Madison Church



Madison Church started in September, 2014 with the mission of connecting people with God and each other. This happens when people grow spiritually, gather together, and give back. We are a community-centric church located on Madison's west side. Our weekend service is a casual and relaxed event. The teaching team is relentless in making sure that you're not just getting information, but experiencing transformation.


  • Decoding the Violence in the Old Testament: An Examination of God's Character

    01/06/2022 Duración: 33min

    Ever grappled with the violence in the Old Testament and wondered how it can be understood in today's context? Brace yourself for a riveting discussion that aims to demystify this complex issue. We embark on this mission to decode the stories of graphic violence - cannibalism, incest, and human sacrifice - a challenging prospect, especially when teaching the younger generation and addressing critics like atheist writer Richard Dawkins.Richard Dawkins' perspective sets the tone for much of our discourse. He views God as the villain in these violent narratives, but we go beyond the surface, analyzing the context and steering the conversation towards a more wholistic understanding of God's character. We open up about our struggles with the 'no apology' and 'Bible is wrong' approaches to Old Testament violence and propose an alternative - understanding the violence as a specific period in Hebrew history. The conversation deepens as we contemplate God's patience in dealing w

  • Challenging Perceptions: The Diversity and Uniqueness of Faiths

    23/05/2022 Duración: 28min

    Ever wondered how deeply-seated religious convictions can harbor perceptions of intolerance? Or if the belief that all faiths converge to a single divine entity is a dismissive perspective that oversimplifies the uniqueness of each religion? These are the pressing questions we grapple with in this insightful episode. We dissect the statements of global figures like Madonna, who assert that every faith pathway leads to God, and John, as quoted from the Bible, underlining the necessity of having the son to have life.We venture into the various ways in which different religions, notably Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam, respond to the quintessential questions of who God and Jesus are, and the process of attaining salvation. It's quite fascinating to discern how the responses vary across each religion, leading to divergent faith destinations. We challenge the idea of religious homogeneity, arguing that this perspective overlooks the unique teachings of each faith and paints a picture of a distant and elusiv

  • Exploring the Intersection of Science and Scripture: A Journey Through Genesis & Theories of Creation

    18/05/2022 Duración: 31min

    Ever thought about the perplexing crossroads of science and the Bible? Have you pondered if the Bible can stand the test of our scientific knowledge or if humans and dinosaurs shared their days on earth? In our lively discussion, we tackle these burning questions and more, inviting you to consider the Bible not just as a source of divine wisdom but also as a lens to view our scientific world.We journey back to Genesis, the bedrock of creation, and excavate the intricacies of the Hebrew language that underpin the narrative. From the nuanced interpretations of 'day' to the creation of the world and the first human from mud, we aim to shine a light on these age-old tales. We also delve into the three perspectives on the Bible and science: young earth, appearance of age, and evolutionary creationist, reminding ourselves that curiosity about the Bible reflects not mistrust but a relentless quest for truth.As we turn the final pages of this enlightening episode, we encourage you to ask, to seek, and to kn

  • MC Asks: Further Clarification on Women & the Bible

    11/05/2022 Duración: 16min

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  • Biblical Equality: A Fresh Look at Women's Roles

    09/05/2022 Duración: 33min

    Are you ready to challenge your perspective on women's roles as depicted in the Bible? This episode promises an invigorating exploration that dare not shy away from controversial verses. Engage in a critical yet faithful study of scriptures from 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, and 1 Timothy. We invite you to join us as we dig deep into the context, intent, and cultural influences behind these verses.Let's embark on a journey from Genesis, where God declared man should not be alone, to examining the power dynamics following the fall. Discover how 'ezer' breaks free from the conventional interpretations of 'assistant' or 'secretary.' Hear how despite the patriarchal society of the Old Testament, God's support for women remains unwavering, and His use of women in leadership positions continues to inspire.In the final leg of our exploration, we navigate through the roles women played in church gatherings. We construct a vivid picture of Corinth and Ephesus, shedding light on

  • Interpreting and Applying Ancient Rules in Our Current World

    04/05/2022 Duración: 33min

    Have you ever scratched your head at the sight of an absurd law and wondered, "what on earth were they thinking?" Join us in a hearty laugh as we swap hilarious stories about peculiar laws in our society and in the Bible. Can you imagine not being able to honk your car horn after 9 PM near a sandwich shop in Arkansas, or being fined for letting your donkey nap in a bathtub in Arizona? Even stranger, the Sun Prairie municipal code won't let a bicycle proceed by momentum alone, with the rider's feet off the pedals!Shifting gears, we grapple with the enigmatic world of Biblical interpretation. The Bible, a text that inspires and confounds in equal measure, has left us all at a loss at some point - perhaps the slavery depictions in the Old and New Testaments come to mind? Guided by Paul's counsel to his apprentice Timothy, we wade through these murky waters, reminding ourselves that while the Bible was written for us, it wasn't written specifically to us. Our understanding, therefore

