Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker



Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business? If it isnt would you like to change that? Alun Jones & Tamara Yonker


  • Don’t Get in My Pie! ~ Tamara Younker and Alun Jones


    How much are you trying to keep people or situations away from you because you think that if you get too close, somehow, you’ll be forced to take on their points of view or beliefs? Nothing and no one can force you to believe or think anything unless YOU choose to. And yet, so many people still defend against that and create separation in their life where really none exists. Join Alun and Tamara as they take another adventure out into the Playground of Possibilities and get really curious about what else is possible beyond defending against anyone putting anything in your pie! The Playground Of Possibilities –  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are You Afraid of Your Own Shadow? ~ Alun & Tamara


    What are you hiding in the dark?  Are there things you don’t like about yourself that you hope no one ever notices or sees?  What have you decided is so bad, wrong, shameful and unlovable about you that it must never be revealed? What does separating yourself into lots of different parts that must be constantly monitored and kept in the shadow create in your life?  What if showing up as the consciousness you truly are requires ALL of YOU to be included? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities where the conversation is sure to provoke, intrigue, inspire and expand what you think you know about consciousness. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • I’ve Paid My Dues ~ Tamara Younker & Alun Jones


    How much are you suffering in your life? Can you see an end to it, or do you believe that some people are just born to suffer?  Would it p*ss you off if we told you that suffering is just a choice? What if there is more to life than living the habit of suffering? Join Alun and Tamara as they take another adventure out into the Playground of Possibilities and get really curious about what else is possible beyond the habit of suffering. The Playground Of Possibilities –  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Adventures in Wonderland ~ Alun & Tamara


    Curiosity gone wild!  Just how far down the rabbit hole are YOU willing to go? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities where anything is possible and everything is play! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • The Limitation Of Awesome? Guest: Glenyce Hughes


    An Awesome Life! Who wouldn’t want that right? Many people dream of what their awesome life would be like. They take actions to create it. And some even achieve it. And then what? What if there’s more available to you than what you’ve decided and defined awesome as? And what about those things that actually could change your life dynamically, that don’t fit your definition of awesome? Is Awesomeness the end goal, or could there be something even more delicious and yummy beyond that? Join Alun and Tamara and their super special guest, Glenyce Hughes as they romp out again into the Playground of Possibilities and get really curious about Awesomeness and what could be beyond it. The Playground Of Possibilities –  where everything is play and everything is possible. Glenyce’s website: Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Consciousness Includes Everything, But… ~ Alun & Tamara


    Consciousness includes everything, but…. What have you decided it is?  What have you decided it isn’t?  What have you decided everything doesn’t include? Exclusion and separation are so normal in the world most people never even wonder what it might be like to function without them.  What if people began functioning from inclusion instead?  What would that even be like? What would that create in your life and in the world?  What you still refusing to include as consciousness? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities where the conversation is sure to provoke, intrigue, inspire and expand what you think you know about consciousness. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • To Play Or Not To Play? ~ Tamara and Alun


    Life – it’s a serious business isn’t it! So many things you have to get right, and so many things you have to ensure you never get wrong.  So many responsibilities. Dealing with the day-to-day stuff like family, work, home, health, shopping, money, relationships. The list goes on. With all this stuff that “has” to be done correctly, where the hell is there room for choice? People say “choose something different”. Easier said than done right? And how often have you tried to choose something different and yet nothing seems to change? The thing with play is, that when you play, there is no right and wrong. There is just choice, and possibilities. When it comes to changing anything in your life, choice works when there is a natural enthusiasm for the difference the choice will create. It’s not a forced thing. Alun and Tamara invite you to join them as they romp around the Playground of Possibilities playing with the infinite possibilities of choosing and creating from the space of play and natural enthusiasm. The

