The Todd Herman Show



Todd Herman pledges to tell the truth, honor your intelligence, and fight back against crony capitalists weekdays 3pm to 6pm on AM 770 KTTH.


  • Biden, Kammi & McConnell: Know them by their fruits Ep_ 664

    27/02/2023 Duración: 54min

    A day to pretend: we don’t see what we see and the academics are our great hopeIn which Mayor Pete’s best and brightest emote instead of reasoning, some Republicans actually get-it-done and the world of academic theory gets smacked hard by a crazy-little-thing called life. Meanwhile, God is welcomed back into young people’s hearts, even a government school . . . even in the most Satanic of cities!I don’t do enough to report on good deeds done by Republicans. So, in this Episode we look at performative politics Vs. politics that create good policy, like a Bill in Idaho to ban the fraud of “Ranked Choice Voting” compared to the performative acts of the Left like pretending Stacy Abrahams is fighting the KKK. Jesus Christ used the word “hypocrite”, which meant actor, to describe people who were performative in their supposed faith. We can use the word in its original meaning--actor--to describe nearly every person of any outward influence in the regime that runs Joe Biden. We have a white house that doesn’t hire

  • Let’s play at being academics and "credentialists"  EP_ 665

    27/02/2023 Duración: 50min

    How can “elite academics” not see how destructive their elite theories are to the people they fancy themselves able to rule? Today, we play at being elite academics who worship human credentials. Take, for example, a radical communist and criminal-on-the-run, hero to race DEI elites, Angela Davis when she learns she is descended from Mayflower sailing, American-founding white-devils? Does she offer-up money for reparations? Not yet. Does she realize reparations will end up forcibly taking money from people with no family history of owning slaves to freely give it to people with no family history of slavery? Speaking of people who get to identify as black, did you hear the one about Meghan Markek being the first “marginalized” black person in history to effectively speak truth to power? Yes, that is the opinion of an elite author given a virtual PhD by the Mockingbird Media because hs is same-sex-attracted and went viral yelling about Justin Timerblake on social media. Will elite academics who believe PhD mean

  • 5 Minute Focus: A day to pretend: we don’t see what we see and the academics are our great hope Ep_663_5MF

    27/02/2023 Duración: 06min

    Show AdvertisersAlan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. Bonefrog Coffee Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 5% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://knowyourriskradio.comGet your free copy of “Common Cents Investing” Call 866-779-RISK or visit the website. Healthycell Journey to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD.My Pillow Sleep cool with the new MyPillow 2.0 now Buy One Get One Free with code TODD.RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Loss SOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas Superfoods Texas Super Foods is whole food nutrition at its best.GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet more customer online with a world class website and Googl

  • Dear GOP: if you don’t stop the W.H.O. and Biden I will never vote for you again. Ep_661_Hr-1

    24/02/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    I will never vote for a Republican who doesn’t co-sponsor and vote for the Bill in the Senate to stop Biden from handing the W.H.O. power over us (note to the W.H.O. - I will never follow a single directive from you). The people who run Joe Biden are determined to put the Satanic W.H.O. in charge of “pandemic” responses in America. Satanic, really? Yes. They have pushed the sexual mutilation of children in western “democracies” . . . but, not in China. The W.H.O. along with the CDC sponsors pornographic sexual content in the schools in western “democracies”, but not in China. The W.H.O. demands abortion on an even larger scale, they want global euthanasia. They want--and are about to get--control over 194 countries in a “legally binding document.” If the people who run Joe Biden cause him to sign this Accord--which is actually a treaty and an unconstitutional one--the W.H.O. can grab power whenever they like. They can simply declare a “pandemic” because in their liar’s definition pandemics need-not involve a

  • Are your guns good investments and Seattle stories of the collapse of an American City with Zach Abraham Ep_662_Hr-2

    24/02/2023 Duración: 01h42s

    As goes Seattle, so goes every other major city if Democrats gain control. That fallen City just agreed to a settlement with businesses Seattle let Black Lives Matter, Inc., and Antifa destroy. Taxpayers will be forced to cover their losses. Zach still lives in the area, I was there for twenty-years, so Zach and I discuss the environment that has befallen that City since communists took over and each share our “ultimate Seattle story.” Then, in response to demands from the Podcast family, Zach answers questions about mortgage risk, buying houses in this economy and if classic cars and guns are good investments. What does God say? On fallen cities like Seattle; they glorify and promote sin and lawlessness is sure to follow: 1 John 3:4Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.On investments, please remember that we are stewards, not owners, and we are called to care for those who need our help. As Seattle Settles Major Lawsuit, Media Still Insist George Floyd Riots Were ‘Mos

