Satsang With Mooji



Podcast by Mooji


  • "How Do I Stay as Awareness and Interact with the World?"

    21/05/2022 Duración: 24min

    Upcoming Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening — 25-29 May, 2022 Registration closes Monday, 23 May at 8:00am Lisbon time In this insightful exchange, a student shares that he finds himself getting personally identified when interacting and speaking with others. He asks for Moojibaba’s guidance on how to remain as awareness in these moments. “You must recognise that the one speaking is itself a movement inside the unchaining awareness. Awareness did not leave itself. See that this is just a call to clarify your seeing: ‘Am I really what I am seeing?’ Whatever the scenario is, ask: ’Is this actually an authentic reading of my being?’” 27 March 2022 ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • A Holy Life – Glory to God

    08/05/2022 Duración: 11min

    Upcoming Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening — 25-29 May, 2022 Moojibaba has a wonderful conversation with one of his students who expresses and shares his understanding in a very practical and down to earth way. This interaction touches and inspires us to use his pointings with the same level of earnestness. “The whole essence of the spiritual search is to go beyond the limitations of personhood. To recognize that which is effortless within itself. And it is here! It is not one millimetre away from you. When I can speak with you like this I am very happy to see how natural that recognition can be." Online Weekend Retreat 20 January 2022 ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • The Supreme Lord Is Inside Your Heart — Happy Easter!

    18/04/2022 Duración: 06min

    This Easter Monday, Moojibaba took a walk and recorded this uplifting message rejoicing in the presence of the Lord inside our very own Hearts. "The Lord is in your Heart. Know this, be happy and take strength from that! Amen." 18 April 2022 Monte Sahaja, Portugal

  • An Invitation to Freedom ~ Monte Sahaja 2022

    11/04/2022 Duración: 23min

    Moojibaba presents a powerful yet simple exercise — An Invitation to Freedom. This distilled and direct guidance takes us directly into the recognition of our timeless Being. The Invitation is the very heart and essence of Satsang with Mooji, having arisen spontaneously in Mooji after many years of guiding seekers of Truth. This guided seeing is supported by all of Moojibaba’s teachings, which help to clarify doubts and guide through any unexpected resistances that may arise. Those who are familiar with the Invitation are encouraged to listen as though you are hearing it for the first time. “This is the Self. It is not perceived with the eyes or the senses. It is not imagined. It is not a belief, but a direct knowing. Inseparable. Indivisible. Without beginning or end. I bless that grace will continue to shine within your heart, that in this life, we transcend the limitations of personhood and find that alone which is eternal and everlasting. Amen.” 2 April 2022 Monte Sahaja, Portugal ~ The full versio

  • Practical Guidance: From Person to Presence

    21/02/2022 Duración: 13min

    Upcoming event: Open Satsang with Mooji online on 26 & 27 February, 2022 Find out more here: During this beautiful encounter, Moojibaba offers us an exercise to keep remembering our true place and to abide in our natural being. “The more you honour and marinate your attention in the recognition that all things that manifest are perceivable, the more you see that that which perceives them is not trapped in the bubble of that scenario. As you continue to focus, the sense of someone trying to become something increasingly dissolves in that recognition. The background of the sense of one’s self shifts from being a personal self-image to the sense of presence, a quality of emptiness and spaciousness.” 28 March 2021 One Sangha Gathering ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Sangha Sharings ~ Gratitude for Moojibaba

    29/01/2022 Duración: 03min

    Today we celebrate the birthday of our beloved master and teacher Moojibaba. With hearts of joy, we express our infinite love and gratitude for revealing in us that which is true and everlasting. We are happy to share this video poem from Jonas, which was made in honour and appreciation for Moojibaba's presence and pointings. We were touched so deeply by this inspiring offering that we wanted to share it with the worldwide sangha on this auspicious day. ~ Video by Jonas Urvakis. Music by Nirvan Murrell. The soundtrack 'Dark Night' by Nirvan is part of his new EP 'Silent Sky' and can be found on his website. #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • From Beginning-less Time, I Have Always Been Free ~ Guided Meditation in Honour of Thich Nhat Hanh