  • Are You Living in Self-Development Hell? ~ Tamara and Alun


    So you’ve just finished a course or class, but now there seem to be even more that you feel you must attend? There’s always another step. Always another class.  Always something else that professes to take you to “the next level”.  And yet… somehow, no matter how many classes, courses, workshops, and training events you attend, you never seem to “get there”. You’re never quite good enough. Sound familiar? Is your life a self-development hell? What else is possible that you’ve never even considered? What if you stopped trying to fit in, and keep up with everyone else around you who you’ve decided is always one step ahead? Alun and Tamara invite you to join them as they romp around the Playground of Possibilities playing with the infinite possibilities of choosing what is light and fun for you, instead of trying to keep up with the Jones’s. The Playground Of Possibilities –  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • How Do You Prove You’re You? ~ Alun & Tamara


    Science says nothing is to be believed unless there is proof.  So where does that leave you? People will often make tremendous effort to ensure others have very specific points of view about them.  “You don’t think I’m smart?  I’ll show you how smart I am!”  “You think I’m selfish?  I’ll prove to you than I’m not!”  Ever have thoughts like that? It can be exhausting feeling like you have to constantly prove who you are, and who you’re not.  How much evidence do you need, and who are you proving it to anyway? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities, and discover if there just might be more space to be YOU if you gave up the need to prove who you are! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • The Joy of Living ~ Alun & Tamara


    The joy of living!  True or false?  If it’s true for you, come and celebrate with us!  If it’s not true for you, why not?  Are obligations weighing you down? Is constantly striving toward your next goal keeping you preoccupied? Did you learn that the jubilant expression of you was simply too taboo? What are you letting get in the way of your joyful participation of living? On the Playground of Possibilities this week, Alun and Tamara explore the ways joy is subtly excluded, so you can invite it back into your life! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: - See more at:

  • Will Consciousness Save You….? ~ Tamara and Alun


    Consciousness… it’s potent right? It knows everything, it IS everything, it’s got your back, it will always be in allowance of you and your choices.  But… will it save you? That may seem a strange question to ask… the thing is, some people think that by “choosing consciousness” all their problems will suddenly melt away and disappear. “If I can just get conscious enough, everything will be easy peasy.” In some ways ­ yes you can have much more ease by flowing with and choosing consciousness in your life. Is it going to save you if you jump off a cliff… maybe… and maybe not. Can depend upon what your point of views are about what “being saved” means. So is consciousness just a fickle master/mistress? Or is it something else? Alun and Tamara invite you to join them as they romp around the Playground of Possibilities playing with the infinite possibilities of what consciousness is, what it isn’t, and whether or not it’s gonna save your ass! The Playground Of Possibilities ­  where everything is play and everythi

  • Who Are You Lying To? ~ Tamara and Alun


    When it comes to changing your life, how honest are you with you about what you’d like to change and how much change you’d like? The thing with not being honest with ourselves is that sometimes we’re not even aware when we’re doing it. Those are the times when the energy and invitation we think we’re being comes across as wonky. Not to change something in our life is always a choice, and yet we cover it over in all sorts of lies that we’ve made up ourselves or bought from others. And then we lie to cover up that we’ve been lying. It gets so deeply buried that we forget. Who are you lying to? What will it take to uncover all that so you can function from total freedom of choice? Join Alun and Tamara in the Playground of Possibilities as they play with the infinite possibilities of creating life without the lies we’ve been buying as true and real. The Playground Of Possibilities -  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: www.accessinfinitebei

  • The Freedom Of Deconstructed Living ~Tamara and Alun


    Constructs, “norms”, structures, stereotypes, conforming, fitting in… something we’re all taught about as we grow up, and something we’re also often taught are “the right way to live”.  Constructs abound in this reality: love, relationship, business, sex, creation, body, health, and so on. Question is - is that really working for you? How much do we limit ourselves, our lives, and what’s possible in the world by constantly trying to fit in with the constructs this reality? Would you be willing to explore what truly IS possible for you that’s beyond trying to fit in and comply what what you’ve been told is “the right way to live your life”, and start creating your life in ways that are ease, joy, fun, expansive, and a contribution to you and the entire world? Join Alun and Tamara in the Playground of Possibilities as they play with the infinite possibilities of the freedom of deconstructed living. The Playground Of Possibilities -  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: http://alu