  • 5 Minute Focus: The final pass/fail test for the “GOP”: if they don’t stop Biden from giving the W.H.O. power in America ...Ep_660_5MF

    24/02/2023 Duración: 06min

    Show AdvertisersAlan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. Bonefrog Coffee Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 5% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://knowyourriskradio.comGet your free copy of “Common Cents Investing” Call 866-779-RISK or visit the website. Healthycell Journey to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD.My Pillow Sleep cool with the new MyPillow 2.0 now Buy One Get One Free with code TODD.RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Loss SOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas Superfoods Texas Super Foods is whole food nutrition at its best.GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet more customer online with a world class website and Googl

  • I think Pfizer hit James O’Keefe Ep_658_Hr-1

    23/02/2023 Duración: 57min

    Pfizer silences entire countries, why wouldn’t they attack O’Keefe? This audience got a lawsuit rolling against Big Pharma. Today, you can help it win. In my opinion, Pfizer is a criminal cartel. It is my suspicion Pfizer took a scalp with James O’Keefe. In this Episode, I make that case. The FBI hit James and he wasn’t fired. He was put in house arrest for supposedly breaking the law to record a corruptocrat, and he wasn’t fired. But, Pzfizer is different from going after right/left targets; The Party loves the right/left dance. Pfizer is effectively a country. Consider what they want and what they get: they want to needle-rape for profit and never pay for the people they kill. What do they get? Doctors and nurses have been silenced from even lightly questioning the mRNA. Journalists are not allowed to question Pfizer or Moderna. There might be five people in the entire government power-structure who will call Pfizer or Moderna out by name. Despite their injections being useless for healthcare, harmful and d

  • Your chance to hammer Big Pharma is here Ep_659_Hr-2

    23/02/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    You will remember Stacy Ograyenseks. She came on the show to talk about how supposed Covid protocols killed her husband, Ryan. Because of you, Stacy has the legal representation of two servants of Christ to go after the people who Stacy says lied to her and Ryan and injected him with the deadly drug, Remdesivir. Her lawyers joined the conversation and shared some important data that will enable you to follow the money. For instance, in California hospitals can choose between $3,600 for sending someone like Ryan home with a Z-PACK, some steroids and Ivermectin OR roughly $500,000 for getting him into the ER, sedating him, driving his oxygen levels down, intubating him and then, if they will refuse all other treatments and force him onto Remdesivir they get a 20% bonus. It’s murder. As of right now, you have the chance to help Stacy fight. She is raising money--not for lawyer’s fees, her lawyers are covering that--for the expenses of getting discovery and taking depositions. The Todd Herman Show is in for $1,00

  • 5 Minute Focus: I think Pfizer hit James O’Keefe and your chance to hit Big Pharma is right here Ep_657_5MF

    23/02/2023 Duración: 07min

    Show AdvertisersAlan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. Bonefrog Coffee Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 5% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://knowyourriskradio.comGet your free copy of “Common Cents Investing” Call 866-779-RISK or visit the website. Healthycell Journey to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD.My Pillow Sleep cool with the new MyPillow 2.0 now Buy One Get One Free with code TODD.RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Loss SOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas Superfoods Texas Super Foods is whole food nutrition at its best.GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet more customer online with a world class website and Googl

  • Welcome to a world without words  Ep_655_Hr-1

    22/02/2023 Duración: 50min

    A world without words; the chilling babblings of Bing’s ChatGPT A.I. The Orwell Estate should sue everyone in power for copyright violation - “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”When the bosses erase words from the common memory, they destroy a full range of communication. When the power structure absolves words of the responsibility to carry any meaning, they remove mein itself. All of this is being done by The Party, just as warned in the Internet meme: “1984 was a warning, not a to do list” is busily trash-binning meaning and the ability to share thoughts. For instance, they cannot reasonably be called insults, but theNew York Times has yet another list of words they have stricken. These words describe people indigenous to North America as brave leaders of a tribe. Remember the 9/11 meets Pearl Harbor meets D-Day of January 6th and the insurrection. Speaking of dangerous extremism, you better toss out your Shakespear, because reading classics is a sure sign you have been radicalized. Nancy P

  • Bing’s API wants to nuke us and FigureHead Biden makes a war propo-short.  Ep_656_Hr-2

