Airing Pain



Airing Pain is the online radio programme and podcast from Pain Concern ( month we bring together people with chronic pain and top specialists to talk about resources that can help.You can listen to Airing Pain every Tuesday and Sunday at 8pm via Able Radio (, with all episodes available on demand here and on our website ( subscribe via iTunes and podcast apps to get the latest progs delivered straight to your mobile.Pain Concern is a charity registered in Scotland SC023559


  • 125: Opioid-Induced Constipation

    03/11/2020 Duración: 27min

    This edition has been supported with a grant from Kyowa Kirin donated for this purpose. While opioids are seen as an effective treatment method for acute pain, there is an increasing debate on the efficacy of opioids when treating chronic pain conditions. One of the most common side effects of long-term opioid usage is constipation. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome are more common in people who are living with chronic pain conditions, so better understanding of the connection between opioids and constipation is key for medical professionals currently working with chronic pain patients. Following on from Airing Pain 123, this edition sees Paul Evans speaks to Dr Maria Eugenicos, who is a gastroenterologist at the University of Edinburgh. Dr Eugenicos starts by outlining the different conditions that are treated at her gastro-intestinal clinic and how these conditions can present. Dr Eugenicos then discusses the prevalence of opioid-induced constipation in clinical patients and how shifting treat

  • 124: Diabetic Neuropathy

    01/09/2020 Duración: 29min

    This edition has been supported by a grant from The Champ Trust and Foundation Scotland. According to the most recent Scottish Diabetes Survey in 2018, there are an estimated 304,000 people living with a diagnosis of diabetes in Scotland, around 5% of the population. A long-term effect of diabetes can be the development of diabetic neuropathy. This edition of Airing Pain focuses on neuropathic pain in people with diabetes, and how the X-PERT diabetes courses helps people to deal with the complications that arise when living with diabetes. First up, Paul Evans speaks to David Bennett, Professor of Neurology at the University of Oxford, who outlines the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and how the initial treatment plan differs between the types. Professor Bennett then goes on to describe how neuropathy develops in people living with diabetes and how neuropathic pain manifests. Paul then talks with Steve Sims, who lives with diabetic neuropathy as a result of type 2 diabetes. Paul and St

  • 123: Opioids and Chronic Pain

    07/07/2020 Duración: 29min

    This edition has been supported by a grant from Kyowa Kirin. The opioid crisis reached its peak in the United States in 2017, where addiction and overprescription have led to 218,000 deaths from prescription overdoses between the years of 1999 and 2017. The side effects of opioids can affect the day-to-day activities of people managing long-term or chronic pain, yet society as a whole has yet to fully evaluate the relationship between opioids and addiction.  In this edition of Airing Pain, producer Paul Evans talks to two leading pain specialists. First off, Paul Evans meets with Dr Srinivasa Raja, who discusses opioids effects on the body’s opioid receptors and how the human body processes pain. Dr Cathy Stannard then talks about the increase of opioid prescriptions in the UK and how the opioid crisis in the United Kingdom developed. In the second half of the programme, Paul speaks with Louise Trewern, a chronic pain patient and patient advocate, about opioids’ detrimental effect on her quality of

  • 122: The Many Faces of Research

    05/05/2020 Duración: 29min

    This editionhas been supported with a grant from The Mirianog Trust donated for this purpose. It was recorded at the end of April 2020, the second month of the UK’s Covid-19 lockdown. All interviews were recorded prior to the crisis. As research for a Covid-19 vaccine is a priority for the scientific community, this edition of Airing Pain focuses on the roles of researchers, and in particular the many disciplines that come together to increase the understanding, and therefore the management of chronic pain. First up, Paul Evans speaks to neurologist Claudia Sommer, whose research into fibromyalgia opens debate as to whether the condition should be treated as neuropathic pain. Physiotherapist David Easton then talks about the research-led ESCAPE PAIN rehabilitation exercise programme for people with osteoarthritis in their hips or knees. And finally, Paul visits the University of Bristol, where neuroscientist Bridget Lumb talks of the need for further research into the link between familiar contact

  • 121: Living with Persistent Pain in Wales

    03/03/2020 Duración: 41min

    This edition has been partially funded by an educational grant from Grünenthal Limited, donated for this purpose. In April 2019, the Minister for Health and Social Services in Wales launched the guidance document Living with Persistent Pain in Wales. Later, in December, the Chronic Pain Policy Coalition brought together some of Wales’s leading pain experts at the home of the Welsh parliament (or Senedd Cymru) in Cardiff, at an event chaired by Neil Betteridge, co-chair of the Chronic Pain Policy Coalition, a group which brings together a wide range of chronic pain stakeholders including professional bodies, patient organisations, parliamentarians and industry representatives from across the UK. This edition of Airing Pain was recorded live at the event, where clinicians, academics, policy-makers and people living with pain came together to discuss both the new document and the future of chronic pain services across the region. With thanks to the Chronic Pain Policy Coalition, the Welsh Government and

