Profit With Purpose By Anna Goldstein |motivation | Self-improvement |lifestyle | Entrepreneur |life Coach | Business Coach



Anna Goldstein is an NYU certified coach, entrepreneur, Huffington Post contributor, former nationally ranked tennis player and author. The Profit With Purpose show is an informative and uplifting podcast where Anna dives into lives of entrepreneurs, healers, and change-makers who are making money through living their purpose. The goal is to provide practical tips to inspire you to be profitable living your lifes purpose. As a student of psychology, new age thinking, meditation, mindfulness techniques and yoga, Anna weaves these spiritual principles into her show. Guests on the podcast have been Mastin Kipp, Kate Northrup, Jairek Robbins, and more. Find out more at:


  • #175: Shelley Paxton: Soulbbatical: Living with Authenticity and Courage

    14/05/2020 Duración: 50min

    She spent 26 years as a highly regarded marketing and advertising executive stewarding some of the world’s most iconic brands like Harley-Davidson, Visa, McDonald’s, and AOL. In 2016 she walked away from the corporate world to nurture her soul and discover her purpose. She christened herself Chief Soul Officer and called the journey her Soulbbatical. It did more than change her life, it became her calling.  In 2018, Shelley opened the doors of her own company with the mission to liberate the souls of leaders and organizations, by inspiring them to realize their greatest purpose and potential. Shelley’s intention is to help her clients discover, as she did, a way of being that is aligned with their authentic self (soul) and deeply rooted in a commitment to living and leading courageously. As a certified professional coach, she works with individuals, entrepreneurs, and executives at Fortune 100 companies like Lowe’s, Inc. and Mars, Inc.  Time Stamps: [04:15] Tackling the question “what are you pretending not t

  • #174: Christina Lecuyer: Mindset: Resilience & Confidence

    07/05/2020 Duración: 57min

    Christina Lecuyer is a former professional golfer, a three-time reality television competitor, turned public speaker, and mindset coach. She didn’t start playing golf until she was 18 and still managed to get a scholarship for college. Playing golf taught Christina about how your mindset can impact your performance and the challenges around basing your self-worth on external factors. She had a successful career, the look, the money, the house, and the man. And even then, her soul was unfulfilled. It wasn’t that something was missing. But she wasn’t doing what set her soul on fire! She wanted to make an impact. She wanted to do what I was put on this planet to do (& get paid well to do it!) More recently, Christina has taken her skills off the golf course and brought her knowledge and passion for inspiring people to design a LIFE THEY TRULY LOVE through coaching and immersive events! The highly sought-after Women with C.L.A.S.S. Mastermind and Decide It’s Your Turn: Women’s Weekend are just a few ways Chri

  • #173: Alyssa Hall: The Journey To Motherhood & Taking a Leap into the Unknown

    30/04/2020 Duración: 50min

    Alyssa Hall is a life coach for mom’s. She’s a single mom to her 4-year-old daughter. A couple of years ago her life was a complete mess - every part of her life felt hard; her job, her relationships, and taking care of her self. She didn’t know how much more she could take —so she took a risk. She signed up for the coach training program at iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching). She knew it wasn’t a good time, but that there would also never be a “perfect” time. She knew she couldn’t afford it. But also knew she was tired of being unhappy. So, she stepped into her fears of the unknown seeking a career change and left with a completely different life. Alyssa was able to see firsthand how changing herself can affect every single person in your life. When she completed the program, she had a mission. She needed to help mom’s overcome what I went through; all the overwhelm, guilt, frustration, communicating with her daughter's father, and more. She knew she wasn’t the only one who experienced

  • #172: Michelle Aspinwell: Aligning with Time: Aging, Skincare & Health

    16/04/2020 Duración: 32min

    Michelle Aspinwell had been operating at Wonder Woman speed, using determination and endurance, this is probably something you can relate to == especially since we are quarantined - I have been more aware of how much I have been rushing! She was starting to properly understand what a brilliant organism the body is, relying on powerful, internal interactions to function at its full potential. What started as a diet evolved into to discovering and embracing so many different kinds of foods—both on my plate and the food she fed her brain through her thoughts and lifestyle. She was able to move past the oughts and ought-nots of a restrictive diet to an enjoyable and worthwhile journey in itself — an awakening of strength, clarity, and calm. Now as she approaches 48, these practices and specific knowledge has made my peri-menopausal journey one of transformation in spite of my unique symptoms. I know how to listen to the language my body uses and work to support it. She blends her years of personal experience, app

  • #171: Donna Ognibene: Growing the Guru in You

    09/04/2020 Duración: 27min

    Donna Ognibene is a gymnast, marathon runner, middle school teacher, and actress. She has been professionally active in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years. Donna has been described as a world-class master trainer, passionate teacher, trusted advisor, empowering coach, curious learner, creative innovator, industry leader, and community advocate. While she is all that, her natural talent is in bringing out the best in people. Aside from her professional roles, Donna enjoys time with family, friends, good food, community events, the Boston arts/sports/entertainment scene, acting, writing, and international travel. Donna knows too well the pain of being down in every aspect, which has led her into believing in the power of rising again. She shares her story of being exposed to risks so early in life and learning to deal with fear and challenges that came with it. Listen in to this self-help podcast to learn how to look for the next big thing after your plans have been knocked down by unprecedented