    22/01/2022 Duración: 01h07min

    This guided meditation with Mooji is offered in honour and celebration of the life of the beloved and revered Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. It was shared as part of the A Call to Awakening online retreat with Mooji taking place from 19-23 January. A most extraordinary spiritual teacher and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh touched and inspired millions of lives with his teachings and guidance. Known for his peaceful nature, tender compassion and bright wisdom, he is an immense force for peace and healing in the world. A true bodhisattva, he brings out the authentic radiance of Buddhism—we honour his presence and all that he imparted to the world. Known as Thay to his followers, he began to transition at midnight, and passed away peacefully at 1.30am on January 22, 2022 at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, at the age of 95. Our love, prayers and blessings are with him and his Sangha at this profound time. "This body is not me; I am not caught in this body, I am life without boundaries, I have never been born

  • Be the Calm in the Storm

    10/01/2022 Duración: 16min

    Upcoming Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening — 19-23 January, 2022 Moojibaba offers practical guidance on how to overcome what seems to be a common struggle for many. How is it possible to remain as our inner stillness, while being confronted with the busyness of daily life? “Before you make one single effort, you know that you are. The basic intuitive way of knowing that you are, the feeling ‘I am’. Learn to stay with this. Quickly you will develop some natural recognition and a sense of inner-spaciousness. The power of self-contemplation will somehow begin to pervade whatever movements are happening in your life." Online Weekend Retreat 24 April 2021 | Evening Satsang ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Mooji on Forgiveness — Let It Go and Be Free

    13/12/2021 Duración: 37min

    A gem of a Satsang unfolds when Moojibaba is asked for guidance on forgiveness. We are given a look at the mind’s insistence to keep treasuring its rooted concepts even when the false is exposed and the suffering has become unbearable. “It is you who determines that you wish to forgive. You wish to forgive something because you don’t want to carry the burden of it. It doesn’t mean that it makes everything right. It just means ‘I make it right in my heart.’ Forgiveness is doing yourself a favour.” 17 November 2021 Monte Sahaja, Portugal ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • I Am — Effortless Being

    22/11/2021 Duración: 07min

    This beautiful and simple guidance is for everyone. Mooji points us to the affirmation 'I Am'—our pure presence before connecting to activity or intention. We are invited to simply rest in our own being. “'I Am' is not a verb. It's a direct reference and affirmation of the Self, not the person. It is the beingness. That which is of God. Take a little time to sit in this field of stillness, consciously.” 28 October 2021 Monte Sahaja, Portugal ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • When Mind Storm Comes, Welcome and Transcend

    08/11/2021 Duración: 06min

    This is a very important guidance for seekers of Truth to understand the storms of the mind and any attack of 'personal identity'. "Please ponder on this over and over again! Look forward to your next mind attack. Say 'Mind, Please come! I am waiting for you.' This is the goal of any authentic spiritual Self-realisation!" 12 October 2021 Monte Sahaja, Portugal ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Take One Minute to Discover the Timeless

    24/10/2021 Duración: 18min

    In this talk Moojibaba shares the simple and fruitful exercise of paying attention to being-ness, and that even one minute of sitting with this is enough. This powerful explanation is not to be missed! "You’re going to develop a longing in you to keep coming back here, and this is faithfulness. This is loyalty. This is the beginning of devotion. This is surrender. This is transcendence… to know the miracle of ‘to be.’" - The full version of this Satsang is available on Sahaja Express here: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Free of Intention, True Life Unfolds

    02/10/2021 Duración: 09min

    Free from intentions, desires, and obsessive planning, we are back in our natural state which is spontaneous and in harmony with all of life. "Intention creates inner-tension. Before you pick up something, what are you? Are you incomplete? When you are aware of yourself beyond the functioning of the instrumental self, you are in your openness, you are in your God field." - If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • The Timeless Now

