Podcast by Mooji
The 'Deeper' Is the Depth of Subtlety
27/12/2018 Duración: 16min"The power of the universe is in thought. You think something is a big deal and it becomes a big deal. Mostly we are invested in the ‘buzz’ of the dynamic manifestation in life, and not aware of that place which is completely untouched and uncorrupted, original to any happening. There are some beings that don’t put any value on events. In fact they don’t even register them as event but merely as personal concoctions. A simple person will understand what I am speaking, sometimes even children will understand. Because I am not speaking for you to learn – I am speaking for you to discover." Recorded in London 1 April 2013
An Acquired Taste
27/12/2018 Duración: 43min"Truth has to become an acquired taste. This is the whole game and the movement of spirituality: a gradual turning of the head back towards the Heart, recognizing and honoring the Truth of our self. What I call true self-respect is this." A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal 10 May 2012
The Modern Gate Is Yes
27/12/2018 Duración: 01h14minWhen Mooji is asked, 'How did you do it'? He says, "I didn't do it actually. ‘It' did me." They say, "But if you didn't do it, how are you asking other people to do it?" Mooji says, "The same One who did me is inside here trying to do you, but you're saying, ‘No no, not ready, not ready!', and, ‘How can I be sure'?" You have to be wrung out; all this nonsense has to be combed out. And you, you don't have that comb; all you can say is, 'Yes'. The questions, 'Who am I?' and 'Where am I?' or ‘What am I?, where this leads you, the questioner… this is the highest thing. Who is the questioner even? This inquiring has to have some ‘yes' power in it. You are the answer to this question, but to feel the answer, you must burn in the fire of this question. A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 7 November 2012
You ARE That Peace!
27/12/2018 Duración: 27min"You are the peace that remains before, during, and after the occurrence of any apparent event." A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 2 April 2010
Guided Meditation: Remain As You Are
27/12/2018 Duración: 33min"This Guided Meditation is a simple and unmistakable pointing to our true Self as timeless, unmoving awareness. Listening to Mooji's words and 'course-corrections', it is easy to recognize the truth of who you are, and that you cannot have any form or label; upon clearly recognising this, all burdens fall away. Mooji says, "You are the witness of time; time does not witness you. You are the unborn. There is no date of birth for you, there is no date of end for you. You are like unbound space. There is neither death nor life for you. You are immaculate awareness. There is neither high nor low for you. There is no inside or outside. All these appear through the mind. Mind itself is only ideas appearing in your own Self." Mooji directs the listener to remain without identity, and says that this natural detachment does not require effort. "However beautiful or appealing any idea is, it really gives nothing to your true-being. Your Self is beyond all change, all improvement; it cannot be damaged or hurt or sta
The Heart of the Bhakta
27/12/2018 Duración: 13minSome people have a very powerful relationship with God built on devotion. This path of Bhakti, can by some be looked upon as duality, but this duality removes separateness and is full of humility. It opens the heart and is beyond merely human love. Jnana - the path of wisdom and self- inquiry, in combination with Bhakti, are like the two wings of the same bird. Both wings are needed for the bird to fly. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in St. Petersburg 27 October 2013
The Youless You
27/12/2018 Duración: 22min"This silence does not belong to anybody. It is no one's property, nobody's skill. It is not personal, not fragile nor delicate. It doesn't need protection. It cannot be kept. Through Satsang, something in us is being brought back to emptiness. It is knowledge without evidence; you are the evidence, you are the treasure." A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal 6 November 2011
All Your Experience Is Happening In Totality
27/12/2018 Duración: 38min"The whole universe is one living being, and all the streams of apparent opposites are within the one totality. Awareness is not in conflict with the manifest world - it is the womb of the manifest world. As soon as your attention is turned inwards and resting inside the heart of the source itself, the doors begin to open, bringing you into the sacred space of the kingdom of God." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in Rishikesh 25 February 2014
Kryptonite For The Ego
27/12/2018 Duración: 46minIt is about the energy in the words, not the words themselves. It is about where you are speaking from, not what you are speaking about. Everything that is a problem comes from a personal perspective, so in order to suffer we need identity. Instead of lingering in the realm of insecurity and the changeful, Mooji is pointing us back to that space of completeness that we all are. A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 19 May 2012
The Power of God — Part 2
27/12/2018 Duración: 42minThis talk divided in two parts. It is an exploration into current scientific paradigms in relation to desires, ego and ultimate freedom. Mooji's points us from his own experience to the Truth of who we are. Very few human beings give the universe a chance to show what it is without personal wants and desires. Very few human beings come to a place where they are not in a position anymore to be demanding, wanting and needing but more co-operating with what life expresses naturally inside themselves; they understand that desires are actually fool's gold. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 12 April 2013
