License To Parent With Trace Embry



Trace Embry Founder of Shepherds Hill Academy


  • History and Parenting with Brian Kilmeade [Podcast]

    07/10/2019 Duración: 28min

    Is it possible that being ill-informed with a warped, or gross lack of historical knowledge could actually be affecting our kids' perspectives, attitudes; and somehow, even their behaviors, today? If so, could this same lack or slanted view of history also be driving a wedge of distrust and disrespect, not only between parents and their children but between their children and their God? That's today's discussion with Brian Kilmeade on License to Parent. Not many broadcasters can say they are on the air for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, but that is exactly what Brian Kilmeade has been doing since 2006. After joining Fox News in 1997, he was soon named co-host of Fox & Friends, where he still thrives today. During his tenure at Fox News, he has developed the ability to interview and provide insight into newsmakers, politicians, celebrities, and athletes. Brian has written 5 books, 4 New York Times bestsellers including "Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans" co-written with Don Yaeger. Number 6 is in

  • Connecting to Your Kids with Kirk Cameron [Podcast]

    30/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    I want my kids to have access to the constructive things that the internet has to offer. I just want that access to have some wise and godly boundaries put into place. I want to use digital technology as a tool to engage with my kids. I hear a lot of well-meaning people say, "You have to trust your kids; just love them, train them, and shape their hearts. They'll eventually do the right thing." And that's all true but there's a caveat when it comes to the unencumbered use of smartphones. Remember, we're talking about kids here, not mature adults. Even a kid as old as 15 is still 10 years removed from having his frontal lobe fully-developed. That's the action/consequence part of the brain. Even a kid with a heart of gold can succumb to some pretty crazy stuff when regularly enticed. Today we hear from Kirk Cameron. Kirk and his wife Chelsea are the founders of Camp Firefly, a camp for seriously ill children and their families. Together, they live in California with their six children. Kirk is also the crea

  • Putting the Grand in Grand Parenting with Ken Canfield [Podcast]

    23/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    But then we become grandparents. Suddenly we discover an entirely new kind of love. The joy of grandparenting is second to none! Today we’ll be talking about being a grandparent with Dr. Ken Canfield as he discusses The Heart of Grandparenting. Dr. Ken Canfield has committed his life to strengthen families and fathers. He has founded and continues to engage in several organizations dedicated to improving family well-being. Most notably, Dr. Canfield belongs to the National Center for Fathering, where he served as President for 16 years. He is currently president of the National Association for Grandparenting (, which he founded in 2016. Discovering the Heart of Grandparenting Episode Highlights: What can we learn from cultures that depend on grandparents? How can grandparents live out their calling with their extended family? What are the physical & health benefits of being an involved grandparent? What benefits does grandparenting offer our grandchildren? Discover the 5 Pillar

  • Bridging the Gap with David and Jason Benham [Podcast]

    16/09/2019 Duración: 29min

    David and Jason Benham (the Benham Brothers) are former professional baseball players, nationally acclaimed entrepreneurs, and best selling authors. Their rise to success earned them a reality show with HGTV that was set to air in the fall of 2014 – yet the show was abruptly canceled because of their commitment to Biblical values. Appearing on CNN, Fox News, ESPN, ABC’s Nightline & Good Morning America, the Benham’s continue to stand up for what they believe and encourage others to do the same. David and Jason have a combined 9 children and live on the same street in Charlotte, NC. They recently released the book Bold and Broken, which we will talk about a little bit more today. Bold & Broken Episode Highlights: How can men harness their power for good? What brings about destruction? What does it mean to be bold and broken? How does submitting to Jesus impact men? How do boldness and brokenness work together? Picture via: Pixabay

  • The Gender Binary and Today with Ryan T Anderson [Podcast]

    09/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    Without a starting point as fundamental as the gender binary, we parents may actually have nothing meaningful at all to teach our children for which they can’t legitimately respond, “That’s just your opinion, dad/mom”. As scary as it all sounds, there IS truth that transcends our mere opinions. And it’s arguably never more evident than when we’re distinguishing boys from girls. Today we speak with Ryan T. Anderson of the Heritage Foundation. He is the author of When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment and Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom, and he is the co-author of What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense and Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination. Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., researches and writes about marriage, bioethics, religious liberty, and political philosophy. When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement Episode Highlights: What has caused the rise of the transgender movement? How has technology impacted the gende

  • Toxic Masculinity & The Christian Son with Buddy Prow [Podcast]

