Wheaton Bible Church



Our mission as a church is that more and more people would love God, grow together, and reach the world.


  • Psalm 51


    We all experience the dirt and brokenness of sin in our lives. And no matter how hard we try, says Pastor Phil Shields, our efforts to fix ourselves are like putting duct tape over the problem—a faulty solution that won't last. But Psalm 51 shows us the path to recovery from the mess sin makes of our lives.

  • Psalm 139


    As we continue in our series in the Psalms, Pastor Ted Coniaris leads us through Psalm 139—exploring three glimpses of the incomprehensible greatness of God and David's unexpected response.

  • Psalm 1


    What does it look like when ordinary people practice the kind of constant meditation on God's Word that Psalm 1 prescribes? That's the question Pastor Rob addresses as he examines this pivotal text and the blessings it promises to those who will diligently seek after God.

  • Be Confident in Persecution


    Concluding this series, Pastor Rob examines the eighth and final of the Beatitudes—which formed the foundation of Christ's teachings on how to live a truly happy life—with this unexpected truth: Blessed are those who are persecuted.

  • Be a Peacemaker


    As Christ introduced the platform for His Kingdom in Matthew 5, the Jews had been under political oppression for 600 years. In this seventh message on the Beatitudes, teaching pastor Lon Allison considers the reaction of Christ's audience when they learned that peacemakers will be called the children of God.

  • Be Pure in Heart


    Pastor Rob Bugh continues our series on the Beautitudes—offering us snapshots of a life radically transformed by Christ—and the happiness offered to those who are pure in heart.

  • Be Merciful


    "Blessed are the merciful," Jesus tells us. Why? Because those who clearly understand and actively practice true mercy will get most other things in life right.

  • Be Righteous


    Continuing in this series on the Beatitudes—the sermon of Jesus Christ that set the tone for all that He and His ministry would be about--we turn a corner to a blessing that impacts not only us, but the whole world.

  • Be Meek


    In the Beatitudes, Pastor Rob says, Jesus gives us a series of snapshots of what people look like when His new life has entered into them, and how radically different His Kingdom is from the worldly culture in which we live.

  • Be Mournful


    What does Jesus mean when He tells his followers, "Blessed are those who mourn"? How can mourning lead to happiness and blessing? That's the question Pastor Rob examines as he describes the kind of mourning that can bring us deep and lasting joy.

  • Be Poor in Spirit


    Are you hungry for happiness? Jesus addresses how we can experience lasting happiness, unaffected by our circumstances or external events—beginning with a realization of our total dependence on Him.

  • Jesus Lives for Everyone


    "Will you follow Jesus?" That's the question each of us must answer when confronted with the historic reality of Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. How we answer impacts how we'll live today and how we'll spend eternity.

  • Jesus Died for Everyone


    Jesus came, He died, and He now lives—bringing hope to everyone who believes and receives His gift of grace. That’s what we celebrate during Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday when we recognize Jesus as King, followed by Good Friday when we reflect on His death in our place on the Cross, and then the glory of Easter, Resurrection Sunday, when we praise the Risen Lord, who lives and offers us new life in Him.

  • Jesus Came for Everyone


    Just like the crowds in Jerusalem—who waved palm branches and praised Jesus but didn't really understand who He was—we also can miss a central fact about who Jesus is, why He came, and the real reason He is worthy of our worship and praise.

  • Finishing Well


    The life of David was marked by a series of spiritual ups and downs, Pastor Rob reminds us. But in the end, this "man after God's own heart" finished well, and was a powerful influence on the future of the nation he led, serving as a godly example for his people and for the generations that would follow.

  • David's Fatal Audit


    We live in a culture that celebrates success, but the truth is that everyone experiences failure—including the great King David, whose response to his own failure shows us the path to recovery from ours.

  • God's Rescuing Grace


    In David's song of praise, recorded in 2 Samuel 22, the powerful king reveals the source of his strength and the core of his identity: an unshakable dependence on God's rescuing love and grace.

  • The Bigness of Forgiveness


    What does it look like to forgive and be forgiven? Events In the last decade of David's life demonstrate the power of forgiveness to transform our hearts and set us free.

  • More Than We Can Fathom


    In an act of truly extravagant love, David reached out to a man named Mephibosheth—an heir of the murderous King Saul, who would normally have been considered his enemy. David brought him into his own household, treating him as a son, an act that foreshadows the loving, forgiving, restoring One to come, Jesus Christ.

  • David and Nathan


    There isn't a single person alive, Pastor Rob says, who doesn't live with regrets. But the story of David's confession and repentance, and God's forgiveness and restoration, brings hope to all who live under the burden of guilt.

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