    17/09/2021 Duración: 41min

    This Satsang is a direct transmission: Heart to Heart! No notebooks, no learning, no intellectual understanding needed. Just listen with an open heart... "This day that I speak about is not a 24 hour day… it is a God day. Which is timeless. With your mind you can only imagine time, we can only feel time. When I say timeless what do I mean? That which is aware of time and sees time as phenomenal." 8 September 2021 Monte Sahaja, Portugal ~ The full version of this Satsang is available on Sahaja Express here: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Discover the Difference Between Your Self and Your Mind

    06/09/2021 Duración: 12min

    This important guidance helps us to recognise the movements of mind and makes us aware that we are able to observe the mind’s activity. This observing brings us back into shapeless awareness. “When you realise where you are and what mind is, then the mind returns to what I call 'natural mind,' and it is in service to the being-ness." Monte Sahaja, Portugal 2 September 2021 ~ Subscribe here for new Satsang release notifications: More recent, potent talks available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • I'm Giving You a Big Secret — Don't Fight the Mind

    14/08/2021 Duración: 11min

    Mooji receives a question about how to deal with work-related stress and the feeling of getting lost in this. “Don’t fight with the mind. Just pay attention to the space of Being. It seems radical, revolutionary even. Revolutionary simple! You stay as you are and you will see all the noise of the mind slowing down. It works every time! Follow this simple advice and you will see that you become more established in the energy of the heart.” Online Weekend Retreat 22 January 2021 | Evening Satsang ~ Subscribe here for new Satsang release notifications: The full version of this Satsang is available as part of the January Online Retreat package: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Beyond the Clouds of the Mind — This Is the Highest Way I Can Be With You

    08/08/2021 Duración: 01h08min

    This wonderful excerpt from the January Online Retreat is for those who want to come all the way home. Through the simple 'Invitation to Freedom' guidance, Moojibaba brings us into the direct experience of our true Self. “I ask you to be empty, empty, empty. When you are empty of all that you have learned, then I can ask you these types of questions. You are in the God zone and such peace is going to keep arising in you, such joy, unmerited, such aliveness. The Self can never leave you." Online Weekend Retreat 23 January 2021 | Evening Satsang ~ Subscribe here for new Satsang release notifications: The full version of this Satsang is available as part of the January Online Retreat package: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Stand With the Sages

    30/07/2021 Duración: 02min

    Will you go with your mind, or will you stand with the sages? In this short and sweet animated video, Moojibaba invites us to stand in our true place—in the company of all the great masters of all time. All our reverence and gratitude to our master and all the masters who have come before us. Illustrated by Sky and Mukti Bird Monte Sahaja, Portugal 29 April 2021 ~ Subscribe here for new Satsang release notifications: More recent, potent talks available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • What is the Purpose of Spiritual Practice?

    19/07/2021 Duración: 03min

    A short reminder from Moojibaba concerning our spiritual practice. “Practice is not a goal. Practice is the means to the goal. For seekers of truth, practice is the means to return to our original nature. The Self. The practice should be cutting away the false, permanently. The truth you don’t need to get, because when the false is identified, what remains is the truth. In fact nothing relative can appear without the absoluteness of the truth. Please remember that. Love you. God bless you.” Monte Sahaja, Portugal 28 October 2020 ~ Subscribe here for new Satsang release notifications: More recent, potent talks available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Stay As the Witness and Everything Becomes Smooth and Clear

    06/07/2021 Duración: 12min

    In this talk we are guided through self-inquiry to see that whatever we perceive, remember, learn, think and experience are all sensations appearing in and witnessed by the consciousness we are. “Sometimes I speak about the witness and people think it’s some mystical thing, but it just means that you are conscious. Consciousness is the witness. It is as simple as this.” Monte Sahaja, Portugal 22 June 2021 ~ Subscribe here for new Satsang release notifications: More recent, potent talks available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

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