Murder on the Orient Express, the 2017 Film

    17/11/2017 Duración: 18min

    Just as you, dear listener, have probably done, we have gone out and watched the Kenneth Branagh adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express! And we have thoughts. So many thoughts.... Take a listen to our off-the-cuff remarks, and then feel free to share yours with us; we'd love to hear from you. (Except maybe if you're Josh Gad. Although actually, if Josh Gad were listening to this podcast we would in fact love to hear from him. E-mail us, Josh!)

  • And Then There Were 50: Death In The Clouds by Agatha Christie

    10/11/2017 Duración: 58min

    Also known as the OG Jazz Age version of The Bridge meets Snakes on a Plane. There is a lot to unpack in this one, including our mixed/middling feelings about it despite its dishy setting. Come unpack with us; just beware that by the end of the episode contents may have shifted during your listening experience....

  • A Special HALLOWE'EN Episode: The Dressmaker's Doll & Philomel Cottage by Agatha Christie

    30/10/2017 Duración: 53min

    It's Hallowe'en! (Yes, we are wedded to that apostrophe, unfortunately.) Join us (IF YOU DARE) as we dissect (LIKE CREEPY SCIENTISTS) two rather horrifying Christie short stories... with lots and lots of references to horror movies both high and low, of course. You may never feel the same way about dolls or husbands ever again.

  • Tea with Tommy & Tuppence: The Man in the Mist by Agatha Christie

    26/10/2017 Duración: 34min

    Quick: we say "Gilda," you say... what? Rita Hayworth? Gilda Radnor? Well, after this episode you very well may say "Ghost Cop." It's another caper courtesy of our pals Tommy and Tuppence, and this time Tommy is dressed up as a priest from a previous (failed, naturally) case. Can he do his best Father Brown impersonation and figure out whodunit? That is honestly an open question when it comes to these two, so you'll just have to listen to find out!

  • Tea with Tommy & Tuppence: The Case of the Missing Lady by Agatha Christie

    20/10/2017 Duración: 33min

    Time to get your screwball on! This may be Christie's most Wodehousian story yet (and it's certainly got some competition). Join us as we dive into a delightfully lighthearted Tommy & Tuppence caper. Oh, and also: were you aware that FUTURE PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN once played Tommy in a live televised adaptation of this very story?! Because we certainly were not. So much yet to learn about the Christieverse....

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