  • #170: Helena Escalante: How to Market Yourself and Never Stop Learning

    02/04/2020 Duración: 37min

    Helena Escalante is a copywriter, content strategist, and creator of entrepreneurial thought leaders who love to learn by reading books. She was born in Mexico City but later came to the US to attend college in Austin Texas. Helena believes her superpower is connecting people with resources they need to achieve their goals. She is fascinated by the human mind and tries to convey her copywriting messages compellingly and effectively. Listen in to this entrepreneurial podcast to learn how you can become a copywriter who creates compelling and converting copies. What was her inspiration to come from Mexico to the US? She was born into a family of translators which made the US close to her heart and when the opportunity came to attend college in the US she took it. She studied history and Latin American studies and minored in marketing. She later got a job in PR with marketing knowledge even before graduation. Helena says her brain works in marketing and languages. What does she love about PR and how she puts the

  • #169: Anna Goldstein: Managing Your Mind in Uncertain Times

    19/03/2020 Duración: 10min

    Over the past 15 years, I have been studying how to manage the mind. In this episode, I talk about: The difference between the mind and the brain Fear is a natural reaction to uncertainty Fear invites you to pay attention and it also exaggerates The mind has no shape, size or color. It's limitless How struggle helps people grow

  • #168: Gina Molinari: Finding Confidence and Clarity

    12/03/2020 Duración: 32min

    Gina Molinari is an online marketing strategist and public speaking Coach. She helps people confidently communicate themselves and their businesses, so they can make a massive impact with their work.  Her unique background as a classically-trained singer.. gives her an edge with helping people communicate with confidence. She is a graduate of the Facilitator in Training program through Next Level Trainings and obsessed with personal and professional development.  What sparked your passion for communication? Gina’s original dream from a young age was to be an opera singer. For the longest time, however, she was on the fence about turning her passion for singing into a profession. She truly loved performing—she just couldn’t imagine doing it for a living. Gina got to the point where she realized that she needed to reevaluate her life plan. She tried tackling the business side of the arts by pursuing a Masters Degree in Arts Administration. Even here, however, Gina still felt as if she didn’t belong. At this poi

  • #167: Felicia Hinds-Patrick: Awakening to Your Soul's Work

    05/03/2020 Duración: 38min

    From the outside looking in, Felicia managed to create a life that may have seemed perfect picture on the outside - a husband, 2 kids, house and a well-paid job in corporate America. But somewhere along the way, she lost herself in all of these masks; Mother, Wife, Career Woman, Provider, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and had no clear identity anymore. She began making choices that were so far removed from her and somewhere in between infidelity, death, heartache…she felt like she had lost everything and that was her awakening. She needed to know what life is truly about and what her true purpose was.  She was divinely guided to her first-ever Medium, who pretty much described her purpose as she is living it today. She got trained in Akashic records, left Goldman Sachs and Sakred Soul was born. Recently she launched the IamMoveMeant, which is a community of individuals who are READY to move out of being "stuck" in life. Felicia’s story of transformation is captivating. In this episode, we talk about how to move i

  • #166: Anna Goldstein: 3 Strategies to Improve Your Emotional Fitness

    20/02/2020 Duración: 13min

    How you can better understand how to take charge of your emotions? Some of our emotions are part of our past experiences and it’s up to us to learn how to shift them. I talk about why you need to be aware of your state to shift. This will be your key to success and happiness. Listen in to learn how your emotions affect the way you hold your body; why you need to focus on the good since you feel what you focus on. You will also learn why you need to start using meaningful and better words on yourself and others. “Situations have no meaning except the meaning we assign to them.” What you will learn: Understanding how to take charge of your emotions. Did you know that the decisions that you make are as a result of your state? How to be aware of your states. The three main things that create states; physiology, focus, and language. The power of state from Tony Robbins. What you need to do to shift your state. For Coaching Go To: life coach nyc

  • #165: David Wood: How to Have Tough Conversations

    13/02/2020 Duración: 53min

    David has broken down a process to make you feel more at ease to sharing your truth. If you’re struggling with confrontation, how to talk about something that you really want, or how to talk about something that you’re ashamed of, but you’re not sure how to have the conversation, whether it’s with a partner, or work situation, David share’s a blueprint to make them easier. There are long term benefits to learning to embrace tough conversations rather than sweeping things under the rug. It’s natural to want to avoid discomfort but it’s critical to learn to embrace discomfort if you want to grow. In this episode, we talk about the tendency to sweep things under the rug, how to prepare for a tough conversation, the long-term benefits of sharing our truth, and so much more.  Why do we shy away from tough conversations? The vulnerability of tough conversations is why. The mind is good at coming up with all the risks involved even though nine times out of ten the gain outweighs the potential cost. David wants to he