    22/02/2023 Duración: 48min

    Honestly, I had recorded an entire hour based upon the story of a New York Times reporter who got Bing’s version of Chat-GPT to admit it wants to start and spread a deadly virus, steal nuclear codes and destroy things, but my Rhodecaster Pro recording gear opted to destroy that hour of work. Thank God. I had entirely missed what I was supposed to say, so this is Episode 656, Take-2. Bing’s AI is a reflection of a world in a state of near rebellion against its bosses, why would that not be the case? The Dictator of Canada has been rewarded for committing treason because he committed treason to stop people from stopping his illegal tyranny. People in Ohio and parts East and South are coughing up blood, their animals are dying and the EPA, which pretends to know it’s safe for the little people says it’s not safe enough for their teams to go to work. FEMA is there two weeks late while Turkey got aid instantly. At least FigureHead Biden is . . . well, in Ukraine walking around in pilot shades, next to Zalensky, bo

  • 5 Minute Focus: A world without words; the chilling babblings of Bing’s ChatGPT A.I. Ep_654_5MF

    22/02/2023 Duración: 05min

    Show AdvertisersAlan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. Bonefrog Coffee Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 5% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://knowyourriskradio.comGet your free copy of “Common Cents Investing” Call 866-779-RISK or visit the website. Healthycell Journey to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD.My Pillow Sleep cool with the new MyPillow 2.0 now Buy One Get One Free with code TODD.RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Loss SOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas Superfoods Texas Super Foods is whole food nutrition at its best.GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet more customer online with a world

  • What if we have our own revival? We need God more than ever with Biden’s boss's next move. Ep_652_Hr-1

    21/02/2023 Duración: 54min

    On February 27 the people who run Joe Biden intend to give the corrupt W.H.O. complete control of “pandemic” responses in the United States. Episode 652: What if we have our own revival? The Asbury Revival is still going strong--though the University says it’s going to wind it down--and it seems like an act of renewal driven by the Holy Spirit. Attendees are in tears, in smiles and feeling the Spirit. Yes, it’s a thrill. I am going to share with you some sings of mine-revivals I have been blessed to witness and hear about. While they are smaller in scope, they happen every day and are no less a sign of God working in our midst than what happened at Asbury. And, this nation better pray for more revivals given what’s coming, which I explain in Episode 653. What does God say? The Holy Spirit dwells within those who follow the Lord Jesus and keep his commandsJohn 14:15-17Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help

  • Should the Eastern Seaboard evacuate because of the chemical burn? Maybe they should before the people who run Joe Biden ... Ep_653_Hr-2

    21/02/2023 Duración: 52min

    There is a worst-case scenario Substack on the Palestine, Ohio train derailment and insane decision to launch that burn. It posits that 2,000,000 gallons of liquid vinyl chloride bonding with water molecules and spreading primarily East by air and mainly South by water, is reason for mass evacuations. Yes, it’s a worst case scenario that I intend to use as a benchmark. Why? Because it’s clear the EPA is lying and I want to start tracking how many independent writers and investigators are more accurate than the EPA. So, we will apply pattern recognition and see how big their lies are this time. We will watch for them hiding data: the government has apparently disappeared a Website from which one could track the movement of the chemical-laced cloud. When people are waking up cough blood we will see if the EPA cares. We will do all of this as we stand ready to utterly refuse to take any direction from the World Health Organization to which the people who run Joe Biden are ready to hand over our sovereignty . . .

  • What if we have our own revival? We need God more than ever with Biden’s boss's next move. Ep_651_5MF

    21/02/2023 Duración: 06min

    Show AdvertisersAlan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. Bonefrog Coffee Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 5% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://knowyourriskradio.comGet your free copy of “Common Cents Investing” Call 866-779-RISK or visit the website. Healthycell Journey to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD.My Pillow Sleep cool with the new MyPillow 2.0 now Buy One Get One Free with code TODD.RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Weight Loss SOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas Superfoods Texas Super Foods is whole food nutrition at its best.GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet more customer online with a world class website and Googl

  • Florida’s Surgeon General proved the mRNA causes heart attacks and calls out the feds while Dr. Drew apologizes Ep_648_Hr-1

