Podcast by Mooji
Listen With The Ears Of Consciousness
03/01/2019 Duración: 19min"Remember that you are living in already answered prayers. Many things that you are experiencing now, a while ago you have longed for them. And when you attained them, after a while, they lost their glitter and their shine. All things, after a while lose their shine because there is not really a shine in them, the shine is coming out of you. Listen to the voiceless Self. There is an understanding that is taking place when you listen with the ears of consciousness. Listen acutely to that one that has no voice and somehow you find yourself in the presence of God. When you find yourself in the presence of God, let there not be two there." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 27 April 2013
Don't Miss Your Chance!
03/01/2019 Duración: 01h09min"Don’t miss your grace! Don’t miss this opportunity of falling completely inside your own ocean. Don’t miss this opportunity of not trying to control the world or your feelings or other people or what they think. But be completely empty. Start right now - you can do it. Throw away all your thoughts and let this be your final night." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 16 August 2013
A Sweet Remembering
03/01/2019 Duración: 39min"By giving attention and importance to our thoughts, we actually believe them into existence and then suffer their impact on us. All our life we are trying so hard to change and improve something which does not even exist. But something inside is totally untouched… and a sweet remembering washes this entire struggle away. This is really the beauty of Self-remembering — you are reminded of what you already know, of what you already are." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 7 June 2013
Take Big Steps And Trust
03/01/2019 Duración: 09minThis is a spontaneous Satsang which occurred shortly after the Monte Sahaja Sunday Satsang. Mooji speaks about the resistance and mind-attacks that can often come after one has had an opening or a breakthrough in their own seeing. When these mind-attacks happen, many people run away because they feel it is a painful experience, but the mind-attacks should not be taken personally. Almost every being who has had to re-enter themselves has had to go through these type of experiences. Mooji encourages those who have an attraction for Truth to take big steps and trust -- trust is one of the most powerful tools. Hold your ground in this undivided seeing and all of this will pass. A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 2 December 2012
Don't Waste Any Time
03/01/2019 Duración: 01h13minThere is still a lot of superficial judgement in people, spiritually prejudiced judgement and very often we just want to display that we are spiritual. You have to remain true to your own Being and be open. Any thought can appear in your mind, even terrible ones because no thought belongs to you until you make it yours. Allow all thoughts to come but don’t engage with them. And find out who is the one that suffers the impact of thoughts. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 18 November 2011
What Is Always Is
03/01/2019 Duración: 44minMooji touches on very subtle points of the inquiry and speaks about That which simply Is. What Is always Is, whether there are doubts or not. When someone says that sometimes they are aware of this Is-ness and sometimes not aware of It, Mooji asks: Which is greater? The apparent ‘Is-ness', or the ‘me' that says, "I am not aware of the 'Is-ness'?" The one who says this appears to be the final acknowledger of what is true; this one appears to be a fact. Is this true? Contemplation of these questions can lead to profound insight: Is there a difference between the function of seeing and the seer? Is there a seer seeing? A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Tiruvannamalai 20 October 2011
Only the Infinite Can See the Infinite
27/12/2018 Duración: 09min"There is only the One and there is nothing that exists that can stand up in front of the One, not even you. Just follow my words and naturally, if there is an openness and humility present, you will come to the place where you know spontaneously. Humility opens the doors for grace very well and angels will rush forward to help you." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 6 October 2012
The Power of the Self
27/12/2018 Duración: 18min"It takes only one instant of clear seeing for the illusion to disappear; in the moment you recognise: You are! There is nothing you have to fix, nothing to heal, nothing to remember. You don't have to defeat your mind, you only have to know yourself. Knowing yourself is the holy way of bringing your mind back into harmony." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 5 January 2013
The Joy of Not Knowing
27/12/2018 Duración: 11min"This is the opportunity to gaze inside your own being and to feel where you are really looking from. We don’t know for how long we have been looking from the position of person hood. The breakthrough is when you begin to realise and recognise that the person you have been taken yourself to be itself is phenomenal. Why? - Because it is also perceivable, that there is awareness of this. This is the essence of satsang." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 23 May 2014
The Invisible One
27/12/2018 Duración: 12minIn this beautiful talk that happened just before leaving for the day, Sri Mooji reminds us that nowhere in the world of forms, we can find eternal satisfaction because the world of forms is the world of changes. To find the unchanging one must go to the formless. He invites us to contemplate whether the one who is receiving this advice is with form or without form. ”When you determine whether it is with form or without form, it will tell you whether you are near to your answer or you are your answer. If it is without form then right there you have found your lord. If it is with form, then your search continues.” A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 10 January 2015