    02/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    I believe the term “toxic masculinity” is just a contrived gateway term that lulls the American masses into a continued pathway toward the feminization of our society as a whole. If they can pull it off, it’ll be a whole lot easier for the powers that be to get people to make more important decisions and life-changing policies and laws based on emotions and feelings rather than logic and reason. Let’s face it: you’re more likely to have to sacrifice something if you make decisions based on logic and reason. To do so requires self-discipline—something sorely lacking in too many people today. We’re talking about the definition of toxic masculinity, and how to raise our sons in the thick of it, on today’s License to Parent. Buddy Prow, LAPC, is the Primary Boys Therapeutic Counselor at Shepherd’s Hill Academy. Buddy received his master’s degree in Professional Counseling from Liberty University. He is currently pursuing his LPC and Master Addiction Counselor (MAC) certifications. His previous positions workin

  • The Collapse of Parenting with Leonard Sax [Podcast]

    26/08/2019 Duración: 28min

    Beating their kids into submission may be one parent’s idea of good parenting. Allowing your child to do what they want when they want maybe another parent’s measure. Historically the America standard for raising healthy, well-adjusted children largely comes from the Bible and Judeo Christian ethic. Yet many have strayed from this standard of parenting and we may be witnessing a collapse. Is it worth a rebuild? We think so! We’ll discuss how as we speak with Leonard Sax today on the Collapse of Parenting. Leonard Sax earned his bachelor’s degree in Biology from MIT, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa in just five semesters at age 19. He has earned a Ph.D. in psychology and an MD. He established a family practice in Montgomery County Maryland in 1990, where he spent over 18 years. Dr. Sax has authored numerous books including The Collapse of Parenting. He is also an international speaker and has appeared on The Today Show, CNN, Headline News, PBS, Fox News, NBR, BBC and more. How We Hurt Our Kids When We Tr

  • Glow Kids with Nicholas Kardaras [Podcast]

    19/08/2019 Duración: 28min

    Metaphorically speaking, today's kids are born with digital DNA. Yet, as more science is understood about this issue, the more this metaphor may actually be closer to reality. It may not only explain our kids' extreme aversion to boredom; but, also their disinterest in pursuing and worshipping God, an apparent exercise in mental brutality for many kids today. Dealing with the dullness seen in today's glow kids. That’s next on License to Parent as we interview Dr. Nicholas Kardaras. Dr. Kardaras is a Clinical Professor at Stony Brook Medicine. He has also taught neuropsychology at the doctoral-level and is the author of the book Glow Kids. Kardaras is a frequent contributor to Fox News, Psychology Today, and more! Dr. Kardaras is a former AAU National Karate champion, recovering NYC nightclub owner and coma survivor. In his clinical work with adolescents--he's worked with over 1,000 teens over the last decade--he began to realize that many were suffering from a screen-induced malaise. Dr. Kardaras lives with

  • Through the Gate of SHA with Ginelle Kohl [Podcast]

    12/08/2019 Duración: 28min

    Our culture is in constant turmoil. What we once held to be true is not being challenged, it’s being replaced with the opinion of the day. Those once held beliefs are having to get in line to fight to regain their relevance. So, is it any wonder we need help with parenting and giving our children a biblical point of reference for navigating life? Today we take a look under the hood of Shepherd’s Hill Academy with Founder Trace Embry, along with our Girls Program Manager, Ginelle Kohl. Ginelle currently holds a bachelor’s degree in Counseling Psychology with a minor in Outdoor Leadership and Education from Toccoa Falls College in Toccoa Falls, GA. Ginelle has worked with youth since 2007. Ginelle loves working with teens because their youthful energy and life offer so much to today’s culture. Ginelle wants to teach teens how to harness that energy and put it towards worthwhile things. She desires to serve youth and equip them to go out and pour into and serve in the lives of others. In addition, Ginelle love

  • How To Shine Online with Josh Ochs [Podcast]

    05/08/2019 Duración: 28min

    New apps, websites, devices --even new languages and other modes of communication and entertainment--are developing virtually every day. And, this includes ways of communicating and sending images that could negatively affect your child's reputation and future success. Consequently, realizing that our kids have a lot more disposable time to explore and use these devices than we do (if we let them), we'll need to come to grips with the significant changes and/or help needed to help them execute a wise digital protocol. We'll be exploring what some of that might look like, next, as we discuss how to shine online with Josh Ochs. Josh Ochs is a Founder and Digital Citizenship Author with a background in marketing at Disney and a love for all things technology. Josh Ochs combines both to help teens and tweens use social media as a portfolio of positive accomplishments. Josh travels the nation speaking to over 30,000 kids each year sharing with them tips they can use to create a positive online presence. Josh’s