  • 120: Osteoporosis

    07/01/2020 Duración: 29min

    This edition has been supported by a grant from The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust. Osteoporosis is a largely ignored condition that affects over 3 million people in the UK, with women being more at risk; a condition which, because the symptoms are difficult to notice by patients, is often referred to as the ‘silent disease’. In this edition of Airing Pain, we learn why prevention, assessment and management are key factors to deal with this condition and develop a correct model of care in the health services. First-off, Paul Evans speaks to Dr Emma Clark, Consultant in Rheumatology & Osteoporosis at North Bristol Trust, to find out about the causes and characteristics of osteoporosis. She discusses how osteoporosis can be ignored or misdiagnosed as osteoarthritis, as well as ways in which we can look after our bone health. Dr Clark also talks about how she is currently developing a clinical tool for primary care professionals to help them identify signs of osteoporosis when they meet with their pati

  • 119: Experts by Experience: Working together in pain management programmes

    05/11/2019 Duración: 59min

    This edition has been supported by a grant from the Plum Trust. In September, the British Pain Society’s special interest group on pain management programmes held their annual conference. A workshop entitled ‘Experts by Experience – working together in Pain Management Programmes’ was run in parallel to this. The symposium brought together patient-volunteers and healthcare professionals from four pain management centres around the UK to share their experience of working together.  Dr Nick Ambler, Consultant Clinical Psychologist of the North Bristol NHS Trust’s Pain Management Programme (PMP), facilitated the workshop; chairing an uplifting, frank and empowering discussion on the psychological benefit to patients and the professional value to healthcare trusts of patient-volunteers working within pain management programmes. This special extended edition of Airing Pain comes to you live from the conference, letting you sit in on the discussion.   Patient-volunteer Primrose Granville opens by giving a

  • 118: Pain Management in Young People

    01/10/2019 Duración: 29min

    In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul Evans looks at the issues concerning pain amongst adolescents, including the impact on parents. First-off, Paul speaks to Dr Jeremy Gauntlet-Gilbert, principal clinical psychologist at the Bath Centre for Pain Services, to talk about the 'end of the road' residential pain management programme the Centre has for young people from across the UK who have not had success at other institutions. Paul also speaks to Amyra and Taylor, who have first-hand experience of the programme, about their time in Bath. They also discuss how chronic pain has affected their personal lives, including their performance at school and in exams. The parents’ experience is also explored as Paul speaks to Taylor’s mum Sandra McCann and Louise Bailey, the mother of another patient. They describe how the Bath Centre for Pain Management has made a positive impact on the ability of their children to have a more regular life. Paul also discusses with Louise and Dr Gauntlet-Gilbert about the wider impac

  • 117: Patients as Research Partners

    03/09/2019 Duración: 29min

    This edition was facilitated by the British Pain Society and recorded at their Annual Scientific Meeting 2019.  In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul Evans investigates the potential for patients to play an integral role in research, alongside the professionals. Through discussions with patients John and Mark both of whom are part of research groups, he sheds light on the importance of patients shaping the research and treatment of their own condition. From patients being included in directing their own treatment plan to actually influencing the direction of original scientific research, there are many benefits to their involvement. Louise Trewern, a member of the BPS Patient Liaison Committee, speaks of her journey from coming off opioids to working with Doctors in order to help others in similar situations. She highlights need to break down the ‘language’ barrier between professionals and patients.  Margaret Whitehead and Julie Ashworth explore how the BPS and the University of Keele, respectively,

  • 116: Neuropathic Pain 2 of 2: Latest research

    06/08/2019 Duración: 29min

    In this second instalment in a mini-series on neuropathic pain, Paul Evans delves into the latest scientific developments on the condition and the ways in which the gap between research and treatments could be bridged.  Following on from Airing Pain 115, which concentrated on targeted Pain Management Programmes, this edition discusses the ‘bio’ element on dealing with neuropathic pain. Speaking to Professor Srinivasa Raja, Paul discusses what exactly is going on in the brain with neuropathic pain. Professor Raja provides a valuable explanation of the science behind the condition. Patrick M. Dougherty, Professor at the Department of Pain Medicine at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre then shares with Paul the latest advances in neuropathic pain research. He examines the link between cancer treatments and the condition as well as the potential for treatments such as immunotherapy to combat neuropathic pain in the future.  Contributors: Patrick M. Dougherty, Professor at the Departme