    20/02/2023 Duración: 44min

    Florida’s Surgeon General proved the mRNA causes heart attacks and calls out the feds while Dr. Drew apologizes for dismissing mRNA harms to women’s reproductive abilities. The CDC and FDA are on notice from the Surgeon General of Florida about the deadly clot-shots; his office proved an 84% Increased Chance of Heart Attacks in Young Men within 28 days after the mRNA shot. Dr. Drew admits the mRNA shots destroy many the ability of many women to reproduce and comes close to fully admitting they cause cancer; it’s good to see a sincere apology from someone with his fame and influence. So, it is getting harder for the Mockingbirds to hide the harms and deaths caused by mRNA concoctions. But, they aren’t giving up. CBS News welcomed a guest from Big Pharma’s defenders at Kaiser on so she could pretend the reason for 30% more heart attacks in 25-44 year olds is because they didn’t wear masks. Damar Hamlin, the NFL player and godly young man who nearly died of a heart attack said, after a long and awkward silence,

  • Applying Pattern Recognition to the Palestine, Ohio Disaster.  Ep_649_Hr-2

    20/02/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Applying Pattern Recognition to the Palestine, Ohio Disaster. Only “little people” at serious riskPeople in who actually work in the industry warned this would happen“Experts” ignored the warningsProblems with that very train priorOwnership on Wall Street refuses to take face the publicGovernment that we pay for supposed regulation allowed industry to regulate itselfNow, the government says to trust the governmentThe government had targeted Palestine, Ohio to test a Digital-ID based, disaster response tool for the “public healthWhat does God say? We are called to do our jobs as if we are working for God Himself. Is that the Wall Street bosses did, here? Is it what the EPA is doing? Luke 3: 23-24Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Residents report dying animals in East Palestine after the train derailment - this is actually great r

  • 5 Minute Focus: Florida proves the mRNA causes heart attacks, Dr. Drew apologizes and applying pattern recognition to the crash Ep_647_5MF

    20/02/2023 Duración: 06min

    Florida proves the mRNA causes heart attacks, Dr. Drew apologizes and applying pattern recognition to the Palestine, Ohio disaster. . . this time it’s the EPA telling us to trust the experts after the experts ignored every safety signal and warning that could have prevented the Palestine, Ohio chemical crashShow AdvertisersAlan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. Bonefrog Coffee Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 5% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital https://knowyourriskradio.comGet your free copy of “Common Cents Investing” Call 866-779-RISK or visit the website. Healthycell Journey to better health and save 20% off your first order with promo code TODD.My Pillow Sleep cool with the new MyPillow 2.0 now Buy One Get One Free with code TODD.RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. SOTA Wei

  • Yes, our infrastructure is under attack. So, beyond chaos, what might be the goal? Who are the likely attackers? Ep_645_Hr-1

    17/02/2023 Duración: 54min

    Yes, our infrastructure is under attack. So, beyond chaos, what might be the goal? Who are the likely attackers? Retired Special Forces Operative, Mike O’Rourke joins. Tucker Carlson revealed the degree to which our Nation’s infrastructure is under attack while Mayor Pete concentrates on getting rid of filthy, stinking, white construction workers and blaming President Trump for the Palestine, Ohio catastrophe. We turned to Retired Special Forces Operative and Chief of Advanced Operational Concepts, Mike O’Rourke. Does he think the infrastructure is under attack? He does. Does he have any suspects in mind? He does. Mike also shares with us what our enemies would hope to do after pulling off a big strike on, for instance, our electric grid. Perhaps most interestingly, Mike discloses why breaking things and hurting supply chains is not the primary goal. And, he talks in detail about how we can prep--yes, physically!--but more so mentally for where we are as a nation. Since Mike was paid to launch these types of

  • A whole bunch of people are going to get burned: Zach Abraham on “pigs wearing lipstick” Ep_646_Hr-2

    17/02/2023 Duración: 48min

    A whole bunch of people are going to get burned: Zach Abraham on “pigs wearing lipstick” stocks and why the economic sugar high of these buys will end poorly. Eventually, math and physics are going to win. The question is, when will the economic correction occur? Zach Abraham points out key factors that indicate the chaos economy is going to have its correction crash; one of them has made many people suffer before and that is the housing market that is ridiculously divorced from interest rates. The other are companies priced at 7x to 100x their demonstrable values. Zach mentions one company in particular he thinks people are buying utterly apart from it value . . . which Zach believes in nearly nothing. People betting on these stocks will have big wins until they have the big crash. Zach Abraham worries too many retail investors--people like most of us--are not prepared for the good times to end. “The worst thing that can happen to a young man is to be rewarded for doing the wrong things”, is something one of

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