Satsang With Mooji



Podcast by Mooji


  • Be Totally Empty, Like a Child In the Presence of God

    07/03/2023 Duración: 23min

    Upcoming Online Weekend Retreat with Mooji — 17-19 March 2023 Mooji guides us through a potent and transformative Self-inquiry guidance, triggered by a questioner's frustration that sometimes he is not able to shift to the place of the Self. “Right now, out of my love for you, I tell you, ‘Drop all of this with me.’ Don’t touch any of this. Just have one moment with me. One moment with me, without anything at all. One moment, not holding any shape at all. Can you do it?” Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening 3 December 2022

  • Shortcut to Freedom

    26/02/2023 Duración: 01h39min

    In this powerful Satsang, Mooji points us beyond the mere intellectual understanding of his pointers to the direct experience of the timeless now. "I’m not pointing you to a path of pain, but a path of discovery. You’re not just living life, you are life itself. You are consciousness, you are the God Self, we are whole, and wholesome. Know you are the Self, know you are One— let yourself dissolve." Monte Sahaja, Portugal 15 February 2023 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • The Power of True Seeing

    26/02/2023 Duración: 01h46min

    Mooji shares with us the quintessence of his pointings — to observe the mind, thoughts, feelings and sense of self with detachment, and find timeless freedom. Moojibaba offered this special online Satsang via Zoom to benefit the work of the Pradiya Foundation. The Pradiya Foundation was created by Oinak Singh, who grew up at the Ramana’s Garden Children’s Home in Rishikesh, India. Inspired by the generous seva of Prabhavati Deva Dwabha, the founder of Ramana’s Garden, Oinak continues in this full spirit of upliftment with the Foundation’s current work in Oda, Nepal. You can find out more information here: 
If you would like to contribute to Pradiya's fundraising efforts, you can do so here:

  • A Prayer and Blessing for Turkey and Syria After Catastrophic Earthquake

    08/02/2023 Duración: 16min

    Moojibaba shares a powerful message for all those affected by the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey and Syria. His heart, prayers and blessings reflect that this is a time of great calling for our human family, a time to exercise our compassion and love for humanity. “With all my heart I bless and pray that whatever help is required is not impeded by any obstacles. I encourage all who are so deeply touched—as a true human must wherever you may be—to dive deep within ourselves to find that place from where compassion arises and love and forgiveness and a striving for harmony, unity and peace in our world.” “May it be that such things bring us closer together, brings out true humanity, the true beingness within our heart, to be guided and to be transformed into a purity, a growth, an awareness, an aliveness, a love and a compassion to respond to the call of the universe to show up. Bless you wherever you may be.” ~ Moojibaba

  • A Powerful Exercise to Overcome Mind Attacks

    04/02/2023 Duración: 18min

    Follow this powerful exercise and see how simple and harmonious life can be when you remain as the witness to all that comes and goes. "When you are with this exercise, at some point you will feel that the everyday claustrophobic toughness of life will start to dry up. This noise is replaced by a quiet and still presence of being. If the world of human beings did only this, this planet would already be transforming and taking on heavenly characteristics." Monte Sahaja, Portugal 29 January 2023 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Follow This Guidance and Find the Eternal

    27/01/2023 Duración: 18min

    Can awareness be distracted? Mooji uses this question as a mirror to reveal the most simple understanding of ourselves as unchanging awareness. “Can awareness be distracted? Absolutely not, it is beyond being distracted. Nothing can happen to it — because of awareness, the world comes into play.” Monte Sahaja, Portugal 6 November 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • A Message of Love, Peace and Oneness

    14/01/2023 Duración: 14min

    Mooji gives us a direct guidance and exercise to discover our inherent peace and stillness. By staying in this true place, we find that we don’t have to go out and change the world, but our very presence will begin to radiate peace and harmony. “You don’t need more experience, rather find the very heart of experience and rest in your undivided self.” Monte Sahaja, Portugal 31 December 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Don’t Just Believe—Be the Truth You Are