  • Four Battles Every Young Man Must Face with Jonathan McKee [Podcast]

    29/07/2019 Duración: 28min

    And, when so many of these instant pleasures avail themselves at every turn without any peer pressure to resist, then, like sheep to the slaughter, it can be just too easy to allow our emotion to cloud our reason and proceed with something that we'll likely regret later. And, because so many of today's instant pleasures are ego-driven, visually appealing, excitement oriented or sexually stimulating, today's young men seem to be tempted more than the rest of the general population. Today, we'll be discussing a Guy's Guide to Four Battles Every Young Man Must Face with expert Jonathan McKee. Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the Amazon Best Seller – The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket and The Guy’s Guide to Four Battles Every Young Man Must Face. He has over 20 years of youth ministry experience and speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers and parents on Jonathan and his wife Lori live i

  • Prioritizing Home with Carrie Gress [Podcast]

    08/07/2019 Duración: 28min

    Have we mortgaged our kids' childhoods for "stuff" and status? Why shouldn't our success be gauged more by the relational peace, contentment, fulfillment, joy, and security that we and our kids actually bring to one another? And by the eternal security that comes from our family's knowledge of, submission to, and relationship with the God of the universe? Today will explore a more biblical view of parenting success. You might call it a Theology of Home. And we chat with Carrie Gress, an expert on this subject. Carrie Gress, a homeschooling mother of four, has a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University of America. She is the editor at the online magazine Theology of Home and the author of several books including her latest The Anti-Mary Exposed. Theology of Home Theology of Home was created to assist Christian women in discovering truth and knowledge in a way that is applicable to their daily lives. We often see many secular magazines and publications really speaking to deep issues in raising

  • Parenting for the Launch with Dennis Trittin [Podcast]

    01/07/2019 Duración: 28min

    They're known as "Peter Pan males." Because, by all observation, it appears that they just refuse to grow up. They've also been known to be plagued with what's now called "a failure to launch." So, what can we do as responsible and God-fearing parents living in a world full of entitlement political-correctness, trigger words and safe-spaces to prepare our kids for independent and responsible living? That's today's discussion as we explore Parenting for the Launch with Dennis Trittin. Dennis Trittin is President and CEO of LifeSmart Publishing and author of "Parenting for the Launch: Raising Teens to Succeed in the Real World" and "What I Wish I Knew at 18: Life Lessons for the Road Ahead." His mission is to inspire and equip the next generation with the leadership and life skills they need to flourish and fulfill their purpose. Previously, Dennis was a senior executive for 27 years at Russell Investments where he managed some $40 billion and evaluated leaders and organizations worldwide. Dennis has been hap

  • Why I Stand: with Burgess Owens [Podcast]

    24/06/2019 Duración: 28min

    With more and more young people being lured into believing that socialism is the answer to our nation's ills these days, what will the future of American patriotism actually look like? Can you or your children be true American patriots, while promoting socialism at the same time? So, with respect to patriotism, what should we stand for and what should we be teaching our kids to stand for--and why? Today we speak with Burgess Owens on this very topic. Super Bowl Champion, Burgess Owens has shown throughout his life a passion for the pursuit of excellence. At the core of his message is optimism that is both inspiring and instructional. As he uplifts our system of government, the freedom and opportunity available because of it, his mantra is embodied in two words…"Dream Big". Burgess discusses what it takes to win, regardless of one's circumstances, background, color or culture. He encourages all to dream bigger, expect more, risk more, struggle more and win more. A priceless message from someone who has bee

  • How to Talk to Your Kids about Socialism with Frank Wright [Podcast]

    17/06/2019 Duración: 28min

    If you're a college kid with an accruing mountain of student-loan debt--or a high-school kid looking at your friends' necktie deep dungeon of debt, then free college with no college debt sounds pretty appealing. But, what a lot of our kids aren't aware of, is their history--in this case, the history of socialism. I'm not sure socialism has worked very well anywhere it was tried. So, today's parents have to ask themselves a few questions: "What am I doing to educate my child about America's political history? How do I want that political history to affect my child's political and professional future?" And, "Do I really want our liberal, failing public school system; our kids' favorite entertainment personalities; their 300 social media acquaintances; and, our liberal--postmodern-thinking press to be their only source for political insight? Today we talk socialism with Dr. Frank Wright, a protégée of Dr. James Kennedy. Dr. Wright served for over a decade as the President and CEO of the National Religiou

  • Connect with Kirk Cameron [Podcast]