The Power of God — Part 1
27/12/2018 Duración: 24minThis talk divided in two parts. It is an exploration into current scientific paradigms in relation to desires, ego and ultimate freedom. Mooji's points us from his own experience to the Truth of who we are. Very few human beings give the universe a chance to show what it is without personal wants and desires. Very few human beings come to a place where they are not in a position anymore to be demanding, wanting and needing but more co-operating with what life expresses naturally inside themselves; they understand that desires are actually fool's gold. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 12 April 2013
The True Position - Part 2: Grace Reveals It In You
27/12/2018 Duración: 12minThe second part begins with this same questioner asking if he must "do something" now that he has seen. Mooji explains, The one who sees... somehow you have to keep saying "Yes" to your seeing, because the eyes of the mind want to go back to sleep again, to sleep in desire and identity and all of this. But something will remind you. Don't panic. It's not a question of knowing how to do something. It is revealed in you; it will be revealed in you more and more if you don't try to project two, three, four steps ahead and just remain in the presence. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 27 October 2010
The True Position - Part 1: The True Position
27/12/2018 Duración: 18minA questioner begins by asking Mooji for a practice or method to purify, as he has heard that purification is needed before seeing can happen. To understand, does one need to purify oneself? Mooji responds saying, "You need to understand the true position of really what you are. This is totally possible. It is possible now." The questioner's misunderstanding is swiftly clarified in this deep encounter - one which Mooji describes as a "straight arrow", as he finds no obstacles for his words. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 27 October 2010
A Changing Over Of Power — Part 2
27/12/2018 Duración: 33minIn this second part, Mooji speaks about his own experience and the subsequent awakening through inquiry: the burning off of identification, the tendencies of mind, the power of attachment and ultimately, the letting go of all concepts. Finally, he points to the joy of recognizing and transcending the play of mind in the light of Self-recognition. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 20 April 2010
A Changing Over Of Power — Part 1
27/12/2018 Duración: 01h05minMooji has a clear and confirming conversation with some friends in which he touches on various topics and aspects of Self-inquiry. In this first part, he speaks about belief, the oscillating attention and mistaken identification of the Self with the body mind as the volatile combination that leads to delusion and suffering. He also speaks generally about relationships and the fear of loneliness, the myth of ego and the gradual transformation from person to being and beyond. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 20 April 2010
Whoosh! - Part 3 - Convalescing in the Truth
27/12/2018 Duración: 19minIn this Satsang, Mooji takes out his sword and chops everything that is not true. Mooji says, "Freedom is not for you. Freedom is from you. Things keep coming up [for the mind] because there is somebody that they come up for. It's not about things. It's about you." 28 September 2010
Whoosh! - Part 2 - The Dispelling of Illusion
27/12/2018 Duración: 12minIn this Satsang, Mooji takes out his sword and chops everything that is not true. Mooji reminds us: "You exist before remembering and forgetting of yourself". 28 September 2010
Whoosh! - Part 1 - Nothing Exists
27/12/2018 Duración: 20minIn this Satsang, Mooji takes out his sword and chops everything that is not true. Mooji throws everything away. Concern about the breath, yoga, scriptures, thoughts of becoming free... everything is thrown out. Nothing is valid now, Mooji says. It is all past; it doesn't exist. 28 September 2010
Stay As The Self
27/12/2018 Duración: 43min"Just by keeping your attention on Being, your sense of weight will vanish. There's an old itch to go back to the mind to play, but this can simply be observed. Mooji says that only if we have the habit of plunging into the objects of perception, then the waters of the Being get disturbed; but even disturbance is also just an idea, from the position of Being. The simplest and most powerful is to just stay as the Self. Why stay? Why remain? Because It is already there. Don't become, because it would mean that you were not It before. Remain means: Don't go with the mind." Note: Due to the type of recording device used for this talk, there is a lot of ‘white' noise, but Mooji's words can still be heard clearly. Recorded at the Katu Shiva Pond in Tiruvannamalai, India 15 February 2012
Win Yourself Back
27/12/2018 Duración: 01h14min"In Satsang you have the chance, the invitation to stop identifying. Your 'I Am' is the most precious thing in the world. Don’t give it to anything, don’t combine it with anything. Keep it pure and un-associated and be in the living dynamic remembrance of that. Being one with it, you overcome everything, you transcend the mind. There is nothing more valuable, beyond value even, priceless, than the sense of 'I Am.'" A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 9 February 2014