    03/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    In this powerfully clear talk, Mooji exposes the subtle ways of the mind that keep us feeling that we are not yet our true Self. Mooji calls on two students to walk us through, step by step, the arising of negative and oppressive states, and how to transcend them by applying the simple guidance offered in Satsang. Mooji shows us again how we can bring all the difficult feelings and oppressive thoughts that keep us feeling bound into the light of clear seeing, and be timelessly free. Monte Sahaja, Portugal 22 December 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Direct Guidance to True Freedom

    21/12/2022 Duración: 08min

    A profound yet simple guidance to observe life with detachment and to wake up from the limitation of personhood to your true nature. Monte Sahaja 11 December 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • A Profound Guided Meditation ~ The Boundless Ocean of Being

    08/12/2022 Duración: 43min

    Moojibaba opens this powerful guided meditation by reading from the Ashtavakra Gita. The guidance that follows is a direct transmission of grace from the Master to all those who are searching for liberation. “You are not your name or gender; you are not that which is trapped in the past or reaching for future. You are timeless awareness. Where did it begin? How could it end? Your Self is not a journey nor an object to possess. Abide persistently in this knowing, where knowing and being are one. Be reminded, you are not merely a person. Say inside your heart: ‘I am the Self, without doubt, imperishable, unborn and unchanging.’” 4 December 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • The Real You Can Never Be Rejected

    24/11/2022 Duración: 44min

    Online Awakening Retreat — 30 November - 4 December Registration closes on 27 November as a Pre-Retreat Program begins on 28 November. ~ In a recent online retreat, a questioner exposes his fear of rejection and how this holds him back in his longing to awaken to the truth. Through self inquiry, Moojibaba directs our attention away from not only the fear of rejection but all fears, to that space inside us which is pure and beyond all qualities. “Some force within us identifies with a personal sense of self and part of that personal self feels vulnerable to the sense of rejection and criticism. All of that is perceivable to a deeper space of awareness. Whatever you perceive cannot be what you are, because when they go you would also be gone. You are here as the constant witness to all phenomena.” 8 October 2022 An excerpt from the Satsang, “I Am Home. This Is Home. We Have Been This Forever”

  • From Anger to Awakening

    16/11/2022 Duración: 36min

    Online Awakening Retreat — 30 November - 4 December Registration closes on 27 November as a Pre-Retreat Program begins on 28 November. ~ A questioner shares that anger is a frequent theme in her daily life at the moment and seeks guidance on how to deal with it. Using love, compassion and directness, Moojibaba shows the relationship between this feeling and one's personal identity. Through the Invitation to Freedom, he points to that in us which is eternal, unchanging and ever free. “Most human beings have no idea that there is a space beyond our person. Satsang is for this, if you open right now to see where I am speaking from and to. If you want to verify for yourself, are you up for this exploration?” 23 October 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spiritua

  • Welcome the Spirit of Harmony

    16/11/2022 Duración: 08min

    On this joyful morning walk, Moojibaba shares about the natural harmony of life that is experienced the more we are drawn into the heart of true Self discovery. “This is what I so much encourage, inwardly, one rests in a state of equanimity… almost a kind of emptiness, which is not preoccupied with projections and fear and anxiety. But there’s a natural confidence, you may call that faith, a growing faith, an expanding faith. I say sometimes, God becomes your secretary–arranges all your meetings for you, and all of them become auspicious.” 27 April 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • The Power of Being Centered

    28/09/2022 Duración: 20min

    Upcoming Online Awakening Retreat (5-9 October 2022) Registration open until Sunday, 2 October We are very happy to share that there is a 5-day Online Awakening Retreat with Mooji taking place 5-9 October, 2022. This retreat is offered for mature and earnest seekers who have been in Satsang for some time and are deeply familiar with Moojibaba’s pointings, especially An Invitation to Freedom and what it reveals in you. ~ In this rich and insightful talk, Moojibaba responds to a questioner who asks how we can stay in our inner emptiness, the true Self, when life also calls us to engage with the troubles and sorrows of the world? How can we engage with others and see to our responsibilities in life without losing touch with our true nature? “The whole world seems to be in this heightened tension of personhood and fears, anxieties and aspirations that come with that state. All situations and conditions are helping you to recognise, to discern, and to

