Gcf Austin

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 137:11:56
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Listen to weekly messages from Grace Community Fellowship of Austin, Texas. GCF is a warm, friendly, growing, and dynamic church. To find out more about who we are, and how to be a part, visit us on the web at www.gcfaustin.org!


  • Jesus Bore Our Shame So We Might Share His Glory

    23/04/2023 Duración: 42min

    Life Group questions:Our key verse: Hebrews 12:2 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English) - And let us gaze at Yeshua, him who is The Author and The Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was his, endured the cross and ignored the shame, and he sits upon the right side of the throne of God.1.    Take away: a.    What struck you the most about this teaching? b.    What was your biggest takeaway? 2.    Glory: a.    In your own words, what is the glory of God? b.    Give examples of things that demonstrate His glory? 3.    Shame: a.    In your own words, what is shame? b.    What are the consequences of shame? c.     Do you have shame? If so, what are you going to do about it?4.    Jesus bore our shame: a.    What seemed like the most shameful thing that Jesus bore for us? Talk about why?5.    We might share His Glory: a.    Rom 10:11 says that anyone who trusts Jesus will “never be put to shame.” Talk about what that means. b.    How is that possible? c.     How does a Christ follower rid

  • Jesus Died Our Death So We Might Share His Life

    16/04/2023 Duración: 35min

    Life Group Questions1. It says in Isaiah 53:12, “He poured his life unto death,” meaning Jesus died our death, the death we should have died, and put it on himself. What does that mean to you? 2. Pastor Rob described the last reference in the bible to the shed blood of Jesus as overcoming blood (Revelation 12:11), meaning that His blood will see you through to the end. What will this change the way you look at valleys in your life?  3. Pastor Rob showed a chart (see below) of a lifespan of 70 years outlining the typical life and how time is spent. Looking at these numbers, how do you view how you spend your time and what changes should you make? Sleep | 23 years | 32.9%Work | 16 years | 22.8%TV | 8 years | 11.4%Eating | 6 years | 8.6%Travel | 6 years | 8.6%Leisure | 4.5 years | 6.5%Illness | 4 years | 5.7%Dressing | 2 years | 2.8%Religion | 0.5 years | 0.7% 4. “Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.” Are you living life abundantly? Yes, then How? No, why? 

  • Jesus Was Made Sin So We Might Be Made Righteous

    09/04/2023 Duración: 40min

    Life Group QuestionsKey Verse:2 Corinthians 5:21 – He made Him who knew no sin to be sin in our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.1.  Jesus didn’t “put on” our sins like a robe. He was made sin. What does this mean to you and how will it change your outlook on life moving forward? 2.  What is righteousness and how do we attain it? 3.  All born again believers were made righteous. We don’t put on Jesus’ righteousness and wear it like a coat while we are still dirty on the inside. What does this mean to you and how will it change your outlook on life moving forward? 4.  Do you see yourself as righteous? Explain. 5.  Guilt and shame are two of Satan’s primary weapons he uses to trap God’s people. If we are going to live an abundant life in God, we must win victories at the front door and back door of our lives. How will these truths help you win victories against the enemy?

  • Great Faith

    02/04/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    Life Group questions: 1.  Read Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 11:24. The bible teaches us that “believing is seeing” though many people need to see something in order to believe it. How would you describe your faith, personally? 2.  In the gospels, we only see Jesus tell two people that they have great faith; the Roman Centurion & the Canaanite Woman. In both cases, they pleaded with Jesus to help someone else in need. How does this challenge you? 3.  Pastor Myles said one of the reasons people don’t have great faith is they are “too familiar with a non-powerful Jesus.” Why is this and what can we learn from it? 4.  Read Matthew 15:21-28. The Canaanite Woman passed four tests. -      Silence Test-      Reproach Test-      Theological Test-      Offense Test        She was going to fight for her daughter no matter what! Would you fail any of these tests? If so, which one(s) and why?

  • Jesus Endured Our Poverty So We Might Share His Abundance

    26/03/2023 Duración: 46min

    Life Group QuestionsKey Verse: 2 Corinthians 8:9 – “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” 1.  What is the main thing you got out of Sunday's teaching? 2.  Is it difficult or hard for you to believe that Jesus intends for you to walk in total and complete abundance in every area of your life? Please explain.  3.  Pastor Ryan talked about how poverty is a biblical curse (Deut. 28:45-48). How have you viewed this idea of “poverty” in your own life to-date?   4.  Pastor Ryan talked about the three levels of provision: insufficiency, sufficiency, and abundance. Which level of provision are you currently living in right now, and why? 5.  Name at least one way that you will commit yourself to giving out of the abundance of your life. Remember, God provides abundance in all areas of our lives. 

  • Jesus Was Wounded So We Might Be Healed

    19/03/2023 Duración: 39min

    Life Group QuestionsKey Verse: Isaiah 53:5 – “… and by His wounds, we are healed.” 1. What is the main thing you got out of Sunday's teaching? 2. Do you ever find yourself wanting to give up, getting frustrated, or being fearful when praying for healing? Why do you think this is? 3. When should you stop praying for healing? Why? 4. In your own words, what does it mean to allow your feelings to define God? Can you identify areas in your life where you have allowed this to happen? 5. Kasey talked about how the Bible doesn’t put our healing in a future tense or even a present tense, but rather, in a past tense. Jesus declared the word tetelestai at the Cross: perfectly perfected, completely completed, nothing left out. Meaning, the physical aspect is just as perfect as any other. Do you believe that God has already provided health and healing for you in the perfect sacrifice (exchange) of His Son Jesus? How does this knowledge change your life going forward?