  • NO FUN FOR YOU! ~ Tamara and Alun


    Once upon a time anything and everything could be fun when you were a child.  But now as an adult, life has become serious.  Responsibility is no joke.  What are you proving with all that seriousness?  When did you decide fun and play couldn’t be part of the equation of being a grown up? And, what have you decided is fun and not fun?  Do your points of view, preferences and judgments get in the way of enjoying living just for the fun of it?  Where are you allowing what you think life should be get in the way of creating it every day with fun and play? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities if you would like to infuse more fun into living again! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Has Motivation Killed Your Inspiration? ~ Tamara and Alun


    “I just need to motivate myself”. Ever said that to yourself? Or had something similar said to you? And did it work?  Maybe it did for a bit, but were you able to keep it going? It has been said that the only thing to truly motivate someone is making something so painful and unbearable that they have to choose something else. The thing with motivation is that it often requires an external source to motivate you. How often did you stop doing what you were supposed to be doing when your teacher or supervisor seemed to be looking the other way?! When was the last time you felt inspired? Seeing something and feeling the deliciousness of knowing you’d like that too. Seeing something that you know, without a doubt, that you’ll do whatever it takes to create it - without having a proverbial gun held to your head to force you to do it? What stops you from being inspired and inspiring yourself? When did you give that up? Join Alun and Tamara in the Playground of Possibilities as they play with the infinite possibiliti

  • What Does Your PITY Reveal About You? ~ Alun & Tamara


    Do you see others as misfortunate?  “Oh, that poor woman.”  “I feel so sorry for him.”  “It’s so sad, it makes my heart break.”  We’re told that compassion and sympathy are noble and virtuous, and the right thing to do is commiserate with the hardships of those enduring adversity.  Is that the same or different than pity? Are you compelled to help the misfortunate ones?  Do you play savior to the helpless?  Join Alun and Tamara for a controversial conversation about pity---the impact it has on those you feel sorry for, and what it reveals about you. On the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show, anything is possible and everything is play! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What’s In It For Me?! ~ Tamara and Alun


    How many things that could be a contribution to your life are you unwilling to choose because you can’t seem to work out cognitively what’s in it for you? After all, what is the point of being in allowance of you? What’s the value of having more consciousness in your life? Why would you want to choose to be undefined, limitless, and out of control? WHAT THE HELL IS IN ALL THIS FOR ME?! Good question! Wanna come and play and find out? Join Alun and Tamara in the Playground of Possibilities as they play with the infinite possibilities of what’s in it for you if you choose to let go of everything you’ve defined as real and true and step into the space of being undefined…. The Playground Of Possibilities -  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • How Needy Are You for Validation? ~ Alun & Tamara


    Does the idea of “BEing YOU” seem like a daunting task?  Do you wonder where to even begin?  Have YOU become lost in the shuffle of your own life because it seems easier to be and do what everyone needs from you?  Or perhaps you have kept what is true for you buried so deep, you don’t even have access to your own knowing. Without the compass of your own knowing to guide your way, you are susceptible to the passing whims of what others want for you and from you.  Needing constant and continual validation from others based on the role you play in their lives can feel like a drug you could die without.  But, what is your need for validation truly costing you? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Cover That Unseemly Body! ~ Tamara and Alun


    Have you ever been told to cover up your body because someone else has judged it as disgusting, bad, wrong, horrible or unseemly? Ever noticed how much judgment there is in the world around bodies, what they look like, what they shouldn’t look like, and what they should look like? How much are you buying into that? How much are you shaming yourself and your body and locking that up as real and true? What would change if you didn’t make judgment and other people’s points of view about bodies meaningful and significant and relevant to you? How much creative energy are you locking up into keeping judgment of your body in place? What else could you create if you stopped doing that? Join Alun and Tamara in the Playground of Possibilities as they play with the infinite possibilities of getting out of judgment of bodies. The Playground Of Possibilities -  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • The Secret to Your Automated Life ~ with Alun & Tamara


    Have you ever found yourself wondering how it is you seem to end up in the same situation with money, relationships or your body over and over again?  Have you decided choosing is a chore, and if you could finally just find the right choice that would end the burden of choosing then everything would get so much easier? What if continuously renouncing choice rather than actively engaging it keeps you caught in the automated cycle of replicating and duplicating what has already been when you could be choosing and creating what you truly desire? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

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