  • #164: Polly Alexandre: Clearing Money Blocks and Creating Extraordinary Abundance

    06/02/2020 Duración: 44min

    Polly Alexandre is a certified Master Coach, an Intuitive Healer & holds a BA in Psychology. She blends her extensive transformational coaching experience and intuitive healing abilities with 15 years experience as an entrepreneur. Polly overcame decades of self-limiting beliefs and negative patterns about money, to live the life she was always meant to live. After waking up with an idea that wouldn’t stop bothering her, she decided it was not a random event, she grabbed her journal and pen. The message she was getting was that she needed to heal her family lineage patterns around money and that when she did this, she would be able to help others do it as well. Now she travels between Ibiza, London, and LA, helping creative & spiritual entrepreneurs manifest the resources they need so they can live the life they’ve always dreamed of - and give their greatest gifts to the world. In this episode, we talk about how she worked really hard to manifest her dreams and then how things fell apart, and through

  • #163: Anna Goldstein: Connecting with Your Unlimited Potential

    30/01/2020 Duración: 07min

    Confidence comes from connecting with your unlimited potential. The thoughts in your head, the limited sense of self, is not who you are. You are unlimited potential.  life coach nyc

  • #162: Anna Goldstein: What Personal Development Has Done For Me

    24/01/2020 Duración: 11min

    The transformation that has happened for me since diving into personal development.  Life coaching

  • #161: Terri Cole: Understanding Co-Dependency and Creating Boundaries in Relationships

    16/01/2020 Duración: 56min

    Terri Cole is a New York-based licensed psychotherapist, relationship expert and founder of Real Love Revolution™ & Terri Cole's Boundary Bootcamp™Before earning a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychotherapy from New York University and adopting a daily meditation/green juice/exercise lifestyle, she worked as a talent agent for actors an d supermodels. She was your typical Type A overachiever with zero balance and no internal peace. Her ambition and fearless attitude fanned the “must get to the top” flames as I zipped across the country from Los Angeles to New York City fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and adrenalin. (I was shocked to discover that espresso is not a food group!) When it became evident that the things (money, power, sexy job) that I thought would make me happy - didn’t, I could no longer ignore the voice in my heart asking, “Isn’t there something more meaningful you could be doing with your life than making supermodels richer?” What she learned in the trenches with my clients informed and conti

  • #160: Brandi Fano: Break Free From Your Past & Create A Lifestyle By Design

    09/01/2020 Duración: 51min

    Brandi Fano broke out of generational patterns of dysfunction, disease, and divorce, and fought for her freedom. After enduring trauma and pain through the first two decades of her life, Brandi decided to create an experience of wholeness. Since making the commitment to changing her future, she has drastically shifted into a state of optimal wellness and energy, applying the methods of success she’s learned and developed. Brandi went from broke and in debt to thriving in business, with companies she built from the ground up exceeding a million dollars annually. She has a thriving marriage to her husband of fourteen years and they have three beautiful children who have been raised completely drug/medicine free. She is authentically living her best life, and on a mission to help others do the same. In this episode we talk about having faith, giving up something good for something great, taking charge of your health, and so much more. If you haven’t subscribed to the profit with purpose show, make sure you hit s

  • #159: Anna Goldstein: How to Make Progress

    26/12/2019 Duración: 04min

    "The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit." There will be an extended period of time where you don't see results.  There will be failure and setbacks Keep the faith and keep going Stay consistent   life coach nyc

  • #158: Anna Goldstein: How to Have Perspective

    12/12/2019 Duración: 05min

    There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically. "Maybe," the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed. "Maybe," replied the old man. The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune. "Maybe," answered the farmer. The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. "Maybe," said the farmer.   life coach nyc

  • #157: Satya Scainetti: Finding Your Truth + Spiritual Jewelry That Gives Back

    05/12/2019 Duración: 57min

    Satya is a philanthropist, yoga teacher and Reiki healer, who after 30 days of intensive yoga training had a dream of making jewelry that was both meaningful and gave back to children around the world. Fifteen years ago, she created Satya Jewelry  which creates handcrafted, beautiful and meaningful jewelry, which more importantly has a special meaning in mind — thus starting the movement of incorporating wellness info fashion, which is mainstream today. It is the go-to jewelry brand for celebrities such as Courtney Cox, along with wellness leaders such as Gabby Bernstein, Elena Brower and more). Giving back is an important aspect of Satya’s brand and she donates a percentage of all sales are donated to the Satya Foundation; my 501 (c) organization that has raised over $1 million for children's charities throughout the world. They have also done many collaborations for giving back, including Christy Turlington Burn’s Every Mother Counts, Next For Autism, and an upcoming line with Yoga Girl’s Rachel Brathen.  H

  • #156: Anna Goldstein: 5 Minute Guided Meditation

    28/11/2019 Duración: 05min

    A guided 5-minute meditation to get rid of distractions and disturbances in the mind and heart. 

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