Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard



Heather Hubbard is a former partner and practice group leader at an AmLaw 200 law firm. Shes taking you behind-the-scenes and giving you unfiltered advice about how to succeed in the legal industry. Not only does she want to help you rise to the top, she wants to help you get there in an authentic and deeply satisfying way. Each week she addresses a topic related to hustle (such as marketing, business development, confidence, leadership, negotiations) or flow (such as mindfulness, balance, motivation, meditation, well-being, happiness). Shes also tackling tough topics such as retention, promotion, and unconscious bias and offering thought-provoking perspectives to help you stay sane while climbing the corporate ladder. Ready to go bigger in life and law? Enjoy more success and satisfaction? Tune in each and every week as Heather helps you embrace your ambition without selling your soul. A must-listen for female attorneys (and the men that would like to see a more enjoyable and inclusive legal industry as well).


  • Episode #158: Service Not Sales

    24/03/2020 Duración: 36min

    Now more than ever, it’s important to understand that being authentic through your sales and marketing approach is crucial. As we walk through these trying times together, you may be worried about your business and you may be wondering if your sales and marketing approach is inappropriate given the current pandemic. Listen as I share my personal sales and marketing philosophy as it will hopefully provide you with the advice and tools to show up as you are and not in a “salesy” way. Things we’re covering in this episode: Personal sales and marketing philosophy Showing up with your strengths and personality creates authenticity Key elements needed to prepare for a sale Learn how to break down marketing and sales because they are not the same thing Role of mindset around sales and marketing. The Service Not Sales Workshop April 23-24: Virtual May 18-19: Philadelphia June 17-18: Austin July 23-24: Los Angeles August 27-28: Nashville These (hopefully) in-person and hands-on workshops will each take place over a da

  • #157: Stop Being the Bottleneck with Guest Karen Sergeant

    17/03/2020 Duración: 27min

    So many of us hit chokepoints in our businesses where we feel completely maxed out. Things just don’t seem to work as smoothly as they once did. But why? Nothing major has changed (at least nothing obvious), and, if anything, business is growing and the team seems solid. Operations Strategist and podcast guest, Karen Sergeant, walks us through this all too familiar situation. Things we’re covering in this episode: - Understanding when your team or business is completely maxed out - What a typical chokepoint looks like in a small business or team - Learn who is most likely creating the chokepoints - Practical tips to move past the chokepoints - Delegation’s role in solving chokepoint issues - Impact of each team member on the small business or team Want to contact Karen Sergeant? Follow her on Facebook or reach out to her on her website: The Service Not Sales Workshop I’m hitting the road! Starting in April, I will be in a different city each month – Phoenix (April 23-24), Philadelphia (

  • #156: Making Decisions in Times of Uncertainty

    12/03/2020 Duración: 32min

    This last week, the spread and response to the Coronavirus has escalated. As we see more cancellations, travel bans, and other isolation measures, it can leave individuals and businesses feeling stressed and anxious about their health, finances, and future plans. There seems to be such uneasiness and fear of the unknown, that I wanted to record a last-minute podcast episode in addition to our regularly scheduled Tuesday releases. If you’re struggling with knowing what to do or how to plan and make decisions during this time of uncertainty, you are not alone. In today’s episode, I’ll walk you through how to make empowering decisions and move through this crisis with confidence, regardless of what happens in the weeks and months ahead. I’m also sharing how I’m approaching decisions in my business right now and the impact this pandemic is having on our services and programs. During this time, I want to extend additional support to anyone who needs it. Right now, our plan is to host free Facebook Lives several ti

  • #155: Imitation vs. Innovation

    10/03/2020 Duración: 33min

    If you want to rise to the top and be successful, it’s crucial that you choose to be innovative instead of emulative and imitative. We are all unique and our special qualities and characteristics will help us stand out among our peers rather than allowing us to blend in. There are so many people who are choosing to imitate others’ work and ideas when, in reality, the best way to stand out and rise up is to be unique and innovative. Things we’re covering in this episode: - Various ways in which most people emulate and imitate instead of innovate - Learn why more people choose to imitate and emulate - Find out how you can take steps to be innovative - Discover how being inspired by someone or their ideas or strategies can be different than imitating them - When your style or voice sounds similar to another professional in your field, learn the best way to handle that situation Want to work with me? If you missed applying for The 2020 Experience, my annual mastermind for ambitious, high-achieving women, it’s not

