Synergy Church :: Winder, Ga



Synergy Church exists to make Christ known in the lives of people far from God. This podcast includes weekly messages from our Lead Pastor Bronson Crawford. Please visit for more information.


  • ONE: My Part Of ONE (Part 1)


    A house divided against itself cannot stand. Throughout Scripture we see the potential of unity to ignite a movement. ONE is a series focusing on the simple truth about UNITY and the immeasurable effects of being ONE.

  • Easter at Synergy: Living Among The Dead (2015)


    Easter is a celebration of Christ's victory over death. Because He lives, we won't find Him in a tomb. While many know of the crucified Savior, some haven't met the risen King. Simply put, you won't find the living among the dead.

  • Celebrating Church: Calling Out Churchy


    The church is full of traditions. Some are more important to God (church). Others are more important to man (churchy). In Celebrating Church, you'll hear of 2 traditions that Synergy is deeply committed to... and several others that aren't exactly so important.

  • God of the Underdogs: When I Lack The Right Connections (Part 7)


    Most of us love a good underdog story... Truth is - we're all underdogs in our own ways & have legitimate excuses for God not to use us. God of the Underdogs is a reminder that when the odds are against us, God is for us! Like everyone in Scripture that God used in great ways, we can get past our excuses and change the world!

  • God of the Underdogs: When My Dream Is Too Radical (Part 6)


    Most of us love a good underdog story... Truth is - we're all underdogs in our own ways & have legitimate excuses for God not to use us. God of the Underdogs is a reminder that when the odds are against us, God is for us! Like everyone in Scripture that God used in great ways, we can get past our excuses and change the world!

  • God of the Underdogs: When My Past Is Too Bad (Part 5)


    Most of us love a good underdog story... Truth is - we're all underdogs in our own ways & have legitimate excuses for God not to use us. God of the Underdogs is a reminder that when the odds are against us, God is for us! Like everyone in Scripture that God used in great ways, we can get past our excuses and change the world!

  • God of the Underdogs: When I'm Insecure (Part 4)


    Most of us love a good underdog story... Truth is - we're all underdogs in our own ways & have legitimate excuses for God not to use us. God of the Underdogs is a reminder that when the odds are against us, God is for us! Like everyone in Scripture that God used in great ways, we can get past our excuses and change the world!

  • God of the Underdogs: When I've Been Labeled (Part 1)


    Most of us love a good underdog story... Truth is - we're all underdogs in our own ways & have legitimate excuses for God not to use us. God of the Underdogs is a reminder that when the odds are against us, God is for us! Like everyone in Scripture that God used in great ways, we can get past our excuses and change the world!

  • Take The Step


    Some of the greatest experiences with Christ require leaving the comfort and certainty that we've grown to embrace. Leaving our safety zones to head into the uncertain begins with a single step. At Synergy, we believe that growth happens 1 step at a time. Pastor Bronson Crawford shares 3 steps that will lead to experiencing more with Christ. Be courageous. Leave the certain. Take the step!

  • Circle It: Last Second Shots (Part 4)


    It represents the impossible areas of our lives that we desperately need to change. It often hurts. It is frustrating. It keeps us from moving forward. It breaks our hearts. It seems as though it will never change. So what do you do with it? You circle it... In Circle It, we will learn that praying circles around the impossible is our only option if we want it to change.

  • Circle It: Don't Stop Believing (Part 3)


    It represents the impossible areas of our lives that we desperately need to change. It often hurts. It is frustrating. It keeps us from moving forward. It breaks our hearts. It seems as though it will never change. So what do you do with it? You circle it... In Circle It, we will learn that praying circles around the impossible is our only option if we want it to change.

  • Circle It: It Is Smaller Than You Think (Part 2)


    It represents the impossible areas of our lives that we desperately need to change. It often hurts. It is frustrating. It keeps us from moving forward. It breaks our hearts. It seems as though it will never change. So what do you do with it? You circle it... In Circle It, we will learn that praying circles around the impossible is our only option if we want it to change.

  • Circle It: It Is Impossible (Part 1)


    It represents the impossible areas of our lives that we desperately need to change. It often hurts. It is frustrating. It keeps us from moving forward. It breaks our hearts. It seems as though it will never change. So what do you do with it? You circle it... In Circle It, we will learn that praying circles around the impossible is our only option if we want it to change.

  • Waiting For Christmas: Patient Grace (Part 3)


    For many this Christmas, waiting isn't simply for a particular day that we celebrate the greatest event in human history. Some of us are waiting on prayers to be answered; dreams to come true; promises to be fulfilled. If you're in a season of waiting, Christmas is encouragement that God will come through at just the right time...

  • Christmas At Synergy 2014: Follow The Star


    Christmas is about God sending His only son Jesus to live among us; Emmanuel, God with us! More than that it's about Him meeting us where we are. He met the Wise Men through a star. We all have a star by which God meets us and calls us to come and adore Christ. Have you followed the star?

  • Waiting For Christmas: Pregnant Waiting (Part 2)


    For many this Christmas, waiting isn't simply for a particular day that we celebrate the greatest event in human history. Some of us are waiting on prayers to be answered; dreams to come true; promises to be fulfilled. If you're in a season of waiting, Christmas is encouragement that God will come through at just the right time...

  • Waiting For Christmas: Season of Silence (Part 1)


    For many this Christmas, waiting isn't simply for a particular day that we celebrate the greatest event in human history. Some of us are waiting on prayers to be answered; dreams to come true; promises to be fulfilled. If you're in a season of waiting, Christmas is encouragement that God will come through at just the right time...

  • Give Thanks


    From basic necessities for life to individual, unique blessings - we all have reason to give thanks. Giving thanks changes our perspective, leading us to be more grateful. God is good. His love endures forever. Not simply for what God does, but for who He is - let's give thanks!

  • Philippians: Joy For Life (Part 4 - Guest Garry Crawford)


    A study through the book of Philippians in the New Testament; a letter written by the Apostle Paul while in prison encouraging us to find joy no matter what.

  • Philippians: Joy Of Mind (Part 3)


    A study through the book of Philippians in the New Testament; a letter written by the Apostle Paul while in prison encouraging us to find joy no matter what.

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