  • Abide In and As the Sky of Awareness

    11/09/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    In this powerful Satsang, Mooji takes us into the heart of self-inquiry, urging us to follow the sense of ‘I’ and see what shapes we are still holding to be ourselves. Through the course of this guidance, we are brought to the still, empty and silent place of the formless witness. “What truly is will not appear — everything else appears and disappears. What I’ve said today, unplanned, is enough to take anyone earnest home. There is a play within each one, a play of avoidance. It’s as old as life. Whatever it is that you give value to, your attention and energy will go there. Taste and see that the Lord is good.” 7 September 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • The Eternal, Timeless Now

    28/08/2022 Duración: 09min

    In this Satsang we are called to put our attention on the now. The now beyond time and the here beyond place, our very own true Self. “The now has no history and no biography, it’s just the purity and quintessence of all that is. Now is not a time quality, now is eternal, it’s timeless. It’s pointing only to the presence, which I call the presence of God, which is the true nature of a human being. Thinking about future is robbing yourself of the beauty and completeness of your now-ness.” 6 August 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • An Insightful Story of 2 Birds

    13/08/2022 Duración: 22min

    A simple metaphor, the story of the two birds illustrates the shift from the personal doer, caught up in daily life, to the neutral, impersonal observing presence. “Don’t try to stop the mind, let him run, if you don’t log into that activity and just observe, the mind becomes farther away and the observing space comes into focus. At first it might seem that this is too passive, mind will say, 'You are not doing anything at all, your are pretending, what’s all this spirituality?' Just be aware of that and continue seeing that’s just another voice arising in the space of observing. I don’t want to tell you anything more, discover what it is.” 27 July 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • "Mooji, How Do I Balance Good Effort with No Effort?"

    30/07/2022 Duración: 09min

    In this Satsang excerpt, Moojibaba addresses the sense of ‘doing’ in spiritual practice — how can we balance the urge to meditate and strive for spiritual awakening with the recognition that there is nothing to do, and we are already that? Mooji cuts right to the heart of the issue and directs us to the quintessential understanding: “Nobody has ever found the balance. I take away that mischief from you. Only God is balance.” Mooji points out that both the sense of doing and striving, and the one we take ourselves to be who is trying to attain something, are two sides of the same coin, and both are perceived on the screen of consciousness. Are we witnessing this play from the perspective of the person or from pure awareness? 29 June 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Take 5 Minutes to Come to Total Rest

    03/07/2022 Duración: 10min

    On one of his morning walks, Moojibaba meets a student who expresses she has been struggling with the busy-ness of daily life. In response Moojibaba shares this powerful exercise to stay with the sense of being. “Give yourself the gift of 5 minutes in the morning, 5 minutes at lunch time and 5 minutes in the evening. Just sit for 5 minutes. Be aware of being. This basic ‘I-existence’ feeling and be conscious of it. You will start to feel within these 5 minutes a slowing down of everything, and you come back to the space of being. That space of being is the most important thing in all of your life.” 4 May 2022 ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Be at Peace Even with a Chaotic Mind

    12/06/2022 Duración: 01h08min

    In this talk, Moojibaba brings us into the heart of his Satsangs in a fresh and powerful way. Mooji presents the quintessential understanding which we must sit with and contemplate until it combusts into spirit in our hearts. “If your heart yearns for Truth, the grace of God is with you. If you are really understanding and really seeing, the way your life flows will change — it has to! It cannot be just a mental discovery. Let go of everything. Don’t be anything. In my heart, I meet you as the Truth — the Truth you are. I converse with you on this basis.” 1 June 2022 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

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