  • #154: No Nonsense with Guest Meredith Atwood

    03/03/2020 Duración: 37min

    Meredith Atwood joins Hustle & Flow to share about a dark time in her life and how she dug her way out. A podcaster, motivational speaker, author, coach, sobriety advocate, former attorney and more, Meredith’s goal is to inspire others who she hopes can learn from her mistakes. Listen to learn about Meredith’s inspiring journey as she went from an overweight, depressed litigator to today where she proudly leads a successful life of no nonsense. Things we’re covering in this episode: - Acting like a fraud or being a fraud is something most everyone can relate to - Simplifying your life can help lead to no nonsense - Looking back at your life, especially your childhood, helps determine what has shaped who you are today - Why the fear of looking stupid can affect all of us - Get rid of your nonsense and replace it with contentment The Service Not Sales Workshop I’m hitting the road! Starting in April, I will be in a different city each month – Phoenix (April 23-24), Philadelphia (May 18-19), Austin (June 17-

  • #153: Going All In

    25/02/2020 Duración: 28min

    If you feel like you are not reaching the level of success you want, you feel scattered or you feel like you are putting in the work and effort and just not seeing the results you want, you probably need to go all in. And, there is definitely a recipe for success when you are trying to go all in. Listen to today’s podcast to learn the four main ingredients to make this recipe a success. Things we’re covering in today’s episode: - Four main steps (or ingredients) to the recipe of success of going all in - Getting stuck in your vision or goals can lead you to lose sight of perspective and you may fail to see what you really want - Facing your fears can help you realize that you can accomplish anything - Leading with your strengths is key to your success as is managing your weaknesses - Moving forward without prioritizing is not optimal The Service Not Sales Workshop I’m hitting the road! Starting in April, I will be in a different city each month – Phoenix (April 23-24), Philadelphia (May 18-19), Austin (June 1

  • #152: Personal Branding with Guest Mia LaMotte

    18/02/2020 Duración: 30min

    Mia LaMotte shares expert advice on today’s podcast about personal branding. As the founder and CEO of LaMotte International, Mia works as a full-service image consulting and personal brand coach. She meets clients ranging from the corporate client to the budding entrepreneur, and her coaching goal is to help others be seen the way they want to be seen. Mia strategically helps her clients portray their story by what they wear, how they communicate and how they show up each day. What you’ll learn in today’s episode: - Mia’s background and how it attributed to her business success today - Variance in focus and goals when working with clients from corporations vs. entrepreneurs - Rules of image do exist and impact us all - DNA’s role in personal branding - Difference between personal branding and image - Learn what Mia believes is the #1 block for people who want to focus on their personal branding - Setting daily practices could be the beginning of your personal brand - Visualizations and the effect on being ab

  • #151: Follow the Signs

    11/02/2020 Duración: 32min

    Today’s episode is part II to episode #149, Trusting Your Intuition. Feel free to listen to the episodes in any order but do listen to them both as they work hand-in-hand! And, as you listen, make sure you throw all logic out of the window. Intuition and signs don’t necessarily follow logic, but they can still play a crucial part in your personal life and career. Try to listen with an open-mind, and, as you do, you will learn that signs are some kind of validation or information from something greater. You will also hear relatable stories where signs created confirmations in choices being made. Things we’re covering in this episode: - What exactly is a sign and how you can use signs to confirm whether you are on the right or wrong path - Signs, like intuition, are not logical - Recognizing signs can be beneficial for anyone, even if you don’t think you believe in them - How to determine if you are using signs in the wrong way as an excuse or an explanation when you feel as though you have no control over a si

  • #150: How to Keep it Real with Guest Kathy Klotz-Guest

    04/02/2020 Duración: 34min

    On today’s podcast episode, former tech guru and current mastermind of her business, Keeping It Human, Kathy Klotz-Guest, joins the show to discuss several hot topics. Formerly from a predominately male-dominated field of tech, Kathy learned how to equip herself with human tools needed to succeed at her desk, in meetings, at the boardroom table, and later as she led training sessions and conferences. Through her work in tech and then as a speaker, author, and business owner, Kathy tells listeners how her use of comedy and improv, she has always been able to be herself and benefit from keeping it real and human. Things we’re covering in this episode: - Learn how Stanford business school graduation speaker, Oprah Winfrey, set Kathy on the right path to be true to herself from the beginning - Kathy discusses being the “only lonely” during her 14 years in the tech world as one of the only woman and how she learned to not only cope but how she succeeded - Kathy’s secret behind her background in comedy and improv a