Drink Yourself In
27/12/2018 Duración: 14min"Don't be so keen to share your discoveries with people. Through your enthusiasm for describing the silence you have found, you can become noisy. It's like writing a 300 page book on Silence. Just imbibe, Drink yourself in. Don't give someone else a straw to drink you. Just be in That." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 26 June 2012
God's Dream
27/12/2018 Duración: 10min"Your true position is that of the ultimate seeing which is free of attachment and free of need. If you can confirm this in yourself, that state is already called the Buddha consciousness. Let our minds be baptised in that wisdom. If not yet in wisdom, at least in the yes-ness of the Heart that takes us to that wisdom." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 28 July 2012
Shower Of Grace
27/12/2018 Duración: 45min"The life of Truth is truly beautiful, peaceful, happy, free, light, open, holy, kind... And yet there is such resistance against it. This is the paradox: Man seeks all these things but he wants to find it through his mind, through his projections... The opportunity to find it as himself scares him and makes him want to run away. Don´t give much credence to the one, that wants to run. This one is the very one that needs to move out of the picture. You must have the courage to stand up and fight for yourself." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 13 August 2013
White Fire
27/12/2018 Duración: 46minWhen you start to inquire into your true nature, the vasanas (strong tendencies of the mind) can't hide. It is as if they are living in a glass house. They will come, but the good news is that you have all the artillery, all the power, to transcend them. Step truly into the fire and say "Yes" — yes to Truth, yes to completeness. Let "Yes" be your highest mantra. This will clean everything. Inside your heart - just humming "Yes". Recorded in Tiruvannamalai, India 5 February 2012
Everything Is a Blessing
27/12/2018 Duración: 28min"Everything is blessing, even the curses are blessings, for the One whose eyes are bright enough to see Them. I don’t know anything more profound than That. That does not have any distance. That has no otherness, no separateness, it is not a person, It simply Is. Knowing That, the world and the manifest worlds are observed to be just functioning, which includes this body as well... so great is this power, it takes care of everything, even when it appears not to. Nothing can hide from It. Nothing manifest can hide from It, nothing unmanifest can hide from It, nor exist apart from It. If you begin to contemplate in this kind of way, you will bend your knees in front of something you cannot see….so don’t try and work it out, just collapse right There and be done with it… Let That One pick you up." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 4 June 2013
Bottomline Be Empty
27/12/2018 Duración: 20minIf you follow Mooji’s guidance to stay as the Self, all other instructions and practices fall flat, they are not needed. This inwardly directed attention brings you to emptiness, to the pure recognition of your natural state. Find that emptiness within your self and be one with that - without the mind or beyond what the mind has to say about it. Just be empty. Now, what can be greater than that? A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 5 June 2013
To Know This Is To Be This
27/12/2018 Duración: 32min"If you are listening from the position of the person you are not going to get it. Freedom is not for the person, it is from the person. Don't even try to find yourself because the place from which you are accustomed to looking is itself creating separation and confusion. Stay as the timelessness beyond even the concept of timelessness." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 11 December 2012
A Door Into Your Own Self
27/12/2018 Duración: 31minCan the Absolute be seen phenomenally? In this Spontaneous Satsang, one seeker reports to Mooji that through the inquiry, he can see what he is not, but cannot see what he is. Mooji explains that realizing the Self is like a non-phenomenal recognition - recognizing something which is not a phenomenon. Asking the question, "Who Am I" will not show you yourself; it is more like a door into your own Self. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in India 30 December 2011
Jump Into This Fire
27/12/2018 Duración: 01h03minWhat is Knowledge? "It is not words and concepts but energetic resonance that is knowledge. When you feel you don't know anything at all - that is knowledge. To not know anything, you are just left as Being. If you put the attention on the consciousness, it is compelled to open its flower. If your heart is in a position of 'Yes", your true seeing is immediate. 'Yes' means: I am open to That, to the infinite All-ness that Is, to remove any notion of separateness." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 5 October 2012
The Song of the Angels
27/12/2018 Duración: 47minOne of the questions that is being put to Mooji is: How do you perceive yourself while watching yourself on video or in photos? Mooji gives an explanation of his experience; he says, "I am there in this but I am also beyond it so I'm able to watch the movements taking place. Actually, I am not doing anything at all. This is my most truthful place." He also says that when we think we are talking about the material world we are almost always talking about the physical world coloured by our own imagination, feelings and fears. Our normal conditioned state of consciousness cannot comprehend the magicality of Truth; only when you are nothing, this wisdom which has no boundary can dance. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal 10 July 2011