    10/06/2019 Duración: 28min

    And what about the new dangers that lurk in our children’s pockets? Too many parents are allowing the likes of Ted Bundy, Larry Flynt, El Chapo, every porn star and the rest of the seedy-side of town, not only into their own homes but into the privacy of their kids' own bedrooms without realizing it. My gosh, even our government won't let you pull the lever on a slot machine until you're 21, because of it's addictive nature. Today we speak with Kirk Cameron on his new film to find out how it can help parents navigate this endless barrage of digital stimuli that are affecting families today. Kirk Cameron is a television and film actor and producer, noted recently for his work in the family films Saving Christmas and Mercy Rule, the documentaries Unstoppable and Monumental, and the inspirational film Fireproof. He is also known for his memorable roles on ABC’s Growing Pains, the Left Behind movies, and co-host of The Way of the Master television series. Kirk spends much of his time producing new television a

  • The Heart of Grandparenting with Ken Canfield [Podcast]

    03/06/2019 Duración: 28min

    My dad used to say that his grandkids were God's reward for not killing me during the course of my upbringing. But, all joking aside, grandkids are wonderful; and, grandparenting is wonderful. But, there really are a lot of responsibilities and obligations--as well as big-time rewards that go along with being a good grandparent--which I'm still working on. It's kinda like "parenting lite" if your kids are actually being the parents that God has called them to be. If not, grandparenting can also be pretty frustrating--even heart-breaking and exhausting. But, I'm certainly no expert on the whole grandparenting thing. Like I said, I'm still a work in progress, myself. So, I'm looking forward to hearing from a guy who actually wrote a book on The Heart of Grandparenting. Dr. Ken Canfield, a nationally-known leader, and scholar has committed his life to 8x10 canfield big group2 soft color-5strengthening families and fathers. He has founded and continues to engage in several organizations dedicated to im

  • Bold and Broken with David and Jason Benham [Podcast]

    27/05/2019 Duración: 29min

    So, what, then, are we to make of our boy’s competitiveness and their rough and tumble ways? Are these unnatural and ungodly traits that need to be rectified? And, what are we to make of the growing remorse that more and more young women are now feeling after following Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the modern feminist movement for their moral truth and fulfillment in life? In the midst of it all, how do we convey and teach our kids to convey the truth of God, tempered by the love of God to a world devoid of God? Raising our kids to be Bold and Broken, God’s way. David and Jason Benham (the Benham Brothers) are former professional baseball players, nationally acclaimed entrepreneurs, and best selling authors. Their rise to success earned them a reality show with HGTV that was set to air in the fall of 2014 - yet the show was abruptly canceled because of their commitment to Biblical values. Appearing on CNN, Fox News, ESPN, ABC's Nightline & Good Morning America, the Benham's continue to stand up for wha

  • Building Character in Our Kids with Pat Williams [Podcast]

    20/05/2019 Duración: 28min

    I've heard it said that Character is "who you are and what you do when nobody is looking." When it comes to our kids, I think character-building has a lot to do with the quality of people that they're surrounded with. I also believe that who and what our kids are regularly being entertained by can affect their character as well. But of course, there's no better model and teacher of character than parents. But that door swings both ways. Your kids are gonna learn from you, for good or for ill, or a little bit of both. Today we talk more on character with Mr. Pat Williams. Pat Williams is senior vice president of the NBA's Orlando Magic. He has more than 50 years of professional sports experience, has written more than 100 books, including the popular Coach Wooden, Coach Wooden's Greatest Secret, and Character Carved in Stone. The 12 Words of Character Building Mr. Pat William’s book, Character Carved in Stone, was inspired by his trip to West Point. Here he discovered 12 benches, each with a word inscribed on

  • Addressing the Needs of the Black Family with CL Bryant [Podcast]

    12/05/2019 Duración: 28min

    It's up to us, as godly parents, to make sure we're equipping our children with the tools that help give our kids the best start in life possible. But, some would argue that the toolboxes from which white parents equip their kids are better tool boxes and are stocked deeper with better tools necessary for success than the toolboxes of most black parents. And, therefore, the playing field needs to be leveled somehow for the black population. Today we speak with Reverend CL Bryant on this relevant topic. Reverend Bryant is a Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks and the founder of One Nation Back to God and has frequented many mainstream channels such as Fox News. The Blaze. CNN. MSNBC. Syndicated Radio. He is also a columnist and author and the former two-term President of NAACP Garland, Texas. On June 4, 2014, C.L. became Host of soon syndicated radio program The CL Bryant Show. C.L. Bryant is recognized as one of America's most Dynamic Orators and he is a highly sought after Speaker, Motivator, Activist, Organize

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