  • #149: Trusting Your Intuition

    28/01/2020 Duración: 30min

    Have you ever stepped into a room and the hairs on your arms stood up straight? Something in your body was warning you about the situation you walked into. You weren’t able to quite explain why you felt that way, but you knew it was best to trust that gut feeling. Listen to today’s podcast to learn all about intuition and how we can differentiate that feeling that something is wrong versus the feeling of fear or anxiety. And, discover how intuition can actually be more powerful than the information that you are receiving and processing in your mind. Things we’re covering in this episode: - Definition of intuition and how it differs from fear or anxiety - Troubleshooting the difference between fear or anxiety and intuition - How to use intuition to your advantage in both your personal and professional life - Stepping out of your “logical” self and into mindfulness where you can fully experience intuition - How to create space between the feeling you are experiencing and the reaction in order to create a neutra

  • #148: Growing with Your Money with Guest Jacquette Timmons

    21/01/2020 Duración: 28min

    Do you often wonder if emotions are driving your financial decisions? Do you think about your money in the “right” way and are you using your best intentions to spend your hard-earned money? Financial Behaviorist, Jacquette Timmons, joins Hustle & Flow podcast as a guest speaker to enlighten listeners about the work she does to help her clients better understand how their financial decisions are tied to their emotions. What we cover in this episode: Why it’s not just about managing your money, but how you manage your emotions around your financial choices How managing your money can easily get tied up in guilt about providing for family members and how that tends to be a cultural trend Hear about financial vision and what that looks like. Everyone has emotions around the choices we make and how we leave our legacy even though some may feel more financially stable than others Financial decisions can be a troublesome topic for anyone – even those that presumably grew up in financially stable environment

  • #147: Sticking With Your Goals & Plans

    14/01/2020 Duración: 32min

    New Year’s resolutions aren’t always easy to keep, and statistics tell us that most people aren’t actually able to stick with them. Now that we are two weeks into January, it’s the perfect opportunity to check-in and see where you are with your New Year’s goals. Listen to this episode to learn where most people fail to keep up with their New Year’s goals and learn how you can be more effective in keeping them. What we cover in this episode: • How New Year’s goal setting is related to changing habits • Why consistency is the key to successfully sticking with your goals and plans for the new year • How developing good habits around planning your goals will lead to a greater possibility of success in sticking with those goals • Learn how your goals should be more action-oriented rather than super specific • How to troubleshoot when you are having a hard time hitting your goals • Learn how affirmations just might be the ticket to your New Year’s goal setting success Want to work with me next year? If you missed a

  • #146: Authenticity & Belonging in Corporate America

    07/01/2020 Duración: 36min

    There are many biases that exist in Corporate America, but today’s guest believes that we have the power to interrupt them. Kori Carew is a former lawyer who is currently the Chief Inclusion & Diversity Officer at Seyfarth Shaw. In this episode, she reveals how each one of us can become empowered and find the courage to advocate for others. Things we’re covering in this episode: • The first steps to becoming truly authentic and finding the courage to speak out • What compromising and covering up your authenticity will really cost you in the long run • Ways to begin cultivating a work environment where everyone can be authentic • How to start identifying bias in your company culture and become a champion for belonging and inclusion • Why it’s important to join forces with influential leaders in your organization Want to work with me next year? If you missed applying for The 2020 Experience, my annual mastermind for ambitious, high-achieving women, it’s not too late to take part. A new pod will be kicking o

  • #145: Success Strategies for Your New Year Goals

    31/12/2019 Duración: 31min

    Each new year brings a fresh page and this year is even more exciting because it’s the beginning of a new decade. But before you go tackling your biggest goals and trying to change your bad habits, be sure to listen to today’s episode. We often fail to reach our goals because: (1) we don’t set the right goals in the first place and (2) we fail to stay the course when things get busy or hard. Today’s episode addresses both issues head on. If you want an even deeper dive, I have a free gift for you to kick off the new decade. This year’s Planning Extravaganza is an on-demand workshop with a video and worksheets to help you plan out your year. It’s a step-by-step guide to make sure you’re set up to succeed in 2020! Sign up for free at! Things we’re covering in this episode: • Why I’m such a huge proponent of planning for both your personal and professional success • What to focus on if you want to practically guarantee you’ll reach your goals • The reasons why willpower and minds

  • Bonus Episode - Create Your Vision for 2020

    24/12/2019 Duración: 25min

    Because so many of you are out and traveling over the holiday season, we do not have a regular episode of the podcast today. However, I did want to bring you a bonus episode, which is a rerun of one that aired about two years ago at this time and is related to creating a vision board. I am such a huge proponent for vision boards, and I’ve seen them work for me and my clients, time and time again. In fact, my vision board is framed in my office, and I look at it every single day! When you finish your vision board, I would love for you to take a photo of it and tag me on social media (I’m @heatherjoyhubbard on both Instagram and Facebook). Enjoy the holidays, and I look forward to coming back next week with a new episode that will also help you prepare for the best 2020 possible! Things we’re covering in this episode: • How a vision board can give you clarity for the future (and even act as a predictor of it) • Why the magazines you use really won’t matter and what to look for when reviewing the materials • Wha