  • 115: Neuropathic Pain 1 of 2: Targeted pain management programmes

    02/07/2019 Duración: 29min

    In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul investigates the ideas behind Pain Management Programmes, and highlights the importance of the patient in shaping their own treatment. Internationally recognised Professor Srinivasa Raja speaks to Paul about the differences between nociceptive and neuropathic pain, as well as the complexities of chronic pain and its management. Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Dr Clare Daniel examines the psychological and social components of chronic pain. She discusses the important role of the cognitive behavioural model in Pain Management Programmes. Paul speaks to lead physiotherapist Diarmuid Denneny about the importance of the patient in determining the appropriate response to their pain, by taking into account their life and personal aspirations. Finally, Cameron Rashide, a patient with neuropathic pain among other conditions, speaks of the pain management technique ‘pacing’ and how she has learnt to manage her pain through pushing herself ever so slightly outside her

  • 114: You, Your Drugs, and the Law: Gabapentinoids and medicinal cannabis

    06/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    This edition of Airing Pain is funded by Foundation Scotland. On 1 April 2019 pregabalin and gabapentin, drugs recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for the management of neuropathic pain, were re-classified as class-C controlled substances. This change means it is illegal to possess pregabalin and gabapentin without a prescription, and illegal to supply or sell them to others, as well as restricting the ease with which doctors and pharmacists can prescribe and dispense them. Also in this edition of Airing Pain, medicinal cannabis: Is it safe? Does it work for pain? Is it legal? Where do people who use these drugs to manage their chronic pain, now stand within UK law? Contributors: Blair Smith, Consultant in Pain Medicine at NHS Tayside, and National Lead Clinician for Chronic Pain in Scotland. Steve Alexander, Associate Professor in Molecular Pharmacology at Nottingham University Cameron Rashide, who lives with neuropathic pain.

  • 113: Translating Chronic Pain

    07/05/2019 Duración: 29min

    This edition is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Chronic pain often exists ways that cannot be seen. Due to the intangible and ambiguous nature of many chronic pain conditions that lack clear-cut causes and treatment, patients feel frustrated when communicating with healthcare professionals, personal networks, and the public at large; they feel ‘invisible’. Lancaster University’s English and Creative Writing department has built a research network to collect short-form ‘flash’ illness writing; pieces that aim to better represent people’s experiences of chronic pain.  In this edition of Airing Pain We hear from the project’s Principal Investigator Dr Sara Wasson about the many components that make up the project, its origins, and the goal of conveying the experience that millions of people go through every day.  Contributors: Dr Sara Wasson, English and Creative Writing Lecturer, Translating Chronic Pain Lead Investigator, Lancaster University  Holly Hirst, PhD and Associate L

  • 112: Measuring Pain, Reading the Brain

    02/04/2019 Duración: 29min

    This edition is funded by the Plum Foundation. In this edition of Airing Pain, returning contributor Mark Johnson, Director of the Centre for Pain Research at Leeds Beckett University, speaks to Paul about the experimental methods used in their lab to measure how pain is experienced. Professor Johnson emphasises the difficulty in communicating one’s pain, as it is entirely context driven and based on the experiences of the patient. Paul then heads to Manchester University to speak to Professor of Neuro-Rheumatology Anthony Jones. Paul learns about the different techniques used to measure the alpha waves produced by the brain when pain occurs, how the anticipation of pain is as important as pain itself, and the difficulties that scientists encounter when trying to emulate these signals. We also hear about the brain’s ‘plasticity’; its ability to rewire connection based on sensory experience. Anthony’s research team are developing a ‘smart neuro-therapies’ platform (which you can get involved in, see

  • 111: Physiotherapy, Mind, Body and the Social Component

    05/03/2019 Duración: 29min

    This edition is supported by friends of Pain Concern. Director of CSPC Physiotherapy in Leeds, Alison Rose, specialises in working with high-level athletes, particularly those with complex injury histories. Rose speaks to Paul about her experience with chronic pain as being subjective for both athletes and non-athletes, explaining it as a unique “puzzle” that needs to be put together to find the core mechanisms that cause pain. We also hear about the many unexpected physical relationships within our bodies that cause pain, as well as the importance of social networks.  We then hear from Cardiff University Professor of Medical Education Ann Taylor. Professor Taylor speaks about her work exploring how those with chronic pain perceive non-pain related information, and how this information is processed through “fear circuitry” which can have detrimental effects on self-management. Professor Taylor promotes more focus on the ‘social’ aspect of the biopsychosocial model and the benefit of constructive conver