  • A Church Model

    05/03/2023 Duración: 47min
  • Faith For Healing

    26/02/2023 Duración: 34min

    Life Group Questions 1.  Hebrews 11:1 (NASB) says, "Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen." What does this verse mean to you and how does it apply to your life right now? 2.  Pastor Rob explained that belief is a part of faith, but you must make that decision. Have you made the decision to "just believe"? If not why? 3.  Are you being a good receiver and using God's faith, or are you trying to manifest and work up your own faith? 4.  Pastor Rob said to stop living in the shallow end of Christianity; What does this mean to you and are you living in the shallow end? What is holding you back from diving into the deep end?

  • Gifts Of The Spirit

    19/02/2023 Duración: 38min

    Life Group Questions 1. What is cessantionist theology? 2. What is continuationist theology? And how does it differ from cessantionism theology? 3. What practical difference does it make which one that is true? Explain why. 4. Were you ever taught one of these theologies? Tell us about that. 5. What, if anything, stood out to you about the debunking of these four arguments for cessationism: a. Spiritual gifts are unnecessary because we have the Bibleb. Spiritual gifts are not valid because the Bible contains all of Hisrevelationc. Spiritual gifts are too easy to misuse and abused. The spiritual gifts pass away when the apostles died

  • Why God Doesn't Heal

    12/02/2023 Duración: 34min

    Life Group Questions1. Why is it essential for us to be biblically balanced on the subject of healing?  2. In the gospels, we read that Jesus healed people because of their faith and He also healed people who seemed to lack faith. Why is it important for us to have faith in God to heal? 3. God withdraws His presence & power when His people turn away from Him & walk in ways that are contrary to His word. How often do you invite God to search your heart, spend time listening to Him, and allow Him to point out areas in which you need to change? 4. Pastor Ryan gave a synopsis of the first two chapters in the book of Job. When faced with unimaginable circumstances, Job trusted and praised the Lord while his wife told him to, “Curse God and die.” If you faced unimaginable circumstances, would you trust God or curse Him?

  • Why God Heals

    05/02/2023 Duración: 40min
  • Power

    29/01/2023 Duración: 36min

    Life Group Questions1. We are three weeks into our 40 days of prayer & fasting. What has God spoken to you thus far? 2. Through a Greek word study, Pastor Rob showed us five different facets of God’s power. Energeia – The superhuman power of GodIschus – divine strength to resist and keep fightingKratos – manifested power that establishes dominion Exousia – divine authority, liberty of actionDunamis – explosive miracle-working power As Christians, we have the power of God inside of us in the Holy Spirit. Which of these facets of God’s power did you not realize you had inside of you? Will you operate in that power moving forward? 3. Read Acts 3:1-10. Do you believe God can use you to perform a miracle as he did with Peter? Explain why or why not. 4. The Apostle Paul experienced the power of God and it radically changed his life. How have you experienced God's power and how has it changed your life? 5. How can you press in, even more, to draw closer to God in the remainder of our 40 days of prayer & fasting? 

  • Purposefulness

    22/01/2023 Duración: 47min

    Life Group Questions1. God has a purpose for you. What is it? If you don’t know, how should you find out what God’s purpose is for you? 2. Who is the person that God put on your heart, when are you reaching out to them (if not already), and what resources do you have to bless them with? 3. Pastor Ryan said, “The reason people could listen to Jesus was not because of His position in a church, but because of His position in their hearts.” How does this challenge you to live differently? 4. Time is not something to be wasted. It is a resource to use for building the Kingdom of God. Yet, we all find ourselves periodically taking our time for granted. How can you make better use of your time? 5. God has promises that are available to every believer, but many of these are conditional. Read Psalm 92:12-13 as an example of a conditional promise. Tell about a time in your life when you either experienced or missed out on one of God’s promises due to the condition of the promise.

  • Presence

    15/01/2023 Duración: 39min
  • Preparation

    08/01/2023 Duración: 34min

    1. What is your fasting plan for our 40 days of prayer & fasting? 2. Luke 6:27-28 says, “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” How does this challenge you? 3. In 2023, God is calling our church to have an outward focus. During these 40 days of prayer & fasting, the call is for us to seek to have God’s heart for the people He is going to bring into our paths this year. How would you describe God’s heart for people?How would you describe your heart for people? 4. In Luke 10, Jesus tells the story of the good Samaritan. A Jewish businessman was attacked by robbers and left for dead. Two religious leaders saw him and kept on their way. A “despised Samaritan” saw this man, ministered to him, cared for him, and paid for him to stay at an Inn until he was well. What is the point that Jesus was trying to make by telling this story and what should we take away from it? 5. How do we prepare our hearts to share h

  • Discipline vs. Regret

    01/01/2023 Duración: 41min
  • Relationship Principles

    18/12/2022 Duración: 38min
  • Talk To Be Understood

    11/12/2022 Duración: 47min
  • Listen To Understand

    04/12/2022 Duración: 37min

    Life Group Questions1.   How good of a listener are you? Rate yourself on a 1-10 scale. Explain why.2.   Prayer should be a conversation with God. What percentage of your prayer life do you listen to God versus talk?3.   Pastor Ryan mentioned that listening has benefits! What are some of the ways that you’ve benefited when you’ve been a good listener?4.   Listening communicates love. Describe a situation when you loved someone by listening to them.5.   Pastor Ryan gave five practical suggestions for good listening.a.   Listen firstb.   Listen attentivelyc.   Listen for meaningd.   Listen activelye.  Listen reflectivelyWhich of these do you need the most work on and why?

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