  • A Journey Through the Bible: From Misunderstandings to Revelations

    26/04/2022 Duración: 32min

    Ever wondered why the Bible, a seemingly ancient text, still holds so much power and relevance in our modern world? Or have you questioned why certain stories in the Bible stir up so much controversy? We're tackling these questions head-on in our latest series, seeking to uncover the enduring mystery and power of the Bible. We invite you to join us, armed with humility and an open mind, as we navigate the complexities of biblical texts and their impact on our faith and beliefs. This series isn't just about understanding or interpreting the text; it’s about exploring how the Bible informs our relationship with God and guides us in loving one another. We engage with Dan Kimball's teachings and address some tough questions, such as whether God endorses violence, or if the Bible is anti-women or anti-science. We also delve into the world of Bible translations, discussing how mistranslations can lead to misunderstandings. Have you heard about the unicorns mentioned in the King James Version of the B

  • Embracing Easter: Finding Hope and Redemption in Life's Darkest Moments

    18/04/2022 Duración: 26min

    Have you ever stopped to wonder why we're drawn to the themes of resurrection, new life, redemption, grace, love, and forgiveness that Easter offers? We've all faced failures, disappointments, and regrets, and it's these very human experiences that drive our search for hope and encouragement during this time of year. In today's special Easter episode, we explore our collective longing for something that will never let us down, and how it connects us all to the hope that Easter brings.When life's disappointments and struggles seem overwhelming, we find solace in Jesus walking alongside us—even when it feels like all is lost. Through examining the story of Jesus's presence with the disciples during their darkest moments in Luke 24, we see how Jesus listens and speaks through scripture, guiding us through our own moments of doubt and sadness, offering hope in the face of adversity. Together, we'll follow Jesus's journey with his followers on the road to Emmaus and learn ho

  • The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Part 4) | How To Live 24/6 | Stephen Feith

    14/03/2022 Duración: 32min

    In this series, based on the teachings of John Mark Comer, we will learn how to stay connected to God and each other in the chaos of the modern world.Support the show

  • The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Part 3) | Less Really IS More | Stephen Feith

    09/03/2022 Duración: 34min

    In this series, based on the teachings of John Mark Comer, we will learn how to stay connected to God and each other in the chaos of the modern world.Support the show

  • The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Part 2) | We Can Put Down Our Phones? | Stephen Feith

    02/03/2022 Duración: 27min

    In this series, based on the teachings of John Mark Comer, we will learn how to stay connected to God and each other in the chaos of the modern world.Support the show

  • The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Part 1) | What's Our Greatest Enemy? | Stephen Feith

    24/02/2022 Duración: 30min

     In this series, based on the teachings of John Mark Comer, we will learn how to stay connected to God and each other in the chaos of the modern world.Support the show

  • Love Where You Live (Part 3) | Comfort v. Calling | Stephen Feith

    09/02/2022 Duración: 26min

    What if we began to view Madison not just as a place where we live, but the place where we have been sent? No matter how you feel about your neighborhood or community right now, the truth is God does have a purpose for placing you there.Support the show

  • Love Where You Live (Part 2) | Isolation v. Relationships | Stephen Feith

    01/02/2022 Duración: 30min

    What if we began to view Madison not just as a place where we live, but the place where we have been sent? No matter how you feel about your neighborhood or community right now, the truth is God does have a purpose for placing you there.Support the show

  • Love Where You Live (Part 1) | Consumer v. Contributor | Stephen Feith

    26/01/2022 Duración: 23min

    What if we began to view Madison not just as a place where we live, but the place where we have been sent? No matter how you feel about your neighborhood or community right now, the truth is God does have a purpose for placing you there.Support the show

  • An All-American Lament | MLK Jr. Weekend Special | Tyler Nylen

    16/01/2022 Duración: 33min

    How do we truly connect with God and others in a world filled with suffering and injustice? This MLK weekend, we're honored to have Tyler Nyland, Associate Pastor at Found of Life Covenant Church and Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development, share his insights on the power of proximate lament in our faith journey. Together, we explore the significance of the book of Nehemiah and its importance in understanding cultural strength and leadership after the exile of the kingdom of Israel.Through our conversation, we dive into the role of proximity and listening in comprehending the struggles of others. As we unpack the story of Nehemiah, we see how being near to those who suffer enables us to not only empathize but also to find hope in God amidst our lamentations. We also discuss the differences between lament in Black and White Christianity, examining how MLK's prophetic unction brought healing and hope to the world.Join us as we reflect on the essential role of proximate lament in pursuing just

  • Christmas Day Special | Advent 2021 | Keri Ladouceur

    25/12/2021 Duración: 25min

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