  • 110: Living with Cancer Pain

    05/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    This edition is funded by the Agnes Hunter Trust.  According to Cancer Research UK, 50% of all people in England and Wales diagnosed with cancer survive their disease for ten years or more. This edition of Airing Pain looks at what pain management entails for the other 50%; those that live with terminal cancer. Kate Grafton, Lecturer and Professional Lead for Physiotherapy at Leeds Beckett University, speaks to Paul about her breast cancer diagnosis, her experiences with different treatments, the psychology of mindfulness, and finding the right support group. Paul then heads to St Gemma’s teaching hospice at the University of Leeds to speak to Professor of Palliative Medicine Mike Bennett who explains what palliative care entails as well as the importance of balancing treatment and quality of life. Back at Leeds Beckett we hear from the Director of the Centre for Pain Research Mark Johnson, who has a particular interest in non-pharmacological treatments like TENS machines, acupuncture, and laser

  • 109: Fibromyalgia

    07/01/2019 Duración: 29min

    This edition has been supported by the Women’s Fund for Scotland. Fibromyalgia (FM) affects around 2% of the UK population, with 80-90% of those being women, and being a widely misunderstood condition its exact causes are unknown. Widespread pain is the major symptom; but people with FM may also experience fatigue, difficulty sleeping, memory problems ('fibro-fog'), muscle stiffness, and many others. In 2016, EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) published its Revised Recommendations for the Management of Fibromyalgia. In this edition Paul Evans speaks to Dr Gareth Jones, reader in epidemiology at the University of Aberdeen who was part of the study group. Paul also speaks to Dr Kathryn Martin and Fiona Rennie about their work with Walk With Ease, a programme that encourages walking as a self-management technique for arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions like FM. He even has a go himself! We also hear from Diane about her experiences being diagnosed with FM and her journey using swimming,

  • 108: Gender Differences

    06/11/2018 Duración: 29min

    This edition’s been part funded by the Women’s Fund of Scotland. Do women and men experience pain differently, or is it only our attitudes towards pain that differ? In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul speaks to healthcare professionals about their findings with the literature surrounding chronic pain and the changing outlooks when it comes to seeking help. Deputy Director of the Bath Centre for Pain Research, Professor Ed Keogh, speaks about his review of men’s health literature in the context of chronic pain, and found that women are more likely to report pain in more body regions in their lifetime compared to men. He considers whether this is due to biological or social/emotional reasons, but emphasises that the variation within males and females is much greater than the variation between the sexes. Can the gender roles society pushes on us affect how we deal with our pain? Senior clinical psychologist of the National Specialist Pain Service in Bath Dr Gauntlett-Gilbert talks to Paul about how th

  • 107: Easing Pain Appointments with the Navigator Tool

    02/10/2018 Duración: 29min

    This edition has been funded by funded by the Health and Social Care Alliance and Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation. In 2015 Pain Concern released its report ‘Breaking barriers to self-management of chronic pain in primary care’, marking the end of the first part of its ‘Breaking Barriers’ project. Its aim was to highlight the commonly occurring barriers that patients faced during one-to-one appointments with healthcare professionals, and to advance the primary care management of chronic pain. Phase two of the project was to produce a ‘navigator tool’ to break down those barriers and prepare patients and GPs in order make the most out of their appointments. Phase two is now complete, and in this edition of Airing Pain, Paul Evans speaks to the researchers, patients, and healthcare professionals that allowed this project to happen. Reneé Blomkvist, Pain Concern’s researcher heading the project’s second phase, explains the established barrier in phase one, as well as the methodology used in pre

  • 106: Pain Education for Doctors, Patients, and Parents

    04/09/2018 Duración: 29min

    This edition has been funded by Pain Concern supporter and cyclist Ade and The Sackler Trust. According to the British Pain Society, doctors and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) receive less training in pain management than veterinarians.* With pain being one of the major presenting factors for a large number of medical problems, this edition of Airing Pain looks into what programmes are being implemented to alleviate this knowledge gap. Dr Helen Lakins, deputy lead for the UK Essential Pain Management Course, describes how the course developed from being taught to HCPs in developing countries to being used in Australia and the UK. The predominant aim of the course is in response to the majority of medical undergraduates believing they are not receiving adequate pain training. Swansea University is currently undertaking a research study into patients’ beliefs and expectations of pain medications. Paul speaks to Dr Sherrill Snelgrove and Sarah Long about how the study has found evidence that our

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