John Hayward / Doctor Zero Podcasts

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Our freedom is not for sale, and we reserve the right to defend it from theft -- Audio Podcasts by Joe Koday


  • Scrapping the United States


    The United States is on the verge of being carved into pieces and sold for scrap. She’s the fastest, strongest ship ever built. She crossed the Atlantic in three days and ten hours, a record which stands to this day. Hurricane waves break into salt and mist against her hull. The electric fury of the […]

  • Champion of the Light


    By now, you’ve probably watched the death of Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax on video. In the early morning hours of April 18, on a sidewalk in Queens, he stepped forward to save a woman from a mugger. The mugger had a knife. Multiple stab wounds to the torso didn’t stop Tale-Yax from trying to chase his […]

  • The Dreadful Equation


    What is money? It’s a medium of exchange — you use it to make purchases. To the average individual, money is also a means of cooperation. It transforms the value of your labor into a very efficient form of communication . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to […]

  • The Fragile Left


    Conventional wisdom portrays the passage of ObamaCare as a decisive triumph for the American Left, which has finally been dealt the ace it needed for the royal flush of statism. A year of deception and backroom deals, followed by a partisan vote in defiance of a solid majority of the voters, has supposedly forged a […]

  • Bordering On Fraud


    There are many areas in which the American political class does not deal honestly with her citizens. Immigration is one of the worst. Deceit and disrespect flow from both parties. John McCain, who previously regarded serious enforcement of immigration law as morally equivalent to hunting Mexicans for sport, suddenly supports a bill that would allow […]

  • Hospice America


    . . . For my part, I found these remarks more . . . melancholy than outrageous. Ed asked, “What exactly is there not to like about having the dominant military in the world?” Let me ask a slightly different question: What other nation, beyond the Western democracies, would not like it? Everyone from heavyweight […]

  • The New Currency Is Obedience


    Tax Day 2010 saw massive demonstrations beneath the still-rising star of the Tea Party, coupled with a darkly amusing sideshow: hilariously incompetent attempts by left-wing operatives to infiltrate the demonstrations, setting up fraudulent photo ops to discredit the Tea Party. The most notorious organizer of these activities, “Crash the Tea Party” founder Jason Levin, turned […]

  • Common Decency


    Marine Lance Corporal Matthew A. Snyder was twenty years old when he died in a non-combat vehicle accident in Iraq. Four years later, his father Albert has committed to a grueling battle on the front lines of free speech, where he mans the crumbling ramparts of common decency. The odds would seem to be stacked […]

  • Representation Without Taxation


    A correspondent recently raised the question of reforming the American electoral system so that only those who pay income tax are allowed to vote. It’s a provocative notion, even though it Ain’t Gonna Happen . . . at least, not on this side of a systemic breakdown that puts everything on the table , , […]

  • For the Love of Capitalism


    Socialism always seems to have a marketing advantage over capitalism. This is not surprising, because socialism is a deeply romantic notion: a dangerously seductive dream of prosperity as a function of justice, where the wise redistribute the profits of the wicked to care for the needy. Socialism’s promises are so alluring that questions about its […]

  • The Parable of the Referee


    I often hear people on the Left accuse the defenders of capitalism of wanting completely unregulated markets, in which helpless citizens will be stripped of all legal protection, and placed at the mercy of rapacious bankers and businessmen. This is a straw man of such towering size that Nicholas Cage can be glimpsed inside its […]

  • The Principle of Repeal


    The early battle cry of “Repeal and Replace!” has become stuck in a few Republican throats. The thinking among “top Republicans” is that outright repeal of ObamaCare might be impossible, leading to frustration among an energized base that demands nothing less. There is also some apprehension that an uncompromising push for repeal will alienate moderate […]

  • Tales of Valor


    HBO’s mini-series The Pacific, the encore to its sensational World War II mini Band of Brothers, is well under way. So far, The Pacific has been decent, but not the equal of its illustrious predecessor. It’s taken several episodes to begin developing memorable characters, something the original series accomplished within its first hour. This might […]

  • A Word to the Weary


    I get a lot of email from people who ask if the final degeneration from capitalism to collectivism is now inevitable. Entitlements are never repealed, after all, and we just got saddled with a back-breaking entitlement, piled atop a national debt that was already crushing us. It seems like it would take a miracle just […]

  • The Parable of the Satellite Dish


    Imagine a large condominium complex is meeting to consider a package deal with a cable TV company. Over eighty percent of the condo owners have their own satellite dishes, and are quite happy with the service. Some of them don’t bother to watch television at all, preferring to rent movies from Blockbuster or Netflix for […]

  • The Weapons Given To Us


    A race began today, when the President signed his health-care takeover bill. The vast majority of Americans opposed to this legislation have two election cycles in which to defeat it. If 2010 does not see a Republican House of Representatives, the first victims will disappear under the leading edge of a tax and regulation avalanche. […]

  • What Freedom Demands


    Tonight, self-appointed wise men in Washington are steamrolling the objections of sixty to seventy percent of the population, and forcing a massive health-care bill down our throats “for our own good.” Presumably the backroom deals, corrupt payoffs, Congressional Budget Office accounting tricks, threats of unconstitutional parliamentary maneuvers, and betrayals of principle are also for our […]

  • The Terms of the Deal


    This weekend may see the fateful vote on ObamaCare, or it may be passed with twilight’s last deeming. There is not much time left for Americans to consider what is about to be done to them, and raise their voices in a protest loud enough to frighten nervous Democrats out of their parliamentary maneuvers. The […]

  • The End of Mondays


    Another “jobs bill” is crawling through Congress. This one has a mere $15 billion price tag, making it a largely symbolic gesture — $15 billion is roughly what taxpayers spend to ferry Nancy Pelosi and her royal family around, especially when Nancy decides the hors d’oeuvres are not to her taste, and the Air Force […]

  • The Parable of the Bread Aisle


    What does the bread aisle of your local grocery store look like? Chances are it’s quite large, featuring shelves filled with many different types of bread. Each type of bread is also offered by different companies — you’ll have several brands of wheat or rye bread to choose from. One of these options will probably […]

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