  • #144: Closing Out the Decade

    17/12/2019 Duración: 29min

    As we move into a new decade (seems crazy, right?), now is the perfect time to reflect on how far we’ve come, what we want to release, and the lessons we want to remember from the last ten years. Because we can’t fully embrace what we want in 2020 (and beyond), if we’re not willing to look at what got us to where we are. Things we’re covering in this episode: • Why it’s so important to reflect on your past before planning for your future • Questions to consider as you reflect on your wins and losses from the last 10 years • A look back at my transformation both personally and professionally (holy cow, there were A LOT of crazy highs and lows) • The top regrets of the dying – and how to make sure you avoid them • 5 lessons from the last decade that I want to take with me into the next and that might help you as well Grab our free downloadable pdf with prompts and questions to review the last decade here -- LINKS: http://hustleandfl

  • #143: Using Stories to be More Persuasive

    10/12/2019 Duración: 31min

    When you first hear the word, “storytelling”, you may automatically assume the reference is to an exaggeration of a narrative. Expert storyteller coach, Mike Ganino, debunks this common misconception as he further explains storytelling through business use. Mike’s journey didn’t begin in his current field of coaching clients on how and why to tell stories, but through various careers in areas of hospitality, improv, culture coaching, speaking and more, where he has gained invaluable experience in the power of a story. Through storytelling, Mike discusses how he helps his clients learn to provide factual information by adding life and emotion to the process so that people will more accurately remember the information. In this episode you will learn: • How Mike Ganino has used the classic “yes, and” taught in improv to transition and advance his career over the past 20 years • Find out how Mike’s business has matured over the years and how Mike began working as an expert in storytelling • Hear how Taylor Swift’

  • #142: The Joy is in the Journey (opening keynote from LIVE)

    03/12/2019 Duración: 34min

    Join me as I kick off Life & Law LIVE in Miami with women representing 26 different states and 2 countries. I dive into the challenges we all face as we quickly approach the new year. We are hard wired to make change in our lives, yet many of us are so consumed with the end-goal of change that we forget to enjoy the journey. You may wonder why you can’t be satisfied with what you already have. You may want change to create more balance in your life or to find more adventures or maybe it is an opportunity for more success that you are looking for. Whatever it is, you want more. Join me as I help my listeners understand exactly what you want and why. What is pushing you to want more and what is your end-goal? And, more importantly, are you enjoying the journey to the change along the way? We have officially opened registration for our two-day live event next year, happening November 12th and 13th in San Diego! This event will be for anyone preparing for 2021, not just lawyers (and yes, it’s open to men too)

  • #141: Psychology of the Patriarchy with Guest Dr. Valerie Rein

    26/11/2019 Duración: 35min

    Dr. Valerie Rein is a psychologist and brilliant businesswoman who magically came into my life a few years ago. It’s been so much fun watching her business grow and running into each other in the most random situations. She has a new book, Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women's Happiness and Fulfillment, coming out next week so I had to have her on the podcast. From generational trauma to patriarchal systems (including medicine and psychology), Dr. Valerie shares how and why women have been trained to believe that they are broken and that something is wrong with them. She’s on a mission to change that narrative and provide practical tools to overcoming this epidemic. To pre-order her book, and receive the first chapter for free, all you have to do is go to What we cover in this episode: • How Dr. Valerie went from an overworked psychologist to a coach and speaker based on a health scare that set her on a new path • Generational trauma and what she de

  • #140: Measuring ROI

    19/11/2019 Duración: 30min

    It can be scary when you make big investments in yourself and your business. To help with your decision-making process, and to ensure that you stay focused on what matters most to you, it’s important to identify and calculate the return on investment (ROI) that you’re expecting. Sometimes that’s a financial return, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re hiring a service provider, renting more office space, or adding new employees, getting clear on your expected ROI is a powerful tool.   Here’s what I’m sharing in this episode: How to determine if an investment is “worth it”  Why ROI isn’t always about financial gain (and what else you need to consider)  Examples from my own business on how I’ve calculated ROI when determining whether to make an investment   If you’re not happy with the results, you might be surprised to know the real reason why…   Why it’s so important for service providers and their clients to get clear on expected ROI to avoid disappointment and misunderstanding

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